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Stones in the Sand [Komamura, Lerna] Empty Stones in the Sand [Komamura, Lerna]

Tue May 21, 2024 9:47 pm
Stones in the Sand [Komamura, Lerna] B49zcoa26qy

What a cold day in hell when she couldn't even get a drink down on earth. True, being earth division made it a lot easier. If she was fresh off work down on earth, she could just let her Commanding officer know that rather than heading back to soul society she'd be taking time on earth for a bit. But well, on rotations like this where she was in soul society, when it was time to relax she couldn't just ask to go back down to earth. And so instead she wound up making her way through the rukongai instead. Still, she couldn't help but be a bit excited.

After all, the last time she'd gone to a rukongai bar she'd met someone pretty interesting. And so there was a lopsided little smile on her lips as she made her way through the districts. She always preferred the bars in the further districts.
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Stones in the Sand [Komamura, Lerna] Empty Re: Stones in the Sand [Komamura, Lerna]

Tue May 28, 2024 11:14 pm
Stones in the Sand [Komamura, Lerna] 49AV09y


Another day, another time Sajin would have to leave the safety and shadows of his Clan's home to go purchase goods for his adopted relatives. After all, not all of them could move about in relative anonymity. Sure rumors of a massive armor-clad ghost had spread in some Districts of the Rukongai, but no such whispers upon the wind mentioned any idea as to his true identity. Outside of the Wolfman Clan, only Shaoling knew he lived; exactly how he wanted it.

Sticking to alleyways and rooftops, Sajin managed to move across ten Districts with little to no attention drawn to himself. Eventually he reached a section of the Rukongai that was more like an actual village, with citizenry hustling and bustling as they moved about the busy dirt streets. In his hands was a rather large wooden crate with pieces of hay sticking out between boards, his main method for transporting goods from places like this and into the Wolfman Clan's hideaway.

At nine and a half feet tall and a hulking body covered in tan armor and robes, Sajin's presence drew nearly every eye on the road. For many of these people this wasn't the first time they had witnessed the gigantic stranger, but they could still hardly believe his size. Sajin thought back about how after finally removing his helmet as a Captain others began to accept him; now with the helmet back on, he was once again a pariah. He could almost laugh at the absurdity of it all.

Sajin approached a road-side bar of sorts he had frequented over the last decade to pick up supplies. A deal with the owner, an aging rough-looking man who'd once been a ruffian in a further out District, had the bar purchasing necessities on his behalf to be bought later on by Sajin. He placed the crate on the bar, away from any other customers, and then gently dropped and slid a few shiny coins toward the owner.

"The usual." spoke a gruff, hidden voice.

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Stones in the Sand [Komamura, Lerna] Empty Re: Stones in the Sand [Komamura, Lerna]

Wed May 29, 2024 12:14 am
Stones in the Sand [Komamura, Lerna] B49zcoa26qy

"Hello there~" Lerna smiled as she gave a nod to Komamura. Making her way into the bar itself, she'd actually spotted the man going in. She'd already intended on going into the bar, but when she spotted a particularly large individual slipping into the bar. Ah, she remembered learning about these. Sometimes Shinigami would just be massive. As a matter of fact, the Gate Guardians of the Soul Society's outter walls were required to be of that particular brand of soul.

Back in her day, she had encountered such beings. Frankly, they had simply qualified as larger than normal food. But now that she was in the gotei, she found herself interested. Not like she had anything else to do. And so, she wound up walking up and offering a greeting and a lax smile. Nodding toward the stool beside them. "This seat ain't taken is it?" She asked.
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Stones in the Sand [Komamura, Lerna] Empty Re: Stones in the Sand [Komamura, Lerna]

Wed May 29, 2024 12:34 am
Stones in the Sand [Komamura, Lerna] 49AV09y


Being as large and heavy as he is, Komamura knew better than to take a seat at the bar as the wooden stool would assuredly splinter and shatter beneath him. That was fine though, he wasn't bothered; his bulk was hardly a new thing he had to live differently based on. As he stood by the counter, waiting for the owner to finish gathering up the supplies he paid for, Sajin gently rested his two massive hands upon its surface, ignoring the awe-struck Rukongai citizens shocked by his presence.

Stares didn't bother Sajin. Muttering under breath didn't either. His attention was focused elsewhere, on the hearts of those around him. Having inherited the Heart of the Soul King, he could read the hearts of all those within range of his ability. This was how he avoided unwanted attention, it was how he interfered in muggings and the like in the Rukongai, and it was how he knew there were those with blackened souls within the Seireitei.

Before she entered the bar, Sajin sensed the incoming arrival of the strange woman who would approach and ask to sit beside him. She wasn't the easiest person to read, with both her spiritual presence and heart being abnormal to say the least. Still, not wanting to be rude or to draw further attention, he simply turned his helmet-clad head and nodded once to confirm she could sit on the stool, then turned forward again as he continued waiting.

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Stones in the Sand [Komamura, Lerna] Empty Re: Stones in the Sand [Komamura, Lerna]

Wed May 29, 2024 12:43 am
Stones in the Sand [Komamura, Lerna] B49zcoa26qy

Lerna smiled, and most certainly, he would VERY much feel a unique sensation emanating from her. She felt .... cold. Almost that is. Despite the smile on her face, there would not be that baseline sensation. The undercurrent that most hearts had. That subtext that accented whatever forefront emotion was in place. But there was, certainly, genuine intrigue and friendliness there. An interest in amicability.

she chuckled softly as she noted the nod. "Thanks~ Can I get a Mead? Big one~" she chimed to the barkeep, who nodded and began getting her drink. She parked herself onto the stool next to the large man. "Hope I'm not botherin ya. I'm a real talkative drinker. So hey, even if you don't wanna talk, that's fine. But let me know if I get annoying." She hummed, taking the drink that was put infront of her and promptly taking a swig before sighing.

"Nice armor bye the way. you make it yourself?"
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Stones in the Sand [Komamura, Lerna] Empty Re: Stones in the Sand [Komamura, Lerna]

Tue Jun 04, 2024 5:25 pm
Stones in the Sand [Komamura, Lerna] 49AV09y


The establishment's owner taking time to get Sajin's new bar neighbor a drink didn't bother the giant. He wasn't in any kind of rush, and didn't plan on making a scene making a big deal out of things. After the strange woman announced her intention to be be noisy, Komamura merely nodded to affirm he heard and understood her warning.

It seemed being stoic wasn't going to work here. Sajin didn't want to appear rude, even if the woman was okay with him staying silent. He answered her question, his voice gruff and grizzled "No, I do not possess such skill. It was given to me by a friend." Sajin chose his words carefully, refusing to let slip his previous employment by the Gotei Thirteen.

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Stones in the Sand [Komamura, Lerna] Empty Re: Stones in the Sand [Komamura, Lerna]

Tue Jun 04, 2024 6:42 pm
Stones in the Sand [Komamura, Lerna] B49zcoa26qy

Lerna raised a brow slightly at that reply and swiveled in her chair to face the man directly, tilting her head a bit to the side as she let her attention shift down his frame to admire the armor itself. "Huh, that right? Pretty nice craftsmanship. You part of the rukongai Police?" she ventured, well aware that a number of sections of the rukongai had a pretty pronounced police force.

Some areas it felt more like a neighborhood watch, but in her own limited wanderings, she'd run into a few that felt more like active cops. In a manner of speaking. Definitely not quite the ones she was used to. "What brings ya to this section of the Rukongai? You live around here?"
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Stones in the Sand [Komamura, Lerna] Empty Re: Stones in the Sand [Komamura, Lerna]

Wed Jun 26, 2024 10:07 am
Stones in the Sand [Komamura, Lerna] 49AV09y


Curious. Sajin was surprised the woman's first thought was to ask if he was in the Rukongai Police, or Sakutaiso as they were officially known. He considered that if the Sakutaiso had officers his size, it might be more effective in the outermost Districts. Her mind jumping to them instead of the Gotei was reassuring to Sajin, who was still hiding his identity.

"No." he answered, not caring to divulge anymore information. Instead, he flipped it on her so as to not be rude "Do you live in this District?" he asked, drawing attention away from himself having ignored one of the woman's questions.

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Stones in the Sand [Komamura, Lerna] Empty Re: Stones in the Sand [Komamura, Lerna]

Wed Jun 26, 2024 10:19 am
Stones in the Sand [Komamura, Lerna] B49zcoa26qy

Lerna raised a brow slightly as she noted the secluded answers. He was being clipped, but not quite aggressive. She didn't get the sense that he was trying to brush her off, but it also did seem like he was just trying to be polite. And so she chuckled a bit to herself as he went ahead and asked her if she lived here. She took a sip of her drink and gave a slight wave of her hand. "Hah~ IF I did live in soul society it certainly wouldn't be in a district this nice." She giggled, closing her eyes and leaning on the counter a bit more, a sigh as she did.

"Hmn. No. I live in the world of the living. You're looking at a true blue Substitute shinigami. Though I guess, I don't really live anywhere down there either, insomuch as I would be a part of gangs and wander around. but well, having a home was never my thing. Even if people are a bit more tolerant to what I am." She noted with a bit of a shrug.
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Stones in the Sand [Komamura, Lerna] Empty Re: Stones in the Sand [Komamura, Lerna]

Tue Jul 02, 2024 5:53 pm
Stones in the Sand [Komamura, Lerna] 49AV09y


A century ago this District was far rougher than it currently was, a fact Komamura knew well. Much of the Rukongai had come quite far over the last couple centuries, and though only the Inner Districts were near-crime-less, even this place had become somewhat peaceful. Still, having grown up in a much more dangerous time, and being from one of the outermost Districts, for this place to be called nice was surprising to hear, though Komamura was happy to hear it.

Though he didn't visibly react, at least not in a way visible through his heavy armor, Komamura was taken aback by the revelation of this woman being a Substitute Shinigami. They were such a rare kind, the only one Sajin could remember actually meeting was Ichigo Kurosaki all those years ago. To come across another like this...

"Mm." hummed Sajin in acknowledgement of what Lerna said. "Then, you must be in the Gotei?" he questioned calmly, avoiding giving off any signs he might be concerned if she confirmed his suspicion.

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