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Wax On, Wax Off [Vanyel, Senna] - Page 2 Empty Re: Wax On, Wax Off [Vanyel, Senna]

Fri Jun 21, 2024 9:18 pm
Wax On, Wax Off [Vanyel, Senna] - Page 2 YF4Y6XI


As Senna went to mimic his stance and the charging step, Vanyel took a few steps back to get some distance, though he made sure not to go too far. A hand rose to his chin as he watched -- it wasn't a terrible first attempt. She had decent distance, but, there were some problems he wanted to make sure she fixed before anything else. That was, after all, part of the process for learning martial arts.

"Not bad, but you need to be quicker and more firm in the step after shifting your weight. It's sort of like...a really quick, but low-reaching leap."

Moving to stand beside her, he took the stance he had before, with one foot behind, on in front, his waist and the rest of his body turned to face in front of Senna. Quickly, his back leg lifted, moving forward as his body hunched down slightly, and when his legs nearly intersected, he pressed down with the front, surging forward with a powerful leap. Utilizing the momentum of the charging step, Vanyel followed-up on this movement with a swift, high-reaching elbow strike.

"Shift your weight quickly and decisively, then use that weight and momentum to keep going and carry you even further. Try thinking about it like you do with your movement power, if that helps. Remember, the goal isn't just to get the step down, we're also trying to stabilize and strengthen your lower body."

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Wax On, Wax Off [Vanyel, Senna] - Page 2 Empty Re: Wax On, Wax Off [Vanyel, Senna]

Mon Jun 24, 2024 4:41 am
Senna would take the stance again and would try to do what Vanyel had displayed. Except the one issue is that it was harder to do than it had appeared. As she would lunge forward she would find herself falling forward landing on her chest and hands. The way she landed looked like it would hurt but she wasn't going to let that deter her. Pushing herself back up she would do it again.

This time however she would try to focus on the speed of it as opposed to the striking force. As she would lunge forward. This time rather quickly but not alot of power behind it. However she managed to do so without falling so she would take a deep breath as she would enter the stance once more. Speaking to Vanyel she would wonder about something..Did he have a master in the past, or did he figure this all out on his own?

"Vanyel, did you have a master in the past? Or are you just some natural prodigy?"

She would ask as she was genuinely curious. While he was answering the question she would perform the action a third time..This time getting as much forvr as she could as well as trying to keep her speed up. Sje almost fell as she would let out an exaggerated sigh. Getting back into position she would go for one more. This attempt being her best yet! As she was rather fast, had force behind it, and she didn't fall.
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Wax On, Wax Off [Vanyel, Senna] - Page 2 Empty Re: Wax On, Wax Off [Vanyel, Senna]

Wed Jun 26, 2024 1:07 pm
Wax On, Wax Off [Vanyel, Senna] - Page 2 YF4Y6XI


Every time that she ended up missing the mark, Vanyel would repeat the demonstration for her, to ensure that she had a fresh picture of it in her mind. Slowly, but surely, he could see the improvements, and a smile started to break out on his face. Sure, it wasn't the most difficult move, but it was still challenging for people who weren't already involved in martial arts.

Even in this short time, he could see that her balance and lower body strength was getting better, which was good. She needed to have a solid foundation and be ready not to hesitate when it came to the rest of the style. But, then she started probing about his past, causing the smile to switch to a look of bewilderment.

"Uh, kinda...both. I've been practicing martial arts basically ever since I could walk. My mom was my teacher for a long while, but...then I became my own teacher. I learn quick, so, I ended up reading and practicing a bunch of other martial arts throughout my life. I still do that to this day, really."

He sure hadn't talked about this with much of anyone. He was more surprised that she even wanted to know about him. But, for the first time in a while, he felt genuinely flustered. The former yakuza slowly reached up to rub the back of his neck, a hand fidgeting at his waist.

"There aren't really a whole lot of martial arts that I don't know, and even if there are, at this point, I could probably take a brief look and start using them pretty well. Hell, I've even made my own styles based on what I've learned throughout my life.""

Despite the rather lengthy answer, it still didn't take his focus away from monitoring her progress, and as he went through the demonstration again, he turned to face her, taking the initial stance he started with.

"The key to martial arts is confidence in yourself. You can't spend time thinking if you're going to do it right, you need to go through the motion and have absolute faith that you're going to pull it off. You can't hesitate, because if you do, even for a second, your balance will be thrown off, and your technique's effectiveness will absolutely fuckin' plummet."

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Wax On, Wax Off [Vanyel, Senna] - Page 2 Empty Re: Wax On, Wax Off [Vanyel, Senna]

Sat Jun 29, 2024 6:07 am
Quite the chatty one when he's prodded to answer a question isn't he? Kinda cute he was willing to tell his student about his past, but she wouldn't tease him about that. Had this been a few years prior? She probably would have teased him until his face turned red and maybe even past that. However that's just not the person she is anymore. As she listened to the last bit she would realize something.

"Thanks for sharing that with me."

Senna isn't the type of person to turn her brain off in anything that she does. She maybe end up having problems because she always over thinks things. to a negative degree as she would watch him. However she would take a deep breath before she would attempt to use the stance while not thinking. clearing her mind she would practice the movements he had shown her, and like he had said, what she was doing was much more effective.

However one problem was within 20-30 seconds the technique would get worse as she thought about how to improve it. It was an obvious change in the technique as she would sigh. Realizing what had happened she would stop for a moment as she would tell him.

"Turning my brain off like that is incredibly difficult."
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Wax On, Wax Off [Vanyel, Senna] - Page 2 Empty Re: Wax On, Wax Off [Vanyel, Senna]

Mon Jul 01, 2024 9:22 pm
Wax On, Wax Off [Vanyel, Senna] - Page 2 YF4Y6XI


Sharing something like that wasn't really a big deal to him. It wasn't like it was something he needed to hide. But, he gave her a smile and a small nod as he continued to try and instruct her while she repeated the motion again and again. As she kept at it, he could see the improvement, but there was still the weird issue where every time she finished, not long after she'd try again, she'd end up doing worse. That wasn't normal when it came to repetition.

Then, she turned to him and told him her problem. Well, that kind of process was something that a lot of people struggled with, so, he didn't really fault her for that. It wasn't easy to just stop thinking about what you're doing and just going with the flow -- it was something he, to this day, struggled with and was endlessly attempting to improve on. But, taking a moment to think, he had an idea as to what could help her.

"Well, that's not super uncommon, actually. It's not easy to just stop thinking about something, even for me at times. But, something that I did when I was first learning was not thinking of how to improve or how the end of my technique would go, but think about the follow-up to be ready for it, to think about my surroundings. Think about your next move. Think about how much distance you have between you and your opponent, if they retreat, if they're reading a counterattack. See if that helps."

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Wax On, Wax Off [Vanyel, Senna] - Page 2 Empty Re: Wax On, Wax Off [Vanyel, Senna]

Wed Jul 03, 2024 9:50 am
Senna would nod as she would listen to his tips as she would get back into her stance. She would take a deep breath before she would begin moving forward with her stance. Dragging him back into the slight spar as she would think about how far away he's going to be. What the next attack is going to be, and how long it would take each hit to connect. Her stance was much better, but it wasn't perfect.

She was absolutely performing better. Now that she wasn't going out of her way to try to keep her mind empty. It was hard for her to go completely no thoughts, and she would continue doing better. Not perfect but significantly better and she was even hitting a bit harder than she was. It seems the way of fighting was becoming more natural to her.

"Like this, Vanyel?"
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Wax On, Wax Off [Vanyel, Senna] - Page 2 Empty Re: Wax On, Wax Off [Vanyel, Senna]

Tue Jul 16, 2024 1:07 am
Wax On, Wax Off [Vanyel, Senna] - Page 2 YF4Y6XI


Vanyel watched closely as Senna moved back into her stance. He could tell that the repetition was helping, and the little errors that could make or break a stance were slowly vanishing, automatically correcting themselves over time. She was adapting pretty well, and Vanyel was impressed by that, an approving smile forming as he made sure to step backward in avoidance as she attacked. He was mainly wanted to see her get the fundamentals down before properly drilling them in.

"Good, good, you're improving. Keep channeling that focus into the follow-up, whether it be yours or the opponent."

But, it was then that Vanyel took his own stance after taking a few steps closer.

"But, now, I want you to apply that to a proper fight. Utilize that zhenjiao to close the gap, then use quick, but strong and forceful elbow, knee, shoulder, and hip strikes to break the stance and guard. Remember, don't think about whether or not you're doing it right, focus on the fight itself. What you're planning to do after the charging step, what an opponent does in response, all of those things."

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Wax On, Wax Off [Vanyel, Senna] - Page 2 Empty Re: Wax On, Wax Off [Vanyel, Senna]

Tue Jul 16, 2024 3:40 am

Senna would nod as she would take the stance once more. They weren't that different in size so it made the fight slightly easier for her to think about. Things like reach and distance wouldn't be as much of an issue in this particular situation. She would step forward with the stance throwing her right elbow directly towards Vanyels head.

While she did this she would try to keep an eye on his body language. She was trying to watch for whichever body part would begin to move towards her. That way she would be able to react accordingly to the white haired man. She wasn't sure what wouldn happen, but she was trying to apply everything he's said into the attack. However she would avoid asking any questions until this portion of the spar was over. There was no point because in a real fight she wouldn't be able to fo that.
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Wax On, Wax Off [Vanyel, Senna] - Page 2 Empty Re: Wax On, Wax Off [Vanyel, Senna]

Fri Jul 19, 2024 8:39 pm
Wax On, Wax Off [Vanyel, Senna] - Page 2 YF4Y6XI


He wasn't expecting her to master Bājíquán in a matter of hours, but, from what he could tell, she could be on a fast-track to being pretty damn skilled. So, remaining still and silent, he waited for her to make the first move. As expected, she started with a charging step. Its foundations were good, she wasn't pushing herself too high, instead channeled that into the forward momentum to launch an attack.

As she threw an elbow toward his head, Vanyel expertly twisted his upper body to avoid it. Lifting his arm up and using his opposing fist as reinforcement, he pushed her arm away. In that moment, he took advantage of his open hand facing his supporting fist. Quickly lowering his left arm from its blocking position, his left hand gripped the right to support his strikes as he quickly twisted his arm to respond with a swift, powerful elbow job in return.

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Wax On, Wax Off [Vanyel, Senna] - Page 2 Empty Re: Wax On, Wax Off [Vanyel, Senna]

Sat Jul 20, 2024 7:46 am
Senna would move both of her hands to block the strike. However, Vanyel being a bit stronger than her, the strike would push her back a couple of feet as Senna thought about her options. Realizing she may be able to exploit the opening he left himself in after the strike. Deciding that would be her course of action she would stop herself from being pushed backwards she would use the motion to push herself forward with her left foot as a spark of green would happen, and she would strengthen to use her bringers light to catch him off guard.

She would aim a kick with her right foot directly at his core. Wondering if the fact she used her movement technique to catch him off guard. She wasn't the fastest with it, but it did make her much faster than what she had been training at. Deciding she should mix in her own abilities into the martial arts style.
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