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There For Tomorrow [Henrex, Kaminari] Empty There For Tomorrow [Henrex, Kaminari]

Sat Feb 11, 2023 11:27 pm
There For Tomorrow [Henrex, Kaminari] D8DTm9n


In the last few years, he hadn't really been too keen on visiting the Rukongai. Whether it was with teaching classes or now with him being reinstated as a Captain and the events in the Living World that had kept him occupied, it was easy to forget about wanting to take better care of himself, to relax more amidst the chaos of the world. Where he was in the Rukongai wasn't too far out, so, thankfully he could relax a bit.

But, as he was going through a small little village community, he could have sworn he saw someone...familiar. Craning his neck to look around the moving faces in the crowd, he saw her among them. It had been a long while, but he did still recognize her -- Kaminari Hatakeyama. He remembered her from his earlier days in the Gotei, though he admittedly didn't know her as well as others may have.

It wasn't hard to make his way through the crowd and keep an eye on her, and when he finally did catch up with her, he gently tapped her on the shoulder, offering a light, friendly wave should she turn around.

"Kaminari? Is that really you?"

The Gotei 13 Advocate
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There For Tomorrow [Henrex, Kaminari] Empty Re: There For Tomorrow [Henrex, Kaminari]

Sun Feb 12, 2023 5:11 am
There For Tomorrow [Henrex, Kaminari] Kaminari_PH18

It wasn't often that Kaminari failed completely at something she wanted, but when she did, she needed some sort of pick-me-up. That's why she found herself in the Rukongai. She couldn't remember everything about this place, but there was a tick of nostalgia that kept her returning every now and then. She found herself in one of the many market places. It had been modernized enough that it felt safer around the area. That wasn't how it used to be. It was so much better. The Gotei did well.

Kaminari stopped at a small stall with cute little figurine sitting along a table. They were small clay figures of the Chinese zodiac, some painted, others in progress. Her attention was pulled away when someone tapped her shoulder. She turned around an-OH MY GOD CAPTAIN ASTILLON? No fracking way. Kaminari looked left and right. Was she being pranked? Why would he, of all people, approach her? It took her a second to realize he seemed to recognize her. Oh, no. Kaminari blinked.

"Yeah, that's me," Kaminari said, keeping her cool and smiling kindly. She was going to play this how she always did. She hoped he would jog a memory. Sometimes people could, but it wasn't often. "How have you been, Captain?"

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There For Tomorrow [Henrex, Kaminari] Empty Re: There For Tomorrow [Henrex, Kaminari]

Sun Feb 12, 2023 7:14 pm
There For Tomorrow [Henrex, Kaminari] D8DTm9n


He figured from the blink and brief pause before she spoke that there was something bothering her -- or just the shock of him coming up unannounced. He took a brief, quick step to the side to look at the table she was examining, smiling at seeing the Chinese zodiacs before turning his attention back to her.

"The last few years have experience, but, currently I've been doing well enough. What about you? I was still early in my time in the Gotei when we met, but, it's good to see you around again."

It took him a minute to register her calling him "Captain." That was certainly something different. But, he wasn't here on business, so, he shook his head lightly, returning the kind smile as he waved a hand dismissively.

"And there's no need for formalities. We're not within the walls of the Seireitei right now, and I'm hardly here on business matters. You can call me by name, it's fine."

The Gotei 13 Advocate
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There For Tomorrow [Henrex, Kaminari] Empty Re: There For Tomorrow [Henrex, Kaminari]

Sun Feb 12, 2023 9:23 pm
There For Tomorrow [Henrex, Kaminari] Kaminari_PH18

No. Way. She could just call him by his first name? Did that mean they were good friends some time in the past? Oh no, wait. Maybe they-...

"Nah, not possible." She said and mentally waved off that kind of thinking.

"Well, okay. Thanks, Henrex," Kaminari said with a soft smile and looked back to the figurines. "I've been doing okay, I guess. Just got turned down for the Vice-Captain position, so I was coming out here to buy myself something nice."

Kaminari grabbed one of the painted Ox figurines and made her purchase. She placed the little wooden ox into her pocket before looking back to Henrex.

"So, what brings you here if not on business, C-... Henrex," Kaminari said, rubbing the back of her head. "Sorry, I'm going to have to get use to that."

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There For Tomorrow [Henrex, Kaminari] Empty Re: There For Tomorrow [Henrex, Kaminari]

Thu Feb 16, 2023 9:11 pm
There For Tomorrow [Henrex, Kaminari] D8DTm9n


His eyes followed hers as she looked at the figurines, scarlet eyes glancing at the ox figurine that she picked up and purchased, causing the Captain to raise an eyebrow in curiosity. While he was far from someone who wholeheartedly believed in the traits that encompasses the Zodiacs of both Eastern and Western culture, there usually was some kernel of truth to them, even if vague.

"I'm...sorry to hear that. Did Captain Kuchiki see you as unqualified?"

His expression flickered to awkward and mildly crestfallen. There wasn't really a perfect way to respond to something like that -- but, he at least tried. At least she was trying to buy herself something nice to keep her spirits up. Taking a step to the side and forward, he stood next to her as he perused the items on sale, picking out the small Rabbit and Goat figurines and paying for them, tucking them away after.

He took a moment to look at them. They'd be nice little additions to his desk -- or, even a gift. Valentine's Day was coming up, after all. He turned to her as she spoke again, chuckling softly as she stopped herself from using the formality.

"Taking a small break to get some fresh air, mainly. Things are finally starting to settle down a little, after the...incidents in the Living World. Though, I suppose 'settling down' aren't the right words."

It was hardly that things were quiet -- the Earth Division, as well as one of his own, were looking into the Ichigo situation. But, at the very least, he had some breathing room. A whirlwind of events, nearly the moment that he was reinstated.

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There For Tomorrow [Henrex, Kaminari] Empty Re: There For Tomorrow [Henrex, Kaminari]

Thu Feb 16, 2023 10:16 pm
There For Tomorrow [Henrex, Kaminari] Kaminari_PHS-9

Kaminari's expression soured. She did not look mad at Henrex, not at all, but the frustration with the question was clear. She crossed her arms and looked to the man with something akin to a grumbled pout. Her thoughts on the matter were probably wrong. She wasn't sure. The Captain in question wasn't exactly clear with anything beyond her own personal problems getting in the way.

"Captain Kuchiki has decided that to be a Vice Captain, you must already have Vice-Captain experience," Kaminari said, adding a quick "hmph" into the mix. "I don't know what the standard is for positions within the Gotei these days, but I am well within combat capability to take on the role. I just don't have the experience she deems necessary. I mean, for goodness sake!" Kaminari groaned and flailed her arms, her bag conking her self in the head. "Oof... Ow... I mean," Kaminari sighed and she looked sad. "I know I could learn. I wanted the job, but... I don't know."

Kaminari moved on from that. She was out here to lessen the disappointment, not wallow in it. She moved the conversation to Henrex's reasons for being out in the Rukongai. She brought on a week smile at his reply. Things were going to be tense for a while. Kaminari had the sense that something was coming. Hopefully, whatever it was, when the time came, she would be able to help.

"Nothing wrong with taking a break..." Kaminari said, though she sounded like she might have been dazing out. That wasn't wrong. Her mind wandered elsewhere for a few moments before she snapped herself out of her own trance.

"So, which one are you?" Kaminari said, gesturing to the figurines he bought.

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There For Tomorrow [Henrex, Kaminari] Empty Re: There For Tomorrow [Henrex, Kaminari]

Mon Feb 20, 2023 8:10 pm
There For Tomorrow [Henrex, Kaminari] D8DTm9n


He wasn't really sure what to say in response to that. Frankly, he wasn't even really sure what "Vice Captain experience" even meant with this situation. He didn't have a Vice Captain currently, so, it wasn't as if he could really offer any pointers beyond what he personally was looking for in someone wanting to take the role. However, his attention quickly shifted as she smacked herself inn the head with her bag.

At first, he lifted a hand out of impulse to check and make sure she was okay, but as she started talking, his arm quickly slipped back to his side. He didn't bother trying to respond to it -- he knew better than to continue on something that obviously sensitive. Instead, he gave a bashful smile as he reproduced the figures, letting the small wooden carvings rest in his palm.

"A little bit of both. The Rabbit, soft-spoken, graceful, and elegant, yet also cunning and ruthless. The Goat, gentle and compassionate, yet can also turn weakness into strength, an artistic Samaritan."

He turned his head to her, smiling softly as he gestured to the figure that she purchased.

"The Ox, dependable, patient, a tireless worker, yet can hold grudges for long periods of time. Interestingly opposed to the Goat, yet the Rabbit and Goat share the concerns for their senses and can be excellent allies."

In reality, it was all just a fun coincidence that the traits seemed to characterize him well. He had quite the interest in the mythology of his home, but hardly stopped there. Asia as a whole had fascinating mythology and culture that he enjoyed peering into every now and then.

The Gotei 13 Advocate
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There For Tomorrow [Henrex, Kaminari] Empty Re: There For Tomorrow [Henrex, Kaminari]

Tue Feb 21, 2023 1:11 am
There For Tomorrow [Henrex, Kaminari] Kaminari_PH12

Both? That was confusing. She was born in the year of the ox, and did not understand how you could be both. She wasn’t going to argue that, but it was still weird. A small smile accompanied his explanations. At least with what she’s currently witnessed, they both seemed to compliment his personality. She pulled her ox back out and held it in the palm of her hand. It was so little and cute, and apparently held grudges for a long time. She thought for a moment...

“I guess Captain Kuchiki better watch out,” Kaminari said with a mischievous smile, imagining her well-plotted revenge. “I may drop a pie on her head one day.”

At first, that was meant to sound threatening, but it was obviously a joke when she said the rest of it. She didn't think herself someone who held grudges. If anything, she'd come back with a vengeance and claim the Vice-Captaincy without any problems. She hated being rejected then. She had to prove herself somehow.

"So, what do you look for in a Vice-Captain?" Kaminari asked suddenly. "I have no skill for stealth, so I can't apply, but I am curious. Maybe your thoughts on it will give me a better heading than 'yOu ShOuLd Be OnE aLrEaDy.' How dumb. So unhelpful."

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There For Tomorrow [Henrex, Kaminari] Empty Re: There For Tomorrow [Henrex, Kaminari]

Fri Mar 03, 2023 6:01 pm
There For Tomorrow [Henrex, Kaminari] D8DTm9n


The Captain couldn't help but chuckle lightly at the playful desire of revenge against Rukia. At first, he did hold some reservations about what she was planning to say, but, he figured that she wouldn't be actively malicious. After all, it was right after he had explained that her Zodiac held grudges. But, then she asked him something that took him by surprise: What did he look for in a Lieutenant?

The smile faded, and a puzzled, curious look came to his face as he took a moment to think. He had kept the thought in mind for if someone applied, as he needed to make sure he had a list of guidelines that he wanted someone in that position to follow. He had given it some thought, but probably not as much as he should have.

"Hm...well, I think I'd want to have someone strong enough to be able to feasibly take my place, should anything happen to me. I'd want to make sure that they're confident enough in their own abilities and be able to handle the smaller things in the division without my counsel. In short, I'd want someone who feels sure of themselves that they can handle the role and let the division run smoothly."

The Gotei 13 Advocate
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There For Tomorrow [Henrex, Kaminari] Empty Re: There For Tomorrow [Henrex, Kaminari]

Fri Mar 03, 2023 6:35 pm
There For Tomorrow [Henrex, Kaminari] Kaminari_PH10

In hearing all this, Kaminari's expression soured. Was that was Rukia was doing? Are you kidding me?! Kaminari was not happy with that! She wanted to interrupt him mid-sentence, but held her tongue until he was done. Once he finished...

"Wait, are you kidding me?" Kaminari said, obviously annoyed, even offended. "How is that fair? How is that fair to anyone who wants the job!? One of the basic requirements of Vice-Captaincy is having shikai, while bankai is required for Captaincy. If Captains are looking to have someone there to easily replace them, then maybe the Gotei should be upping the requirements, instead of having people who really want the job to be rejected because of these ludicrous standards!"

"I mean, with you that's an insane ask!" Kaminari gestured to him with both arms, the statement meaning to actually be a compliment on his strength and power. "Someone of Lieutenant level is not easily replacing someone of Captain level! And blocking someone from advancing their skills and abilities for paranoid and selfish reasons is no way to behave like a Captain!" At this point, Kaminari was spitting out everything that came to her head like a machine gun. She didn't even take a breath.

"Leadership is a skill that someone should have the chance to learn. Saying they're not qualified because they've never been in a position to try the role is not the way to teach. Oh, right, but apparently, Captains no longer have time to teach! No, not unless they're teaching the rookies back at the Academy! For me to train and get better, I have to already know what I'm doing, or go out into battle. You know what? I'm taking on the next mission that comes up! I will prove to that old woman that I have every ability to be her Lieutenant! When I do, she'll have to give me the spot!"

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