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Stray in Rukongai [Komamura, Open] Empty Stray in Rukongai [Komamura, Open]

Tue Nov 07, 2023 4:25 pm
Stray in Rukongai [Komamura, Open] 49AV09y


The sun was beginning to set in Soul Society as a titanic armored figure walked through the emptying streets of one of Rukongai's less desirable Districts. Sajin Komamura remained hidden within a suit of armor, his identity kept secret from those around him; still, no fewer eyes were drawn to him. At nine and a half feet tall, and shoulders as wide as a mountain range, people couldn't help but stare as the strange giant made his way through the Rukongai.

Sajin froze in his tracks as his attention was brought to a scene in the distance where a group of thugs appeared to be holding another man at knife-point, possibly shaking him down. Though he didn't want to draw unwanted attention to himself, Sajin knew he couldn't let this play out without interfering; and so he quickly Flash Stepped over to the group.

The knife-wielding thug cried out in pain as Sajin's armor-clad figure appeared beside him, gripping his wrist more tightly than anything he could imagine. He turned to the other three standing nearby and spoke brusquely "Leave. Now." As expected, all three sprinted away from the colossal interloper. Then Sajin twisted the last thug's wrist, forcing him to drop the knife.

Afterwards he released the man, who was still mostly unharmed, and spoke once more "I do not believe you to have an evil heart, so I'll let you go with a warning. Do not return to bother this man or anyone else." The final thug turned and left, following in the footsteps of his comrades. When the victim of the stick-up profusely thanked Sajin, he bowed politely then turned and began walking away, wary of potential suspicious onlookers.

The Gotei 13 Advocate
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Stray in Rukongai [Komamura, Open] Empty Re: Stray in Rukongai [Komamura, Open]

Tue Nov 07, 2023 5:30 pm
Stray in Rukongai [Komamura, Open] Kohaku_HeaderCasual1_470x300
Kohaku Okumura

Kohaku took days off whenever he could without getting scolded, and much to his dismay, this day off was coming to an end. As the sun began to set, Kohaku sat up from his napping place on one of the many roofs of the Rukongai, sensing the usage of reiryoku nearby. He stretched and reoriented himself until his eyes caught the group of ruffians and a massive walking armor set having a “conversation.” Interest in that whole situation brought Kohaku to using shunpo to move effortlessly across the tiles of buildings until he reached the roof above them.

“His heart, huh?” Kohaku spoke up as he began walking along the roof, parallel to the large armored man. He sounded curious, but had a dull demeanor, even apathetic. Kohaku wasn’t someone who liked initiating interaction with people, but there were certain elements of his life that required it. This might fall under one of those times… “You kinda stick out… Never seen you before… New or somethin'?”

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Stray in Rukongai [Komamura, Open] Empty Re: Stray in Rukongai [Komamura, Open]

Wed Nov 08, 2023 2:05 am
Stray in Rukongai [Komamura, Open] 49AV09y


Looking up, Sajin's hidden gaze was met with the appearance of a young man dressed rather strangely for a Shinigami. Or, after a moment of consideration, Sajin realized he was dressed strangely for a Vizard. A Vizard with a troubled heart, at that. He silently studied the man for a good few seconds before responding. In a deep, resounding voice Komamura questioned the man's sudden arrival "I've lived in the Rukongai for most of my life, being told I stick out is nothing new. Though, you don't blend in yourself. Not many Vizards this far from the Seireitei."

A master of hiding his spiritual presence and going undetected, largely due to a lifetime of mockery and reactions of disgust from those who've seen him, Komamura kept his Reiatsu suppressed; though not to spare himself ridicule. He understood well the affect his gifted heart had on his Reiatsu, and how alien it could seem to others capable enough to note the difference. Despite his imposing size and use of Flash Step, he would appear otherwise wholly powerless. Hopefully, thought Sajin, this person won't pry too much.

The Gotei 13 Advocate
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Stray in Rukongai [Komamura, Open] Empty Re: Stray in Rukongai [Komamura, Open]

Wed Nov 08, 2023 7:03 pm
Stray in Rukongai [Komamura, Open] Kohaku_HeaderCasual1_470x300
Kohaku Okumura

The momentary silence before the large man responded gave Kohaku time to try and examine what he could. The armor hid him from any identification. Suspicious; though there was something familiar about it? The large guy must have had strength, but how much of it? Kohaku couldn't tell. When this newcomer finally spoke up, Kohaku narrowed his eyes at him before glancing around at onlookers.

“Yeah, why don’t you keep that shit to yourself. Not exactly somethin’ I go advertising, and since you even know what it is… I’m sure you know why.”

Kohaku dropped down, now sitting on the edge of the roof, placing his zanpakuto in his lap. He had no hostility about him, and held little in emotion on his face. Kohaku's eyes shifted to the man's zanpakuto. "You part of the Gotei?"

End Post
Kanji Man
Kanji Man
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Stray in Rukongai [Komamura, Open] Empty Re: Stray in Rukongai [Komamura, Open]

Wed Nov 08, 2023 8:46 pm

TAGS; - here NOTES; - here WORDS; - here MUSE; - Strong For Somebody Else

It wasn't often that a Fourth Division member roamed the Rukongai for any reason, even rarer was the moment where Shura did so. However this day wasn't aimless wanderings, no she moved through the Rukongai with purpose and determination, set for a destination that lay far beyond the edges of the Rukongai. The recent happenings within Soul Society aside, she had her own issues she needed to work out... issues that required the privacy that Soul Society did not illicit.

These and more were the reasons she found herself walking through the streets of the Rukongai, eyes forward and ignoring the prying eyes and comments made towards the fact she was a Shinigami or by those who might've recognized her by appearance or history. In truth she'd left her Rukongai days long behind her, forgotten most everyone she used to know that lived out here. Not for lack of empathy, but for lack of necessity. Those she previously hung out wtih were because of need, whether it was because she was Head of Security for the Kurata's or for some other reason.

That being said she still noticed everything that went on around her even if her response to it was to ignore it. One thing that caught her attention and ilicited at least a moment of thought, was the sight of two individuals who had the appearance of Rukongai Ruffians fleeing as if terrified by something or someone, followed shortly after by a third whose arm showed signs of some kind of struggle though nothing that would cause some kind of hindrance to its use.

Such strength was rare within the Rukongai, and her wonderings were soon answered when she glanced down a street to see first an towering individual clad in some kind of armor, and a second individual who sat atop the roof with Zanpakuto in their lap. She was largely uninterested in the individual who sat atop the roofs, however the Armor-clad individual caught her attention far more than she'd care to admit. It wasn't often that one of such enormous stature existed, let alone existed within the Rukongai.

Curiousity got the better of her and she found herself moving towards the two individuals, arms hung limply at her sides as they swayed, though her left arm swung further from her waist than her right. While some would chalk this up to the fact her Zanpakuto rested on that side, her arm swung much too far from it for it to simply be to avoid smacking against it.

In all her time within the Gotei, she only remembered two individuals who had such massive statures or anything close to it at any rate. One of them was dead, the other retired or some such. "New to the Rukongai? If I didn't know any better, judging by your size you must be the one sent those ruffians fleeing for the hills." She addressed first the Armor-clad figure, giving only a cursory glance up towards the individual sitting at the roof before her eyes moved back to the first person.

made by RR of DD, steal and i will sentence you to the true death!
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Stray in Rukongai [Komamura, Open] Empty Re: Stray in Rukongai [Komamura, Open]

Thu Nov 09, 2023 1:12 am
Stray in Rukongai [Komamura, Open] 49AV09y


Not intending to cause the stranger any trouble, Sajin quickly made up for his potential transgression "My apologies. Prejudice against your kind is generally not accepted these days, but if you wish to keep that part of you concealed I won't mention it again. I have my own reasons for wearing this armor so I understand." His words dripped with sincerity, making it clear the armored giant really didn't mean to cause trouble.

From behind the cover of his large helmet, Sajin eyed the stranger's Zanpakuto laid across their lap. Though they didn't appear to pose a threat, should the worst come to pass they would have no trouble leaping into action. Komamura wasn't bothered. He couldn't sense any animosity in Kohaku's heart.

"I am not part of the Gotei. Just a passerby who saw someone in need of a helping hand." Before he could inquire about Kohaku's allegiances, Komamura's attention was pulled away to a woman, another Shinigami, walking a bit haphazardly toward them. Immediately he could sense trouble within her heart, which to him appeared scarred in more than one way. Everyone assumes I'm new here because I stick out too much. I should be more careful in the future. "As I told this young man, I've lived in the Rukongai my entire life. As for those men, I only did what was necessary."

The Gotei 13 Advocate
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Stray in Rukongai [Komamura, Open] Empty Re: Stray in Rukongai [Komamura, Open]

Fri Nov 10, 2023 7:12 am
Stray in Rukongai [Komamura, Open] Kohaku_HeaderAnger
Kohaku Okumura


Any tension in Kohaku’s demeanor faded with the man’s apology. He even offered a slight smile and nod as acceptance. It was clear there was no ill will there. Hearing that a man like this was only helping out of kindness was a rarity. So many were out for themselves that such a trait would easily catch the attention of certain people around here. The thought of letting him just “pass by” felt wrong, but he didn’t know him well enough to extend the offer. The temptation was present though.

Kohaku went to speak again, but the rudeness of some chick interrupted him. He glanced over, raising an eyebrow at the Shinigami, who immediately put him on guard. Kohaku stood back up, zanpakuto ready in hand, and his demeanor hardened as if he was in the presence of the enemy. Kohaku did not trust Shinigami, and that became clear very quickly. And like he was gonna just stay silent, especially with that dismissive look she had the nerve to shoot him.

“Shocking. A shinigami interrupting conversation. The arrogance continues a century later. What the hell is someone like you even doing out here?”

End Post
Kanji Man
Kanji Man
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Stray in Rukongai [Komamura, Open] Empty Re: Stray in Rukongai [Komamura, Open]

Fri Nov 10, 2023 7:33 am

TAGS; - here NOTES; - here WORDS; - here MUSE; - Strong For Somebody Else

When she recieved a response directed to the other individual present, her attention did fall back on him as he seemed to tense up and grab his Zanpakuto while standing. How... curious. However her eyes fell back to the giant before her shortly after. His entire life huh? His response illicited a slight tilt of her head in curiousity, someone so massive she'd have thought she'd hear of at some point before she joined the Gotei.

However before she could gather a response, the second spoke up. This caused her head to snap to the young man, brows furrowed and eyes narrowed. "Someone like me?" She retorted "I see that despite your Zanpakuto you must not be a Shinigami, how curious." The last few words were spoken quizically. "As for why I am here, that is the business of Shinigami, and since you're clearly not one my business is not for you to know."

Her attention now fell back to the giant "Your whole life you say? I must say that's quite a surprise, you must be quite skilled at keeping out of sight or I wasn't as well informed when I resided in the Rukongai as I thought. I figure someone of your stature I'd of heard of, you'd of made for excellent security for the Kurata family. Though I must say, for someone within the Rukongai to only do what was necessary and nothing more, especially when it comes to fighting, is quite a rare trait to find." It was now that her eyes caught glance of what seemed like the hilt of a sword, and her eyebrow raised "Especially when they carry a sword with them."

made by RR of DD, steal and i will sentence you to the true death!
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Stray in Rukongai [Komamura, Open] Empty Re: Stray in Rukongai [Komamura, Open]

Fri Nov 10, 2023 12:27 pm
Stray in Rukongai [Komamura, Open] 49AV09y


Gladdened by the stranger's acceptance of his apology, Komamura hoped to prevent any hostilities involving this new person as well. Unfortunately, things quickly took a turn for the worst as Kohaku was obviously unhappy with the Shinigami's presence. Sajin noticed him tense up and appear ready if things broke out into a brawl. The absolute last thing the armored man wanted was a fight. Though he wasn't worried about his own safety, there was always a possibility of collateral damage. He also just didn't want to risk his identity being discovered, though with over a century past he wasn't sure anyone around here would even remember him.

Sajin stood silent as a statue, allowing the Shinigami woman to finish speaking. It wasn't in his interests to escalate the situation with brashness or rudeness, though these two would maybe fulfill that role for him. When she made the observation about the weapon at his hip, Komamura raised both hands in front of him and gestured to try to calm the situation down. "The Rukongai is a big place with hundreds of Districts. What's known here is not the same as what's known five Districts away." Purposely avoiding the mention of his sword, Komamura continued on "People around here, so far from the Seireitei, aren't evil. Just often desperate. Helping a stranger is an easy choice for someone who's not desperate."

The Gotei 13 Advocate
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Stray in Rukongai [Komamura, Open] Empty Re: Stray in Rukongai [Komamura, Open]

Sun Nov 12, 2023 4:27 am
Stray in Rukongai [Komamura, Open] Kohaku_HeaderAnger
Kohaku Okumura

Kohaku’s eyes drifted to the man’s sword, wondering whether or not it was a zanpakuto. Normally, zanpakuto were confiscated when someone left the Gotei, but like Kohaku himself, there were a few out there able to escape with it. As long as they never caused enough trouble to catch the eye of the Gotei, those who left with their zanpakuto were able to keep them. The woman’s response to him, though, caused Kohaku to narrow his eyes, the irritation becoming more apparent the more this woman spoke. It’s not like the Gotei had any real authority out here now.

The Kurata? Tch. Before Kohaku could retort about that useless family, the woman looked away as if to realize something. Mentioning she didn’t currently have time for this, she politely removed herself from the conversation with the big guy and rolled her eyes at Kohaku. He rolled his eyes and waited for her to be far enough away before he felt her threat was gone. He sat down on the edge of the roof, but kept his zanpakuto wrapped in hand. His demeanor was softer, but still alert.

“Damn nobles think they own everything,” Kohaku said, stretching and taking a deep breath before looking back to the big guy. “So, you wandering through?”

End Post
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