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Squid Games. (Akira vs Priscilla) - Page 2 Empty Re: Squid Games. (Akira vs Priscilla)

Tue Jan 02, 2024 3:23 pm
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Priscilla wasn’t a mere Arrancar.

She could give Vice Captains a run for their money.

The droplets of briney water manifested into the inverse Bakudo as the exploitation of her rage paid off, watching it hold her as each foot shot off about five feet away from it. Then the noise. Bang. Bang. Bang. Akira let out an exhausted tsk as she truly was within her mindstate of raw rage, though part of him felt that once she broke out. Well. She’d break him. It wasn’t a good situation on the best of days, and the Shinigami shifted his stance with a pair of fingers near the crossguard of Rivu. Droplets of dirtied sweat, mixing with the faint taint of vermillion dripped from the body.

Her acidic touch had halted any major injury but the left arm was all but disabled now it had calmed down, leaving that entire flank open. Joy.

Upon the large bang, creating that minute crack, Akira took that opportunity and thrust Rivu ahead as a pair of those largish globes of briney water shifted rapidly, each taking the vague shape of an Eel. If he could knock her unconscious…Then maybe…He could save an Arrancar, himself and any unwanted attention. Each ball aiming to use their watery forms to easily slip through the cracks, hoping to fill it up the space rapidly, specifically around her nostrils and mouth!

This makeshift aquarium was an effort to drown her, though cornering this Arrancar also comes at the unfortunate risk of pushing her to do something incredibly foolish in rage. It was the only play for him.


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Squid Games. (Akira vs Priscilla) - Page 2 Empty Re: Squid Games. (Akira vs Priscilla)

Thu Jan 04, 2024 7:32 pm
Squid Games. (Akira vs Priscilla) - Page 2 CzhaocQ


BANG's continued ringing out as the trapped Arrancar pounded repeatedly on the Tōzanshō's wall. Then something changed, strange water began pouring into the inverse pyramid, causing Priscilla to recoil slightly at the sudden intrusion. It seemed to be heading straight for her face in an attempt to drown her, Priscilla's mouth already closed as a large breath filled her lungs in anticipation. Her eyes burned holes through the salt water and Bakudō barrier as her focus remained entirely on ripping Akira apart limb from limb.

Though not human, it didn't take long for Priscilla's chest to begin burning from holding her breath for too long. In this rage state her mind couldn't form too many coherent thoughts, leaving her angrily slamming on the wall between herself and her prey as strength began leaving her arms. Then her legs. Then everything began explosion. The interior of the pyramid was rocked by a blast of Reiatsu as glowing energy completely enveloped the redhead. A moment later the spell shattered, and as the dust settled a much different woman was left in its wake.

In place of the vibrantly dressed Arrancar Akira had been fighting was a monochromatic woman covered only in shades of grey. From her lower back extended eight limbs covered in black splotches that only seemed to grow longer and longer as they stretched in all different directions. Though the color had gone from Priscilla's eyes, it was clear they still burned with uncontrolled flames of rage as she stared Akira down. She was intent on destroying him, and no other thought could enter her mind until her victory or defeat.

Without warning one of the eight limbs shot forth, as fast and strong as either of her arms or legs, and aimed to crash into Akira to bore a hole directly through his chest. Right behind it was another, and then another, totaling three to turn him into Swiss cheese.

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Squid Games. (Akira vs Priscilla) - Page 2 Empty Re: Squid Games. (Akira vs Priscilla)

Tue Jan 09, 2024 5:57 pm
Squid Games. (Akira vs Priscilla) - Page 2 JTUIRhY

"Catherine Reed"

Alright, that was enough spectating. This one looked like a doozer.

The foreign presence didn't make herself known for the duration of this little battle; she'd been out and about after delivering a commission and had noticed the erratic Arrancar, but didn't engage once she saw that shmuck show up. He seemed to have a handle on the situation til the gal drained of all color and broke his kido shenanigans - if he wasn't a deserter she would've laughed at his misfortune and watched his death. If she gave him a hand now, he'd owe her later after all.

As her form changed, a flying object would gun straight for her head, but it wasn't an attack: a staggering flash of light would dazzle the two. It was strong enough to give hollows a good blinding too, though she was dissatisfied with the prototype - it was supposed to paralyze whatever it hit but she couldn't get the energy to distribute out properly. Was a pretty good flashbang though, little successes.

"Hey!" She'd yell out from her hiding space, kicking into action with the manipulation of souls in the ground and air, effortlessly throwing herself into the action with incredible speed as she pulled a capsule off her belt and shoved it in the slot of her spear, the hollow mask shield brought in front of her in case of any stray attacks as she'd descend upon Priscilla, the mechanisms and sinew in her weapon twisting and contracting to pull the point back into it's bony columns, "Look like you need help!"

Should Priscilla be sluggish in moving or diverting her attack, she'd be getting a nasty puncture of force in her lower back.

END | Your Sun-Colored Destroyer
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Fri Jan 12, 2024 3:58 pm
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AKIRA TAIRITSU | RIVU (Inner Zan Darker blue)

The ragged state of the Vizard had brought this sudden breakthrough of his Bakudo into a melancholic realization that this surge of explosive energy was her release. So. This was it. To the dulled pain about the form of his body, attempted prototype of the Bakudo like defensive armouring and even releasing his zanpaktou. Why in all this time had he never gotten stronger? Shikai? Bankai? What was this fucking stonewall that weighed on his shoulders?! Then a voice broke through it all, a calm essence. Rivu.

."Your strength is a still puddle, unable to reach the ocean.

Akira gritted his teeth as it felt like time got slower around him. A desperate tone retorted.


Only for a brutal revelation to ring through his core.

."You never dived into the depths to find my true name.

What?! Rivu wasn’t his actual name?! No…No….He hadn’t even crossed the first barrier of being a Shinigami with a Shikai, all this time, hubris and stagnation completely eroded the idea that Akira was infact not even using his zanpaktou at full. Time quickly returned, shattering of glass and a sudden flashbang causing dizziness as this created a brutal disorientation for his eyes!

Desperate to shift, a flash step to the left saw him miss atleast two of the incoming tendrils though the third easily bypassed the sealed wounding and caused an audible crack within the shoulder. Fuck! The sheer momentum causing already weakened flesh to break, spiralling across the floor in a ragdolling display of comical levels, feeling his back strike into a torn apart trunk that lay lifeless to the side. The sheer agony made it almost impossible for Akira to focus entirely, in all honesty the disabled arm made Kido usage practically impossible.


The energy though had exploded outward, causing his volleyballs of water to disperse into droplets around and much to his own luck, whilst physically unable to function beyond any reasonable way. It was his control over water that needed no such intervention, an idle twist of Rivu’s hilt causing these droplets to serpentine into a rapid although now comparatively slow no doubt, collar and chain as they akin to a Kraken aimed to hold those tentacles of Priscilla in place and allow Catherine ease in her assault!


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Squid Games. (Akira vs Priscilla) - Page 2 Empty Re: Squid Games. (Akira vs Priscilla)

Fri Jan 19, 2024 3:14 pm
Squid Games. (Akira vs Priscilla) - Page 2 CzhaocQ


Blinding light hid the world from Priscilla. Then, another voice? Who could that be, some other person to skewer? Priscilla's wild eyes, momentarily blinded from the sudden flash, were drawn to the latest entrant to this battle, another redheaded woman with a determined look upon her face. Her identity didn't matter, not to Priscilla; all that mattered was destroying her too.

Though panting at this point, Priscilla moved as fast as ever to send two more of her appendages at Catherine, each crashing into the Earth just narrowly missing the woman. With only her voice and Reiatsu revealing her location, the Arrancar woman wasn't as precise as she would've liked to be. Though her eyesight was little more than white, yellow, and the subtle silhouette of an image from seconds prior, she knew her arms hadn't struck the interloper by the lack of crunching bones beneath them.

At the same time, she felt the arms she had aimed at that man tethered to the ground somehow, resistance preventing her from pulling them back. With three of her extended arms left, Priscilla pulled them back and wrapped her body in them, creating a layer of armor against whatever it was she couldn't see. Then out of nowhere, pain! Something struck one of her tentacles with force, knocking her off balance and sending her forward a few feet. Had she been aware of the incoming attack she may have shrugged it off, but the shock of being hit from behind sent a ripple of fear through Priscilla.

With her vision returning, Priscilla could make out the presence of a woman about her size. Were they allies?! Her attention was then drawn to the strange shackles on her arms near Akira, keeping them locked in place. Priscilla breathed in mightily then screamed a blood-curdling scream, one filled with animalistic wrath, and tore her arms from the ground with a great heave, shattering their shackles. Then a torrent of flailing limbs surrounded her like a storm, working to knock away anything and everything away from her. Then they suddenly all retracted and surrounded her, forming a cocoon of arms, hiding her from her enemies. But this wasn't a true concealment; they could see, sense her after all.

All that changed as black ink appeared from the Arrancar, coating her entire body and arms in black and then...nothing. She was gone. From Catherine and Akira's eyes and Reikaku. For all intents and purposes, Priscilla was gone from this world like words on wind. Then, without any prior warning, a blast of cerulean energy appeared a dozen feet to Catherine's right, quickly expanding to overtake the woman's entire body.

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Squid Games. (Akira vs Priscilla) - Page 2 Empty Re: Squid Games. (Akira vs Priscilla)

Tue Jan 23, 2024 1:47 pm
Squid Games. (Akira vs Priscilla) - Page 2 JTUIRhY

"Catherine Reed"

Yeah, this one really seemed to be out of her fucking mind for some reason. Did this dumbass agitate her or something? What a damn mess, it'd be less energy to just force this situation to wind down than to keep adding to the fire, wasn't a hunt and she sure wasn't getting paid to kill or maim some octopus chick. Rapidly backstepping with a flourishing of green light trailing her feet to avoid the lashing of tentacles, her grip on the weapon tightened and her gaze remained focused on her target that seemed to be planning something with that enclosing of her extra limbs; only an idiot would rush in, thus Catherine kept her distance, something was happening.

Then she was.. Turning black. What the hell was she doing? It wasn't anything like she was doing prior, but what was dangerous was that she noticed she no longer could sense her. Well, that's a pain; relying on that sixth sense wasn't gonna work here, thus she closed her eyes and listened closely to her surroundings, she couldn't have gotten far and she definitely was up to a counterattack right...


With calm determination, she reacted to the incoming attack with startling confidence, swinging her shield-carrying arm to meet the explosion and acting quickly with manipulating the souls in the air in order to create a proper shielding. Her arm strained, the might of the attack pushing against her, whipping her hair as she held herself in place with a separate application of swimming green light restraining her feet. It was too tough to knock away, but she could endure.

"Hey, mind getting all of that out of your system so we can all go home?" She'd call out after the conclusion of the attack, heart racing, "I'm not interested in wasting energy beating sense into you, so unless you're up to keep being wild and unreasonable, cut it out and get your bearings in order."

END | Your Sun-Colored Destroyer
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Squid Games. (Akira vs Priscilla) - Page 2 Empty Re: Squid Games. (Akira vs Priscilla)

Sun Jan 28, 2024 8:46 am
Squid Games. (Akira vs Priscilla) - Page 2 365f950bfab1b0930d4dbe5c9cf86e93


The psychological shock alone had been enough to demoralize the Shinigami, a revelation that many didn’t wish to hear truly was that their zanpaktou had actually been holding back. It was brutal. That alongside searing pain that slithered into each nerve of his body as the twisted battleground became more so, brutal Gran Rey alone had created an open space of raw destruction and yet this newer individual had come to intercept. Maybe it was a Gotei member. Maybe not. Survival was the only thought on his mind right about now.

Priscilla wasn’t going to actually calm down was she? Not unless subdued forcefully, exhausted lips parting to begin uttering an incantation as the fourth orb which had been used prior for his last little trick against her finally began manifesting around his clothing, soaking into it as a means to catch her off guard. The reiatsu alone though being notable as it surged one moment before plummeting rapidly, indicating a level of severity to the Hadō spell being weaved into the waterworks with the incantation. Hadō 88: Hiryū Gekizoku Shinten Raihō. Though it had been modified, that regeneration meant burnt damage was ineffective to a degree.

Kinetic damage on the other hand with a degree of internal response?

He had tweaked it to be an orb of centralized devastation comparable to a beam, though not yet. Akira had no real ability to close the distance, requiring a level of patience as the sudden thick tendrils thrashed violently across the battlefield, causing his body to be flung across the ground with relative ease. There the recently manifested ball that held his attack bringing him about, as another sphere of water dispersed rapidly and manifested as a whirlpool toward the oncoming cerulean.

It wouldn’t be too difficult to smash through in all fairness but atleast it was a gesture of good faith, watching it impact and no doubt destroying yet another sphere for brief seconds that Catherine might get to dodge it more effectively.


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