Bleach Platinum Hearts RP
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The Gotei 13 Advocate
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Sun Dec 03, 2023 4:49 am
(Un)Welcome Partner? [Hono/J] J_PostingHeader4
Enter: J. Saionji

J’s ninth seat was not requesting to accompany him on his patrol like some might have thought. It was clearly more of a demand. With the intentions to get to know some of his Division mates, J was not too bothered. Having a partner was not his normal preference. He usually worked alone, unless he had been assigned something specific, like his mission with Yuri. He only made it clear that he was going to leave at a specific time: 10a.m. If she was not there, he would leave.

Whether she was late or on time, J was lenient to his initial wording. He gave it until 10:05a.m. and then would head out to his patrol area. Though dressed like you would expect a Shinigami to dress, he did also have a headband engraved with his family crest. He wore it any time he was out on patrol, as a way of representing the Gotei and the family he wished for people to recognize. He was making a name for himself after all. The Saionji would one day be as well known as the Kuchiki.

Fact, not fiction. Not opinion. Fact.

“Ninth Seat Kaen. Would you elaborate on why you insisted on joining me?”

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Mon Dec 04, 2023 2:56 am

(Un)Welcome Partner? [Hono/J] 18peDx2

Hono Kaen

Artist: - Song: - Word Count: 199

Hono would do him one better, 9:30. A full thirty minutes she was early, and that just meant a lot to her, Hono heard about some issue in the 10th district so she needed to jump right into action. She didn't directly ask what this was all about, but that would come later. The Shinigami was in uniform, with her Zanpakuto secured tightly on her hip.

Hono didn't know much about J, I mean they had shared only a few words in the past but never went on patrol with him. J would likely notice Hono was looking rather quickly as they made their way out, the long strides and little to no small talk.

"Because it's my job to patrol"

She paused, giving a sarcastic answer.

"The 10th is my home, so if there's something sketchy going on out there I gotta do something. I would have come even if you said no, just so you know. So why don't you fill me in?"

Honestly, Hono not even knowing the task was all her fault. She was so eager to come, she didn't even stick around long enough to let J brief her. No time like now.

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The Gotei 13 Advocate
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(Un)Welcome Partner? [Hono/J] Empty Re: (Un)Welcome Partner? [Hono/J]

Mon Dec 04, 2023 6:11 pm
(Un)Welcome Partner? [Hono/J] J_PostingHeader4
Enter: J. Saionji

Arriving and having his partner present and ready to go was a surprise, one he welcomed. It showed initiative and respect. Since she had requested to accompany him, for reasons he could not imagine, showing up late would have been a kick in the face. In asking why, the sarcastic answer he received was fine, normal. She was a woman after all. They had a habit of replying in such manners. It seemed she changed her mind though, because a more serious answer came soon after, one that he could appreciate and respect. She had a personal stake in it…

“A recent mission revealed an extremist group collecting explosive materials for a mission still unknown,” J explained, walking calmly along side her. “With recent events in the Seireitei, I am looking into possible connections.” At least that is what it said in the request he made to head to the Tenth. J knew that the brass only cared about the bottom line, following their own specific duties. The proof was in him being reprimanded for daring to help the World of the Living while he was off shift. So, now he knew to manipulate what he could to protect those he could.

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Thu Dec 07, 2023 9:08 pm

(Un)Welcome Partner? [Hono/J] 18peDx2

Hono Kaen

Artist: - Song: - Word Count: 122

"Explosives?!" Hono would do a double take, glaring at J to make sure she heard that right. After a few seconds, she thought about it, and yeah. She heard that right. If there was a bomb she needed to deal with it, and fast.

"Well shit, we gotta stop that!" Hono placed her hand on her sword gripping it hard. "I swear we're not gonna let anyone get hurt!" Hono looked toward J. "My siblings live in the tenth and I'm not gonna let anything hurt them..." That would explain why Hono was so quick to jump into action.

"We got any leads? Like I said, the sooner we get this done, the sooner I can make sure my siblings are okay..."

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The Gotei 13 Advocate
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(Un)Welcome Partner? [Hono/J] Empty Re: (Un)Welcome Partner? [Hono/J]

Fri Dec 08, 2023 7:50 am
(Un)Welcome Partner? [Hono/J] J_PostingHeader4
Enter: J. Saionji

J gave a curt nod. Yes, explosives. He was serious. In seeing her reaction, J stopped walking and watched her. Her family being in the area would make her behavior more clear. It also explained why she might have wanted to come with him. Someone with a personal stake in the District would fight harder to keep it safe. J saw that as good. However, she couldn’t act like this.

“Take a breath,” J said, calmly watching her. “Keeping everyone safe is the plan, but stay calm. Do not let anyone know something may be wrong. We do not what to cause a panic.” He said nothing until she removed her hand from her sword.

"We have one lead. A man by the name of Bunta. Once of his associates made a deal to give him up. I am unsure what his connection is, but someone with his description has been spotted in District 10. Specifically, a black haired man with two scars on his face, one over his left eye, the other over his mouth."

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(Un)Welcome Partner? [Hono/J] Empty Re: (Un)Welcome Partner? [Hono/J]

Thu Dec 14, 2023 2:05 am

(Un)Welcome Partner? [Hono/J] 18peDx2

Hono Kaen

Artist: - Song: - Word Count: 183

"I. Am. Calm." Hono spoke gruffly, she was apprehensive about her family's safely, though it was her job to keep them safe in the first place. Hono turned to J, surprised at how calm he was even with everything she was just told. "But right. I won't tell anyone out here. Though people may run up and try to talk to me, I suggest we don't directly mention it."

It seems she had mostly calmed down, looking forward as they headed deeper toward the tenth district. "Bunta? Never heard of him. I really should have worn a mask out here. I don't want people to approach me" She exhaled. "When I come out here on patrol, I chat to my family and the people I grew up with. So they probably have a lot then wanna talk about."

This was when one question jumped into her head. "If he's a bomber, what do we do when find him? Hell if he sees Shinigamis out here who's to say he won't blow everything up?" Domestic terrorism wasn't exactly something could say she delt with.

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The Gotei 13 Advocate
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(Un)Welcome Partner? [Hono/J] Empty Re: (Un)Welcome Partner? [Hono/J]

Thu Dec 14, 2023 7:05 am
(Un)Welcome Partner? [Hono/J] J_PostingHeader4
Enter: J. Saionji

If this was Hono’s example of being calm, he was curious how she would express anger or frustration… or happiness. When she looked back to him, she seemed to fall to what he would define as calm. He nodded in agreement about not mentioning anything and continued on. J was calm, but very alert here.

“A mask?” he questioned. Her explanation was understandable. He reached into an inner pocket and pulled out a long piece of clean cloth, folded and decorated with light blue embroidery around the trim. “You may use this.”

Her questions about this Bunta character were right. Her personal stake in this area ignited very fair concerned. Eyes scanning the area for the man they were looking for, he spoke, “It is a risk, but doing nothing is riskier. We be as quick as we can, keep our guards up, and try not to startle him. If you find him, be friendly, smile, don’t look in his eyes. Shinigami are always patrolling; we are a familiar sight.”

That's when something came to mind. Hono was a familiar sight. J stopped walking and looked down at her. "We may be able to utilize your reputation here. You have made friends and have family in the area; they would trust you. Do you think you could use that to ask around about suspicious activity?"

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(Un)Welcome Partner? [Hono/J] Empty Re: (Un)Welcome Partner? [Hono/J]

Sat Dec 16, 2023 1:34 am

(Un)Welcome Partner? [Hono/J] 18peDx2

Hono Kaen

Artist: - Song: - Word Count: 120

She took the piece of cloth she was offered. Though she didn't use it to cover her face just yet. "Thank you..." She said looking at J as he explained what to do. "Right. I'll keep my eyes open. We're gonna find you Bunta..." She said confidently, with just a slight smirk as she looked towards. It seems her fear had shifted into some confidence. She was ready to find this dude and just get him thrown into a cell!

She nodded quickly. "Yeah, I can do that. They'll tell me if they saw anything. Don't worry about that." Hono would also stop, and turn to face him. "Don't be surprised if they kinda run up when they see me"

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The Gotei 13 Advocate
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(Un)Welcome Partner? [Hono/J] Empty Re: (Un)Welcome Partner? [Hono/J]

Sat Dec 16, 2023 10:05 am
(Un)Welcome Partner? [Hono/J] J_PostingHeader4
Enter: J. Saionji

J was glad the cloth was accepted. He had no need of asking for it back either, so she could have it if she wanted. As she talked, he continued to glance around, paying attention to whatever details he found. It was pretty calm here, unlike his last patrol. He usually chose more dangerous districts, but this was where Bunta had been spotted. J was determined to stop any possible violence from happening.

As Hono stopped and looked to him, he raised an eyebrow. He wasn't sure what her comment meant, so he just nodded and followed her lead. She was the one with the reputation around here, so he would defer to her knowledge.

End Post
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(Un)Welcome Partner? [Hono/J] Empty Re: (Un)Welcome Partner? [Hono/J]

Mon Dec 18, 2023 4:20 am

(Un)Welcome Partner? [Hono/J] 18peDx2

Hono Kaen

Artist: - Song: - Word Count: 584

Well, Hono knew where she would head first, her house. Well, her family's house. She figured she'd start with her mom and dad since her dad had been a part of the tenth for a long time, so he knew almost everyone around the tenth.

Soon, J would find themselves in the northern area of the tenth division, with a slight exhale, Hono spotted a few children outside playing ball, however, they stopped and waved as they saw Hono. The woman would return a wave, a smile on her face. A sharp contrast from how her reputation made her seem.

J would notice Hono making quick yet casual conversation with the handful of people who approached her, though the conversations felt, personal. Hono knew the people out here and knew them quite well at that. She knew about Shuichi and his girl problems, Cara and her sick husband, and they knew quite a bit about Hono, her relationship, and her recent promotion. J would be able to pick up some snibbites.

"We're gonna talk to my mom and dad." That was all Hono said, speaking quickly.

Eventually, Hono would stand before a medium-sized home (for Rukongai standards), a rather crummy-looking door, one that seemed to have been repaired several times was flung open by the Shinigami. Upon entry, a small girl who appeared to be only about eleven, would look over at Hono.

(Un)Welcome Partner? [Hono/J] __yumeno_himiko_danganronpa_and_1_more_drawn_by_sixii__sample-c5f1294fd7393f715b985a574a91a0e9

"Sissy! Are you off today?" She chirped up happily, running over and throwing herself into a hug. Hono would smile, ruffle her hair, and return the hug "Sorry, Farah. Working mode! I can't play right now, I gotta talk to Mom!"

Farah would break away, smile, and return to the floor, where she looked as if she was scribbling on some paper, some light drawings

They wouldn't need to wait long for Milla to speak up from the kitchen. "Oh! I'll be right there!" Truth be told, Hono was... hesitant to bring her mother into her work, nothing against the woman it was... just... appearances. She didn't know J well, but he seemed professional, so she prayed things wouldn't get weird.

From the kitchen, entered a woman, with short blue hair, she didn't look a day over 30. Roughly the same height as Hono, her outfit was more high-end for something in the Rukongai, and she even had a few bracelets.

(Un)Welcome Partner? [Hono/J] __yelan_genshin_impact_drawn_by_acryyy__sample-53d19ee07a52c2e1332196824cdc2bdb

"Your dad's out" Was the first thing out of the woman's mouth, her voice was smooth, given her history as a singer. Placing a quick kiss on Hono's forehead. "What's up?"

Hono sighed, not really bringing up that kiss, better not to. She gestured towards J, "This is my superior J" A lot of emphasis on superior, the voice coming from her chest with a rather gruff tone. "Have you heard about a man named Bunta, he has some bo-" She glanced over at Farah, who, like any child was listening to the spicy details. "Stuff, we need to find"

Milla looked at J, raising an eyebrow. "You got a physical description? A few people have kinda blown into the tenth"

Hono decided to fill J in on some context. "Before my mom died and came to Soul Society, she was one of those singers at an upscale cafe. So she gives performances out here every so often. So he could have come to a show"

Milla would tap her chin, her focus on J, sizing the man up to get a read on him as she awaited a description.

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Last edited by Waffles on Fri Jan 05, 2024 1:33 pm; edited 1 time in total
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