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Fried Frustration (Akira/Giselle) Empty Fried Frustration (Akira/Giselle)

Wed Jan 10, 2024 2:26 pm
Fried Frustration (Akira/Giselle) 365f950bfab1b0930d4dbe5c9cf86e93



Akira was without his overcoat, confining himself late into the eve within one of the larger training areas of the Vandenreich, each hand out as palms remained parallel to one another. The raspy exhaled muttering words, each one being infused with reiatsu as it collected, forging it like a smith would a blade within the fires of a forge. It was difficult. The telltale signs of minor injury, soreness across wrist and neck displaying minor burn damage as this mixture of incantations proved to be a dangerous business, having been at it for hours.

The Shakkaho began to forge, a burning bright sphere of raw heat as a shu followed suit in an attempt to create a fast moving bullet which condensed the potency greatly. A shimmer of hope broke through his features only for the intense barrier of telekinetic energy to reflect mid incantation, disrupting the intrisicately linked words of power. These pretty words flurried metaphysically on parchment now being stained by the ink well moving across it, eliciting a chain reaction of telekinetic flames that shot outward.


If it wasn’t for barriers formerly put up to protect surrounding areas, then this entire ground might see alot more damage. He felt the singed flesh, rugged and baggy white shirt that clung to an otherwise lithe form, muscle structure more of an athlete than a bodybuilder in the grand scheme of things. The beads of sweat dripped down the forehead, being brushed aside by a frustrated exhale that only had Akira stagger a little over to a litany of books, each ragged with usage and time. Six of them in total overlapping one another in some aspect as pages held onto others like weights, a madmans scramblings to those who even knew Kido.

To him it was filled with theory, bloated with decades of research.

."Maybe cadence or tone? It feels like that…There needs to be some form of bridge…


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Fried Frustration (Akira/Giselle) Empty Re: Fried Frustration (Akira/Giselle)

Wed Jan 10, 2024 3:12 pm
Fried Frustration (Akira/Giselle) PROFILE_a3fa4cb9b11b2fbef423e782c8907cf6

She had to admit, as nice as it was out in Europe, it was still nice to be in the city of lights for a little bit. The public training areas were a godsend. Not just because they were good and useful for not destroying a bunch of random wastelands. But because it attracted all kinds of spiritual individuals. And as a result, she'd been able to expose herself to a variety of individuals. Not just the errant members of the vandenreich, but also the civillians. A number of which had taken up an interest in keeping themselves safe. It was refreshing to see people striving to improve. Even if perhaps they didn't have tremendous potential, they could still do SOMETHING with themselves. What else could you ask for?

She hummed happily to herself as she made her way toward one of the enclosed sections, and the crackle of spiritual energy caught her attention. Her brows raising slightly in interest as she sensed....huh. A shinigami. Walking into the area, she quirked a brow slightly as she noticed the barriers in place, tilting her head as she watched some sweaty albino murmur about some kinda shinigami nonsense.

"Sup bucko. This area aint taken is it?"
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Fried Frustration (Akira/Giselle) Empty Re: Fried Frustration (Akira/Giselle)

Fri Jan 12, 2024 12:02 pm
Fried Frustration (Akira/Giselle) 365f950bfab1b0930d4dbe5c9cf86e93


There was a harsh exhale, frustration filling a cloudy mind as iris of gold glanced over the vast array of theory craft. Wait. That wasn’t a familiar voice. Akira shifted his attention behind toward the female, a brow raising in bewilderment before gesturing to the overall ground that held little in the terms of dummys any longer. A soft smile graced his lips as a nearby towel was used by the left hand in a swift swipe to bring down any form of residue.

."Technically no, Miss. Apologies did you book a spot here? Vandenreich scheduling can be a little daunting and I chose this time of day under the assumptions others would be doing something more lively or toned down.

He chuckled softly, an eve was often the time of which many cuddled into complacency or were out to engage with others on a larger scale. Akira felt such things were a vital necessity to live life. The books behind were his life though and only through sacrifices of those things, could he hope to see beyond and achieve mastery over Kido.

."Oh. Manners. I’m Akira Tairitsu, Vandenreich.

A soft dip of the head shortly followed.


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Fried Frustration (Akira/Giselle) Empty Re: Fried Frustration (Akira/Giselle)

Sat Jan 13, 2024 8:04 am
Fried Frustration (Akira/Giselle) PROFILE_a3fa4cb9b11b2fbef423e782c8907cf6

Weird guy. The practiced eyes of the woman surveyed the man that was standing in front of her. The training she got, but the books? That meant whatever he was trying out was on the hella complicated side of things and he wasn't quite smart enough to focus on a single aspect when training. The reiryoku burns made it pretty clear what he was doing. Kido training. Never thought she'd see this shit on earth. Still, he seemed to be friendly-presenting.

"Pleasure to meet you, Mr. Tairitsu. And if yer busy I'll be sure to keep off to the side. Looks like yer here for something more technical. She noted with a sidelong smirk, promptly swiping a finger along the console so that a section of the barrier deactivated an she could walk inside, promptly walking past the man toward the other side of the enclosed area, plenty of space for them to train adjacent to one another. "Gotta say though."

She paused in her tracks and glanced over her shoulder.

"You a new recruit or a civie? Not often I see shinigami around here these days since shit got busy for them."
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Fried Frustration (Akira/Giselle) Empty Re: Fried Frustration (Akira/Giselle)

Mon Jan 15, 2024 4:18 pm
Fried Frustration (Akira/Giselle) 365f950bfab1b0930d4dbe5c9cf86e93


She seemed civil.

Akira offered a rather friendly smile, gesturing to the right and letting her slip by though the moment she referred to his work as technical, a nerd mode had come to activate in unison with her inquiry. To be fair he forgot entirely that seeing his kin within the City of Light on a baseline level is incredibly rare in the first place.

."Oh! Yes. You see there is a formation of Kido that we’re able to utilize, though those of a higher calibre that can mix other Kido. It isn’t as simple as it sounds unfortunately. Not only does one have to recite but choose the correct words within each possible interpretation. The benefits are subta- Ah. Apologies.

He shook his head.

."Vandenreich. I joined a little ago after an incident with an Adjucha in Japan, Soul Society can barely handle these affairs anymore. If it wasn’t for a member of the City, I’d most likely have died due to wounds. You? If you’re in here I imagine atleast a resident?

Akira glanced about the current information of which his sight may grant him, golden hues seeing beyond a normal field of vision and allowing him to see reiyroku on a core level. Curious if Giselle held anything of note to provide.


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Fried Frustration (Akira/Giselle) Empty Re: Fried Frustration (Akira/Giselle)

Mon Jan 15, 2024 10:44 pm
Fried Frustration (Akira/Giselle) PROFILE_a3fa4cb9b11b2fbef423e782c8907cf6

Giselle raised a brow slightly and glanced over her shoulder towards him as she made note of his commentary. "Oh? Interesting. Sounds like Kido is a bit more rigid than Spellcraft if only certain spells can be meshed together. But then again, maybe you're just not that good yet." She noted with a calm smile as she pulled out her phone and linked with the interface, patiently waiting for it to do so as she took a few moments to consider what she herself would be doing for her training. Though the notion of scoping out what this nerd was cooking up certainly came to mind.


So he joined the Vandenreich for THAT. A rescuee looking to join up with the org that saved them. She kept an even look on her face as she listened to him. That was certainly an interesting backstory. Was soul society just letting their people go awol? Though in response to the question she gave a lopsided little smile. " I was a quincy actually. In the original vandenreich, matter of fact. Not that long ago the City of Lights was attacked, in fact. And Thats when I lost my quincy powers. Been trying to get myself back up to tip top shape since then. Though it's been slow goings since Its not the powers I'm used to." She pointed calmly enough, a hand resting on her hip.

"That said, I don't know why you'd decide to pick a bone with soul society. Well, at least for a reason as slim as that. If you're talking about Capacity to handle problems, it aint like the Vandenreich's much superior in that regard." She chimed as she set her bag down and pulled out a bottle of water, unscrewing the cap before promptly setting it on the ground and eyeing the young man curiously.

"I'd ask to see what your spells could do, but I'd probably crumple like a paper. Still, got anything nonlethal ya can pal around with? I know that restraint isn't the shinigami's best trait." She noted with a lopsided little smile. Playfully poking fun.
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Fried Frustration (Akira/Giselle) Empty Re: Fried Frustration (Akira/Giselle)

Thu Jan 18, 2024 2:16 am
Fried Frustration (Akira/Giselle) 365f950bfab1b0930d4dbe5c9cf86e93


Akira twitched a little at the judgment of his Kido and at the overall comparison of it to spellcrafting, lips parting with the very frustrated look breaking an otherwise calm civility with that warmth of a smile. Then it shifted swiftly onward, a finger pointing upward though a barrage of things swiftly cut intwine any thread of retrieving aspects of this engagement. It fell a bit silent before though a genuine laughter erupted from the core, it was…Hilarious…Actually…Why was it hilarious? The jab actually was entirely the definition of most of his life so far.

He followed with a swift shake of the head, smiling brightly.

."Apologies, I believe your quip is the definition of half my life right about now. You have just made me realise that my approach to my work could in itself be an issue, shackling and constricted to rules. You have my condolences though regarding the loss of your abilities, Kurasaki’s assault was something I heard and aftermath seen.

There was a sympathetic look offered to Giselle, Akira couldn’t imagine losing everything that he already had right about now, a purposeful gloss though over anything Soul Society related.

."Nonsense. You fought Kurasaki. I believe my spellwork is weak in comparison but I can retract alot of their energy into harmless light. The modification assures even higher tier things are processed in a way to avoid too much harm, bar the obvious choices for me to avoid. Why don’t i rely on double incantation and those spells?

He inquired with a side of the head tilting, realizing entirely he’d forgotten something.

."I don’t wish to sound too ignorant so forgive me but I was under the impression that a Quincy couldn’t lose their abilities? I’m dreadfully excited to see this unique circumstance up close so forgive my impertinence.


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Fried Frustration (Akira/Giselle) Empty Re: Fried Frustration (Akira/Giselle)

Thu Jan 18, 2024 6:58 pm
Fried Frustration (Akira/Giselle) HEADER_49ccf6bb3b0dc66960b14fd2a8350e19

Giselle simply smiled as the man seemed briefly to flounder at her words. At least until a lpsih little chuckle escaped him and he conceded to her assesment. She knew his type. Seen pelnty of him over the course of her life, and could only feel a bit amused at his 'realization'. They'd certainly find out. IN actuality, it was usually those rules which pushed those guys to their weird little niches. Of course, SAYING he might try to look past those limitations was like a Fish saying he might try to fly. He could certainly try, if he had what it took to overcome every restraint he'd built up around himself.

"That so? And the condolences aren't necessary." She stated simply. She wasn't intent on harping on the situation. That said, it looked like the Reaper was up for a bit of a tussle. IF he thought she could still pack the punch she had against Ichigo he was in for a rude awakening, but whatever. Just meant he'd push her harder. Raising her arms up over her head she leaned her frame from side to side, stretching the muscles along her sides and spine before a sigh escaped her and she fixed the young man with an impish smirk. Sure, she was feeling rough. Nowhere near physically where she used to be. But well, she had a feeling this guy didn't exactly work out.

"That literally means jack all to me. You use whatever you feel like, so long as it won't put a hole in me." She pointed out, a few bright crackles of energy coursing up her forearms as she shifted from foot to foot. Rummaging around in her bag, it took a moment for her to find what she was looking for. Until she finally found it.

A poster for Days Under the Clouds. Some little Romcom that had been set to come out in the spring. A nice little poster showing off a grassy valley with the image of two smiling love interests overlooking the green. All rolled up into a nice little quarterstaff of laughable efficacy.

"Ladies first." She offered with a little smile.
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Fried Frustration (Akira/Giselle) Empty Re: Fried Frustration (Akira/Giselle)

Tue Jan 23, 2024 3:32 pm
Fried Frustration (Akira/Giselle) 365f950bfab1b0930d4dbe5c9cf86e93


Out the box. Out the box.

Akira carried on reciting this inner mantra regarding her advice, incantation itself could be butchered into key words so maybe inlaid could be done in the same manner? Difficult. Instinct would be reliant though overthinking this might be the issue as she priorly pointed out in a various amount of ways. There was a soft chuckle at her relaxed manner, stretching and allowing her to do so as the Reaper did the same, taking a stance of the left palm open near his stomach with it facing outward whilst the right raised a little. His own stretches being more so around the neck, elbow and even lips.

Upon that finalization, he sprung into action with the hand at the midsection darting outward.

."Bakudo 21: Sekienton! Bakudo 37: Tsuriboshi!.

His lips uttered quickly, first was to see if he could quick cast two independent spells in rapid succession. It wasn’t too difficult for him at all, easily having refined and mastered Kido work from a young age, adapting to syllable and focus alike. A burst of crimson smoke breaching out to the fill the surrounding training area as the modified blue ball from the Tsuriboshi actually wasn’t blue at all, matching the thick crimson that was around in the hopes to conceal it better, letting it burst out with webbing with the intent to create a bit of a barrier or even entrap her


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Fried Frustration (Akira/Giselle) Empty Re: Fried Frustration (Akira/Giselle)

Thu Feb 08, 2024 5:20 pm
Fried Frustration (Akira/Giselle) HEADER_49ccf6bb3b0dc66960b14fd2a8350e19

Ahhhh, there it was.

A soft Thump in her ears as she faced the young man. The training she'd been doing with Candice had certainly borne a fair amount of fruit already. It had been fucking awful. From being barely able to move around with a cane, to now being able to move freely, she had felt herself all but wasting away, and she'd had to fight her way to ...well..barely serviceable. She was jack all compared to what she once was. But now, facing a familiar opponent. A shinigami.
An enemy she had fought so many times in her life.

She couldn't help but feel her blood heat up in excitement as she watched the man closely. So many times under the banner of Quincy Pride. In defiance of their desire for erasure. And now? She wasn't even a quincy anymore. But still some of that vim and vigor was slowly boiling back up. She found a smile on her face as she stood infront of Kira, and a slow coil of bright green flames began to creep up the length of her body. The air around her growing hotter as she watched Akira relaxing, while she was doing anything but.

She was getting excited. Amped up. And that green flame sank into the ground beneath her as he lunged towards her. She vanished with a burst of speed. Bringer Light launching her towards him as those spells launched. As that bright red mist formed, those bright flames slammed into the ground, causing it to lurch, the very path she was walking being ripped upwards, creating a small ledge, the material flexing for just a moment. Elastic as it launched her up and into the air above Akira as that thick net formed within. Not that she cared. Her Reikaku locked onto where his reiatsu was strongest, and she kicked off a pocket of her own reiryoku, launching herself at the man from above as she aimed to slam her heel down onto where his head had been before the mist had gone up. A shock of green light flashing down through the air, intent on flowing past Akira's body and into the ground below. Whereupon the floor tiles would shatter, filling the air with tiny pieces of stone, which would then shoot at him from all around him, intent on peppering him with the shrapnel with the force of a paintball. Entirely nonlethal, but plenty painful.

Though at this juncture, she would still be entirely unaware of the presence of that Net.
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