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God of Love
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An Unexpected Partnership!? [Klein, Ehefra] Empty An Unexpected Partnership!? [Klein, Ehefra]

Fri Mar 29, 2024 1:29 pm
An Unexpected Partnership!? [Klein, Ehefra] MAJJk6V

So this was the City of Lights... The amount of reishi in the air was almost choking compared to the rest of the Earth, but Klein didn't really mind that. Anyone from Hueco Mundo was used to plenty of spiritual energy around them, and few of them were as intimately acquainted with that ambience than Klein.

Naturally, he was here with some specific intentions of his own. He wanted to get an idea of what Quincy were doing when well-organized, because as it stood, he wasn't getting too far trying to figure things out entirely on his own. Most of these Arrancar got to make progress by mimicking the shinigami, but him? He wasn't quite so lucky to have a big sample size.

But all that still needed a good cover story, and thankfully, he had one in spades. He was, after all, the same man who'd so generously saved the life of the Grandmaster, and brought him back to the Vandenreich after no small amount of emergency first aid. He was, as a medical professional, naturally interested in whatever followup attention his impromptu patient was receiving, and he wanted to make sure it wouldn't conflict with what he'd already provided. A knock at the door of one of the most significant research hubs in the Vandenreich that he'd been directed to, and Klein walked in, generally upbeat but clearly looking professional and ready for actual discourse.

"Klein Schwarzwotan, here for one Miss Kleinmund?"

He didn't really know what to expect, but the fact that he was meeting with a woman didn't eat at him too much. She probably wouldn't be his type.

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An Unexpected Partnership!? [Klein, Ehefra] Empty Re: An Unexpected Partnership!? [Klein, Ehefra]

Fri Mar 29, 2024 5:19 pm
The knock would fell shallow as the entrance shifted ever so slightly. The doors opening to a space that was quite different from the rest of the silbern. Giving way to smooth blank, featureless pale walls that had a sterile look to them even more than other areas sometimes had. For all intents and purposes, it simply looked like a blank empty room, save for the little floating sphere that swiveled to look in Klein's direction.

Welcome to the Steingruft. We've been expecting you. If you will, please wait here. The little sphere instructed.

From her work desk, Ehefra glanced towards the screen showing Klein from the point of view of the little drone. Not often she got arrancar visitors. But he'd been allowed into the silbern, she was aware she might be seeing him. And so she took a moment to brush herself off and make her way towards the entrance.

An Unexpected Partnership!? [Klein, Ehefra] 3yrgcon5db4

Her arrival was heralded by the blank featureless wall nearest to Klein peeling open, dissolving into a perfectly cut doorway.The Quincy herself was dressed simply. In her usual labcoat to give a fascimile of professionalism to the woman, though if one looked closely it wouldn't be hard to see the hint of jorts and a cropped top beneath the more official looking garb. He'd caught her before her afternoon shower and uh...well she wasn't gonna go change for a meeting like this, she offered a gentle smile and gave a friendly little wave as she approached. "Heyy there! Welcome to the Steingruft, been a while since we had a non vandenreich visitor, what can I do ya for?" Her voice was calm and inquisitive,m a clear curiosity in her eyes. Another little drone followed beside her. This one was a cube that seemed more energetic, swiveling and inspecting Klein as it orbited it's owner. Beeps, being her usual self.
God of Love
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An Unexpected Partnership!? [Klein, Ehefra] Empty Re: An Unexpected Partnership!? [Klein, Ehefra]

Fri Mar 29, 2024 10:30 pm
An Unexpected Partnership!? [Klein, Ehefra] MAJJk6V

Oh, son of a bitch.

"Thanks for the warm welcome, Miss Kleinmund. I like the entrance."

Better to keep his attention on the conversation, though, and the more business-minded reasons he'd come to the City of Lights. After all, while Klein was a man who loved the ladies, he did care genuinely about his own research, and that was what had brought him here, after all. Though his eyes did briefly travel, it came off more as simply him taking in the fact that she was dressed more casually than one might expect. It had, after all, caught him a bit by surprise.

"I came by to see how things went with the Grandmaster after I helped him out in Africa. I know I gave him a fairly slapdash patch job, so I wanted to make sure there weren't any complications after he was in your hands. And, of course, as a professional, I'd be lying if I said I wasn't interested in the medical strides you guys are making here. Seeing if there's something I can offer."

Of course, that was a two way street, but Klein didn't mind making trades for the sake of information.

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An Unexpected Partnership!? [Klein, Ehefra] Empty Re: An Unexpected Partnership!? [Klein, Ehefra]

Sat Mar 30, 2024 9:26 am
An Unexpected Partnership!? [Klein, Ehefra] 3yrgcon5db4

Simultaneous to Klein's reaction, Ehefra's brows raised. Noticing the shift of the man's eyes down her frame, but pointedly NOT noticing any shift in heart rate or his reiatsu.

Ah. Fun. Judgement. Or maybe just disappointment? She maintained that calm, easygoing smile, but her own Inner ehefra was quietly fuming, and wondering if the man had run into the Sternritter Director already. That stupid fucking bitch had probably already desensitized him. Especially if they ran into eachother out on the field. Why. Why must that fucking sow be around. Tch. Whatever, cmon ehefra, you're better than this. Think of Ira.

But she didn't let that irritation show, she simply reached up and buttoned one of the buttons on her labcoat, promptly all but entirely obscuring the casual ensemble underneath. She was too tired to have some straightneck leering at her over her getup all evening. Thankfully, the subject was something she actually was interested in, and she perked up at the mention of the Grandmaster's treatment. "Ah, so that was you! I thought your readout looked familiar. That was a pretty rough job, not often Medical asks me to get involved in that kinda stuff! " She chimed, briefly recalling when she'd gotten the message from Sio. Of course at the Silbern, most of her scanning and imaging tech was already available, but out in the Africa front? Well, they needed a special getup and ehefra's assistance to make sure they could properly follow up on the Arrancar's treatment as the trip to the City was a long one.

"I was rather impressed with the Reishi stimulants you used in your treatment, I've fabricated a few spares and did a bit of improvement. Still in the process of cooking something up that will hold up in combat, but I gotta say, it was a pretty solid design for something put together on the spot!" She noted with a curious tilt of her head and a growing smile, that little look before now almost entirely forgotten.

"Pretty...unusual for an Arrancar to have knowledge on reishi manipulation though." She added with a tilt of her head, reaching into her pocket to pull out her phone, glancing at the readout she was currently getting from the two spheres in the room. Well well well, he WAS an interesting one wasn't he?
God of Love
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An Unexpected Partnership!? [Klein, Ehefra] Empty Re: An Unexpected Partnership!? [Klein, Ehefra]

Sat Mar 30, 2024 5:54 pm
An Unexpected Partnership!? [Klein, Ehefra] MAJJk6V

That was a shame, but maybe it was for the best, Klein wasn't exactly trying to get distracted because of a nice view here. Had she noticed? Maybe. If she had, she must have been pretty on top of things. Well, no ruminating on that, work was more important, and her interest in the topic was more than enough to get his mind off the faint glimpse--

Mind off it.

"It wasn't my best work in terms of repairs, but in the circumstances, I think I did pretty well. I'd be interested in seeing your stimulant concepts, mine were pretty spur of the moment adjustments I made so I'd imagine the idea has a lot of room for improvement. I have a few of the normal injectors on hand if you want to take a look, get a few ideas."

Her curiosity as to his broader capabilities wasn't entirely surprising. Klein was a special case, after all. A very special boy, as he liked to think of himself. He simply took the wording in stride, smiling with something akin to a bashful air at the observation.

"Well, I'm a pretty unusual Arrancar. Not quite made like the rest of 'em. Not everyone's got a Hollow Cross, you know?"

He lifted the pendant that hung from his neck slightly, allowing it to swing back and forth with a bit of playful energy. He couldn't exactly pretend what he was or wasn't when he was trying to get in good like this. He'd have to get out of his comfort zone, not that he minded too much.

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An Unexpected Partnership!? [Klein, Ehefra] Empty Re: An Unexpected Partnership!? [Klein, Ehefra]

Sat Mar 30, 2024 6:52 pm
An Unexpected Partnership!? [Klein, Ehefra] 3yrgcon5db4

Uhuh, well at least he SEEMED humble. Rare for an arrancar. Still, he seemed curious about her own work she'd done on it, and she couldn't help but chuckle softly and give a lopsided little smile. "That so?~ I'm pretty close to the chest when it comes to that sort of thing. But hey, perhaps we could trade notes at some point." She chuckled lightly, resting a hand on her hip as she turned and promptly gestured for Klein to follow her. The walls closing behind them as she led them to a separate section of the Steingruft.

The ...Affectionately named: Sternritter section. A more normal area of the steingruft with lots of posters and educational pamphlets on the walls and desks. Very visual, big print, demonstrative pictures. And some coloring books off to the side. A sterile environment without anything that Klein aught NOT be gandering at. Just what one would expect the general public to know about some things. The training facilities and other public facing tech given in surface level explanations. ONce they arrived, Ehefra herself promptly took a seat at one of the tables and gestured for Klein to sit across from her.

"So I've noticed. Some interesting modifications." Her attention shifted to the pendant in question before that smile of hers deepened slightly. Once Klein had taken a seat, she tilted her head.

"So. Why don't you let me know what brings you here? You're rather upfront about some things that seem rather personal. But I don't think you're the sorta little guy who would just waltz in here talking about that kinda stuff for no reason. So. What can I do for ya?" She asked him again, rather straight forward to say the least. She wasn't particularly interested in shaking hands and patting eachother on the back. She had a video game to be sucking at back at her house.
God of Love
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An Unexpected Partnership!? [Klein, Ehefra] Empty Re: An Unexpected Partnership!? [Klein, Ehefra]

Sun Mar 31, 2024 11:14 am
An Unexpected Partnership!? [Klein, Ehefra] MAJJk6V

"Well, I'm pretty good close to the chest, you know."

Tch. While he maintained his chipper exterior, Klein was internally fuming at himself for that one, even if at the same time he'd thought it was very funny. This little area they were in was certainly what he expected to be shown; after all, he was an outsider. He wasn't going to be letting anyone into his actual lab, after all. Neither should she.

"What brings me here? I'm a professional, so I don't like the idea that my work might have been subpar or had some failure down the line I didn't consider. Plus, the Grandmaster did save my life back there. I'd be a little disappointed if I didn't end up returning that favor well."

Of course, none of that was really particularly true, but it didn't matter, because even openly they weren't the entirety of his reason for being here. Small part of it, yes, but not the whole thing.

"Regardless. I don't think the scientific community's ever been bettered by cloistering ourselves off and sitting in the dark with our work forever, do you? I'm not quite a Quincy, but you're certainly no Arrancar. I imagine we'd both stand to learn a lot from working together."

One might have thought that his wording was simply manipulative, but for once, Klein's speech was completely and utterly genuine. He didn't really care about profit or other notions of "success" when it came to his work. He simply wanted to learn, wanted to know more about his field. The prospect of being able to collaborate with someone else was exciting, and that excitement seemed to shine in his eyes.

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An Unexpected Partnership!? [Klein, Ehefra] Empty Re: An Unexpected Partnership!? [Klein, Ehefra]

Sun Mar 31, 2024 11:38 am
An Unexpected Partnership!? [Klein, Ehefra] 3yrgcon5db4

A soft snort escaped Ehefra at the amusing little comment. Who was this fuckin dork? Certainly more amusing than a lot of arrancar she ran into. But then again, she usually wound up ripping most arrancar she ran into out in the field in half. So not a great sample size. All the same, that smile of hers widened just a little as she watched him speak. But she assumed he wasn't finished. After all, if he was here to see how the grandmaster was doing, he'd be at Alastair's desk, not her department. So she wrote it off as fluff.

And then they got to the real meat of his intentions and her head canted slightly to the side. And her eyes DID light up in slight intrigued.

"Ohhhhhh, well well well, that IS an interesting motivation you have here. ALMOST sounds like you wanna join the Steingruft. Lookin to put in an application or something?" She ventured playfully, drumming her fingers along the table before leaning forward and gently tenting her fingers, resting her chin against the tent as she gave him a mirthful look.

"Hmmm, but I don't quite get that ... vibe from you. You look like you know how to fill out an application. No, this sounds like an.... external partnership sort of deal. An exchange of information and such. But not quite up to join the squad, kinda deal." She looked the young man up and down for a moment. "But well. That's a complicated thing. Not to mention something that you aught to be hashing out with the Grandmaster rather than me. Or some of our other directors." She mused, tapping her chin for a moment before she waved a hand.

"But well...yaknow. All that shit can be pretty annoying. Working with them, I imagine there's gonna be some kinda... you know...diplomatic....whatever. You go talk to Alastair. Or probably one of the other directors. Maybe some rep from special ops. And then over the course of...Iunno... like... a fuckin month or something, we eventually work something out. Kinda what you gotta expect when you work with someone you don't really know. Trust and all that shit. So I dunno if that's what you're looking for either" She sighed, closing her eyes as she IMAGINED the process.

"So if you don't mind. Could you be a little more specific, as to what sort of cooperation you're looking for? Just so I know if I aughta take some preemptive ibuprofin."
God of Love
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An Unexpected Partnership!? [Klein, Ehefra] Empty Re: An Unexpected Partnership!? [Klein, Ehefra]

Fri Apr 05, 2024 7:26 pm
An Unexpected Partnership!? [Klein, Ehefra] MAJJk6V

"Mm... That's a toughie, isn't it."

Klein would have liked to be mad about this kind of pushback, and it wasn't as if he wasn't annoyed. He liked to get what he wanted, after all. But he also knew pretty well that this was basically exactly how he'd be running things if the situation was reversed, so while he'd certainly have been all too thrilled if Ehefra simply let him have his way with her—no, no, just if she let him have his way, he'd have to navigate this the old fashioned way.

"I don't think I'd mind applying in the future, depending on how this all goes. My field's what you'd call Applied Spiritual Principles. Things like ginto and seele schneider are already interesting compared to what a lot of people in the world can make, but I don't think either of us are under any illusion that's the best we can do, right? I don't know what you've got going on, but you've seen a little of what I have already. I want to trade notes, actually collaborate in the lab for a little bit. See what we can come up with. I didn't come all this way without something to show for it, obviously."

Reaching into his pocket, Klein removed one of his collapse grenades and set it gently onto Ehefra's desk, the tangerine-sized golden sphere glinting in the light. He hadn't used these in the confrontation in Africa, or really at all. They were one of many aces he kept in the hole, but sometimes you had to show an ace or two. He had plenty more in stock.

"Pulls in reishi like nobody's business. I've stopped more than a few cero dead in their tracks with one of these. Don't know how much more you could fine-tune this as a real Quincy, but I'd imagine there's plenty of room for improvement still."

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An Unexpected Partnership!? [Klein, Ehefra] Empty Re: An Unexpected Partnership!? [Klein, Ehefra]

Sat Apr 06, 2024 9:42 am
An Unexpected Partnership!? [Klein, Ehefra] 3yrgcon5db4

Ehefra's brow perked very slightly as he went into his little commentary about the situation. The prospect of joining the vandenreich certainly was an amusing prospect to hear from the guy. But there was something a little...familiar about the way he was going on about things. Her eyes drawn up to the ceiling for just a moment before glancing back down to him as he talked about a few old relics. Items which frankly had been around for hundreds of years. They were artifacts even a hundred years ago. That was a little bit of a given.

However, as the little sphere was produced, she eyed the golden device for a few seconds. Reishi crackled along her spine as she manifested her tertiary bow, a long slim tail crept up from under the table to latch claws onto the little device, holding it up infront of herself and peering at the objectfor a few seconds. Huh.... Catching Ceros? She vaguely wondered what level of Cero this thing could snare. But still, nothing wrong with a bit of investigation. She let her tail raise it up into the air, as Beeps peeled open, chunks of its material sliding out of the way to reveal a slot into which the sphere was fed into, the Cube's body widening as it segmented, surrounding the item before lighting up, dozens and dozens of scans from the internal sensors of her little companion cube giving a thorough reading of the little device before a projection was pit out onto the center of the table. Showing off an internal diagram of the device between the two of them.

"Huh, Weird way of doing its job. But I guess that's to be expected..." She mused, eyeing the mechanism itself. It almost seemed like a Reverse Ginto Tube, like the reservoirs she built up in the training facilities. A system to contain members of the vandenreich while they were training. Barriers created from reishi, as well as absorbers that would suck in the energy from the attacks and abilities going on inside the dome that would then feed into the barrier. Not quite up to the snuff of the barriers put up by the Captains during the Fight Night Event. But that was the eventual goal. But this seemed a bit more....aggressive in the absorbtion side of things. Interesting.

And so she applied two changes. The display widened slightly and promptly she glances tyo Beeps. "Would you mind seeing if we could apply a FTA Module?" she ventured, one of their Fortified Training Area modules was essentially a miniaturization of the arena barriers, intended for impromptu uses. Ideally it would allow containment zones out in the field during conflicts. Not TOO far off from this thing's design. Just with a function for something to DO with the captured reishi, as opposed to just snagging it. And a fairly benign use of it at that. But of course, there was no point in the operation without a bit of a safety measure.

That tail of hers slid up and slotted into the side of Beeps, and she promptly took a moment to link up with Beeps. The design on display shifted slightly, and an additional little bump to the sphere was added. A little extension, like you might find on an actual grenade. After a few seconds, she promptly peeled her tail back and held her hand out onto the table, a thin ring of reishi forming over her palm before swiveling upward, energy crackling as she sucked in Reishi and promptly began to fabricate the new design. Of course, to someone besides the two of them, it might seem like magic. Even perhaps to Klein, who wasn't used to seeing a technique like this, it might still be impressive. At least to an extent. The addition was rudimentary, Klein would likely find that out if he went prying into it. But for now, it would look fairly intriguing as soon enough, a modified sphere would rest in Ehefra's palm. And she promptly would set it down infront of Klein.

'I can't go offering you similar pieces of tech. However. We do have a lot of publicly available bits of design and information available to the public. Or well...stuff thats already out and in the public as it were. Something that I wouldn't get in trouble for for handing over." She noted with a calm little smile. "Besides I suppose its more a prototype than anything. But I've added a little addition to your little ball. A projector. Once you've used it to stop a Cero or some other form of attack, the captured Reishi will take a short moment to be converted. Once it's had a moment to do so, it will then be able to use that captured energy to create a spherical barrier. I'd like you to field test it for me." She noted with a lopsided little smile.

"I've added a sensor to it, so that it will pick up data whenever it's used.:" She pointed out. Of course thats not all she'd added. She'd also added a permissions script. One that would render the object inoperable under certain parameters. Last thing she needed was this being thrown at one of the Vandenreich. And of course, a manual switch incase any funky things occurred outside of anticipated bounds. But well, he was a smart boy. She was sure he'd anticipate something like that anyway.

And of course, no doubt he'd have a LOT to think about in the process he'd just witnessed.

"I know it's not much, but If you're the sort of individual I think you are, I believe this should be at least something to wet your beak while you....consider your enlistment." She smirked as she did so, lightly lacing her fingers and resting her chin on her knuckles as she watched him calmly. Curious to see his response.
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