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Coffee And Conversation [Diana/Meninas] - Page 4 Empty Re: Coffee And Conversation [Diana/Meninas]

Tue Jul 09, 2024 11:49 am
As pleasant as Meninas had been Diana was going to take her words with a grain of salt. While the pink-haired Quincy had been nothing but helpful and honest, she was still part of the Vandenreich and it was highly unlikely she would not say anything bad about the organization she was a part of. Still, today had been an informative day and no amount of skepticism on Diana's part could detract from that. Meninas had told the blonde quite a bit about the Vandenreich and that information was exactly what the blonde was after... now all that remained to be done was to make a decision on whether or not to join. A decision of that magnitude could wait awhile, though.

"I will certainly have to take some time to think about everything you have told me." Diana calmly commented before grabbing her coffee cup and taking another drink from it. She lowered the cup and took a few seconds to think over what she was going to say next. When she had formed a statement she wanted to make she spoke again.

"Thank you for being willing to discuss the Vandenreich with me, Meninas." Diana thanked the other Quincy for their time and effort. The blonde had had quite the stroke of luck in meeting a current member of the Vandenreich who was willing to discuss it with her. She had been even more fortunate because that member had been Meninas, who was pleasant to be around and to talk to.

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Coffee And Conversation [Diana/Meninas] - Page 4 Empty Re: Coffee And Conversation [Diana/Meninas]

Wed Jul 10, 2024 10:46 am
Coffee And Conversation [Diana/Meninas] - Page 4 6nuQdpC


“I’m glad I could help.” The Sternritter responded with another smile, leaning back and taking a few moments to consider what they’d talked about so far. A part of her wondered if she’d even been the right person to talk about her organisation but Meninas knew that Diana would most likely ask other people too. It made sense and the pink haired woman wouldn’t be offended if that was the case. Joining the Vandenreich was a big decision, after all and Meninas certainly didn’t want to try and paint the group out to be something it wasn’t.

Curious about the blonde’s next move, she’d ask with a tilted head. “So what’s your next move? Are you going to keep wandering for a while as you make your decision? Japan is a lovely place, after all and there’s most definitely a lot to see as you go.” Her own plans were rather simple, as she planned to visit Nanaly again as soon as she could. She just couldn’t leave her friend's side for long, even when her fellow Quincy told her to herself. The guilt was just so strong.


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Coffee And Conversation [Diana/Meninas] - Page 4 Empty Re: Coffee And Conversation [Diana/Meninas]

Wed Jul 10, 2024 1:54 pm
Diana had been asked about her travel plans, a question which made her visibly pause for a minute. She had not given her trip to Japan much thought beyond "Look for information on the Vandenreich" and she had accomplished that goal with her meeting with Meninas. The blonde Quincy had gotten what she wanted a lot sooner than anticipated and now she was at a loss as to what to do next. She had enough money to stay in Japan for three more days before she had to head home and do some work to earn back the money she had spent on travel, but she was not sure if staying for the three days was a good idea or not.

"I am not sure, Meninas." Diana replied to buy herself a little time to think. She took another sip of coffee to buy a little more time and after doing that she set the cup down and looked at the other Quincy.

"I may spend another day here before returning home." Diana finally said to Meninas. The blonde was not making something up just to give an answer. Having no family to support her meant that she was on a shoestring budget and needed to spend every dollar wisely to be able to afford rent and utilities. She would have to go back to her hotel and do the math to see if she could afford to spend another day in Japan before committing to touring Tokyo or traveling even further across Japan.

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Coffee And Conversation [Diana/Meninas] - Page 4 Empty Re: Coffee And Conversation [Diana/Meninas]

Thu Jul 11, 2024 9:23 am
Coffee And Conversation [Diana/Meninas] - Page 4 6nuQdpC


Nodding as Diana touched upon her plans, Meninas would think for a moment before saying. “I hope you get to see what Japan has to offer in the time you do spend here. It’s a lovely country and I’ve become quite fond of it in the time I’ve spent travelling across it. Couldn’t be any more different than where I come from but I suppose that’s why I enjoy exploring it. It's a shame that it’s kind of a hive for Hollows sometimes but there are plenty of folks to deal with them, both Quincy and others.”

The Quincy was rather curious about Diana’s home and after a little time, would ask. “What’s the United States like? It’s not a continent I’ve been to yet although I’d like to one day. I imagine it must be rather different to Japan with all the different states and rules in each one. My father told me a little about it once but I confess I got a bit confused. I struggle with learning the laws of one country, let alone a country which has like 50 smaller ones in it.” She chuckled at her own knowledge, happy to admit her ignorance.


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Coffee And Conversation [Diana/Meninas] - Page 4 Empty Re: Coffee And Conversation [Diana/Meninas]

Fri Jul 12, 2024 11:29 am
When Diana heard that Japan sometimes played host to a large number of Hollows the blonde blinked.

"There are Hollows here?" Diana asked Meninas with both sincere interest and curiosity. She had come to detest Hollows ever since they had killed her parents so long ago and she was eager to destroy them whenever and wherever they appeared. However, Diana did not currently have the strength necessary to hunt Hollows in a foreign country and stand a good chance of living to tell the tale. If she was going to stay at least one more day she would just stick to touring Tokyo instead of looking for trouble.

"I cannot tell you much about the rest of America, but my home state of Georgia is not a bad place to live. I spend a good deal of time in rural areas and small-town America, so I cannot tell you a whole lot about the big cities. However, I can tell you that Georgia's capital city Atlanta is a busy place and has a lot of vehicular traffic." Diana informed Meninas that her knowledge of Georgia's cities was limited because she did not go to them very often. The state capital of Atlanta was the largest city she had ever visited and she was impressed by what she had seen of it, but she could not tell Meninas anything a resident would know like the names of the best restaurants, how the nightlife was, or where all the tourist attractions worth visiting were located. Hopefully the pink-haired Quincy would not hold that against her.
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Coffee And Conversation [Diana/Meninas] - Page 4 Empty Re: Coffee And Conversation [Diana/Meninas]

Fri Jul 12, 2024 12:33 pm
Coffee And Conversation [Diana/Meninas] - Page 4 6nuQdpC


“Hollows appear all over the world.” The Sternritter answered after musing for a bit, almost surprised by Diana’s reaction. “We’re sent all over the place in order to defeat them although Japan is a particularly potent spot for them as I said. There’s a town named Karukara that is incredibly strong when it comes to spiritually aware individuals and special defences have been put up there in order to stop the Hollows. In general though, they can appear anywhere humans are and it’s always wise to keep your guard up, especially when you’re wandering by yourself.”

Listening to Diana as she spoke about her home state, Meninas would nod. “Rural is all I know too up until I joined the Vandenreich, so I’m kind of in the same boat. I will definitely make sure to visit your home state though if I get the chance. I remember there being a mission in the states just recently now that I think about it although it wasn’t one I went on myself.” It might have seemed as though she was revealing important information but given the constant warring and battles, it didn’t seem like an awfully big reveal in Meninas’s opinion.


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Coffee And Conversation [Diana/Meninas] - Page 4 Empty Re: Coffee And Conversation [Diana/Meninas]

Fri Jul 12, 2024 1:15 pm
"I have fought Hollows in my home state of Georgia several times in the past. I worked with a local militia on each occasion, so I was able to live to tell the tale. Having others around enabled me to compensate for my overall weakness, but I hope to be able to become strong enough to not have to always rely on local militias for help." Diana stated that Hollows were not a new threat to her and that she had a little bit of experience in dealing with them. Her earlier surprise had been at the fact that there were Hollows in Japan, but she had not communicated that point clearly and that was on her. Thankfully Meninas had not written her off as a hopeless backwoods rube but had instead chosen to be patient with the blonde and explain that the Hollow menace was not confined to America or Japan.

"The local militias fight of their own accord and they do their job admirably, but I always feel like I am putting them at risk by relying on them to cover for my weakness. I want to change that. I want to be able to pull my weight in a fight." Diana elaborated a little more on what she had said earlier. The blonde knew that until she could become strong enough to stand on her own it was prudent to seek the help of others, but she still felt like she was using militia members as distractions during a fight even though that was not her intent. So far she had been lucky because no one had gotten seriously hurt, but Diana knew that luck was a fickle mistress. if she did not start improving herself one day her luck might run out and someone might get seriously hurt or even killed because she could not pull her own weight.

"I travel in the woods a lot and what you say is true. The woods are scenic, but they can also be very dangerous. Sometimes there are things more dangerous than predatory wildlife traveling through them." Diana remarked on the need to be vigilant when traveling alone. Knowing the area she was traveling in helped mitigate the risk, but even someone who was at home in rural areas like her needed to exercise caution. Being so far away from civilization meant that one mistake could be fatal.

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Coffee And Conversation [Diana/Meninas] - Page 4 Empty Re: Coffee And Conversation [Diana/Meninas]

Fri Jul 12, 2024 2:31 pm
Coffee And Conversation [Diana/Meninas] - Page 4 6nuQdpC


“A fair enough reason to strive for strength but I doubt those you fought with thought of you in such a way. I’m sure you did your best and played your part in taking out the Hollows in your way.” The gentle giant answered with confidence, deciding to share her own reason for wishing for strength although her voice became rather less cheerful as she kept speaking. “I wish for power because I don’t want to fail in protecting those I care about, as well as those I’m supposed to protect. When my father needed me the most, I didn’t have the strength or speed to get there quickly enough.”

Deciding to pivot to Diana’s other comments, she’d go on to add. “Mmm. I certainly encountered plenty of danger during my travels alone. I’m just thankful that I had the training required in order to defend myself. It’s a risk filled world all right, especially when you walk across it alone. I hope that wherever your path leads you, it will lead you to gaining the strength that you seek. I’ll always be willing to help you train though should we meet again. I can’t call myself a master but I’m pretty well rounded.”


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Coffee And Conversation [Diana/Meninas] - Page 4 Empty Re: Coffee And Conversation [Diana/Meninas]

Sat Jul 13, 2024 12:14 pm
Diana listened to Meninas' next sentences and learned that the other Quincy wanted to get stronger too and they were somewhat similar to the blonde's reasons. They also shared the same theme of tragedy... to an extent. It sounded like Meninas just could not get to her father in time to prevent tragedy. Diana, on the other hand, did not even have a chance to try and save her family because she did not have what it took to help them fend off the swarm of Hollows that attacked the Remington home. Her only choices were to either run for her life or stay and end up under a tombstone like her parents.

The blonde chose not to respond to that statement because she was not looking to get a misery competition going. Both Quincies had experienced loss and both of them suffered from it in their own ways, so comparing their situations would be an exercise in futility. Instead she focused on what sounded like an offer of training should the two ever cross paths again in the future. That was an interesting proposition and one that a novice Quincy who was currently unaffiliated with any organization could not easily turn down. However, Diana suspected that there might be a cost to that assistance and was wary of that possibility.

"Would there be consequences to you training a Quincy who is not a member of the Vandenreich?" Diana calmly asked Meninas. As much as Diana was concerned that she might have to pay a price for the other Quincy's aid she was more concerned that Meninas might suffer consequences for giving someone who was not part of the Vandenreich training. The blonde did not want to jeopardize the other person's career for her own benefit if she could avoid it.
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Coffee And Conversation [Diana/Meninas] - Page 4 Empty Re: Coffee And Conversation [Diana/Meninas]

Sat Jul 13, 2024 12:32 pm
Coffee And Conversation [Diana/Meninas] - Page 4 6nuQdpC


“Of course not.” The Sternritter responded with a shake of the head. “The Vandenreich have no jurisdiction as to who I choose to help or not. Most of what I’d show you would be what I learned from my father anyway rather than them. So far, I haven’t had any real lessons regarding Quincy training with the organisation and what I use came from him. It won’t have any bearing on me if I passed on what I know to you. I feel that, if anything, he’d be proud that I’d be so willing to help.”

It was only when she thought about Diana’s question further that Meninas seemed to twig as to where the blonde was coming from. Her fellow coffee drinker seemed to be under the impression that the Vandenreich was a super strict organisation who were almost completely militarily focused. While there was some of that, it wasn’t the be all and end all to it and the pink haired woman mused that maybe she’d made a bit of an error when explaining its purpose. It wasn't as strict as it might appear.


Last edited by Ashaiya on Sun Jul 14, 2024 8:24 am; edited 1 time in total
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