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Tue Apr 23, 2024 10:20 pm
What's Up, Gold Stuff? [Lianne/Solomon] TDJHQ4l

Lianne - No. 6

The day was peaceful, the calming lull of street activity marking a later evening. Everyone was going home or hanging out, while one Arrancar... Was crouched atop a street lamp and scribbling away at her notepad with a frustrated expression. Nobody ever had ANYTHING interesting to say here! She was told to come here to collect information yet she's barely caught squat! Even overhearing conversations it was all about stupid shit she already knew, like 'ohh noo Africa's exploding' here or 'I hope my whatever is doing okay in wherever!' there! UGH she was losing her fucking mind listening to all this useless crap! She just wanted some USEFUL information she could bring back to Ms. Aldrovandi! UUGGHHH she was too stressed!

So stressed she let out quite the angry squeak and threw herself upside-down on the post, legs interlocking to keep herself upside down. FINE! She'd just let the blood rush to her head and figure out some other plan! Stupid stupid stupid..!

Little Firefly | END
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Wed Apr 24, 2024 4:09 pm
What's Up, Gold Stuff? [Lianne/Solomon] JldLRzK


A lively afternoon in the City of Lights was always a welcome sight. As the equivalent of a footsoldier, he prided himself on keeping everything under control, maintaining the areas of the town where the higher-ups were far too busy to engage.

He viewed the responsibility as honest work, and it presented a gateway of opportunities when it came to meeting other people, newcomers and veterans alike. As was routine, he navigated the city with watchful eyes since it was his shift. His shift was nearing a break period soon, and the prospect of entertaining a meal was enticing, but then something - or someone - happened to catch his eye. A pink-haired woman hanging upside down, wearing an expression that told a thousand tales. He thought it harmless to see what was bothering the woman, and if he could be of any assistance. True, he could have simply minded his business and kept on his current path for a proper meal, but his gentlemanly decorum would never allow him to ignore someone in a time of need. He approached her respectfully with a bright smile, waving a hand to attract her attention.

"Forgive me if I'm intruding on anything, but is everything alright miss? You look quite annoyed about something at the moment. Has life treated you well in this city or are you struggling with something else, perhaps?"


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Wed Apr 24, 2024 9:09 pm
What's Up, Gold Stuff? [Lianne/Solomon] TDJHQ4l

Lianne - No. 6

"..Stupid stupid dumb dumb can't even get a stinkin snippet uurrrghh..!"

She'd grumble and huff, her hair hanging down far enough to obscure her mask but not quite to hide the rather gnarly scar snaking from her brow til vanishing into her hairline, her hands pressed against her reddening face with her cheeks squished between tiny digits, only dragged from her thoughts when a polite voice punctured the isolate bubble of her overthinking. A delayed scream burst from her, a high pitched sound momentarily piercing the ears of any unfortunates who were around, then human speech erupted from her in the form of: "AAAHH WHITE MAN!"

Her wide, colorful eyes placed amongst a bewildered expression would stare at the young man for a moment, before her legs gave way and she fell off the post, abruptly righting herself and giving him a look at the proper angle, "Oh heck you're a lot cuter and less weird-looking not upside-down, hi! Oh wait oh shoot you asked me a question.. uh..."

She still seemed in some form of shock, the Estigma markings dotting her body flashing in a rhythmic pattern, the skull-like fragment clear as day on her head as her hair draped over her features, "...What was the question again?"

Little Firefly | END
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Wed Apr 24, 2024 10:36 pm
What's Up, Gold Stuff? [Lianne/Solomon] JldLRzK


Solomon blinked softly at the woman's outburst. Naturally, he didn't have an immediate reply on hand to being called a white man out of nowhere, but he simply assumed he startled the woman out of nowhere, prompting that sudden response. He allowed her a moment to regain herself, observing her in silence until she could make a response.

From his observation, he noted the skull-like fragment at her head. That was an interesting feature, to be sure, but he didn't pay much mind to it. Arrancar were just as welcomed to this city as anyone else, so as long as they remained cordial and came with good intentions. At least, she felt trustworthy. Sheepishly smiling back at the woman, he simply posed his question again.

"Apologies if I startled you, miss. I was simply wondering if you were having any issues. Your expression seemed rather agitated just now, and I was merely curious about what might be causing that. If... you don't mind me asking, of course."


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Sun Apr 28, 2024 7:42 pm
What's Up, Gold Stuff? [Lianne/Solomon] TDJHQ4l

Lianne - No. 6

Ohohoho, he was cute AND polite! What a promising combo right out the gate, the lights emanating from those clusters of color on her skin taking a soft warm glow as opposed to the sudden flickering of previous. Aww, he even noticed she was all mad? She already liked this guy quite a bit and barely got a breath of a name out of him!

"Ohhhh yknow, sometimes you just get mad about things~," She'd say with a hint of whimsy, her hands folding behind her back as she'd shuffle her shoulders and bat her eyes, "I'm feelin' a whooole lot better now that such a nice guy like you's talking to me though, whatsya name? Mine is Lo- Well, Lianne!"

Quite the warm and expectant look was on the tiny Arrancar's face as she awaited an answer, but was a little too eager to ask more, she wanted to forget that feeling as quickly as possible, "Ya live here? Ya work here?"

Little Firefly | END
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Wed May 01, 2024 3:43 pm
What's Up, Gold Stuff? [Lianne/Solomon] JldLRzK


"Simple frustration, then, I see. I can understand that. I'm glad my presence has served to enliven your mood."

Offering a playful chuckle in response to her words, his smile still somewhat bashful, Solomon nodded in solemn understanding. He wasn't quite sure how his presence exactly elevated her mood outside of his typical disposition, but as long as it achieved some positive effect, then that suited him just fine. Since she introduced herself, it was only common courtesy that he likewise do the same.

"My name is Solomon Richter, and yes, I do work here. I'm one of the personnel members in the Sternritter. Pleased to meet you, Lianne. How have you enjoyed your time here in the City of Lights, if you don't mind me asking? Has everything been to your liking?"


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