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Mon Apr 29, 2024 2:00 am
Stella being freshly back from Japan had decided she wanted to eat after she had dropped her stuff off. Saying hello to Natasha and the others before bounding back out to get her legs stretched. She was wearing the same outfit she had been when she got back a few hours ago. Her black tank top, pair of blue jeans, and her pair of workbooks on her feet. She wasn't sure where she was heading yet, but since the others were busy she wad gonna go hunt for something to do.

Maybe she would run into Johann, Anis, Solomon, or maybe even Helle again. She didn't mind any of those as her mind had refreshed and she was feeling quite a bit better. Her being homesick had been pushed to the far back of her mind as she made her way through the city. Much like she had earlier she wasn't trying to cause a. scene, and was simply walking within the flow of the city. She figured maybe she should go shopping again? She didn't spend all of her money, and maybe she could find something she's interested in?
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Wed May 01, 2024 3:40 pm
Chance meeting (Stella/Isamu) BACDviJ


Isamu figured he'd find himself back in the City of Lights at some point. There was enough liveliness here that kept him coming back, and he could easily admit that there were a variety of attractive women all around to compliment and spend time with.

These were receptive people outside of their initial unease about certain outsiders, and he proved polite enough to earn at least a nice reputation whenever he entered. As a man of multiple identities - an important skill befitting an assassin - he decided to settle here for a few days as a traveling delivery man specializing in selling useful tools at affordable prices.

It allowed him to not stand out like a sore thumb, and he could interact as much as he desired. With a large bag hoisted over his shoulder, Isamu was likewise settling into the flow of the city until a dog tackled his leg, forcing him to stumble along and accidentally bump into Stella. Whoops. Well, that wasn't smooth at all. Hopefully, he hadn't bumped her enough to send her to the ground. Turning to face the woman, Isamu sheepishly rubbed the back of his head, removing his sunglasses to ensure she was alright. Taking a closer look at her, she was quite the looker indeed. He took care not to let his eyes wander absentmindedly, though. That wasn't quite polite at all.

"Sorry about that, miss. I didn't mean to bump into ya. Someone's dog threw me off my rhythm a bit."

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Wed May 01, 2024 10:24 pm
Stella being a bit stronger than she looked wouldn't be knocked to the ground. She would quickly look up at the man as she would quickly take the blame for what happened. She was very quick to accept things as they were, so she would look up to the taller man as she would apologize to him.

"I'm sorry sir, but I guess I wasn't paying attention."

She'd speak as she would try to get out of his way before hearing what he said as she would shake her head. Now that she's looking up at him he's pretty handsome, so now Stella would blush just a bit as she'd look at the ground. She didn't like being on the receiving end of an apology.

"'s okay."

First Veralia, then Sabriel, and now whatever this guy was. why does she keep finding such attractive people to keep her company. She would just sigh as she would wait for whatever he's going to say to her next. He has her attention as she wasn't rude enough to just leave.
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Thu May 02, 2024 5:13 pm
Chance meeting (Stella/Isamu) BACDviJ


"Now I can't let a lovely lady like you go blamin' themselves for my slip-ups. The fault lies with me."

Isamu gently responded to her words with a cordial, yet still relatively playful, smile as he waved his hand in greeting. Turning to face her completely, he offered a small bow as he waved his hand to wash away any guilt she may have felt for his misstep. If anything, her cute face and the blush that accompanied made him feel as though he ought to be the guilty party here. There were a multitude of ways he wondered how else he could make her blush, but he was hardly the type to overwhelm a woman, let alone someone he just met. That said, hosting a conversation with her would suffice plenty.

"The name's Isamu. What's yours, miss? If ya don't mind my askin', of course."

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Thu May 02, 2024 6:09 pm
Stella would smile at the compliment as she would look up to the taller man. Gesturing for them to take this conversation out the middle of a side walk. The reason she doesn't want to do this, is so that they don't hold up people who are trying to be on their way.

"I don't mind at all Mr. Isamu. My names Stella"

As she would extend her hand for a handshake like her father always taught her to great people with if there was an opportunity. And would you look at that, an opportunity.
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Thu May 02, 2024 6:34 pm
Chance meeting (Stella/Isamu) BACDviJ


"A pretty name for a pretty woman. Pleased to meetcha, Stella."

Following the woman away from the hustle and bustle, he gently shook her hand when offered, flashing a polite smile as he began to walk beside her. Even her energy was pretty cute, huh? Nothing made the soul feel more at ease than a woman with a vibrant spirit and an easygoing attitude. At the core of things, that was Isamu's type. But there wasn't any opportunity to press matters like flirting here. No, it was more pertinent to get an understanding of the lay of the land, enjoy the city, and if he could have a cool day with her... even better. Tilting his head to the side, he quietly stroked his chin.

"How's yer' day goin in the city, Stella? First time here or are you one of the residents? I'm... relatively new here. Been lookin' for a place to set up shop and give some stuff away for an affordable price.'

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Thu May 02, 2024 8:03 pm
Stella would smile at the compliment as the man himself definitely wasn't ugly. Seemed like he was more the charmer type than not. As she would look around to see if anyone she knew was around. Alas there wasn't, but thats fine. Seems like Mr. Isamu is a little friendlier than the woman she had met when she first got back.

"Quite the charmer aren't ya? Well, you're not bad looking yourself."

She'd say her cheeks tinging just a bit as even after Sabriels training she wasn't the best at giving or receiving compliments. As she would then add on to the end.

"OH, I'm living here now. moved in a few months ago from Germany."

She had a slight German accent when she was speaking, but it wasn't anything too hard for Isamu to understand before she'd look up curiously.

"What are you trying to sell Mr. isamu? Maybe I can be your first customer."
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Fri May 03, 2024 1:40 pm
Chance meeting (Stella/Isamu) BACDviJ


"Ho? Is that so? Careful now, else I'll be the one blushing, though I doubt that shade of red'll be as cute on my face as it is yours, Stel."

Isamu didn't expect a compliment in return, but he took it in stride as he maintained a cordial smile in his strong features. When he posed the question about what he was selling, he wasted little time in pulling his bag forward and seating himself somewhere where he could present interesting trinkets and items he'd collected along the way.

There were a variety of cool and popular action figures from Japan, cultural statues representing Buddhist and Shinto mythology, and some pretty trinkets a woman could appreciate on the side. After all, he prided himself on seeing a smile on a woman's face. Though, he appreciated brightening a kid's day, too. Old people weren't bad, either. Anyway... he turned to her and smiled politely, holding whatever might catch her eye while they continued to converse.

"Germany, huh? I can hear it in the cute accent. I was born and raised in Japan. That said, I have come to enjoy travelin' around the world whenever I have the funds that allow me to do so. Anything catch your eye so far?"

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Mon May 06, 2024 9:10 pm
Stella would look over the haul as she'd think about it. She was a fan of the little trinkets she saw. Specifically some earrings that she would pick up. They were gold with small red gems them in them as she would hold them up with a smile. Wondering how much these were and if the gems were real.

"Uh, how much would these be? I'd like to get them if I can afford them."

As she would also eye the action figures that were sitting out. Her brothers would probably love to have those, but it wad hard to tell how long it'd be before she gets to make a trip back over there.

"Oh, I just got back from a trip to Japan. It was a lovely place over there."
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Tue May 07, 2024 9:21 pm
Chance meeting (Stella/Isamu) BACDviJ


Isamu smiled patiently as he allowed the woman to observe his collection of items. The jewelry seemed to appeal to her most, and truth be told, he thought it would look pretty nice on her, too. He playfully stroked his chin for a moment to let the tension build as though he might say no, but he quickly cleared the air with an easygoing grin.

"Don't worry. It might look expensive, but I'm not chargin' any of these civilians' prices they can't afford. I fancy myself as a salesman of the people, and since you've been so kind, I'll let you name a price you feel comfortable with."

His onyx gaze grew a touch more curious at her revelation about Japan, though, genuinely wondering how the experience was. After all, he was a man who took great pride in his country.

"If you don't mind me asking, what was the experience like? Did you go sightseeing? Enjoy a nice vacation? I don't mean to be too nosy, but that's my homeland, and it's always nice knowing people enjoyed themselves there."

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