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Ye Olde Guarde
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Comparing Notes [Calliope/Emil] Empty Comparing Notes [Calliope/Emil]

Sun Aug 20, 2023 2:37 am

Calliope R. Schwarzmann
Director, Albedochiffren

If there was one thing Calliope didn't like about this meeting was that it wasn't on her turf. Nothing in the brief memo she received suggested anything confrontational. In fact, it was succinct but pleasant. That was likely a trap. Calliope had hoped that inter-office politicking would wait until her office was at least finished with the refurnishing. Oh well. She'd have to deal with meeting the Todgestalten Director under his conditions.

Calliope did not have her temporary secretary with her when she entered. Something about this whole escapade made her feel like a solo meeting was best and not just for classified information. She was buzzed in—though she didn't see a secretary to check in with. She was greeted with a round television screen on a mannequin. That was her first thought of Emil Grey. It was definitely off-putting. It also reminded her of some of her father's vintage music. The door slid shut behind her as she entered. "Mister Grey," her voice was far more warming than her body language showed, "I'm glad to finally meet you." Calliope was in with a comrade of equal rank, so she did not wait to take a seat across from him at his desk. "I have to say that you cut a very distinct profile. It's very fitting for your position."

End Transmission

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Comparing Notes [Calliope/Emil] Empty Re: Comparing Notes [Calliope/Emil]

Sun Aug 20, 2023 11:47 am
Comparing Notes [Calliope/Emil] VUSZmgC

Emil Grey

Ah, so she answered to his request to meet after all. There was a possibility or two that the newly instated Director may have gotten cold feet or was too swamped adapting to her new responsibilities, especially knowing how the previous Director managed her systems. It was a good thing she found a block in her schedule to meet, especially with what was needed to be discussed.

The sight that greeted Calliope was a quaint, dark office, lit only by a warm lamp on his desk. The atmosphere of the bookshelf-lined room was somewhere between comfortable and claustrophobic, the only valid escapes being the door she came in through and the heavy-curtained window that hung behind him. His desk was some form of organized chaos; documents, tools, pens, and a two-monitor computer visible on the workspace, the soft drone of piano music from a playlist being the only other noise present in the room aside from speech.

That figure at the desk would not be an entity the typical person saw; robed in white uniform, his typically free white locks completely obscured by the dark sheen of a mask and the cover of his coat, not an inch of skin visible as he lied his folded hands on the desk, thick black gloves contrasting with his pristine outfit.

"Tense are we, Miss Schwarzmann?" Seemingly unflattered by the compliment, the darkness of the mask lit up with a waveform, the man's voice distorted by the mechanics of the helmet, twisting it into something deep, inhuman on the ears as he would reach over to grab two items atop his work surface; a teapot and cup, "Belated congratulations on your recent promotion, although quite the trying time to have to reorientate your working environment. Quite the mess for the Vandenreich, as per usual."

With little gesture to the refreshment, he had poured her a cup and offered it to her on a saucer with placing the hot drink on her sitting end of the desk, soon returning to his original position with all the grace and coolness that came second nature to him, "So tell me - a complete catastrophe has occurred, morale is likely at rock bottom, and it is incredibly likely that this will simply happen again; what are you planning to do in order to aid in improve this situation?"

Set The Stage | END
Ye Olde Guarde
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Comparing Notes [Calliope/Emil] Empty Re: Comparing Notes [Calliope/Emil]

Sun Aug 20, 2023 1:48 pm

Calliope R. Schwarzmann
Director, Albedochiffren

"Thank you. It's not the first time I've worked under trying conditions. At least this time I have an office." If Emil had read any of her file—from before her official joining of the Vandenreich or after—he would know that her service in World War IV a guerilla was instrumental in keeping some key U.S. government officials alive. It was hard to imagine this portrait of a career woman in the trenches and rubble alongside tough, battle-hardened soldiers, but that was the truth of her history.

Calliope took the saucer with a thankful nod and took a sip. She wasn't a tea person—too many late nights at college led to a fondness for hard, strong coffee. How he knew what type of tea she liked the most was beyond her, unless this was some sort of weird coincidence. Either was just as likely considering the mysterious aura that surrounded Emil Grey. There was one thing that was plain as could be when it came to him—that the two of them understood what the next problem to assail the Vandenreich was about to be. "Well, if nothing else you and I are definitely on the same page in regards to the recent incident."

"I've a proposition in place for a small propaganda campaign. I think selecting a literal posterboy would be a good choice as a starting point. Someone who was on the front lines but survived. But I've got a few logistics to work out there before I can fully present that idea. I'm also working on expanding our staffing—if only because being seen as short-staffed will make those returning from combat duty think that we're stretched too thin to even provide basic necessities. I've also had to increase the staffing budget for my own purposes too..." Calliope sighed and shook her head. "My predecessor must have been a paperwork genius or an absolute monster. I honestly don't know how any one person handled the work I've reviewed."

End Transmission

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Sun Aug 20, 2023 8:38 pm
Comparing Notes [Calliope/Emil] VUSZmgC

Emil Grey

Of course he had recollection of the woman's skills and past, such was why he wasn't critical or inquisitive toward her ability to perform her work - he had belief in her competence and grace under fire. The man sorted and went through papers as the two spoke, not at all seeming distracted or detracting from the talk at hand; the handling of multiple light tasks was nothing to someone such as him.

A campaign with a soldier as the face of it, mm? Not an awful idea in concept if the candidate was capable of living up to such a mantle outside of their face plastered upon a multitude of flyers and digital postings. There were already potential members on his mind to advise contact with, the dark screen finally flickering back to life as that distorted voice crawled from the mask once again, "I can give you a list of viable candidates after this talk if you wish,"

"Ah yes, you did inherit Miss Kishar's position, you inevitably would have to radically adapt the workflow; she was a Danava with a particular aptitude in memory and workflow, I had expected any inheritors to need the resources to compensate. If you would like, I could send my assistant over occasionally to assist you; she may be inexperienced but she is capable of handling such things."

Having settled his movements on a particular stack of papers, he'd begin flipping through them with little break of attention to Calliope, "Well? Have you any other methods in mind to settle the worries of the public and our forces? Simply putting pictures up with spiriting words isn't going to convince many that the Vandenreich is willing and capable of overcoming this threat."

Set The Stage | END

Last edited by Lillian on Mon Aug 21, 2023 10:49 am; edited 1 time in total
Ye Olde Guarde
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Comparing Notes [Calliope/Emil] Empty Re: Comparing Notes [Calliope/Emil]

Sun Aug 20, 2023 8:59 pm

Calliope R. Schwarzmann
Director, Albedochiffren

"That list would be helpful,yes. I do have my eyes set on one particular subject, but I feel as though meeting him personally would be best. I will keep any recommendations you make in mind." Calliope had set up a meeting with her top choice, but due to scheduling conflicts it had yet to happen. Such was to be expected when meeting with "popular" people.

What Emil said was true however. It wouldn't be enough. Nothing she said would be enough. Nothing she did would be enough. She just had to get the right people to act in the right way. "Of course not. If pretty words and prettier faces won wars, our ranks would be filled with poets and models—and between artistic brooding and orgies, I doubt anything would get done. I'm needing to review additional reports and details on the recent incidents. If there is something lacking, I can only hope it's a fault I can blame someone else on before announcing innovation that will revolutionize and save lives."

"Based on your research, what do you feel we are lacking in?"

End Transmission

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Comparing Notes [Calliope/Emil] Empty Re: Comparing Notes [Calliope/Emil]

Mon Aug 21, 2023 3:41 pm
Comparing Notes [Calliope/Emil] VUSZmgC

Emil Grey

If she was intent on meeting with the party he was guessing she was, then he could quite say she already had a good start. The offer in aiding with that process still stood either way. It was a perilous tightrope walk for the organization right now, a walk he was intent on making sure they cleared. He continued reading through the stack of papers as his fellow Director would go on to answer his question, and ask one of her own, a closed hand went to rest his chin as that darkness stared back at her once again,

"The only angle I could have potentially thought of would have been to cast blame onto the Gotei for not anticipating a surprise attack in the dead of night and sending Captain-level combatants to respond, but even a child could poke out the flaws of such a smokescreen. Several high spirit class threats of various origins... It was not something capable of being prepared for unless we had a fortune-teller within our ranks. It would be far less of a difficult sell to paint it as a mutual loss than simply ours alone."

The papers in his possession were transcripts, unwitting testimonies from survivors of which he had gathered in the several days, as he pondered her question for a moment, "A great lacking in raw power. It would take but a singular Gotei member of particular strength to be a considerable threat to the entirety of our forces. We are but ants to the mercy of a gardener's boot. Our loss of individuals with considerable power over such a short duration did quite the number; we certainly aren't the force we were during the war."

Despite having quite the depressing response, he spoke about it with the same tonal weight as small talk, "We are unable to make mountains out of flecks in such a short duration that would be needed to confront this threat. It simply is impossible to build the typical man that quickly. The Gotei has a surplus of members with decades of experience over us, such a thing is natural given their extended lifespan and safe little enclave. It would be difficult to run a campaign outright disparaging them now, considering our cooperation is our only means of pushing against these mountainous threats that keep surfacing."

That dark screen tipped down, as if in thought for a moment, before that discordant voice would speak up once again, "We have to focus on what we have control over in the short term. Have you considered perhaps some form of recognition for the soldiers who survived the operation? I would have no fear of mistakenly encouraging mediocrity in this occasion, it would be foolish to imply anything short of poor odds led to this failure."

Set The Stage | END
Ye Olde Guarde
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Comparing Notes [Calliope/Emil] Empty Re: Comparing Notes [Calliope/Emil]

Tue Aug 29, 2023 5:02 pm

Calliope R. Schwarzmann
Director, Albedochiffren

Calliope nodded along as Emil started his suggestions. Shifting blame was something she had considered, but she had declined that line for an entirely different reason. She knew that the Gotei would likely wipe the floor with the Vandenreich in an all-out conflict. This event in Africa further showed that future as a certainty. She was going to do as little as possible to poke the sleeping bear—for ill or for aid. And then, Emil seemed to read her mind. She hid her smirk behind a sip of tea.

Calliope could find no fault in what he said, and some of it only cemented her lines of thinking as correct. She also realized something important that she did not like. Her strategy of not poking the Gotei may not be for the best, especially if something worse were to happen. Calliope took another sip and contemplated his final question. "War is nothing if not gambling. Victory comes in how hard you can cheat compared to your opponent."

"I planned on having a small, more intimate ceremony within our ranks to reward the survivors—and honestly, mostly with small platitudes and medals. I didn't want to seem like it was just rewarding mediocre results. But perhaps a more grand ceremony is in order. I have my office tasked with finding artists to create a fitting memorial piece for those that fell during the battle. I propose combining that with a ceremony to reward those who survived—or at least a select few of them, with some of them chosen 'randomly.' Most of the combatants weren't part of my Branch, so any promotions or the like would need to come from their commanding officers—with some nudging of course."

Calliope reached into her satchel and brought out a manilla envelope. She slid it across the desk to Emil. "This is also a proposition I'm sending to the Director of the Sternritter. I want to assemble a small division within my own ranks to work as frontline researchers and combat support staff. These would be members with some combat aptitude, but are highly skilled in other areas such as sensing reiatsu, healing, etc. I think having an extra body or two with those specialties would be beneficial to our overall combat readiness, if not our strength."

"In the envelope is also an alternative proposal to deploy high-altitude aerial drones in an overwatch role, with information being relayed back here or to a mobile command post. When I was fighting in World War IV, my allies were constantly being supported by an overwatch team—myself usually. Having the so-called 'eye in the sky' to coordinate and relay new information was immensely helpful. It's how we successfully extracted former Secretary of Defense Ambright when the demons tried to ambush the exfiltration."

End Transmission

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