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Wed Sep 13, 2023 5:27 pm
Don't Worry[Edelo, Natasha]  GErtDg6


There was something unbearably dull about lying in the cozy bed of a hospital. Fun as the notion may sound on paper, it wasn't nearly half as entertaining in execution. Not one bit. Outside of visitors, Natasha had to develop her own routine for entertainment. Marathon her favorite westerns on a tablet, play a game of cards with one of the nurses, explore the internet for hilarious little videos - several options, sure, but none of them quite beat the hours for visitation. She was a sociable lady by nature, after all.

The idea that she couldn't freely check on her comrades bothered her, but that came with the territory of fighting on the frontlines. It doesn't make it any easier to stomach, but it's the best the idle mind can offer without reflecting on what happened in Africa. Reflecting on that was the last thing she wanted to do, no doubt, leading her to maintain a quiet focus on her tablet. She'll watch things to pass the time. That's the best she can do right now. Thinking about any of the unpleasantness will only sour her mood if she isn't careful.

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Wed Sep 13, 2023 6:06 pm
Don't Worry[Edelo, Natasha]  HEADER__lance_pokemon_and_2_more_drawn_by_y_036_yng__9f1d45b86bc18c229ca6d533cfd18893

A soft knock came at the door, and one of the Nurses would promptly peek in, checking in on Natasha and informing her that she had a visitor. A young man by the name of Edelo Nakir. Giving the woman a bit of time to prepare herself before he arrived.

After a minute or so, Edelo would gently knock on the door itself, well aware that Natasha was inside before offering a friendly smile and opening the door. That soft smile of his promptly in evidence, along with something that might possibly add to Natasha's enthusiasm. A rather large container of Food. And Natasha would no doubt instantly recognize what it was through the clear glass container. Home made Macaroni and Cheese. The thick kind you baked in the oven with real white cheese. In traditional small town fashion, he'd brought some food for her while she was recovering.

"Miss Miller. I hope I'm not coming at a bad time?"
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Wed Sep 13, 2023 6:21 pm
Don't Worry[Edelo, Natasha]  GErtDg6


"Not at all, sweetheart. Come right on in. I was just beginning to die of boredom."

A familiar face was a welcome reprieve from the relatively drab environment she occupied, especially so when it was someone she viewed in a mightily fond light. Hearing his name from the nurses turned her lips up into a warm smile. Edelo had a good heart about him. His spirit was always in the right place even if he came across as socially awkward. Motioning for him to draw closer, Natasha curiously allowed her hazel eyes to dart toward the large container in his hand. Whoa, now. Wait a minute. The aroma dancing from that container smelled mighty nice. As one who heavily preferred preparing most of her meals at home, the wondrous scent of homemade mac and cheese had not escaped her nostrils. What a sweet gesture. Was that for her?

"Is that homemade mac and cheese? Aw shucks. That's mighty sweet of you, Del."

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Wed Sep 13, 2023 6:36 pm
Don't Worry[Edelo, Natasha]  HEADER__lance_pokemon_and_2_more_drawn_by_y_036_yng__9f1d45b86bc18c229ca6d533cfd18893

Edelo chuckled softly as he made his way in toward the bed, setting the container on the side table so that Natasha could inspect it. Meanwhile he took a brief moment to glance around the room. Making note of the plain space, as well as the tablet that had no doubt been saving the coordinator from boredom. "I can see why you would be a bit out of your mind around a place like this." He cut a glance over his shoulder and promptly peered through the walls. The Nurses seemed busy as well. He could see them doing their rounds, restocking things. Getting meds. Going to the- Ah, yep. He snapped his attention back to Natasha.

"And of course. Any time someone isn't feeling well, it's always best to come with good wishes and some energy for them to get better. Worst thing you can do is starve an injury. At least that's what my Mom says." He noted calmly. He took a moment to pull the chair from the wall, careful not to scrape the floor as he took a seat and sighed softly.

"It's a little strange seeing you like this. As well as a few others. It almost seems unreal that even Miss Lamperd..." He trailed off. Liltotto was notorious for being built like a tank. That she had been severely injured was nothing short of jarring. "How ...did you fare? Do they think you'll be in here a while?" He asked with a bit of curiosity. He could just look through her. Check her injuries, see how well she was healing himself. But he was never the invasive type, never on purpose. And frankly, such things were private. If he was going to know about the extent of her injuries, he'd want it to be whatever she was comfortable telling him.
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Wed Sep 13, 2023 7:02 pm
Don't Worry[Edelo, Natasha]  GErtDg6


"Your momma taught you well, honey. Were I up and running like I usually am, I reckon I'd do the same for my fellow men and women. Homemade grub' can work miracles on even the most cynical of spirits."

Natasha was familiar with the notion. Hell, if she hadn't been confined to this lousy ole' bed, she'd probably be whipping up some tasty dishes for those who also suffered that miserable defeat as she did. Part of her wanted to reach out and grab that container, though. The smell was unbearably tempting. Apart from the welcome reprieve of his presence, the thought of eating something else besides hospital food was quite enticing.

Easy there, cowgirl. Food's not going anywhere. He's probably got a few questions. Answer those first.

Drawing herself back to reality, Natasha registered his questions with silent clarity. Were they particularly all that pleasant to recall? No, not really. But they were expected, and since she had mostly - emphasis on mostly - calmed down about the whole incident, she still felt like she hadn't done much to change the outcome. She constantly told herself that there was no way they could have properly prepared, given the nature of the attack. The past was the past. Offering a warm smile, Natasha casually shrugged her shoulders with a playful flex of the arms - telltale gestures to ease the mood of a less-than-savory subject.

"With some physical therapy and laying in the bed, I don't think they'll be able to keep me outta commission for too long. Honestly, Lil' took far more damage than I did. Though, I guess that's to be expected considerin' the nature of that bastard we faced in Africa. I appreciate that you think so highly of us. Hell, I do too... but some enemies are just a goddamn' pain in the ass to bring down, ya know? We'll get em' next time."

Of course, that's what she told herself, what she told him. Maintaining morale was essential in times of doubt, no matter how difficult the notion seemed.

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Don't Worry[Edelo, Natasha]  Empty Re: Don't Worry[Edelo, Natasha]

Wed Sep 13, 2023 7:12 pm
Don't Worry[Edelo, Natasha]  HEADER__lance_pokemon_and_2_more_drawn_by_y_036_yng__9f1d45b86bc18c229ca6d533cfd18893

Edelo felt a warmth enter his smile at the mention of his mother. "She still does. I don't klnow what I'd do without her. I admit, I always thought I'd be taking care of her. But even now, she continues to inspire me with what she's been up to." He noted with a soft sigh and a smile.

All the same, as she answered his question he couldn't help but pause ever so slightly to consider. "I've read some of the reports. I've also been on a few scouting missions as well since the battle. Nothing too close, but it seems that a numebr of them are getting bolder with how things went." He noted quietly, closing his eyes for a moment and sighing. "I certainly know that well enough. I've fought you after all." A playful little smirk at that as he shifted in his seat. Certainly he knew a brick wall when he saw one, and she'd certainly been one for him. He imagined there was always going to be someone bigger and stronger.

"So. I guess that menas you'll be back to training once this is all over. And I have until you're better to improve myself." He noted, offering a lopsided little smirk as he did so, giving a little roll of his shoulder as he sighed. "I'll be sure to bring you plenty of food. It won't be a challenge unless I make sure you recover quickly. Right?"
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Wed Sep 13, 2023 7:33 pm
Don't Worry[Edelo, Natasha]  GErtDg6


"She sounds like an amazing lady. I oughta visit her one of these days and tell her she raised a bright-spirited young man with a big heart."

Natasha shifted her position around in the bed, leaning up out of a need for comfort. Plus, it made it easier to host a conversation. Whenever she conversed with anyone, eye contact was a must. To her, that was always the best way of letting them know you were listening. It left no sense of pretense or falsehood. Those reports were right on the money. Bold was an understatement, though. Those bastards were relentless. Fighting war on the winning side was great, but a resounding loss like this one... definitely stung. No question.

"Bold's definitely one way of describing em', yea. They definitely weren't here to make nice. I can say that much. Christ, a midnight attack wasn't even on any of our minds, but they certainly seized that advantage and reaped the benefits from our lack of preparation. Though, I sometimes wonder if anything would have changed even if we were prepared."

Natasha didn't really want to linger on that battle for too long. Or rather, perhaps it would have been more appropriate to say she didn't intend to reflect on it to a degree that would bother her. The only thing that mattered now was getting stronger, adapting to the enemy's flow, and returning their aggression with equal spirit the next time they met those bastards. Edelo's lighthearted banter was taken in stride as Natasha chuckled, lifting her arm to flex it in front of him with a wink of the eye.

"Course I will, honey. This hospital ain't keepin' this gunslinger down. Of course, the thought of you bringing me homemade food' while I recover IS mighty tempting. If you feed me too much on my road to recovery, I might not wanna' leave."

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Don't Worry[Edelo, Natasha]  Empty Re: Don't Worry[Edelo, Natasha]

Wed Sep 13, 2023 7:43 pm
Don't Worry[Edelo, Natasha]  HEADER__lance_pokemon_and_2_more_drawn_by_y_036_yng__9f1d45b86bc18c229ca6d533cfd18893

Almost instantly Edelo's eyes widened and a nervous look crossed over his face. "Ahah, well, uh..." He paused for a moment at that and looked to the side. Actually... "I think she might enjoy that now that I think about it. She's always been curious about what I do for a living. Not that I can say much. But I'm sure she'd enjoy the company." He noted with a soft chuckle. After all, he was so busy, he didn't get to spend a lot of time with her, not compared to the old days. When you worked out on a farm, you had nothing BUT time with your family, even when working. It sucked that he couldn't spend as much time with her, but perhaps this might asuage that a bit. Hm, Thoughts for later.

"I won't go into details, but they've certainly remained active. Not only that but I'm... a little concerned. With all the chaos going on in Africa. Our presence in the US and other areas has lessened considerably. I can't help but worry a little that the cinders of what we've stomped out might try to light back up." He sighed quietly, rubbing the back of his neck.

Though, as Natasha promptly flew into such an enthusiastic swing, he couldn't help but smile. "Hm, is that so? In that case I'll have to just keep my best recipes for when you recover. As a bit of incentive."
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Wed Sep 13, 2023 8:24 pm
Don't Worry[Edelo, Natasha]  GErtDg6


"Good, good. Lemme know when she's up for a visit, and I'll be there. It'd be nice to meet the lady who raised a well-meaning man like you."

Finishing that compliment with a soft pinch to his cheek, Natasha smiled warmly. The idea of meeting his mother was interesting. Did she plan on meeting everybody's parents in the Vandenreich? Of course not. Curiosity simply compelled her to see what his mom's deal was. The sort of curiosity that would bother her until she pursued it in it's entirety. But that could wait. She was in no rush to throw too much on his table.

Concerning his knowledge on what was going down in Africa, Natasha couldn't exactly say she was surprised. Those bastards did strike her as the type to take advantage of every opportunity, and with their retreat, there's plenty of resources to work with. His worry had merit to it, but if she wasn't going to worry about it, she sure as hell had no intention of letting Edelo ruminate on it anymore than he needed to either. Shifting her hand from his cheek to his shoulder, Natasha pats him softly, shaking her head to dismiss his worries.

"At ease, soldier. We've suffered defeat for now, true. I can't deny that. Things might look a little dire, but we'll drive those bastards back. We're not about to let them ruin what we've built here. They can enjoy their lil' victory for now, but once I'm out, I'll be layin' a can of whoop ass on every hollow that messed with me, ya hear? That's the bottom line. Why? Because Stone Cold Miller said so."

Honestly, she definitely didn't think Edelo would get that corny impression, considering his village boy origins, but she certainly hoped it proved fruitful enough to dispel any worry. She was already bothered by her own thoughts, and she definitely didn't want him leaving the room with anything but the positive spirit he came here with.

"Oho? Well played. A reward system for good cookin based on my recovery? I'm vibin' with it. Hopefully, you won't keep that mac away from me, though. I'm honestly starving. I know the nurses try their best here, but the food's... kinda... so-so? Is that wrong of me to say, sweetheart?" She ventured with playful innocence.

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Don't Worry[Edelo, Natasha]  Empty Re: Don't Worry[Edelo, Natasha]

Wed Sep 13, 2023 8:34 pm
Don't Worry[Edelo, Natasha]  HEADER__lance_pokemon_and_2_more_drawn_by_y_036_yng__9f1d45b86bc18c229ca6d533cfd18893

He wasn't sure how to feel about all that. But still, he gave a light smile. "Fair enough. I think you'd get along." He pointed out, even as his cheek was getting pinched, wincing just a little, but hardly seeming to mind. Natasha certainly had an energy about her that lent to such behavior.

Hm. Truth be told, he wondered about that. "I don't doubt that for a second. But I can't help but wonder what else is going on. We're also getting a lot of information about the Gotei during all this. Some of those reports. Particularly about that Captain on scene..." He murmured softly, Natasha would be familiar with the woman for certain. Even if they handled Africa. That wasn't the end of their worries. There never really WAS an end to their worries. Still. "All we can really do is keep moving forward. " He noted. A pause for a moment before he ...tried not to break out a smile. Stone Cold Miller was uh... certainly an interesting name. But he made no comment about it.

He was glad for the tone shift as well, and as she promptly made that plea, he coulnd't help but roll his eyes. "Now I never said I'd give you anything bad in the meantime. Besides, this is something nice, asimple and hardy. You'll be able to enjoy plenty of it don't you worry. This stuff is pretty dense. My Mom's recipe. We use real cheese, not that watery stuff. I imagine this container'll last you at least a week. You may not even need multiple visits from me." He pointed out with a lopsided smirk. "But if you happen to find yourself with an unusual appetite. You can always text me if you go through it before then."
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