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Wed Jun 12, 2024 11:19 am
Claws too Close [Khaana, Amaranta] 345xcwm58p7

Khaana sighed as she closed her laptop, slowly rubbing circles over her face as she let her shoulders relax a bit. Another virtual meeting about the changes for her little company. A commercial entity essentially just created for financial purposes so that she could get some breaks on her properties. And well now, she was actually turning it into a proper company. She had a few people she had been meeting with. BAsically some outside help to figure out how to diversify the company. All in the effort to allow herself to retire.

She glanced over the applications she'd been looking through. New "talents" and such. More or less a few guys and gals she herself had helped get off the ground in the past, and now were eager to help her with all this. Hell, Jay was pulling in more than even she was these days. What she had presumed would just be her scrounging things together had turned into more of a group effort than she expected.

Ugh. All this stupid financial nonsense was giving her a headache. Besides, she had noticed a certain someone showing up in the middel of her meeting. She rose up to her feet and promptly walked out into the livingroom where she knew Amaranta was relaxing. Khaana's good eye locking onto the lounging lioness.

"Hey there stranger, been a while since I've seen you around."
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Wed Jun 12, 2024 1:17 pm
Claws too Close [Khaana, Amaranta] MPftNxw


Even though her presence on the couch was a common fixture, she was located in an entirely different part of the house today. In turning her head to the side, Khaana would immediately discern the woman of the hour as she set out a collection of groceries she brought from the store.

There was her favorite set of snacks - a veritable collection of junk food that would sate her tastebuds - and various meats and vegetables. Additionally, there were a multitude of seasonings she had borrowed from a certain someone and a few others she brought from the store after studying what tasted good on the ingredients she had set across the counter.

There was beef on the cutting board and chopped vegetables in a bowl, set beside it. It took her a minute, and a few wasted vegetables to bring it all together, but she was proud of her handiwork now. From the kitchen, she heard Khaana's voice as clear as day, poking her head out to grin at the woman, her voice booming with laughter.

"Haha! There's the Princess of the Hour! You've seemed to have healed up well after our last battle. Long time no see. Come in here and take a seat."


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Mon Jun 24, 2024 2:51 pm
Claws too Close [Khaana, Amaranta] 345xcwm58p7

Khaana's attention shifted slightly to the kitchen as she made note of the veritable storm that Amaranta was cooking up. A hand resting on her hip slightly as she watched the feline dive in with a surprising ammount of gusto. It was not lost on Khaana that almost as soon as Kanako had gotten into cooking that it seemed Amaranta had also similarly gotten the hobby. Some small part of her pondering if this had to do with that jealous competittiveness, but she opted not to delve too far into that as she walked into the kitchen and took a moment to view whatever state of preparation Amaranta's project seemed to be in.

"Huh, not what I expected. One of your girlfriends been teaching you how to cook?" She ventured in deadpan delivery. Oh yes, Khaana was quite aware of Amaranta's probably exploits. Intimately? No. But as a hollow, she could smell the spiritual energy of powerful individuals, and well. The smell of others on Amaranta was pretty frequent, and at times, faint enough that it was pretty clear that there hadn't been a fight.

Given Amaranta's past comments about finding Khaana attractive whenever they squared off, it wasn't a very long leap of logic to surmise that aspect of Amaranta's life. And well, she doubted Kanako was doing the teaching. So she imagined it was one of Amaranta's partners.
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Mon Jun 24, 2024 4:15 pm
Claws too Close [Khaana, Amaranta] MPftNxw


"One of my boyfriends, actually. A cute guy with a mouth just as vulgar as mine."

In reality, that wasn't nearly anything close to the truth. Provocative words that hardly confirmed her auburn-haired companion's inquiry. The women in her inner circle had never prepared a meal for her, let alone broached the subject of culinary interest. When she desired to learn this essential skill, part of her reasoning stemmed from a competitive desire to maintain a superior edge over he roommate.

The first person that came to mind who could his own relatively well was Vanyel, and since there was familarity there, she approached him and went from there. The stubborn bastard was a real pain in the ass at first, but he meant well, and she recognized it was better to follow his instruction since she requested his aid.

Now, she was putting all that cutlivated effort and knowledge to the test as she continued preparing her ingredients, momentarily pausing at different intervals to wash her hands and ensure that everything was in its ideal place. Now, what was the play here? Stew or Stir-Fry?

"At any rate, how've ya been?"


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Mon Jun 24, 2024 6:18 pm
Claws too Close [Khaana, Amaranta] 345xcwm58p7

Khaana blinked at that and raised her brows slightly. Huh, she didn't know Amaranta swung that way. Something something something pussycat. Anywho, she glanced at the food and let her head tilt ever so slightly to the side as she just sortof... stared. Was this her life now? Were Amaranta and Kanako just going to be turning her home into a giant kitchen? She sighed, making a mental note to have the shelves and pantry restocked.

"Uhhh, tired. You beat my ass, remember?" She murmured softly, her head tilting a bit more. "so uh.... why cooking? you don't really strike me as the domestic type. Does this have something to do with Kanako and her new hobbies?" She ventured as she made her way over to the fridge and began getting out milk for cereal. She had just woken up, she would not be partaking in ....whatever Amaranta was cooking up. She'd probably try some of it as leftovers or something.
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Mon Jun 24, 2024 7:47 pm
Claws too Close [Khaana, Amaranta] MPftNxw


"Of course, I kicked your ass. You asked me to fight you while you were still recovering. What else did you want me to do that day?"

Turning her head in Khaana's direction, she discerned the woman opening her fridge to grab a carton of milk. A bowl of cereal over what she was preparing over here? Amaranta hadn't accounted for that, but it wasn't going to stop her from preparing her meal.

She had intended to share it with Khaana, but if cereal was her food of choice, who was she to impose anyting on her? There was a visible pout that momentarily danced along her lips, but it quickly vanished as she lightly shrugged her shoulders.

Tossing the respective ingredients into the pan at low heat, she reached over Khaana's arm to grab one of the bags of chips she'd bought, moving back to the other side to lean against the counter. Tearing the bag open, she answered the Khaana's question with blunt honesty.

"At first, that was the intention. I won't bother denying it. She prepared a meal for me recently, and it didn't taste half bad. I decided to try my hand at it out of a competitive urge, but... after I learned a thing or two from that guy I talked about, I thought it wouldn't be half bad to learn another human custom, another human skill. I called ya in here with the intent of trying it out, but it seems like your mind's already set on a boring bowl of milk and cereal."


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Tue Jun 25, 2024 1:58 pm
Claws too Close [Khaana, Amaranta] 345xcwm58p7

"Uh, LOSE, obviously. A weakliong like you going so hard is just a pain in the butt after all. You should have just accepted defeat gracefully." A smug little smile. After all, that had been the absolute closest to actually just outright trouncing Amaranta that Khaana had ever managed. So she was somewhat smug about that, heck she even grinned at the dark-skinned woman for a few seconds as she got her food ready. Or well, started. At least until she spotted the look on Amaranta's face. A little smirk over her shoulders as she tilted her head.

"Hm? Whats the matter? Did you want some?" she asked, being intentionally obtuse.

However, well, she couldn't just focus on that. Not when Amaranta was offering some other information as well. So she owned up to just wanting to one up Kanako, she couldn't help but sigh softly at that and fold her arms. "You two really need to stop competing with eachother. I'm gonna make you guys wear the get along sweater if you dont cut that out." She murmured, though she did pause for a moment.

"Interesting. Did you plan on bringing this guy over? Or you know..... ANY of your little playmates?" She asked quietly. Perhaps a bit out of pocket for a landlord. But well, it was a little clear that there was more than that going on. They were....friendly ish. Amaranta had rescued her after all. Which.... did bring up some other questions. She let her attention shift to the food that Amaranta was making ... and she lightly tapped her fingers on the counter as she put the milk back in the fridge, without pouring any, and turned her attention to Amaranta.

"So. out of curiosity. Why do you care about being a better cook than Kanako? Looking to settle down and find yourself a husband or something?"
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Tue Jun 25, 2024 7:05 pm
Claws too Close [Khaana, Amaranta] MPftNxw


"Lose gracefully, eh? What can I say? I'm a stubborn lioness at heart. Graceful defeat isn't my style, ya know? That said, you are developing into a great rival. As much as I hate to admit it, that means a weakling like me, the one you lost to, has to step up their game."

Flashing a condescending smirk in response, Amaranta tore into her bag, tossing a handful of spicy potato chips into her mouth. What a damn brat, through and through. Of course, that's why she had grown so fond of her to begin with. Beneath that pretty exterior, there was a ruthless warrior who rarely backed down from a challenge. An endearing trait, to be certain - one she found profound joy in pressuring until she unearthed something new. When she chose to be intentionally obtuse, Amaranta chose to engage her in this game as she politely shook her head, haughtily mimicking her voice.

"No, of course not. I prefer a winner's meal. Enjoy that loser's bowl of cereal, Princess. As for Kanako, I don't hear her complaining. We're actually on speaking terms now."

Turning her head back to the pan, she neatly tossed meat and vegetables around with a spatula. Tilting her head to the side at each question she offered, the bronze woman turned back to Khaana with a lopsided grin. How curious.

"Hoh? I always assumed there were rules for bringing my little 'playmates' around. Of course, if you're so curious to see my boyfriend - and potential husband to be - I'll gladly bring him here for a visit. He's not super tall, but that's fine. He makes up for it with his martial prowess."

Blowing a kiss to her imaginary lover, Amaranta shrugged her shoulders as she transitioned into the next question. This time her tone was far more genuine in comparison to the words prior.

"Nah. It isn't hardly anything like that. At first, I did want to show Kanako up. The unruly competitor in me couldn't accept the idea she had something else over me besides her cero prowess. Then, it turned into something else. Since I recall her saying she cooked for you, I suppose part of me felt inspired to learn the skill and do the same in the end, but now I don't know. I think my boyfriend might appreciate it more since he taught me what I know."


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Claws too Close [Khaana, Amaranta] Empty Re: Claws too Close [Khaana, Amaranta]

Tue Jun 25, 2024 7:38 pm
Claws too Close [Khaana, Amaranta] W7w6c3236ky

Khaana let her head cant a bit to the side at that before her smile widened. She tapped her fingers a few times as she watched Amaranta seeming to gloat a little about her 'win'. She didn't respond verbally. No, she set the cereal down and walked around the kitchen until she closed in on Amaranta, a steady, patient pace as she locked eyes with the feline, listening as they explained about their ...oh potential husband? About her admitting to competetive feelings that had simply turned into something more amicable.

Well that was good, hopefully the two at some point could become something like friends. But that was going to be a process. Even Khaana understood that. But that was fine. And as Amaranta once again got a bit pouty, talking about how her little Boyfriend might actually enjoy her food, Khaana promptly stepped into Amaranta's personal space and reached up to promptly grasp the woman by the chin and give a firm TUG, to pull them down to her level. Just enough so that Amaranta was looking at Khaana directly in her good eye.

She didn't have a stream, so she didn't bother putting on a patch, and so there was nothing to hide the empty socket, empty save the feeling of a void, shadow that was ... darker than it aught to be.. This would be the first time Amaranta got to see it. Usually Khaana wasn't so tired that she couldn't just fill it in or cover it up. No doubt, a fighter like her would recognize that shadowy material she used in combat.

"Do you feel like a Winner?" She asked, her voice simple with curiosity. No aggression or teasing, just a simple rhetorical question. She wasn't actually looking for an answer, but rather, was simply inciting the question in the arrancar. Curious if she really felt that SHE was the victor. Did she truly feel like the winner, when every time they fought, the margin with which she triumphed became narrower and narrower?

She didn't allow Amaranta opportunity to reply, speaking up.
"Why don't we meet him somewhere? Not like I plan on staying in the penthouse for a month or anything. I need to stretch a bit anyways. IT won't be too long before I have a steady revenue and can retire from streaming." there was a bit of unsteadiness in those words. Frankly, she didn't know how that would go. Maybe she'd come to regret it later. But well, she'd find that out in time.

"Why don't we both go visit him? I aughta get out more often anyway. Besides, if you feel like you might marry this guy, I aughta meet him. He sounds like a real catch." That smile widened.
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Claws too Close [Khaana, Amaranta] Empty Re: Claws too Close [Khaana, Amaranta]

Wed Jun 26, 2024 11:28 am
Claws too Close [Khaana, Amaranta] MPftNxw


"Of course I do. I was the last man standing, after all. Pushing me to the edge that day only motivated me to step my game up. That said, you've improved. You've grown bolder. That's a nice look on ya. I'm so proud."

Recognizing the intent in her question, a piercing glint flashed across her fierce sapphire gaze. Most of her existence was built on narrow victory. Even if the gap was slowly but surely closing between them, it simply meant she had to surpass her limits. Refine her fire and transcend her current state.

What would she stand to gain from defeating her, anyway? Khaana knew her well enough to know the profound joy such a moment would bring her. The sheer degree of battle lust that would awaken. From what she could recall, there was zero interest there. That had already been established. Maintaining her whimsical grin, canting her head to the side, Amaranta chortled softly, holding the woman's gaze as she responded - an air of nonchalance dominating her tone.

"Sure thing, Princess. We can meet him somewhere. I don't mind introducing you two, and he is a real catch. Good cook, an elite martial artist, and he's handsome. What else could a battleaxe like me possibly ever want?"

Of course, there was some curiosity in her colorful gaze as she stared into that void in her eye.

"Though I do wonder. Why does my boss want to meet my playmates? Meet my boyfriend? Afraid you'll grow restless after ya hang up your streaming banner?"

Voicing that genuine question with an upraised eyebrow, Amaranta patiently awaited her answer. Did she mind it? No, not necessarily. What would that even look like? She wondered. How would it go? Various questions, various scenarios. Some amusing, others less so. Curious food for thought if there ever was.


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