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The Gotei 13 Advocate
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Big Job Hunting [Alastair/Natsumi] Empty Big Job Hunting [Alastair/Natsumi]

Thu Apr 11, 2024 3:45 pm
Big Job Hunting [Alastair/Natsumi] Natsumi_Posting_Header
Enter: Natsumi Asakura

Natsumi entered the Vandenreich building without problem. She found the elevator without problem. Got to the 'correct' floor without problem, but his office wasn't his office anymore. Or maybe that room wasn't his office to begin with? She was looking for Alastair. He was the only one she knew here, so that should be an easy in. Confused, she knocked on a door to someone else's office.

"I'm lookin' for Alastair's office. Guy with red hair, intense grumpy face, but still on the nice side for guys, ya know?" Her description caused issue... or was it who she was looking for? She didn't know. But she was being told to return to the lobby. "Nah, I'll find him." It was easy to give the first one the slip...

Natsumi knocked on multiple doors, asking for the same guy, with the same description, and was getting similar or angrier responses. Claims that he was her 'friend' were met with doubts, and the last two guys she asked were threatening to call security if she didn't return to the lobby on her own. "Ahhh, come on! Can'tcha just tell him I'm here? I ain't tryin'a cause no problems! Uuugh!"

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Big Job Hunting [Alastair/Natsumi] Empty Re: Big Job Hunting [Alastair/Natsumi]

Mon Apr 15, 2024 9:15 pm
Big Job Hunting [Alastair/Natsumi] NrZiWZE

It was rare that Alastair received a call directly from one of the other offices, there were teams dedicated to managing infrastructure which kept him separated from these branches by several degrees, but after the third ring, he decided that it could not be a simple mistake.

It didn't take long for him to arrive after that, a curt briefing on the situation was given before he headed to the lobby to meet with this familiar trespasser. She'd been told that a message had been sent to Alastair, which might have eased her worries just a little, but the guards had still insisted she return to the entrance to wait for him. Hopefully, they had not needed to get any rougher than that.

"You have quite a unique way of getting my attention, Miss Sumi. Asking the receptionist to pass on a message might have been a little less invasive." He appeared as grumpy as she clearly remembered, a dour frown on his lips as he dismissed her escort with a stern gaze, arms folded in front of him. "But I will spare you further lecturing, as I would rather we discuss what you were hoping to achieve."

"I hope this a matter that we can discuss like civilised folks. I have to walk back across the town, if you would like to accompany me?"

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The Gotei 13 Advocate
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Big Job Hunting [Alastair/Natsumi] Empty Re: Big Job Hunting [Alastair/Natsumi]

Mon Apr 15, 2024 10:35 pm
Big Job Hunting [Alastair/Natsumi] Natsumi_Posting_Header
Enter: Natsumi Asakura

When Alastair finally arrived, the impatient Natsumi was hanging by the collar. She could definitely get out of this, but she was not going to break anymore rules here. The rules she had broken were done so through confusion or lack of understanding. Apparently, just walking through a big building was not allowed. It made Natsumi super curious about what these people had to hide in here.

Alastair was greeted with a big smile and a wave. They put her down the moment he arrived. "See, toldja," Natsumi said with a smirk, referring to the fact that she knew this man. They were definitely friends. As they were dismissed, a cocky smirk adorned her features. She mimicked Alastair by crossing her arms.

"Yeah, I can accompany ya..." Natsumi's arms dropped their mimicry and she followed him along. "I do give my apologies 'bout that. I ain't meanin' to take up too much of y'er time, and I learnt a lot since last time we met... maybe not what a receptionist is, but I learnt some other things... Fact is... was hopin' for a job."

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Big Job Hunting [Alastair/Natsumi] Empty Re: Big Job Hunting [Alastair/Natsumi]

Tue Apr 16, 2024 7:50 pm
Big Job Hunting [Alastair/Natsumi] NrZiWZE

Seeing that Natsumi was as chirpy as ever did at least ease any of Alastair's concerns that this was something serious, though it quickly became apparent that his caution was not entirely misplaced. An errant glance wandered down in her direction rather than straight forward, musing upon that request before responding. He remained silent for a few more moments before his gaze turned away from her to look into the distance.

"The Vandenreich is more than a simple job. Even outside of explicitly combat roles, this is still a military organisation and every enlistee is expected to act as a soldier would when called upon. We are working to make the world a better place, to put broken things back together, but that cannot always be done with diplomacy and tact."

He stopped and turned to face her, stern gaze remaining but any hint of annoyance replaced by a burning intensity. It was a serious matter, and it demanded a serious response, after all.

"I know that you can handle yourself, but you will also have to be disciplined. Following orders and respecting those ranked above you are key values, and I would not wish to force them upon you unless that was what you truly wanted. If so, then I fervently believe that you could thrive here, but the choice remains very much your own."

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The Gotei 13 Advocate
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Big Job Hunting [Alastair/Natsumi] Empty Re: Big Job Hunting [Alastair/Natsumi]

Tue Apr 16, 2024 8:51 pm
Big Job Hunting [Alastair/Natsumi] Natsumi_Posting_Header
Enter: Natsumi Asakura

Grumpy pants' reminder was noted, but that was kind of what she had been bred for, right? At least here she could fight for the cool red-head, not the stupid villains under the Duvalier. Of course, she was mostly unaware of certain... associations that the Vandenreich had with them. A rumor here or there, even a news bulletin, did little to educate someone like Natsumi. She only trusts (listens to) people she likes.

Natsumi stopped when Alastair stopped. She froze, tensed, and looked up at him. She leaned back away from him, but did not move her feet. Eyes wide, they kept locked with his. Such intensity!! It actually made Natsumi a little nervous.

"I-I... uh, I mean..." Natsumi looked away nervously. "I ain't got no problems followin' orders of the good guys, but what if a bad one gives me an order? How can you tell whether they're bad or good? I doubt the Van's are perfect, ya know? Why can't I just follow y'er orders? If they're comin' from you, least know they're good."

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Big Job Hunting [Alastair/Natsumi] Empty Re: Big Job Hunting [Alastair/Natsumi]

Wed Apr 24, 2024 7:58 pm
Big Job Hunting [Alastair/Natsumi] NrZiWZE

"I am gladdened that you view me as a good person, and would follow my commands if I gave them to you, but you must also have faith in your comrades to act with similar intentions. I cannot know the mind of every person in the Vandenreich to attest to their dispositions, and yet I trust each and every one of them to act as I would when it comes down to it."

Whatever the it was that Alastair had implied, he seemed only further galvanised by his words as if they touched upon fond memories. He wanted Natsumi to stand alongside him, truly, but he could not always be here to manage her discordant nature if it was required. After all that she had been through, he could not blame her for it, but the seed of doubt lingered in the back of his mind.

"This is a commitment, not just to me but to the people of the world. They are who we truly serve, and every action I take is for their betterment. If that ignites a fire within your chest then I will do everything in my power to make this request a reality, but be sure of yourself first of all. I will hold nothing against you for walking away, nor for trying and failing, but walking this path halfheartedly is a recipe for disaster."

The Crowned Star | END POST
The Gotei 13 Advocate
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Big Job Hunting [Alastair/Natsumi] Empty Re: Big Job Hunting [Alastair/Natsumi]

Sun Apr 28, 2024 1:49 pm
Big Job Hunting [Alastair/Natsumi] Natsumi_Posting_Header
Enter: Natsumi Asakura

Natsumi was dumbfounded. The shocked, and even disgusted, expression showed clearly on her face. As if something was short-circuiting in her brain, she stuttered some and then hesitated even commenting on what Alastair expected of her. This was behavior she never exuded. Automatically trusting someone just because they held a high rank? Her thoughts went back to the Duvaliers, their torture, scientists and doctors, anyone that had a stupid badge on...

"I ain't the type to blindly follow no more," Natsumi said, clenching her fists tight enough for them to shake. "I did that before and it ain't ever done anything good. I can do the job without problem, the protectin' people part, fightin' the bad guys, and followin' the rules... But someone give me one of those orders that don't make no sense, can't promise ya nuthin'. Besides, I been taught the good rules by a damn good person. I can do the good job. You ain't havin' to worry about that at all."

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Big Job Hunting [Alastair/Natsumi] Empty Re: Big Job Hunting [Alastair/Natsumi]

Sun Apr 28, 2024 8:20 pm
Big Job Hunting [Alastair/Natsumi] NrZiWZE

It was true that Alastair expected some level of blind faith from those he worked with, it was something that he had carried with him since his induction into the Vandenreich. That was the difference between a good soldier and a volatile one, but a measure of self-evaluation was also necessary when one progressed to a certain stage within the organisation. It was a trait he valued in his coordinators and administrators, even if it made them occasionally err from the path that he believed in, but not everyone could be afforded such a luxury.

"There are many times when you may not understand the reason behind an order based on your current perspective, and it may seem counterintuitive to what you intend to achieve, but that is a part of doing this job. I would be a poor Grandmaster if I enabled you or anyone to cause more harm accidentally, attempting to do what they believe is right, even though that may be a tough pill to swallow."

For all the sacrifice and the suffering that he had watched unfold before his very eyes, he had to believe that there was a higher purpose. That each victory came at the smallest cost to innocent lives possible, and that each of his colleagues that had fallen had done so in service of that noble goal. There was not a shred of doubt in his mind of the truth in that belief, though an outsider might view such a thing as folly, for he was kept here to carry on their legacy and that was something he would die to protect.

The Crowned Star | END POST
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Big Job Hunting [Alastair/Natsumi] Empty Re: Big Job Hunting [Alastair/Natsumi]

Sat May 18, 2024 9:24 pm
Big Job Hunting [Alastair/Natsumi] Natsumi_Posting_Header
Enter: Natsumi Asakura

Natsumi’s naiveness would make anyone hesitate when bringing her into a military organization, even she knew that. She was a quick learner though, and did have the determination to back up what she wanted to do. It was this blind faith thing… Any time she saw someone listen to another with the “because I outrank you” reason, it always ended up with more medicine, fighting, and worse… She just wanted a job…

“There a way I can just work for ya? Maybe a clerk at the desk, answerin’ y’er phones, or filin’ your paperwork. I know some might think I can’t read, but I can read just fine. I been taught all that, and I ain’t bad at math either… I can fight; I know Vandereich be fightin’, so that’s somethin’ I ain’t got no problem doin’ either… But I'm thinkin’ I can just do that as your worker? That’d sure be grand, dontcha think?”

Natsumi doubted her final plea would work, but she was determined. She gave a big smile and one of those “come on, how about it” looks, praying he’d give in.

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Big Job Hunting [Alastair/Natsumi] Empty Re: Big Job Hunting [Alastair/Natsumi]

Mon May 20, 2024 6:48 pm
Big Job Hunting [Alastair/Natsumi] NrZiWZE

There was a moment where her comment brought the slightest of smiles to Alastair's face, but her honest reassurances were not enough to change the tide. He was a principled man, so much so that one might say it defined him, and it would take far more than that to change his mind.

"It would be entirely unbecoming of me to put you in such a position. If you cannot accept the structure by which the Vandenreich operates then I would gladly recommend you to several companies that I have worked alongside in my time here at the Vandenreich and cover a wide variety of disciplines from paperwork to mercenary work. You may not have the experience that they often seek, but I will vouch for your capability and tenacity." It was a generous offer, perhaps the most generous he could make given the circumstances.

"But if you want to work for the Vandenreich directly then I have outlined the requirements and expectations. These goalposts will not change, that I will also guarantee."

The Crowned Star | END POST
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