Bleach Platinum Hearts RP
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Am Strand (Ulquiorra, Eliane) Left_bar_bleue0/0Am Strand (Ulquiorra, Eliane) Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)

Am Strand (Ulquiorra, Eliane) Empty Am Strand (Ulquiorra, Eliane)

Fri Dec 29, 2023 10:35 am
Am Strand (Ulquiorra, Eliane) HEADER_GBb_cWfb0AA_GU5

Her endeavors had yet to bear much fruit. At least nothing substantial. As she had begun her foray into learning to grow closer, she had managed to accrue some acquaintances. Shopkeepers, a few friendly faces in the Vandenreich, and the occassiona smitten human that she'd noticed watching her from afar. But still, she hadn't quite managed anything significant. It was terribly.....strange.

She could not see any of them as friends. Not in the same way that the Princessa had so declared her bond with her own friends. But still, there was something. A familiarity in meeting them. The faintest inklings of connection. But nothing like what she'd felt on the canopy. Not yet.

And so, she took some advice from a shopkeep and decided to visit one of the social hubs humans enjoyed. A beach.

It certainly was a unique place. She was more than aware that it was a space for mingling and such. The usual cultural restrictions on appropriate wear became somewhat looser. IN some cases considerably looser, based on some of the swimsuits she'd seen. And at this junction, humans came to have a good time. Any number of little games and activities. Tanning. Swimming. Building structures from sand. And so on.

It was here that Ulquiorra found herself settled on a beach towel, watching the rest of the beach. Her own swimsuit had been something she'd gotten advice on from one of the shopkeeps. Certainly not something she would usually wear. A snug two piece swimsuit, the actual top was something akin to a floral yellow tube top, fastened together with a circular metal ring, the colors, she'd been assured, would help make her seem less gloomy. A side-tied skirt made from thin material kept the little ensemble from showing too much leg, and she'd also been directed to see about some sort of hat, something to make her mask fragment not so obvious. And so she was currently sporting a straw cowboy hat, from which a cascade of dark locks ran down to the center of her back. Seemingly let down, but a close observer would note that the very end was tied off into a little ponytail at the tips.

Was this truly something that would help her? She wasn't sure, but for the time being, she simply kept her wits about her. Those already engaged with the activities didn't hold her interest. No, she'd found that many humans were shy or a bit more reclusive. If she could find them, then perhaps she could get them to come out of their shell a little and make a fast friend. According to the manga she'd gotten her hands on, the shy types were easier to befriend.
God of Love
Joined : 2017-05-11
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Age : 28
Location : The beach :)

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Am Strand (Ulquiorra, Eliane) Empty Re: Am Strand (Ulquiorra, Eliane)

Sun Jan 07, 2024 7:22 am
Am Strand (Ulquiorra, Eliane) CULHUzz

The beach was, really, no different from the other few haunts that Eliane was permitted to spend her free time at when she had it. It required no particularly outstanding attention, and nobody had to be worried about her hurting anyone. Pressing concerns, she knew, for those Todgestalten that had obviously been assigned to keep an eye on her without her noticing. She commended the effort, though. It sounded unbelievably amusing to give some indication that she knew they were there, but the sheer joy that thought brought to mind was enough to make it obvious she shouldn't do anything of the sort.

So, instead, Eliane just sat on a towel far from the water, her modest swimsuit still showing enough skin that most probably would have assumed she'd face a horrible sunburn by the end of the day. Something more revealing would have been more her style; that just meant she had all the more reason not to wear anything like that. Her faint amusements only came from watching the myriad people at the beach interact with one another, doing her utmost to discern the relationships between people based only on their body language. It wasn't hard. If anything, it was very easy for someone like her.

But, it didn't take long for her to notice someone that was quite unlike most beachgoers. If anything, she seemed closer to Eliane herself. Oh- that was a rather harsh character judgement, she ought to not think things like that.


Last edited by Rawk on Thu Jan 18, 2024 7:49 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Am Strand (Ulquiorra, Eliane) Empty Re: Am Strand (Ulquiorra, Eliane)

Sun Jan 07, 2024 8:57 am
Am Strand (Ulquiorra, Eliane) HEADER_GBb_cWfb0AA_GU5

She did not have to search particularly long. Especially not when her pesquisa snared on the sensation of mottled conglomerate amidst the sea of smooth igneous around them. A soul which seemed of a… familiar mixed nature. The reflection of Eliane’s form in those dark green eyes was all that was needed to affirm her intent. The lure and sway that Eliane’s form might hold over some other human or hollow was all but ignored.

She was far more interested in what was buried in her chest cavity.

With her towel in hand, Ulquiorra made her way over to the peoplewatcher. Now all she needed to do was apply what she’s learned to make a new friend.

”Is this sand taken?”
God of Love
Joined : 2017-05-11
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Am Strand (Ulquiorra, Eliane) Empty Re: Am Strand (Ulquiorra, Eliane)

Thu Jan 18, 2024 7:52 pm
Am Strand (Ulquiorra, Eliane) CULHUzz

"Hm? Not at all."

Eliane turned to look at the woman who had arrived so unceremoniously, eyes gentle even as she studied the woman's every minor gesture, watched for more than her appearance. This wasn't the usual sort of approach she expected here at the beach; those were invariably energetic young men who had something quite transparent in mind. She would have loved to oblige, but alas, that wouldn't end well for anyone.

"Getting some sun? It does look like the winter might have been especially harsh on you."

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Am Strand (Ulquiorra, Eliane) Empty Re: Am Strand (Ulquiorra, Eliane)

Thu Jan 18, 2024 9:22 pm
Am Strand (Ulquiorra, Eliane) HEADER_GBb_cWfb0AA_GU5

A blank slate.

No doubt Eliane was a master at reading people. The tiniest of little gestures and shifts. Adjustments of footing, weight, stance. The twitches of muscles in both motion and mere anticipation that spoke a silent narrative of thoughts and considerations. The contrast would be almost eerie. As much as she had progressed in her aims to appear more human, more amicable, she was still working in progress. The woman would seem almost robotic. Not as if she had no soul. When she did move, she did so as any normal individual was. And in fact, Eliane would catch the very smallest shifts in her frame. Rather, it simply seemed as if the woman were totally, perfectly, and utterly in control of herself.

Which was nothing to say about her stare. Eyes that missed nothing. Ironic that it was packaged in something so striking.

"Thank you." She offered a little bob of her head before settling down beside the other woman, her head shifting to glance otu towards the waves, though those eyes didn't focus on anything. A practiced emulation of brief distraction, to make herself seem less intense and not simply a piercing unending gaze. But ultimately, when she did glance back to Eliane, those eyes would be no less intense.

"Hm." She glanced down at her pale skin. She'd always been this pale. She didn't imagine that tanning was an option, but she quite frankly had no idea. "The Desert actually. Summer seems to have been kind to you." She glanced back toward Eliane before holding her hand out.

"Ulquiorra Cifer. A pleasure to meet you." An introduction, pleased with how nice and smooth this was going. No weird looks, concerned glances. She imagined that Eliane was, if nothing, familiar with her kind.

With the ....interesting soul that her pesquisa picked up. It would have been impressive if she wasn't a more worldy woman. Or perhaps just a very unlucky one. But she knew well enough not to bring up such things on a first date.
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