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Thu May 18, 2023 6:47 pm
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Bauher smirked just a little as he listened to the woman expressing her ideology. It remainded him a little of his own kid in some ways. That sort of unerring vigor and enthusiasm. And so a little pleased look settled on his face as they arrived at the cafe. It was a nice, quiet little spot, thankfully nothing really around, and only one or two people, little chance of Mizu being recognized and swarmed. Bauher headed to the corner of the establishment and found a small table off to the side for them to settle into, glancing to Mizu and giving a dismissive wave.

"No reason to apologize. If I'm being honest, it's nice to hear so much enthusiasm. My usual company these days is a little full of downers, so the optimism is a nice change of pace." He noted with a light chuckle, pulling the chair out for Mizu before taking his own seat. "Well, you can probably guess a fair ammount. Ehefra's never been very complicated, at least when it comes to what she puts her mind to. She's always been the curious and energetic sort. You can tell how much work she's put into being a Quincy. Once she learned about them, she insisted on becoming one. Even if I wasn't the most fond of the idea at the time. Even having only been a Quincy for a few years. Well, you can see how far she's come." He noted, pausing for a moment to lightly glance at his watch, before turning his attention back to Mizu, the waiter would make their way over to take their orders, and Bauher ordered himself a light tea.

"If you don't mind me asking. I'm a little curious that a Shinigami would be so interested in Quincy. I admit, I never really kept up on recent events." He murmured, deciding to breach that topic ever so slightly.
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Wed May 24, 2023 10:47 pm
Sights for Sore Eyes [Mizu, Bauher] - Page 2 JGYv9eD

MORIKAWA MIZU | 2nd Division Vice Captain

Stepping into the little hole in the wall Cafe they found, Mizu's eyes were wide with wonder and interest. In Soul Society she ate at her squad's barracks, or at her family's estate. She had spent sparingly little time in the restaurants in Seireitei, much less in places like this on Earth. Framed pictures and postcards of various landmarks adorned the walls, a tired looking man sat in the corner typing sluggishly on his computer, and a variety of people flitted in and out to get their coffee and lunch orders. Everything about it was so...human. Mizu was amazed.

When Bauher pulled her chair out, Mizu bowed at the waist then gratefully sat and scooted forward a little as she smiled at his comment about her optimism. As he proceeded to dig into Ehefra's character, Mizu listened intently, hanging on his every word. She was grateful for the opportunity to learn, and as he described her, she was even more grateful for having met someone like his daughter. She almost arrogantly wanted to compare the woman's eager aspiration to her own, but from the sounds of things Ehefra was a far greater Quincy than she was a Shinigami.

After ordering a tea, same as Bauher, Mizu considered his question. She asked herself why wouldn't she be interested? But Mizu was hardly ignorant of the past and plight of the Quincy people. She had long since learned what had happened to them, not once, but twice in their history: near-total genocide. By Shinigami. She also knew the reasons given as explanation for such horrendous acts, and though she couldn't fully understand them, Mizu didn't want to dwell on them either. She wasn't there. There was nothing she could do about the past, she could only treat today differently. Maybe someday she would ask Captain Nagoshi about the first genocide, but with no hatred in her heart for Quincies she couldn't stomach treating them any differently.

"Quincies...are human. I'm a Shinigami. That means I am meant to help and protect them. I can't abandon that creed because of what other Shinigami did hundreds and thousands of years ago. What I am sure of is I am glad to have met Kleinmund-san and Richter-san, and that is enough for me."

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Fri May 26, 2023 9:49 pm
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Bauher certainly picked up on Mizu's fascination. It was pretty endearing, to see such newness in the woman's eyes about the place. Certainly he'd had a fair ammount of it himself when he'd first come here. What.... months ago? It was almost half a year now, and that fact made him sigh a little internally at the endless march. Well, all the same, at least he was more familiar with the place.

He glanced back up to Mizu and let his head tilt ever so slightly to the side. "And what if that wasn't the shinigami Creed? Let's say that the Gotei really didn't care one way or another about the lives and well being of humans? I think you're selling yourself a little short. There's a difference between following your creed, and genuinely enjoying having met someone. I think that your kindness has more to do with you than your duty" He ventured calmly, smiling just a little and sighing softly. "I'm glad you seem to be so fascinated with my daughter. Honestly, I'd encourage you to approach her, she could certainly use more friends. Especially with things the way they are now. I suppose you might even know better than I do. But having friends in times like this makes all the difference." He noted with a lopsided smile. Their tea arrived, and he delivered a few scoops of sugar to his own. Offering to add some to Mizu's as well before taking a small sip of his own drink. A sigh of enjoyment escaping his lips as his eyes drifted shut, and he took just a mment to just ... enjoy the taste and warmth of it.

"Speaking of looking out for your kids. I can only imagine yours were pretty proud. I caught a few of your fights, did they come down to watch any of them?" He ventured. Truth be told, he wasn't sure how popular the matches were in the soul society. Did they record them? Broadcast them? That certainly was an interesting question.
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Sights for Sore Eyes [Mizu, Bauher] - Page 2 Empty Re: Sights for Sore Eyes [Mizu, Bauher]

Sat Jun 03, 2023 9:35 pm
Sights for Sore Eyes [Mizu, Bauher] - Page 2 JGYv9eD

MORIKAWA MIZU | 2nd Division Vice Captain

Besides becoming a Captain, Mizu's other biggest dream has always been creating a world where everyone is on equal footing. In the future she wanted to help build in Soul Society, and possibly beyond, not that she would dare say such an ambitious thing out loud, was one without privilege or such a thing as "birthright". She witnessed first hand how dangerous and unfair those concepts could be, and it was her kindness, innate or taught, that proved to her their needed to be a better way. She was glad Bauher believed she was a caring person.

"Hai. Thank you for the advice, Kleinmund-san. I will try getting in contact with her the next time I'm here in the city. I hope we can be friends, or at least push each other...I'm sure both the Gotei and Vandenreich would be grateful if we succeed!" said Mizu, a bit of playfulness in her voice. She was excited to see Ehefra again, even if part of the reason why was to apologize for how the fight ended. She didn't think the Quincy would rush her like that, and felt a bit of guilt over how she ended up using her crystals.

Mizu respectfully waived her hand at Bauher to indicate she didn't want sugar in her tea before lifting her cup and taking a sip as well. It was good! She loved the sensation of hot drinks warming her from her core, it was a nostalgic feeling for the blond woman who spent portions of her childhood learning about tea ceremonies. Mizu was shocked out of her calm by Bauher's question about her "kids", causing her to nearly spit out the tea in her mouth. She suddenly felt a burning sensation in her nose and had to take a moment to both calm down and recover from the shock from Bauher assuming she had children.

"Oh n-no, I don't have children! Definitely not! Just m-me, all by myself!" she said, clearly flustered.


Last edited by Paradigm on Tue Jun 13, 2023 11:34 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Sights for Sore Eyes [Mizu, Bauher] - Page 2 Empty Re: Sights for Sore Eyes [Mizu, Bauher]

Sat Jun 03, 2023 10:11 pm
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Bauher raised a brow and smiled, a little chuckle escaping him as he noted how well she took to the idea of hanging out with Ehefra. Truth be told, he was sure they would get along. Or at least that Ehefra would give things a shot. If nothing else, he was glad he and Belle had raised her well enough that she was so friendly. Even so, Mizu's reaction to his presumption about Children certainly caused a slight chuckle from the old man, lightly covering his mouth before putting on an amused half smile.

"Huh, really? I admit I'm a little surprised. Someone as enthusiastic as yourself I imagined you'd be very popular among your peers. Especially given your skills you showed off in the Arena, I haven't met too many shinigami. But the ones I have give me the impression that such skill is pretty attractive." He noted with another sip of his drink, all too entertained by her visceral reaction.

"Still, even if there are no kids in the picture. What about family? Friends?" He ventured, deciding to change the subject, for the sake of Mizu's composure.
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Sights for Sore Eyes [Mizu, Bauher] - Page 2 Empty Re: Sights for Sore Eyes [Mizu, Bauher]

Sat Jun 17, 2023 11:53 pm
Sights for Sore Eyes [Mizu, Bauher] - Page 2 JGYv9eD

MORIKAWA MIZU | 2nd Division Vice Captain

The scarlet shading of embarrassment never left Mizu's cheeks as she listened to Bauher explain why he thought she would have kids. P-popular with my peers?? What's that supposed to mean??! thought Mizu, stopping herself from having an outburst in the middle of the cafe. She was both strangely flattered by Bauher's assumption and also taken aback by it. His more straightforward compliment of her battle skills was easier for the young blonde to swallow, at least. She gulped down more of her tea and tried to get a hold of herself.

"T-thank you, I guess, Kleinmund-san, but no, definitely not." she said while vigorously waving her hand in front of her face dismissively. "Um, I'm the second youngest among my siblings. I have a pretty big family, there are quite a few Morikawas in Soul Society. As for friends, I've been lucky enough to make many while serving the Gotei both in Soul Society and here in the Living World." Finally Mizu was beginning to calm down after being so caught off guard by her companion, and returned back to her usual bubbly self.

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Sights for Sore Eyes [Mizu, Bauher] - Page 2 Empty Re: Sights for Sore Eyes [Mizu, Bauher]

Sun Jun 18, 2023 6:57 am
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Huh, perhaps she was younger than he thought, at least from the shinigami perspective, certainly Bauher was more than amused by the woman's reaction to such implications. Which frankly only further cemented Bauher's opinion. Oh yea, he could not regret more the fact that he probably was going to miss out on the no doubt priceless reaction if this girl ever realized how popular she probably was. Tobe young and naive was pretty entertaining to see from an outside perspective at least.

Even so, as things shifted to the woman's fancy, Bauher gave an appreciative nod. Big family? Nice. Sometimes he did wonder if things might have been different if Ehefra had had some siblings, he supposed with his work they just really hadn't been able to buckle down for that sort of thing. Hm. "Is that so? I admit I was an only child myself. It must be nice to have so many siblings. And having a wealth of friends can come in more handy than you know. I can't tell you how many times I relied on one of my buddies to watch Ehefra when she was younger." He smiled, before setting his tea to the side, having by now drank all of it.

Hm. He paused, realizing that he really was circling back to mentioning having a kid a lot. And a brief moment was taken to think back to one of his friends who had pointed out that Ehefra was all he really ever seemed to drift toward in conversations, and he couldn't help but smile ruefully. Maybe his friends had been right. Hm.

"Have any of your siblings also been taking part in the Arena?" He ventured with a tilt of his head, after all he hardly watched every single match, and he certainly didn't recall seeing any other Morikawas popping up in the fight listings, but he was hardly someone who caught every single fight.
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Sights for Sore Eyes [Mizu, Bauher] - Page 2 Empty Re: Sights for Sore Eyes [Mizu, Bauher]

Fri Jul 28, 2023 10:39 am
Sights for Sore Eyes [Mizu, Bauher] - Page 2 JGYv9eD

MORIKAWA MIZU | 2nd Division Vice Captain

Mizu nodded along in quiet consideration as Bauher spoke of the advantages of having friends and family, specifically that they could function as a support network. She knew without her family, as un-supportive of her career path as her parents could be, she wouldn't have made it through the Shin'ō Academy, and certainly wouldn't have been able to become a Shinigami. Without all the friends she had made as a Shinigami, Mizu was certain she wouldn't have been promoted, wouldn't have unlocked her Bankai, and wouldn't be here, in the City of Light.

"I am grateful beyond words to have the family and friends I have. I am glad you had friends to help you as well, Kleinmund-san." There was a sweet sincerity in Mizu's voice as she responded. After all, she was being entirely truthful; had Bauher not had supportive friends, like a butterfly's wings causing a hurricane elsewhere in the world, who knows how he and Ehefra could have ended up.

Bauher's next question was easily answered by Mizu who did her best to stay up-to-date with her siblings "Oh, no, I don't think any of them would want to. My older siblings are usually too busy with their work in Soul Society, and Mika-san is still in the Academy for now. The only one who would have is, umm...he passed away a number of years ago. Which just leaves me." The next few seconds hung in the air before she asked a question of her own "Do you intend to participate in the Arena, Kleinmund-san?"

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