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Sun May 14, 2023 11:46 pm
Siblings on a Mission [Kyo, Nao] Nao-header

"Hey Kyo, why'd they send you all the way out here? Don't tell me you got in trouble so they sent you down here as punishment or somethin?"

Nao asked while looking over the horizon. Her arms resting behind her neck in the spirit of absolute confidence, Nao didn't have a care in the world at the moment. Why would she be scared about the fact there was a big black hole that stretched down so far into the earth that the darkness looked back at you? Plus the sounds. Nah she could understand where all the fear among the shinigami might come from but she didn't mind.

This whole Gotei thing seemed like a decent challenge and when she beat Shishiyuki then she would move onto something else. Until such a time though she was here for her rival, to defeat her and then seek out the next toughest guy.


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God of Love
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Mon May 15, 2023 11:14 pm
Siblings on a Mission [Kyo, Nao] ImAuIhn

"Ha! Heardly, nee-san. I've been doing very well, as a matter of fact! That's why they trust me to keep an eye on one of the 7th Division's notorious wildcard unseated members, you know."

Kyo stood next to his sister in an equally confident pose, his arms crossed firmly as he looked out over the great expanse before them. It was a tragedy, what had happened here. Every bone in his body, every ounce of reishi in his being, cried out to go and face whatever might have awaited them. But the results of Captain Hisakawa's own reconnaissance told him perfectly well why that wasn't a good idea.

"Of course, I hardly mind. Being able to spend time in the field is good, I need the experience."

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Tue May 16, 2023 8:44 am
Siblings on a Mission [Kyo, Nao] Nao-header

"Bahaha, don't lie. You just missed me, I can read you like a book Kyo. It's a big sister's intuition."

She confidently declared, taking a completely different meaning out of his words than what were probably genuine. Out in the field, experience and so on. Aha, he could hide the fact he missed his big sister and just wanted to spend time with her but she could tell with all the wisdom of an old tiger.

Don't worry Kyo, she had figured it out.

"Don't fall in the hole either, I don't want to have to jump down and fish you out and if you behave we can get... Huh, I haven't really seen much food from home since I've been down here. You can have a meal though."

Nao asserted with a strong nod to her brother.


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God of Love
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Thu May 18, 2023 10:29 am
Siblings on a Mission [Kyo, Nao] ImAuIhn

"Well, it's definitely strange not having you at home when you're out on patrol! If you think I miss you, you ought to see father! He seems practically antsy when you aren't at home to challenge him to a spar."

Of course, Kyo did genuinely miss his elder sister when she was out and about. He loved all of his family, of course, but anyone could tell he and Nao had something of a special bond. Maybe it was the intense ambition they both had, or just their generally similar demeanors, but he'd always been close to her, and looked up to her as someone he aspired to be like.

"I don't have any intention of falling in there, don't worry. Even if I'd like to find a fight, I'd rather not get in trouble with my captain, or yours, for that matter. But if you're looking for something to eat, I'll see if I can't cook something. Unless you'd rather see what those Vandenreich guys have."

Not that Kyo himself felt strongly one way or the other about the other organization here at the pit. To him, they were just people on Earth, and as long as they were helpful, he'd consider them perfectly pleasant.

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Fri May 19, 2023 8:46 am
Siblings on a Mission [Kyo, Nao] Nao-header

"Aha, Kyo. Father will face me again once I have become even stronger and more formidable. I will make him give me ground and he will fear the devastating might of my spear!"

She declared loudly and unabashedly in front of any who might hear. It didn't not faze her that people might snicker, stare, or anything else. The fruit of her work was to stand amongst the heavens on the mountain of her trials. That was the spirit of Sawachika Nao, the God Spear, the one who will build a mountain (spear) so powerful it will cleave through the clouds.


"Food! You mean it?"

Her eyes lit up at the sound of that. Nao loved food, it was the fuel that powered her to become even tougher and she could certainly put it away. Twenty-five big bowls of udon was an easy challenge for her, so Kyo better be careful because she could really put away a lot of food into this tiny body.


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God of Love
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Sat May 20, 2023 9:00 am
Siblings on a Mission [Kyo, Nao] ImAuIhn

"That's quite a claim! But I imagine father would love to hear it."

Kyo could only laugh at his sister so obviously growing excited at the prospect of a meal, considering she'd just been the one dangling it in front of him like some sort of prize. That was roughly what he'd expected, so it was hardly a surprising turn of events or anything like that.

"I've been studying some of the older Gotei deployment recipes from father's time as an officer. Most of it doesn't seem so different from what we're used to at home, really. I imagine mother kept the recipes she knew."

Walking back over to the little camp the two had been assigned, Kyo rifled through some of his supplies, thankful for the more modern equipment that let them keep food cold. He'd rather not need to work with rations to try and cook something decent, especially since he wasn't exactly much of a culinarian.

"I can always try and replicate mother's nikujaga, if you're really as hungry as you look!"

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Mon May 22, 2023 9:14 pm
Siblings on a Mission [Kyo, Nao] Nao-header

"Of course! I can put it away real good Kyo, you know that!"

Nao declared and puffed out her chest proud of the fact she could eat so much food. Something no woman should declare so unabashedly, I mean if she ate so much then she would put on so much weight right? Of course!! It was all muscle and brawn that she put on so therefore it was fine as far as Sawachika Nao was concerned.

"We can cook it together. You know I learned how to cook as well from Mum before you came around little brother."

She teased her years on him. Yes, she came into the world kicking and screaming first. She had a headstart on her baby brother and she was happy to keep him chasing in her footprints if he meant motivating him to even greater heights.


Siblings on a Mission [Kyo, Nao] Gamma_Signature
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Wed May 24, 2023 9:28 am
Siblings on a Mission [Kyo, Nao] ImAuIhn

"Perfect, something tells me the two of us together might be able to get at least close to how good mother makes it."

Working in this sort of rough, unrefined place was more Kyo's style than trying to make things work in a fancy kitchen, and that was just fine with him as he got to making the fire. That was the kind of task that got one thinking about other things, and it occurred to him, since he was down here with just his sister, this might as well be a good time to ask for a little advice.

"Hey, nee-san. You don't mind giving me some advice for a nice woman, right?"

His tone wasn't hopeful and pleading, but still confident, fully aware that Nao was the type who would always be more than willing to act as a guiding hand. One could say he was feeding her ego, but Kyo hardly minded that. She was his sister, after all.

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Siblings on a Mission [Kyo, Nao] Empty Re: Siblings on a Mission [Kyo, Nao]

Wed May 24, 2023 9:39 am
Siblings on a Mission [Kyo, Nao] Nao-header

"Girl advice?"

The little gremlin of a woman was fortunately looking away but Nao didn't change the wry smile that she had when she turned back to face him. A smile that turned into a little bit of a shit eating grin which wanted to tease him for a bit of banter. Nao was not so insensitive though as to tease her baby brother over liking a girl! Especially since something must have happened to really blow him and Asami apart, it was a shame since she liked Asami but Nao knew all to well that romance could be a fickle thing.

"Sure Kyo! I'm pretty good with that, I mean I'm a nice woman as well so I probably am the best person to ask. You should aspire to find a woman as good as I am."

Naturally. As she aspired to be the best then Kyo should look for another woman which did the same as she did.


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God of Love
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Siblings on a Mission [Kyo, Nao] Empty Re: Siblings on a Mission [Kyo, Nao]

Sat May 27, 2023 7:23 am
Siblings on a Mission [Kyo, Nao] ImAuIhn

Even without seeing her, Kyo could hear the smug grin on Nao's face as she replied, and he sighed good-naturedly as he accepted the tone of this whole conversation. After all, that was how Nao was, and he'd known that was exactly how she'd reply to this sort of thing.

"Yeah, girl advice. I have a date coming up. Morikawa Mizu, the new vice captain for 2nd Division. You know her?"

Realistically, he imagined that was pretty hit or miss. Someone that kept up with things would have known who she was, but Kyo was all too aware that his sister was the sort to ignore anything she didn't really care to know about.

"She's confident, ambitious, driven. Doubt anyone could actually stop her from doing what she wants done. But she's pretty...innocent, I guess you'd say. A real sweetheart. I feel like I kind of blindsided her asking her to dinner, and I'd rather not make her uncomfortable. It kind of seems like she wants to meet mother and father, but, er...well. I don't want to scare her away."

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