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The Gotei 13 Advocate
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How Hurt Are You? [Solomon/Violet] Empty How Hurt Are You? [Solomon/Violet]

Sat Jun 29, 2024 3:44 pm
How Hurt Are You? [Solomon/Violet] Vi_PostingHeader12
Enter: Violet Gardner | The Rebellious Runaway

That call… It was the one she had been dreading for months now. She knew who Solomon worked for, that his job was dangerous. Even though it was the doctor’s that called her, they couldn’t release any significant information about his condition. All she knew was that Solomon was hurt and he was at the hospital. Violet abandoned her dinner and the last hour of her shift to run.

By the time she got to the hospital, night was close and she was sweating. She told the person at the front desk who she was here for, and luckily her name was on the list of visitors. It sure as hell better be. Running up the stairs to the second floor, she followed the signs, ignoring those who tried to slow her down, until she made it to Solomon’s room and burst through his door.

“Solomon!” she yelled, shoulders rising and falling quickly while caught her breath. Her eyes widened when she saw him laying in the hospital bed…

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How Hurt Are You? [Solomon/Violet] Empty Re: How Hurt Are You? [Solomon/Violet]

Sun Jun 30, 2024 12:49 pm
How Hurt Are You? [Solomon/Violet] JldLRzK


Compared to Violet, whose expression was warped in panic, Solomon was relatively calm as he laid against the hospital bed in an azure hospital gown. Tablet in hand, he was pressing his finger against the screen as he studied his own technique during a battle with Kokuto.

Of course, since he hadn't set any ground rules, it resulted in him suffering enough damage to lead him where he was now - the hospital. There were a few broken ribs, it was difficult to move his jaw, and equally more cumbersome to move around.

In other words, his body was in immense pain, but his spirit comparatively remained undaunted. When Violet bursted through the door, Solomon turned back, atttention torn from his silent study, somewhat dumbfounded by the sheer look of terror on her face.

"...Is everything alright, Violet?"


The Gotei 13 Advocate
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Sun Jun 30, 2024 3:50 pm
How Hurt Are You? [Solomon/Violet] Vi_PostingHeader12
Enter: Violet Gardner | The Rebellious Runaway

Is everything alright, Violet? He was joking, right? No, no. He had to be numbed with painkillers. That was it. She walked up to the bed and looked him up and down, trying to find the words to speak, but failing. She even reached out to touch his jaw, but pulled back in fear of causing him any pain. Seeing his injuries up close gave a rise to Violet’s anger, but she kept that emotion off her face.

“I… got a call… The hospital, they called me and said…” Violet spoke slowly, still examining his injuries. She was wrapped up and she could see bruising and cuts... It worried her about what she may not be able to see... She held both hands out and gestured to all of him. A single tear fell. “Sol… What happened to you!?”

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Tue Jul 02, 2024 4:58 pm
How Hurt Are You? [Solomon/Violet] JldLRzK



Solomon was at a loss of words. From his perspective, there was nothing to cry about. He engaged in a heated spar with Kokuto and ended up in the hospital. Of course, he supposed since he was so commonly used to intense sparring and suffering injury, the same couldn't be said about others who were unfamiliar with combat as a whole - like Violet. What had the nurses said to her on the phone that got her so wound up? Solomon neatly set his table down as he winced, lifting his arm to rub his head sheepishly. Somewhat bashfully, he admitted what happened as he chuckled.

"I got into an intense spar with Kokuto, a fellow member of my division. We trained and pushed each other so far that... Well.. I required medical assistance in the end. Sorry about that. What did the nurses tell you on the phone? You look terrified."


The Gotei 13 Advocate
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Tue Jul 02, 2024 5:36 pm
How Hurt Are You? [Solomon/Violet] Vi_PostingHeader12
Enter: Violet Gardner | The Rebellious Runaway

That was it? Just a spar? Violet groaned, both annoyed and relieved as she plopped down into the guest chair. Closing her eyes and taking a deep breath, she wiped her eyes with her hands. “They said you were in the hospital and that you had gotten hurt in some sort of fight. That’s it,” Violet explained, sniffling and then chuckling.

“They refused to give me any more information than that… My mind… It… It went crazy! I imagined everything from you losing your arm or an eye… Even a coma went through my head. I didn’t know what to think! With the crazy things that happen in this fucking city… That weird murderer I met, that guy that just broadcast that video against the Vandenreich. What was I supposed to think!? God damn it. That was fucking terrifying…” Violet put her hand on her chest and looked away from him, trying to calm the adrenaline that had been rushing through her veins.

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How Hurt Are You? [Solomon/Violet] Empty Re: How Hurt Are You? [Solomon/Violet]

Tue Jul 02, 2024 6:22 pm
How Hurt Are You? [Solomon/Violet] JldLRzK


"I know, I know. I'm sorry they didn't give you the proper information. I don't exactly enjoy seeing you in such a panic, Violet."

He offered those reassuring words with a smile. He didn't expect her, but that didn't mean he wouldn't ease her mood and allow her to take some form of laughter from this situation. She was a dear friend, after all. Who enjoyed watching their friends look so out of sorts?

Motioning his body so he could talk to her face to face, he waved politely in her direction, somewhat sheepishly, a soft chuckling falling from his lips. Of course, that chuckle was followed by a wince. Dammit, laughing felt kind of painful right now. Ignoring the pain, he decided to ask about her day... up until this point, naturally.

"Fear of me being irreparably damaged aside, how was your day before hearing the news? Actually, how have you been in general? Is life in the City of Lights treating you well?"


The Gotei 13 Advocate
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How Hurt Are You? [Solomon/Violet] Empty Re: How Hurt Are You? [Solomon/Violet]

Tue Jul 02, 2024 6:48 pm
How Hurt Are You? [Solomon/Violet] Vi_PostingHeader12
Enter: Violet Gardner | The Rebellious Runaway

“I keep texting you images of people I hang out with and meet, so someone always knows where I am,” Violet explained, hoping that he had gotten those pictures. The first was of a girl named Yumiko; they had gone to the gym together. The second was a guy named Vanyel; he’s training her in martial arts. Violet had proven to become a lot more cautious paranoid since the incident in Mexico.

"I wish you'd come around more, ya know," Violet said, bringing her legs up in the chair so her knees were pressed against her chest. "You're always working, and then this..." At this point, Violet was more pouting than seeming worried. Seeing that he was okay, even if she winced every time he did, calmed her down.

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How Hurt Are You? [Solomon/Violet] Empty Re: How Hurt Are You? [Solomon/Violet]

Tue Jul 02, 2024 7:22 pm
How Hurt Are You? [Solomon/Violet] JldLRzK


"Oh, I'm aware. Actually, I've met one of those people. Yumiko. She's a nice girl. I'm glad you two are getting along. I wouldn't mind meeting that other man you showed me, either. Sorry if it seems like I don't respond. Life... gets really busy."

Solomon recognized that he hadn't been around a lot. Violet's words were justified, but he was dutiful to a fault. Whenever the Vandenreich called, he answered. Now, more than ever, he wanted to be around more to ensure that she was alright, and that a situation like Mexico would never come to pass again.

To know that someone so close to him could have died haunted him beyond compare. To place any more stress on her made him feel awful. Sighing softly, he continued to rub the back of his head as he nodded. He was honorable enough to recognize where he might be at fault here.

"Sorry about that. I'll try to be around more when I find some free time. Know that it isn't my intention to make you worry, Violet."


The Gotei 13 Advocate
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How Hurt Are You? [Solomon/Violet] Empty Re: How Hurt Are You? [Solomon/Violet]

Tue Jul 02, 2024 7:59 pm
How Hurt Are You? [Solomon/Violet] Vi_PostingHeader12
Enter: Violet Gardner | The Rebellious Runaway

Solomon knew Yumiko? Then she really was safe with that girl. That’s good to know. Violet smiled, feeling much better about that day than she had been. It was always weird to go around with strangers, even a little scary.

“You better be sorry,” Violet said in a pout, looking away from him. A moment later, she took in a deep breath and then forced up a small smile. “This Vanyel guy agreed to teach me how to fight, so nothing like Mexico ever happens to me again. Once I’m good enough, maybe I’ll join those Sternritters too.”

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How Hurt Are You? [Solomon/Violet] Empty Re: How Hurt Are You? [Solomon/Violet]

Wed Jul 03, 2024 1:16 pm
How Hurt Are You? [Solomon/Violet] JldLRzK



Solomon tilted his head curiously at her words. He was proud to hear she had been training on her own. Since his schedule was exceedingly hectic at times, he rarely found the hours to devote his time and show her his techniques. To know that someone else was overlooking her progress was a relief in and of itself. Now... the other part caused him to raise his eyebrow. Out of curiosity, he decided to ask her why the Vandenreich was an option... compared to anything else here.

"I'm proud of you for pursuing other avenues of training on your own, but if you don't mind my asking... why is the Vandenreich an option? What sparked your interest in them recently?"


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