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First Domino (Akira/Emil.) Empty First Domino (Akira/Emil.)

Mon Dec 04, 2023 2:19 pm
First Domino (Akira/Emil.) I?id=bd83d221d91ee22b041397fdd0519e179cff8148-9181148-images-thumbs&n=13


Who? Why?

This was a suspicious circumstance that Akira had found himself in, a message that requested his presence at the cusp of eve alongside the street being the less crowded of them. He wasn’t on duty during this time, though considering the oddity of this, he decided to humor it. If this was a security leak within the Vandenreich then it was his duty to eliminate this or bring it to H.Q. Nothing too bad atleast.

He would be standing at the appointed edge of the street, left wrist resting against the hilt of the zapaktou as every two and a half minutes, personally counted, Akira swiftly turned to face behind. It was a way to assure nobody followed nor knew exactly the exact way of the man, crossing the same street several times, sometimes book in hand, others merely acting as if patrolling.

Akira would figure out who this was and act in accordance to his safety.


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First Domino (Akira/Emil.) Empty Re: First Domino (Akira/Emil.)

Mon Dec 04, 2023 2:46 pm
First Domino (Akira/Emil.) EFWKqck

Ella Holsen

The pale man wouldn't be waiting in anticipation for too long; a long, dark vehicle pulling up to the curb he stood by, mere minutes after the appointed time mentioned in the brief correspondence in response to his request. All the windows barring the driver's were so darkly tinted it was difficult to see who or what may be inside, the vehicle itself clearly of a brand only the wealthy and well contacted would be able to secure. One of the doors containing it's mysteries would slowly open, some halfway between expressing neutrality and not frightening the man, a young lady with ghostly locks and a mask-like helmet obscuring her face and notable features would calmly emerge, hands tucked in front of her with a posture almost robotically perfect.

"Mister Tairitsu Akira," Her voice partially distorted by the helmet's workings would refer to him, though it was obvious it was a gentle girl's voice speaking to him. A calm gesture of the hand would instruct his movements, polite but stiff, as if implying there wasn't much other option in this situation, "The Director would like to honor your request to speak. It would be ill-advised to draw your weapon, do calm your stance."

This gesture was held, the girl standing like a statue until he made his move.

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First Domino (Akira/Emil.) Empty Re: First Domino (Akira/Emil.)

Tue Dec 05, 2023 7:06 am
First Domino (Akira/Emil.) I?id=bd83d221d91ee22b041397fdd0519e179cff8148-9181148-images-thumbs&n=13


There was a level of caution presented as this vehicle decided to slow down, offering a raised brow within the brief moment of analyzing it. It was difficult not to tense, a left hand caressing up to the silver guard of the weapon, thumb caressing the base whilst golden hues took in information unseen to the naked eye. Reiatsu. It was then a ghostly figure manifested from within, offering a distorted yet gentle tone. Director? That would explain a little atleast, many as far as he was aware hadn’t met the Director of Todgestalten. This level of classified and ominous nature would clearly bring a level of reassurance at this females insistence, yet one could never be too sure. To barely reveal oneself was a strength to tug at strings yet a weakness if one aimed to manipulate others.


."Forgive my tension. You’ll find I have some experience with classified engagements, this does follow a certain norm. Consider me having faith this is the case, Miss.

Akira claimed with a level of calm factuality to it, as if this wasn’t the case. Consequence would follow. He’d make certain the real Director had several bodies and live subjects to interrogate for this attempt to manipulate such a strength. It was then he got within the vehicle, getting himself comfortable and exhaled softly.


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First Domino (Akira/Emil.) Empty Re: First Domino (Akira/Emil.)

Tue Dec 05, 2023 9:28 pm
First Domino (Akira/Emil.) VUSZmgC

Emil Grey

The young lady made no extra comment or attempt at friendliness, only a dark screen dully mirroring the scenery and a body lacking in expression past passivity. With Akira's entrance into the long vehicle, the interior would be as expectantly nice as the exterior, someways into the horizontal seating arrangement did a tall man with his gloved hands laced together, he too possessing a helmet to obscure his features, although it was clearly more sophisticated than the young lady's, fine white locks spilling from the darkness and draping the dark seating, his uniform clearly that of the Vandenreich's ilk - with the additionals to assume he was of importance. In his hand was a tablet he was scrolling through and examining.

"Welcome Mister Tairitsu, I hope you don't mind a leisure drive through the city as we speak," His voice was far more obscured, technologies to disguise his voice clearly in play, but it was perfectly intelligible - the tones of a proper man speaking to him in a professional light, "Another Shinigami in our fray, I trust you understand yourself. Are you partial to alcohol?"

The young lady would close the door behind her, taking a seat within a measured distance of the mysterious figure, one leg folding the other as she sat in silence, the movement of the vehicle smooth and unhindered.

"I understand you wished to speak to me, but there are a few matters I would like to settle before we partake of your business, though I will begin with the one I have determined to be the most disconnected: a reported death was received, and you were involved, allegedly even the perpetrator. I simply would like your testimony - anything you say or do is being recorded currently, so I request you are earnest and concise."

Set The Stage | END
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First Domino (Akira/Emil.) Empty Re: First Domino (Akira/Emil.)

Wed Dec 06, 2023 11:57 am
First Domino (Akira/Emil.) I?id=bd83d221d91ee22b041397fdd0519e179cff8148-9181148-images-thumbs&n=13


This was an entertaining way to handle anonymity.

It was like one of those spy novels, modulation to distort the voice of the male? It might be male, most likely given the outfit less they took action to conceal that themselves. A helm that was sleek yet held a level of refinement around the edges, an attire that oozed importance. Question is did this individual hide or manage to conceal his presence from his eyes? Picking up on minute details that were relevant to deducing something of this man.

A thankful nod of the head was offered to the alcohol aspect, though only taking it for such a thing as scotch. Wine was a little too sweet for his tongue. Akira’s head tilted a little shortly after at the inquiry, offering a soft exhale when the event regarding Violet sprung into the air. Ah. That inconvenience.

."Of course, sir.

He retorted respectfully and without delay.

."I engaged with a woman whom I later found out was called Violet, a misunderstanding followed that caused her to depart with haste of which I noticed three cloaked individuals trailing her. They didn’t seem to be of any official here, less it was an undercover operation by Todgestalten. Doubtful considering their skills. Once I confirmed the crime of attempted kidnapping, I naturally intercepted, offered them an opportunity to stand down after revealing my species. One lunged at me with a blade, who was swiftly moved onto the Soul Cycle. One got away and the other handed into the authorities.

After such a long elaboration, Akira inhaled softly to acquire some breath.

."Self defense and necessary actions taken, sir.


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First Domino (Akira/Emil.) Empty Re: First Domino (Akira/Emil.)

Tue Dec 12, 2023 4:03 pm
First Domino (Akira/Emil.) VUSZmgC

Emil Grey

That all seemed to line up perfectly well and good with the report, the darkness staring back in his direction neither soothing nor intimidating as his account concluded. He knew of the woman brought up in the report, though the situation did not currently concern her and her movements; it was rather focused on what could be done with this little speck of action.

"Self defense, you say?" The darkness rippled to life with a waveform, a gloved hand resting the side of his head as he examined the tablet scrolling with information, "Yes, you may be correct; they were not typical humans and therefore the usage of Byakurai perhaps would have been an excusable response... Had you not jumped to such a move. Clearly you have considerable skill in Kido, and had even cast a binding spell on one of the fleeing attackers. Yes yes, you may have been perfectly in the right to use such, but we are not in the Rukongai, Tairitsu. Many are already on edge with the Shinigami walking the streets; what are they to think of, going about their day only to witness a scene such as that?"

Though he brought much emphasis to the potential ill effects of Akira's act, he personally didn't think too severely of it; he wanted something here.

"What you requested to meet me about, I am hoping it is something that would make up for this little... Misrepresentation of character, plus interest. Is it?"

The air would be clear for the man to make his case.

Set The Stage | END
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First Domino (Akira/Emil.) Empty Re: First Domino (Akira/Emil.)

Wed Dec 13, 2023 4:05 am
First Domino (Akira/Emil.) I?id=bd83d221d91ee22b041397fdd0519e179cff8148-9181148-images-thumbs&n=13


It was cleaner.

He wanted to elaborate on the reason Byakurai was utilized over a blade, though Emil held a certain point. There was an element of concern the common populace might’ve had regarding this incident, even as it transpired before his entry into the Vandenreich. It was clear this misunderstanding held an unfortunate stigma over his head, Violet wasn’t only quick to judge but also a tittle tattle was she? It was…Good to know. This wasn’t the Rukongai and once more there was worth in such distinction, only recently did Akira realize that he’d become more than desensitized to taking life.

Another thing the Gotei has stolen from him, even after all these years.

There was a soft smile still though, a respectful inclination of the head to follow shortly after.

."Of course, I acknowledge and accept any punishment you think is necessary for this incident.

Before proceeding onward.

."The Gotei United are a force of which can’t be struck against, even if a war were to ignite between the Vandenreich and the Gotei. Well. Their location alone makes a counter attack almost impossible whilst the City of Lights sits comfortably within the Ocean, all it would take is a Captain to bring it to the Depths if they weren’t focused on responses. In this case, I have spent longer than some have lived contemplating a methodology for striking in a way that forces their blades within their sheathes.

Akira elaborated simply, inhaling softly before exhaling.

."There are several diseases within the Gotei that if an individual with the right facilities, access and resources could create something that’d…Be a good deterrent. I’m suggesting I act as an independent agent, off the record, to achieve this goal for the Vandenreich. My former work within the Kido Corp means I have the experience, all I require is funding for a short period of time and even that won’t be traceable. If I’m caught you can claim deniability. Rogue Shinigami and all.


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First Domino (Akira/Emil.) Empty Re: First Domino (Akira/Emil.)

Wed Dec 13, 2023 10:29 am
First Domino (Akira/Emil.) VUSZmgC

Emil Grey

Hands folded, the only thing signifying any kind of thought or feeling from the masked man was the slow tap of a foot as Akira made his case, a rather intriguing one at that. The idea of how to dismiss the Shinigami presence from the city at least was a frequent point of contention; given their nature and status they were a difficult pest to get rid of without worry of a disproportionately destructive response that they were all too fond of exercising, even with their little show of dulled teeth. He was well informed of their history, and he knew far too well the risk of causing an upset with them, directly or no - it simply was not worth the energy or resources.

Though this proposition was something they didn't have ready access to; a disease. It wasn't an unconsidered path, but one locked off in it's inaccessibility - they lacked samples or proper development to tread that way, but here this Shinigami was, joining out of the blue and presenting an avenue... Hm. Either his record of character was correct in him having quite the chip on the shoulder with them, or this was an all too convenient ploy. A smile grew on his hidden lips at this intriguing risk.

"Your plan is quite intriguing, and if you are truthful you are of the quality to perform it, however..." His fingers drummed his thigh, lights dancing across the dimmed windows with the vehicle's smooth traversal through the district, "You understand that you are being held under quite the amount of scrutiny, not simply by me but our peers as well; it wouldn't look terribly well on I nor the Todgestalten as a whole to simply hand off resources to one many may view as an enemy, regardless of your true status. Scrubbing the records hides only so much, you see."

A brief pause to gather his thoughts, the menacing presence would go on and speak, "Although the presence of the previous Albedochiffren Director's ability would make this rather rock solid, we will have to settle for a plain bit of recordkeeping - Here are the conditions I expect to be upheld and will be contained in a proper document for you to agree to: Firstly, you are to give weekly reports detailing your progress, movements, and communications; we will have avenues to ensure discretion. Secondly, you are to provide itemized lists of what this funding is going toward. Thirdly, I expect the conclusion of this work to be completed within six months, and visible results within a year. A detail out of place, funds misappropriated even once, or if your progress appears to be too sluggish, you are cut off entirely and your self... Dealt with."

His legs crossed, leaning back with all the calm and composure of one who had sung a lullaby, his gaze fixed on his little subject, "Are we in agreement, Tairitsu? I certainly hope you will not disappoint us."

Set The Stage | END
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First Domino (Akira/Emil.) Empty Re: First Domino (Akira/Emil.)

Fri Dec 15, 2023 3:46 am
First Domino (Akira/Emil.) I?id=bd83d221d91ee22b041397fdd0519e179cff8148-9181148-images-thumbs&n=13


The assignment’s level of classification would be vital to succeed with this.

Could he trust the Vandenreich to act in accordance to this?

He had to.

Akira listened to the rather long list of necessary demands by his Director, of course each of them were fair. Once he’d enacted his scheme within reason, needing resources from the Vandenreich would be a thing in the past. His superior required the itemization not because he was concerned he’d misuse them, atleast as far as he was concerned? The reason was that it became very easy to dismantle any threat that Akira might forge if he knew exactly what was paid for.

If it was this reason, clever.

The time limit elicited a brow arch, talk about a sudden pressure to deliver. He expected results within the year? Acquire resources, forge a disease, test it, perfect it and assure it was ready to strike at the Gotei all within the year? Akira pondered if he’d get more than a promotion if he succeeded in that type of time. Fine. If this is what it took to strike out at the Gotei United, then a time limit was a good incentive.

."Works for me, sir. I’m used to engaging within a set of parameters so this will allow me to create a plan within that timeframe. I assure you, my plan will provide results. Once Africa has been handled, it is only a matter of time before the Gotei target those upon the world of the living.


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First Domino (Akira/Emil.) Empty Re: First Domino (Akira/Emil.)

Fri Dec 15, 2023 9:42 am
First Domino (Akira/Emil.) VUSZmgC

Emil Grey

It wasn't as if this little project required the rigorous testing and checks that the medicinal industry required, in addition if he was truly as informed as he claimed, he absolutely could conduct something such as this in such a short timeframe with the right resources. He had several phone calls to make after this meeting, a favor or two to call in... But if this was squandered, it would be dealt with quickly and cleanly.

Emil was a man willing to play the game and take risks, but this was an opportunity he was not wholly interested in losing out on. Despite his anxieties, this little traitor could prove to be vital in leveling this troublesome playing field they had been dealt.

"All is well and good, but... I caught that little spell of incredulity in you," He'd speak with a wagging finger, "Don't you worry good sir, consider my tight expectations more of a show of confidence in your ability, than tightening the leash to a stranglehold. With your success will come reward, I can promise you that well. No hard working compatriot of mine goes empty-handed - we can discuss such a condition when you have completed that six-month milestone."

No need to stew bad blood, else in the event of success it would simply be cutting the nose to spite your face, he considered.

Set The Stage | END
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First Domino (Akira/Emil.) Empty Re: First Domino (Akira/Emil.)

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