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Hangin' In There [Liltotto/Giselle] Empty Hangin' In There [Liltotto/Giselle]

Thu Aug 10, 2023 9:53 pm
Hangin' In There [Liltotto/Giselle] 44WVoI3

Liltotto Lamperd

Her spirits were in somewhat better shape, at least enough to actually eat and talk with visitors rather than be wholly fatigued and miserable in bed. Seeing familiar faces and those she loved kept the gnawing feeling inside of her at bay, her phone at the bedside.

Apparently her wounds weren’t healing all that quickly, those looking her over unsure of if it was because of how her body was, or if some other factor was at play, so she just regularly got her dressings changed out. Luckily there didn’t seem much need for antibiotics or anything, but it wasn’t exactly good to go around with open bleeding wounds… That would probably get her.

Wearing bandages and lying in bed wasn’t exactly very comfortable, though. Sure didn’t expect to feel itchy. What she was expecting was a visit from Giselle, whom had the expected response over text and call with her current state - trying to make levity out of the situation.

It didn’t make it all go away, but she appreciated at least having company over to keep her distracted…


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Hangin' In There [Liltotto/Giselle] Empty Re: Hangin' In There [Liltotto/Giselle]

Fri Aug 11, 2023 4:50 pm
Hangin' In There [Liltotto/Giselle] HEADER_sample-e74050f279e6594fca7875118daffce4

It didn't take long for Giselle to show up. Even though she'd been on a training stint with Candice, well...hearing about the damage to her daughter was more than enough to get her attention and flying on the next flight out to the City of Lights. When she finally walked in through the door, she'd have a comically large teddybear in hand, as well as a small vase of flowers.

"WHEW! Hey Kiddo!" She greeted her daughter, and despite her big smile and comical gifts, she quickly set them down and promptly closed in on her daughter, eyes immediately scanning the woman's frame, for any serious injuries or the like. Her own experience in the hospital having her a little ... paranoid. And for just a moment she furrowed her brows as she looked her daughter dead in the eye.

"You uh.... alright?" She asked, a hint of worry in her eyes and in her voice as she settled beside the bed, a pause to move the chair and also make sure she didn't knock over the IV.
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Hangin' In There [Liltotto/Giselle] Empty Re: Hangin' In There [Liltotto/Giselle]

Fri Aug 11, 2023 7:09 pm
Hangin' In There [Liltotto/Giselle] 44WVoI3

Liltotto Lamperd

There was Giselle in classic Giselle fashion; she had guessed either it would be a large get-well gift or way too many flowers - seemed she went the big gift reasonable amount of flowers route. Oh well, less dry or rotting plant matter in her vicinity. Looking up from her bed, she'd raise a bandaged arm to casually wave, expression unchanged with the appearance of her mother; she was happy to see her visit but as per usual it wasn't as apparent on her features.

"Uh, guess you could say that," She'd shrug slightly, though of course the soreness of her injuries made that a bit more unpleasant than usual, "I'm not dyin', that's better than... Dying, I guess. None of them are too deep, doc's just concerned that i'm not healing all that quickly so they're just keepin' an eye on me for a little longer."

She sure was flung across a field by an attack that would've killed or severely maimed anyone less tough than her, a reminder that couldn't be helped but repeated within.

"So what's up with you? Been adapting okay overseas with your... Girlfriend?" A pinch of hesitance on if that was the correct term for their relationship couldn't be helped.


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Hangin' In There [Liltotto/Giselle] Empty Re: Hangin' In There [Liltotto/Giselle]

Tue Aug 15, 2023 2:59 pm
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Giselle nodded softly at that and let her eyes shift down to the remnants of her daughter's injuries. Something of a ...worrie dlook on her face as she made note of the bandages and the like. She didn't say anything about it, but she clearly was a little uneasy seeing Liltotto like this. "Yea. Makes sense, are you making sure to ... get some rest?" She asked lightly, that joyous attitude fading away a little as she felt a little...helpless. Back in the day, she could have personally ensured the woman's safety. But now that wasn't really an option. She couldn't really protect much of anyone.

She sighed a little and smiled at the mention of Candice. "Candice and I have been ding alright. It's.......been interesting. But I'm happy to get a bit of fresh air. The city was never exactly my vibe. Being around humans a little less has helped. Had som time to think. Try and get back in shape." She noted, flashing a big smile and raising an arm to flex, showing off a bit of muscle she'd managed to build up. Nothing really much, but she didn't look so emaciated anymore. She LOOKED downright healthy.
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Hangin' In There [Liltotto/Giselle] Empty Re: Hangin' In There [Liltotto/Giselle]

Fri Aug 18, 2023 10:15 pm
Hangin' In There [Liltotto/Giselle] 44WVoI3

Liltotto Lamperd

It hardly took much to understand that Giselle was tense seeing her like this. Hundreds of years and a growth spurt later, yet she's still looking after her like she was still her little kid... That gave her some feeling straying between annoyed resignation and fondness, a defeated sigh leaving her as she'd straighten up, "Oh yeah, I guess I never really got hurt as a kid. Bit sick from eating hollows, but not hurt. First time experiencing kid scrapes."

Regardless of any falls, kids throwing stuff at her, accidents while cooking or crafting - she never seemed to get hurt growing up. Maybe a slight instinctive frighten to something that should have hurt, but not even as much as a bruise or dent was left. The amount of times she'd actually gotten something she could count on one hand... And this time was the worst of them. She couldn't tell if it was hunger pangs or what, but she felt an ache in her stomach. A brave face was kept for Giselle either way,

"Good to see and hear that you're bouncin' back so well. I'm doing my best to just.. Chill, after that whole nightmare," She couldn't help but look dazed at the ceiling for a moment, reflecting that warfield, "That wasn't a pleasant reminder to go through."

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Hangin' In There [Liltotto/Giselle] Empty Re: Hangin' In There [Liltotto/Giselle]

Mon Aug 21, 2023 12:50 pm
Hangin' In There [Liltotto/Giselle] HEADER_sample-e74050f279e6594fca7875118daffce4

Giselle smiled softly at that, chuckling just a bit as the girl seemed to only SUDDENLY realize that she had almost never been particularly hurt in the past. "Yea, 'oh' is right, Missy. You can't just get your first hospital visit in forever and not expect me to worry, duncehead." she prodded Liltotto's chin before sitting at the chair beside her bed, a sigh escaping as she watched and listened.

"So they say. I don't feel like I've bounced back much if I'm being honest. But well, I'm used to being invincible so what do I know." She murmured quietly, leaning back in her chair and lightly hunching her shoulders as she glanced back to her daughter. "Given I went through something similar not that long ago, I can imagine. Though I'm certainly glad it wasn't as bad as me. Then again youw ere always a lot tougher. Question is wether or not you plan on bouncing back as well." She noted quietly, looking at Liltotto squarely in the face and sitting forward.

"I know .... that you've been trying to keep it together. After what happened to me. don't think I didn't notice your sudden fixation on protecting everyone. And I want to remind you that you don't need to put everything on yourself. Theres plenty of stories about heroes trying to protect everyone. and one of those heroes almost killed me. It's not a road that always leads to good places. And I can only imagine that that same shitty line of thought is hanging around in your head right now." It wasn't a question. she'd been able to see what was happening to her daughter. She sighed.

"and the most painful thing is that I can't help you. If I could, I would just do it all for you. I'd protect everyone myself, so that you didn't have to. But I can't.... not anymore. And now I'm worried about you Lil..." She noted quietly, reaching out to try and rest her hand on her daughter's.
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Hangin' In There [Liltotto/Giselle] Empty Re: Hangin' In There [Liltotto/Giselle]

Mon Aug 21, 2023 5:59 pm
Hangin' In There [Liltotto/Giselle] 44WVoI3

Liltotto Lamperd

A soft annoyed huff of a laugh would follow her gently pushing that hand away, "More like 'ever'. Doc's just as clueless of what to do as they likely would've been back then, well, if the doctor wasn't a part of the shit-your-pants afraid of us crowd."

With Giselle's mentioning of invincibility, Liltotto felt a weight of something unpleasantly heavy, banishing those thoughts with a hard stare at the ceiling. She didn't want to think about those times. As her lips parted to throw in some lighthearted 'of course I am' kind of response, but stopped when the subject went on to her noticing her recent behavior. That unpleasant weight just got heavier, her stare harder,

"I'm no shitty good doing hero, and i'm not going to pretend I am," Her tone was a bit harsher than she intended, but she didn't bother correcting herself, "What you want is what I want; i'm just trying to be whatever the Reich needs to defend itself. If I have to throw myself into hell, I better be good enough to come right back for the next round."

That hand she rested on had curled into a fist, "..If I can't do that.. Then I don't know what. This isn't the old Reich, I actually give a shit."

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Hangin' In There [Liltotto/Giselle] Empty Re: Hangin' In There [Liltotto/Giselle]

Mon Aug 21, 2023 6:20 pm
Hangin' In There [Liltotto/Giselle] HEADER_37b26f083e176849c01ee6c268895daa

Giselle paused for a moment at that and watched Liltotto closely. Before a soft smile finally broke out across her lips as she watched her daughter. Yea, she knew that look all too well. A look she'd seen on many faces. Over many years. In so many places. She understood, at the very least, that this was important to her daughter. A soft sigh escaping her before she slowly got up to her feet and let out a sigh, clicking her teeth for just a fraction of a second before locking her eyes onto the blonde and flashing a lopsided grin.

"Is that so?~"

Something of a sly ring to her voice as she faced the injured woman and put her hands on her hips. "Lookit you, with all the powers smilin down on ya, you think I raised some sorta chump? Well maybe I've just been a bit too soft on ya. Then that's what I'm gonna be fixing to put to tacks, girly." There was a sudden energy in Giselle's voice as she flashed her child a lopsided grin.

"Soon as you're outta this place. I'm gonna be trainin you myself. I can only imagine what they've been putin into your head. And before you go making any objections, I'll remind you who has the far more battle and training experience between the two of us. Waddaya say Lil. You think you can tough ut your old Ma puttin the boots to ya?" She ventured witha vigro she hadn't had in months. She simply refused. She hated seeing Lilttotto like this. And she wanted to help. So she was fuckin GONNA. It didn't matter how weak she was. She was still a veteran of countless wars. She'd had plenty of big heroes and monsters come her way, and plenty of them had been defeated outside of just her blood. She would hammer every skill and mindset that Liltotto would need into her. And she'd get Candice to help if need be, dammit.

If Liltotto wanted to go throwing herself into training hell, then Giselle was gonna help her.
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Hangin' In There [Liltotto/Giselle] Empty Re: Hangin' In There [Liltotto/Giselle]

Mon Aug 21, 2023 11:12 pm
Hangin' In There [Liltotto/Giselle] 44WVoI3

Liltotto Lamperd

Oh no, she had the 'idea' face. She knew that face unfortunately well. Whatever came next was a tossup between the outlandish or something sensible.

The arrow thankfully landed closer to 'sensible' this time. Liltotto still had that deflated expression either way. That expression quickly changed to a slight flourish of confusion - nowhere near comparable to the amount of confusion and 'what?' she felt toward Giselle's declaration. She'd let out a sigh, hand pressed on her forehead, she couldn't exactly say no to a genuine offer, but...

"Are you sure you're going to be able to keep up with me? You're nowhere near where you were a year ago," A bit of incredulity was in her tone, but an even mix of concern was in there, "I'm gonna be an absolute freak of nature no matter what. I might even become even more of a freak, I don't know."

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Hangin' In There [Liltotto/Giselle] Empty Re: Hangin' In There [Liltotto/Giselle]

Wed Aug 30, 2023 10:31 am
Hangin' In There [Liltotto/Giselle] HEADER_37b26f083e176849c01ee6c268895daa

"Ohhhh look who's talking now, the girl who thinks she's all that now. Don't you give me that. You may be dabbling away at all of your fancy special powers. But I know you're still new to your Quincy abilities. And lets not forget that I'VE been an expert on developing my powers for ages! HAH! If you don't watch yourself little miss, I'll be stronger than you again before you can say 'Blood drive'!" She gave a sharp little poke to Liltotto's shoulder, flashing a lopsided little smiek.

"Listen to you. I bet you've been doing nothing but fuckin around and sparring or doing live training! Well when I was a ritter, I didn't have the luxury of having powers I could go practicing on my allies. There's plenty of training I can put you through, Little miss. Don't think that I have to beat your ass to pound a few skills into that thick head of yours." She chided, folding her arms. She was aware of the kind of training kids were doing these days. SMacking eachother around willy nilly! Well, Giselle had plenty in mind on how to whip Liltotto into shape. And if Lil thought that Giselle being on the weaker side was going to be an issue she had another thing coming.

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