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The Gotei 13 Advocate
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Sat Oct 07, 2023 2:01 am
Who Did What Now? [Tsubine/J] J_PostingHeader3
Enter: J. Saionji

Mayumi was currently taken care of by the staff at J’s manor. The man himself had to get to the bottom of something he did not like hearing about. Apparently, someone in the Gotei had somehow broken the child’s nose, and this was not something J could stand for. Since Mayumi often struggled with detail, it was best to get it from her father, who was present at the time, and unable to prevent such an atrocity from happening. You'd THINK her FATHER would be more careful!!

As he normally did, J took no time to enter Tsubine's residence, ignoring anyone who dared try and stop him. This was how Tsubine entered his home, so J could behave with such disrespect too. Frankly, this was their friendship in the first place. J made it to Tsubine's office and gave a solid knock on the door. Once the door sounded like it was about to be opened, his eyes narrowed in anger.

"Someone... broke... her nose?!"

J wasn't a man whose rigid demeanor failed often, but when it came to his... thei-... Tsubine's daughter, he had a protective nature that only his little sister experienced.

End Post
Ye Olde Guarde
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Thu Oct 12, 2023 3:15 pm

Thankfully for both his staff and J, Tsubine had a standing order to just let J walk in. He was currently the only Shinigami that did not have to check in at the front gate. The order did include issuing a warning to Tsubine. When they said he looked angry, Tsubine knew exactly what this was about. He thought he had bribed his daughter enough not to spill the beans about the incident with Rio. Apparently not.

Tsubine buzzed J in and the door opened on its own. He was not going to be that close to J just yet. "To be fair, that's like saying a wall broke her nose." Tsubine already had cleared his desk of any obstructions or clutter that might get... disorganized if push came to shove. "And if you ask anyone else, even Mayumi, it's as good as new. Kaidō does amazing things. And, the person Mayumi ran into bought her a very nice lunch to repay her for the injury and inconvenience. So, all-in-all, it's like it never happened."

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Fri Oct 13, 2023 7:59 pm
Who Did What Now? [Tsubine/J] J_PostingHeader3
Enter: J. Saionji

J was angry alright. Mayumi had a habit of being dramatic with him, so this visit to Tsubine was both a gathering of information and a warning to not let anything happen to their little girl again. Truth be told, J dreaded the day he would have to give Mayumi back to Tsubine on a legal basis. Anyways...

"A wall?" J raised an eyebrow, his demeanor softening only some as he crossed his arms. "If everything is all and well, explain your attempts at bribing Mayumi to lie to me. I have taught that child the benefits of the truth and following rules. The day she lies to me is the day she is a teenage girl sneaking out to meet up with some boy; that is not happening for quite some time, so good luck trying that again."

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Ye Olde Guarde
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Sat Oct 14, 2023 2:42 am

"Well J, the reason for the attempt is quite simple." Tsubine spat out words to try to buy time for his brain to think. "It's because you'd over-react and take it the wrong way." He nodded, proud of that answer. However, J was right. Eventually, Mayumi would grow up. And eventually, the question of boys would come up. That was an obstacle for another day. Today's obstacle was J. Saionji.

"And besides, how do I know you're not bribing her to like staying at your house with you rather than coming back here, huh?!" Tsubine waved it off as the mounting problems sank his emotion. "Well, either way, you don't have to worry about that happening from my end. I don't think I'll be around as much as I'd want to be. There's... trouble afoot, I think. Maybe. I don't know." He sighed in defeat and frustration. "It's a bad feeling I've got, and that feeling ain't pretty."

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Mon Oct 16, 2023 6:18 pm
Who Did What Now? [Tsubine/J] J_PostingHeader3
Enter: J. Saionji

Many knew J as a patient person. When it came to Mayumi, his patience was not as easily held. Though the child was not actually his, he sometimes forgot that fact. She had been with him so long, and his protective instincts were used solely for her these days. So, these excuses being made were not going to fly! J stared at Tsubine, a dull, yet irritated glare and crossed his arms as more excuses came.

J was not expecting the next bit. The shift in conversation had implications he wasn't fond of. Mayumi just got to start seeing her Father again, so what was going to hinder that now? "What trouble are you talking about?" J asked, his arms falling back at his sides. "I've learned to at least acknowledge your instincts, so elaborate."

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Ye Olde Guarde
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Fri Oct 20, 2023 2:27 pm

J. was, at times, just as dense as Tsubine. They complemented one another on that front. However, both knew the other had certain instincts—that their gut feelings were something to be relied upon. Whether it was decades of serving in the Gotei or scrounging the streets for scraps of food, both had independently honed their natural instincts to be a weapon in and of itself. Which is also why Tsubine didn't want to go into too much detail. "I heard about that bombing that almost took you and a Captain out." Tsubine knew certain things, and although the latter target wasn't confirmed as such, he decided to bet on the high-ranking rumor. Not just anyone gets targeted with a hospital bomb, after all.

"Don't worry, if I knew anything at all about it, I'd've already told you. Just... words gets around, y'know? But, not just anyone gets a hospital bomb, and not just anyone can get one into a Gotei hospital. I think the only hospital with better security is that noble one. But that and just a general feeling I'm getting, plus some minor incidents have me a bit on edge. I get the feeling that there's about to be an storm, and this shelter ain't quite as sturdy as I'd like it for Mayumi. That's all."

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Sun Oct 22, 2023 1:54 pm
Who Did What Now? [Tsubine/J] J_PostingHeader3
Enter: J. Saionji

It was no surprise to J that Tsubine had kept up with such an incident. That wasn't something that could easily be kept quiet, so rumors spreading throughout the Rukongai was expected. Besides, J probably would have told him anyway. If Mayumi had been visiting during that attack... Well, J's heart skipped a beat at the mere thought. Still, it made him wonder how much Tsubine did know.

J narrowed his eyes curiously at Tsubine's words. There were implications he wasn't liking, and Tsubine's vagueness always put him on edge. "Elaborate, now," J demanded, crossing his arms. "You know this sounds suspicious; is there really a point in keeping secrets? Does Mayumi need to stay out of the Rukongai?"

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Ye Olde Guarde
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Who Did What Now? [Tsubine/J] Empty Re: Who Did What Now? [Tsubine/J]

Mon Oct 23, 2023 3:08 am

Tsubine chewed on the inside of his cheek for a moment before sighing. "At least for now, yeah." Mayumi staying within the Seireitei would likely be the best course of action. Tsubine leaned back in his chair, arms spread in a show of being empty-handed. "J, if I had anything more specific, I'd tell you. It's all just feeling the people out. Now that reconstruction has mostly finished, people are going back to their normal lives... and discontent's bubbling back up. I have mitigated some of the problems like tax hikes by providing reconstruction services myself, but outside of Shōjin? It's another story. Plus, you've got people that still resent the Gotei for its actions with the Demon Incursion. I know I've picked up a couple of former Shinigami that don't like some of the decisions made by the current Gotei—so I know you're going to have those feelings in people still in there... I can't imagine your peers in the nobility are too happy about losing influence either. And frankly, I think some of the people that were itching for a fight still are. I sense all these little bits gathering into a powder keg. All it's going to take is a big enough spark and," Tsubine mimicked an explosion with his hands, "boom. You've got an actual, honest-to-god revolt happening."

"You got any tips on what that spark could be? You know I'm not one for having the boat shook up. It affects me and mine." Tsubine loved mixing his metaphors. It wasn't a conscious thing he did, but continuity and metaphors did not exist in his vocabulary for long.

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Who Did What Now? [Tsubine/J] Empty Re: Who Did What Now? [Tsubine/J]

Mon Oct 23, 2023 11:09 am
Who Did What Now? [Tsubine/J] J_PostingHeader3
Enter: J. Saionji

Great. Mayumi finally opened up to seeing Tsubine again, and he was being forced to change his mind. There was no doubt in J's mind that something occurred to cause this, and he wanted an explanation. Unfortunately, it was clear he was not going to receiving one today. If Tsubine refused his help, that was on him.

"No, I don't, and even if I did, I'd be obligated to keep it to myself," J said. The two of them stood on opposite sides of the path in this. J was bound by law and Tsubine bound by... whatever he was bound by. "I do not appreciate having secrets," J said, fully irritated at this point. He technically had no information to give, at least not on anything Tsubine was trying to imply right now. He sighed, "I'll let her know."

End Post
Ye Olde Guarde
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Who Did What Now? [Tsubine/J] Empty Re: Who Did What Now? [Tsubine/J]

Mon Oct 23, 2023 2:06 pm

"Should I get her an apology gift?" Tsubine asked sincerely. He had no idea what to do at this point. "Hey, I know we're just getting to reconnect but I think I might be in danger, so sorry but we can't see each other for a while" sounded horrible even to him. And yet, he didn't have any other path open to him. He wanted to make sure Mayumi was safe, and she was going to make Tsubine be on edge for some time. At least in the noble quarter, she'd have to deal with the Gotei, the other nobles, and the Saionji themselves responding. Tsubine knew that he'd be the only one able to respond this far out.

Tsubine thought for a moment, and he realized two things. The first was that he needed to let J know a bit more without fully letting him in. The second was that he needed information. "J, I can give you some information that may be related, but in return, I need some information myself." Tsubine quickly scrawled two names on a sticky note. He slid it over to J. "I know they're currently not part of the Gotei, but I want to know their last known locations." Tsubine stared at J hard—a bit harder than normal—to show his earnestness on this.

"In return, you may want to take a look into the Fourth Division. They're causing a ruckus that we can hear all the way out here, and it's got almost everyone concerned. Consider this... a noise complaint from a group of concerned citizens." Tsubine didn't want to further elaborate on that, but J was smart enough to read the undertext. "On that note... what specialty are they again?"

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