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A Deal With A Devil [Nanaly, Emil] Empty A Deal With A Devil [Nanaly, Emil]

Fri Jan 26, 2024 3:39 am
Hundreds of miles in each direction was an understatement, this city was like a maze. You'd turn left and suddenly be overwhelmed by everything new. The Quincy sat upon her spirit weapon as it carried her down the neverending streets. She only floated about three feet off the ground, after all walking through this many streets would be suicide for her feet.

Nanaly had always heard about the City of Light, but never visited herself, what kind of Quincy would she be if she didn't? Her father paid for the boat ride and gave her some money to spend, this wasn't gonna be a long trip or anything, just a little visit, maybe she'd check the library? Maybe they'd have books that mention her family.

The buildings were just so different, it was out of a fairy tale, with grand proportions, and almost magic materials. While Nanaly didn't exactly have a plan in her mind of what she wanted to see, she was more than content with drifting around. Maybe someday she'd bring her brother here! Seems like a place he'd like, it reminded her a lot of those manga he read.

Up until now, Nanaly's knowledge of Quincy was limited, the sickly woman until recently had been a shut-in, so she only knew of her own family, and the Kamenashi family who provided medical care to her. So after meeting Meninas, she wanted to see what other Quincy was really like. Hell, she was still considering signing up for the Vandenreich, it is a chance for her to improve as a Quincy and try new things, though at the same time, she worried herself, would she be an asset, she couldn't push herself and wasn't physically strong. These thoughts had been weighing on her for a bit. Even in her family, her father and brother worked to provide for her, while she did... well nothing.
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A Deal With A Devil [Nanaly, Emil] Empty Re: A Deal With A Devil [Nanaly, Emil]

Sun Jan 28, 2024 7:54 am
A Deal With A Devil [Nanaly, Emil] KU5cCqX

Emil "Holsen" Grey

Five days of a neverending deluge of work were finally satisfied, it was a day where the man would go for a walk and get some sunshine, see the people, greet some acquaintances and simply unwind - he had three hours, it wasn't as if he was boondoggling throughout the city. A dark gaze cast on a black uniform or two as he calmly made his way through the white streets, his composure immaculate and overall giving the air of confidence and regality he tended to. Just because he appeared as a simple psychologist didn't mean he must move about slovenly.

The city beheld many peculiarities, but a girl flying a mere three feet off the ground looking quite lost was certainly an amusing sight that caught his eye. He knew the youth had some strange practices, Ella's friends certainly had odd manners of speaking and doing activities, but he never quite took many to be wholly uninterested in walking. Perhaps there was a reason...

"Hello my dear, good afternoon. You appear to be quite lost." His smooth tone would call to her, his typically imposing figure being a gentle presence to who appeared in need, "I can guide you to your destination if you so please, the city is as overwhelming as it is beautiful, I am certain."

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A Deal With A Devil [Nanaly, Emil] Empty Re: A Deal With A Devil [Nanaly, Emil]

Sun Feb 04, 2024 8:39 pm
Nanaly was one of those people who didn't exactly have a destination in mind. When she would go to visit her brother in Tokyo, she would wander for a bit. Looking for small little restaurants or boutiques, matter of fact, that was how she found her favorite shorts. Nothing exactly had pulled her in, just some minor window shopping. Nanaly was weaving through a few of the crowds, flying above them while lowering herself to look closer to the street.

Maybe Meni was here? And maybe she'd check out that Vandenreich? Though that would come later, for now, she just wanted to get a good idea of the vibe of this city. Maybe she should call Meni to see if she is in town. However, her mind quickly changed to focus on the smooth voice directed towards her. The Quincy would turn and look at the rather towering man. Lowering herself to step off of the ground. Looking upwards toward the figure as her purple broom began to disappear, the reishi dissipating.

This man was tall, though Nanaly didn't feel any malice from him, so she would speak up. "Lost is a word you could say. I'm not from here obviously." A soft puff of air escaped. "I assume you're from here? Well, what do you recommend I go? I don't have a destination exactly, I just kinda wanna find out what the home of the Quincy is all about."
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A Deal With A Devil [Nanaly, Emil] Empty Re: A Deal With A Devil [Nanaly, Emil]

Fri Feb 09, 2024 8:33 pm
A Deal With A Devil [Nanaly, Emil] KU5cCqX

Emil "Holsen" Grey

Ah yes, just a typical girl - at least in temperament, couldn't say the same for her physically, poor thing looked like a twig atop that interesting broomstick; certainly not a method of flight he witnessed in many subjects, what prompted this over simply walking upon Reishi? He was intrigued by these little oddities, whether it was just another example of youthful preference or perhaps it was needed.

"Why yes my dear, I certainly do live here and know the place quite well; I have lived here a number of years, after all - would be terrible if I didn't know my way around, no?"

Hearing her out for what particular destination she was headed to, he was quite interested by her nonspecific goal, her desire to see "the home of the Quincy", interesting perspective.

"Ahh, wish to learn about you roots, hmm? I see that you're alone - were you looking through a lineage and found Quincy in your ancestry, or have you taken interest in learning our arts?"

Looking upon the white streets, he'd calmly add, "Pardon my rudeness, I am Dr. Emil Holsen."

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A Deal With A Devil [Nanaly, Emil] Empty Re: A Deal With A Devil [Nanaly, Emil]

Wed Feb 14, 2024 11:17 pm
Dear? What was this guy, a grandpa? Bleh, she wasn't going to complain about all of that. " Years? Well, that's good. I've been here for like... fifteen minutes!" A little chuckle escaped from her. "Well. A couple of reasons I'm here. My friend Meni. She's a Sternritter and told me about the Vandenrich." She paused, thinking more about what she was told. "I'm Nanaly, Nanaly Fischer. I'm from a big Quincy family in Germany."

"A doctor? Are you a medical doctor?" Nanaly seemed interested in that the most, Meni mentioned that the Vandenrich could be a way to help with her illness.

"My family is just me, my dad, and my brother." She seemed a bit tense, a lot had been happening to her lately. "I'm... heavily considering the Vandenrich. Meni told me to look into it... for treatment..." she spoke vaguely.

Last edited by Waffles on Fri Mar 01, 2024 2:35 am; edited 1 time in total
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A Deal With A Devil [Nanaly, Emil] Empty Re: A Deal With A Devil [Nanaly, Emil]

Fri Feb 16, 2024 5:05 am
A Deal With A Devil [Nanaly, Emil] KU5cCqX

Emil "Holsen" Grey

Poor girl, really. Seemed quite rattled and nervous, a mere glance over of her posture and face told him such. He had assumed she was suffering from some form of illness or deficiency, but he wasn't so bold as to tell her life story for her - that was for her to disclose, which expectantly did happen. It was quick and easy to discern the narrative here; this girl was either born or acquired her illness, it was a strain on her family, and now she was here seeking treatment for her illness. Was it so that she would no longer be a burden? It appeared that she came on her own, must have ran from home for this. Pity.

"Fletcher, you say?" He knew full well there was some branch of the family falling upon hard times, it was just one of those things you caught wind of in the circles he interacted with, "It does ring a bell, oh... I can't immediately recall, i'm sorry miss. But it is quite fortunate to have met you, then."

He played his lips into a kind smile, "While I am a psychologist, I am quite informed of those in the medical field. I know of many who can resolve even difficult cases."

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A Deal With A Devil [Nanaly, Emil] Empty Re: A Deal With A Devil [Nanaly, Emil]

Thu Feb 29, 2024 10:18 pm
Emil was... an interesting man to say the least. Nanaly would listen to him speak. Emil drew some similarities, to characters who read about in books and saw in movies, something about him. Regardless she wasn't gonna some weird assumptions ruin her opinion on this guy.

It seemed he knew about her family, which was interesting. Nanaly honestly should do more research on the larger Quincy families. "We're a German family. But my dad moved to Japan and married my mom! So I guess we have some roots in Japan now." Sadly things weren't looking for for that bloodline. Her dad was single, she was sickly and likely couldn't have kids in the future, and her brother was... well her brother.

"M-Medical?!" Emil with his experience would likely easily notice Nanaly's expression change, the bitter frown shifted into a large smile, optimistic.

"I have... a rare medical condition. My heart is small, and my immune system is... well terrible" She would speak up. "Hypoplastic heart syndrome... primary immunodeficiency" Those words came out slow, big words for sure. "The doctors always told me those words thinking it made things better, but it never really helped."

Now wasn't the time to get all sappy. "Do you know Meni? She told me to come here to check this place out."
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A Deal With A Devil [Nanaly, Emil] Empty Re: A Deal With A Devil [Nanaly, Emil]

Sat Mar 30, 2024 8:17 pm
A Deal With A Devil [Nanaly, Emil] KU5cCqX

Emil "Holsen" Grey

Light was gingerly placed into his icy gaze, a slight raise of the brows and a widening smile writing an appearance of intrigue, "Oh, is that so? I have heard of quite a few families establishing roots over there. Quite the distance to travel for love, though, i'm sure there's a whole story to it."

He could sense that hesitance, that appearance of regret or worry rise on her face - the youthful were always far more up front with their troubles, adolescence being naught but a hard outer shell for most of them. It only took a careful amount of taps to make it crack and lay bear it's innards. Appropriately, he conducted that smile to retreat as she spoke of her true troubles, sinking into a small frown and even a troubled expression, the worry and concern any kindhearted elder would give to a young one expressing such a terrible condition. No wonder she's gone so far from home all by herself, brave girl.

"Though I am not entirely acquainted with your friend, I am quite familiar with a condition such as that.." He'd say, two gloved fingers gently cradling his chin, "That's quite awful, my dear. I hope you didn't trouble yourself coming here all on your own out of feeling as if you are a burden to your family. That would have been rather hazardous for you... But, you're already here and I suppose there's no undoing that."

Taking a moment to appear to think of how to handle the situation, he would then let out a sigh, "Well, I am quite aware of people who could assist with your condition, though... It is quite an expensive, invasive treatment. Even with my hand in the situation I do not believe I could convince even the most sympathetic party to freely expend their expertise... Unless..."

Looking to her with nothing but kindness in his eyes, though dark intent laid behind that manufactured look, "Ah, you could join the Vandenreich, serve it well, and pay your dues that way. I'm certain my Director wouldn't mind tugging cords to make that form of transaction work, though you would have to maintain your agreement..."

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A Deal With A Devil [Nanaly, Emil] Empty Re: A Deal With A Devil [Nanaly, Emil]

Thu Apr 04, 2024 11:25 pm
She paused, thinking about the love aspect. "Love. It was... an arranged marriage. However, they did grow to love each other." Nanaly couldn't ask her mom to tell her the story again. So what she knew was the extent of her knowledge. She wasn't going to go into the whole story behind her parents. Things got confusing fast.

"I won't lie to you. The offer is tempting..." Nanaly had already considered joining the Vandenriech, wanting to be with Meni and Yumiko more. Plus it would give her that independence she craved, she wouldn't be stuck living with her father anymore. Soon she would move a bit closer to Emil. Her expression changed into a happier one, though she still looked worried.

"Well. What exactly would my duties be? I mean I can't exactly do physical labor, and I'm not the smart type!" Mainly worried about whether she would even be of use to the Quincy. She wasn't sure what Yumiko did exactly, she never asked. "I would finally get to be independent. I don't want my dad and brother to worry about paying my bills anymore" Seems she was dumping a lot of info onto Emil.

"I need to know more before I agree to this..." She took a few soft breaths.
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