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Late Night Studying (Stella/Calliope)  Empty Late Night Studying (Stella/Calliope)

Mon Jun 24, 2024 7:37 am
Stella sat with a lamp on in the corner of the library. She had tried to stay out of the way from anyone else as she felt a little out of place here in the library. Truthfully Stella wasn't stupid, but she also wasn't gifted in what many may call "the finer arts." As Stella sat and read she was trying to understand her casting a little better. However, she would give in to the mild frustration of it all as she would allow her forehead to fall landing on the book as she sighed drastically.

After sulking for a minute or two she would slide the book she had about gebet to the side, and pull from a stack that she had gathered. The book appeared to be a book about the history of the quincy. In her mother's efforts of allowing Stella to make her own decisions she didn't really teach her much about the history of the quincy or anything of that sort.
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Late Night Studying (Stella/Calliope)  Empty Re: Late Night Studying (Stella/Calliope)

Tue Jun 25, 2024 4:42 pm

Calliope R. Schwarzmann
Director, Albedochiffren

Calliope was not one who cared for inconveniences—especially mild ones. Elevators being out of order, stores being out of stock of one particular item for a recipe, and even someone having the one copy of a book the library owned. All she wanted was to review some old research into Silberohre. It wasn't a common topic that others would have. Ehefra was the only person she knew that would, and she expected that woman to have a pirated e-book version of it. Besides, the feeling of actual pages was nice.

The librarian apologized and explained that it might have been picked up by an aide in on a cart and not put away. All he could confirm was that it hadn't left the building yet. Calliope proceeded to scan down each and every aisle to find the library aide with the gait of a soccer mom tracking down a manager. It was luck she saw the distinct cover open. The reader fell into the book and closed it. She pounced.

Calliope put her fingers atop the book, tracing the gilded filigree that decorated the cover. "By your frustrated sulking, I take it you are finished with this one?" Calliope scanned the other titles in the pile. Either this woman was researching cloning, the effects one's pedigree had on their strength, or a family tree. "That is quite the eclectic collection you've amassed."

End Transmission

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Wed Jun 26, 2024 10:22 am
Stella would jump slightly as she was absorbed in her self depreciation about not knowing a ton. She was lost when it came to alot of quincy history and that made her feel like she was a terrible person for not even knowing her peoples background. As she looked up to the taller woman she would nod at being done with that book she would look at all the different books that were laying on the desk as she would rub the back of her head a little sheepishly. The library isn't usually Stella's domain and she did feel a little bad if she had taken too many books.

"U...uh yeah. I'm trying to study up on the history of the quincy. My mom didn't really reach about much more than using my powers... Something about wanting me to find my own conclusions and what not."

Stella would look back over the books. It was a ton of information, but she guessed that comes with the territory of such an old set of people. She wasn't sure if there was anything else she needed to know, but just as that came into her mind she realized that she didn't know the history of the vandenreich itself. There was so much stuff she just didn't know. She also realized she didn't introduce herself as she would add on at the end.

"My names Stella, by the way. I didn't mean to come off rude."
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Thu Jun 27, 2024 8:49 pm

Calliope R. Schwarzmann
Director, Albedochiffren

From a Quincy bloodline, but not a prominent one. Those each have their own interpretations of Quincy history and wouldn't want her to find out on her own. Family is likely not associated with the Vandenreich either, else she'd have been eligible for schooling. Parent was the teacher, so not in a Quincy community. Likely a rural environment. "Bless your heart; if that's your idea of rude, then I'm surprised that you can handle being in the Vandenreich at all. Not everyone here is as guileless."

Calliope likely wouldn't remember this woman at all after tonight, so she was wondering why she was spending more than a few breaths' worth of time in her presence. She could easily have asked if Stella was done with the book, taken it, and then left. But something caught her ear. "Why is it you wish to learn the Quincy history? Is it just maternal devotion, or is there something particular in question? Our history is long and equally violent. Someone with their purity of mind still intact may not wish to lose their innocence to how cruel the world can be."

End Transmission

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Late Night Studying (Stella/Calliope)  Empty Re: Late Night Studying (Stella/Calliope)

Fri Jun 28, 2024 12:48 am
Her cheeks would flush as she didn't really know there were alot of rude people in the reich. Stella would listen to the woman, and slightly get lost in her words. Seems like she would be a good fit for a teacher if Stella had to put a finger on what she would do in an alternate dimension. However she would seriously contemplate why she wanted to learn about the history of her people. Well for one she figured it would be good to get a better understanding of things that are know or atlesst heard about from other quincy.

"Well, I want to learn what I am I guess. Learn what our people are about. My momma isn't close with her family, and she took my father's name. So I don't really have anyone I can call about this. Mother, like I said wanted me to learn in my own way. She said something about not being fond of the older ways of teaching like she got."

Stella would open up about why she wants to learn about her heritage. She wondered if the woman in front of her would be willing to share some of her interpretation with her. Stella found it easier to pay attention when someone else would vocally explain something to her.

"Would you happen to know alot about the Older stories of the quincy people?"
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Late Night Studying (Stella/Calliope)  Empty Re: Late Night Studying (Stella/Calliope)

Wed Jul 03, 2024 2:59 pm

Calliope R. Schwarzmann
Director, Albedochiffren

Calliope's hypothesis needed some correction, but it seemed mostly on the money. Her smile tightened. She didn't get into this business to be a teacher. In fact, she had explicitly avoided such a role throughout her life. Her younger sister was perhaps the closest thing to an exception, but even that was pushing it. Calliope was not, however, an outwardly-cruel person. She wouldn't just tell Stella that she had no time for this. Instead, she'd work to make this as brief as possible.

"I'm no historian, but I do know some." Calliope rested an arm on the back of the chair across from Stella. "The older ways aren't without their merits, but unless you are set on following tradition I see no need for a 'modern' Quincy to learn by those methods." In this, Calliope spoke true and without a double-meaning. It was a rare sight, but sometimes it was the best approach. That didn't change the fact that she didn't like it.

"If you wish to know more, you must first narrow down the question. Wanting to know 'old stories' means nothing when you have centuries upon centuries of history to build on. Plus, how old are you wanting to know? Do you want the Quincy creation mythos? The Rise and Fall of the Five Pillars? The ill-fated invasion upon the Soul Society? The massacre of the 19th century? Or are you looking more at what Quincy trained like back in those time periods? If you wish to inquire, first make the right inquiry."

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Late Night Studying (Stella/Calliope)  Empty Re: Late Night Studying (Stella/Calliope)

Fri Jul 05, 2024 12:20 pm
Obviously this woman was way above Stella's intelligence. She listened to her speak and she was a little confused, but what she was saying did make sense. If she wanted to learn about the quincy history maybe she should start with the creation myth? Now that she think about it she never even really had a belief in that way. The hollows and what not had always existed to her and she knew the Soul Society was a real place. She would then look up to her and nod.

"That makes sense. I'll probably start with the creation stuff as I never really learned about it. I wanna know everything I've missed so I may try to see what quincy schools are teaching history wise and go from there.'

Stella would problem solve as she wasn't entirely sure where her family even came from. Her mother had really never said anything about them and Stella was much closer to her father's family than her mother's.

"May I ask a favor of you?"
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Late Night Studying (Stella/Calliope)  Empty Re: Late Night Studying (Stella/Calliope)

Sun Jul 07, 2024 7:08 pm

Calliope R. Schwarzmann
Director, Albedochiffren

"There likely aren't many books written without a bias, but you should search for books related to the original Quincy, Nozomi. After that, it's just following the tales of her disciples until the Five Pillars formed. Just be aware that it likely won't be very interesting reading—unless you find reading the Bible an enjoyable read." In truth, Calliope only knew of that from her father's hand-me-down stories and records kept in well-preserved journals. If an actual book had been written, she didn't know of it.

Calliope was getting ready to once again leave when Stella stopped her. A favor? In this economy? One corner of her mouth twitched upward. She was a wee babe in a deep pond. "You can ask, but I am a very busy woman."

End Transmission

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Late Night Studying (Stella/Calliope)  Empty Re: Late Night Studying (Stella/Calliope)

Tue Jul 09, 2024 7:52 am
Stella would nod acknowledging the woman was busy. Stella didn't mind how long this would take the woman, or if she decided not to do it. It was something a bit greedy of the red head and something her mother would potentially answer. However Stella is aware that her mother isn't a fan of talking about her past before she met Stella's father. As she would think she would then make the request.

"If you have the time, could you see if you could find what quincy family I am technically a part of? I don't want to be taken into them, but I would like to meet my grandparents."

Stella would ask as she would avert her eyes. Scared she put to much work on the favor from the woman, but she wasn't entirely sure how hard it would be to find that out. Stella did have red hair like her mother so maybe the quincy family had red hair? Or something like that.
Ye Olde Guarde
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Late Night Studying (Stella/Calliope)  Empty Re: Late Night Studying (Stella/Calliope)

Wed Jul 10, 2024 12:51 am

Calliope R. Schwarzmann
Director, Albedochiffren

What a fascinating request. Honestly, Calliope expected Stella to ask if she could tutor the naive girl or to explain the history of the Quincy herself. She wasn't quite expecting to be a genealogist. "Do you know your mother's maiden name? If you don't, the only other way is to search by DNA match and praying that another member of the family is in the database." Calliope pulled out her datapad and began taking notes. "Other things to know would be what geographical area your family is originally from, any other family names you happen to know, and if your mother happened to have a family crest somewhere. There are many people who claim to hate their family and still use their heraldry because they admire what their family once stood for. But of course, do realize that even if we are able to find the name, your grandparents may already have passed on. Quincy do generally have elongated lifespans but we are far from immortal."

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