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Tue Jul 02, 2024 12:23 pm
City of Light, City of Magic [Joli, Mura] BzY1waL


The Pacific was huge! Mura had only traveled to China, so the rest of the world was still just images in an atlas to him – the North- and South American continents, the Eurasian Landmass, Africa and Oceania, it was all still far and wide to his existence. His world was small… but props to Sabriel. A lot of stress went down the drain, and Kyūken wasn’t bothering him nearly as much as before. He’d gotten… domesticated. By a scolding, gothic Arrancar temptress. The irony.

But now, from the plane he was on, the Pacific was a marvel… even if it was mainly sea, sea, sea, blue, and more sea for most of the flight. Mura wished he could travel by his own means, such as with… uh, Veralia could open freaking portals to and from random places, that’d be cool to possess. Speaking of, why didn’t he just ask Sabriel for a helping hand?! He could’ve saved money on the ticket! IDIOT!!!

Cool, cool… just live with it.

Once he landed, he walked, stood, waited, walked some more, and finally found himself in a fucking wonderland – the buildings were blinding white, almost as if reflecting the rays of the sun itself. He was far from used to this much white, taking a few minutes to adjust his eyes to the sheer marvel of the view. This was a city? From the plane alone, he could tell it was the size of a region! Even a country!

But uh… a guy as intent as him quickly got his word out, even by just talking with passers-by – soon, word of a disabled, indigenous, young man from Japan wielding a rusty, old sword seeking aid from the Vandenreich would spread about while Mura approached the center of the City of Lights at high speed. Though, he was limited to just running past people on the street, jumping over the occasional bridge until he was physically blocked by a sudden change in… pressure.

This area… the sheer concentration of Reiatsu physically braked him in his tracks. Mura had never felt this much power focused in such an area before. It was all new experiences to him, but it felt vastly different from the light but threatening auras in Hueco Mundo. It felt much more… dense, intense, and unrelenting. Pure.

Just like Meninas’ aura. And Stella’s. It left the one-armed swordsman, clad in his orange jacket and jeans, with Harukami strapped to his back for lesser hostility, simply glaring ahead of the gap with waters beneath, in the distance central buildings and halls located. At this point, he’d already been snooping around the City of Light for 2 days, and a few people had recorded his antics of casually sprinting past people here and there. Without Fa Jin, he sure looked like a potential pocket thief trying his luck at the riskiest place to ever rob someone in.

His lack of white apparel probably, maybe, likely, kind of didn't help much, did it? The only white thing on him were his prayer beads, neatly wrapped around his neck with huge, white beads expressing his tense focus at the area far ahead of him. If Stella's right, that's their base, eh? Nothing like a physical introduction, leave a good first impression, increase my chances at joining. It worked all the time back home, why not here?

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Tue Jul 02, 2024 1:47 pm
City of Light, City of Magic [Joli, Mura] My2pcex8kd7

Jo's brows furrowed as she stared at the page, a soft sigh escaping her as she slumped back into her seat. Tiredly scanning the page as she took her time surveying the listings. NAturally, it wasn't just all sunshine and vacations here. Much as she was able to enjoy sitting around and enjoying the visits with her sister, her savings weren't going to last forever. And the last thing she needed was her Pa sensing she needed cash. So in the midst of her visitation and exploration, she'd been looking into some various potentials of employment.She could already feel the beginnings of frustration as she promptly dropped the newspaper onto the table, her eyes drifting closed as she took a slow, steady sigh. A nice, cleansing breath. Briefly, she heard the voice of her therapist in her head. Sometimes she missed Doctor Nara. But still, her advice at least applied well enough. Careful not to fuss too much over things.

But well, relaxing didn't seem to be on the menu. The sudden tension of spiritual energy in the area jolted her. Her eyes snapping wide open as she promptly stood up and looked around! Startled by the sudden sensation, it wasn't until she spotted someone that she had a potential idea of where it had even come from. Jesus, the hell.

"HEY! You mind?!" She all but barked at the man, whom she presumed to be the source of the sudden spiritual pressure, annoyance clear in her voice as she followed his gaze and furrowed her brows. The ....Silby or ...whatever? Natasha had mentioned that this was the Vandenreich compound, at least one of them, and she furrowed her brows a little as she gave the man a wary look. What was he doing releasing his energy and staring at the building. Her eyes briefly darted to her phone on the bench, and she briefly found herself wishing she'd picked it up before her attention shifted back to the man.
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Thu Jul 04, 2024 1:06 pm
City of Light, City of Magic [Joli, Mura] BzY1waL



Mura was genuinely dumbfounded when someone shouted at him, turning his face back to see a blonde woman with a rather annoyed expression – clearly something to do with what he was doing at this particular moment, but he was no detective. Why’d she just up and tell him to… mind? Wait, was he doing something wrong?!

“… Am I- uh… am I bothering you?” he asked, his eyes comically blinking loudly, while his only hand occupied itself with pointing at himself. The prayer beads around his neck turned bright yellow. “I don’t remember bothering anyone here. Please, don’t just shout at me out of nowhere…”

Super rude. Mura wasn't going to tolerate being shouted at for absolute bogus.

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Thu Jul 04, 2024 1:21 pm
City of Light, City of Magic [Joli, Mura] My2pcex8kd7

Tch. She sighed and made a face as she reached up and rubbed her temple. "Ya know what? Don't worry about it." She sighed and tensed as she looked off to the side. Sweat beading from her bows, her heart still fucking racing. She started to wonder if she was going crazy. These damn flares of spirit energy were so hard to figure out where they were comign from. For all she knew she just yelled at this guy for nothing. Or she was being pranked. Tch, she could see that being a thing. These .... folks just putting out extra .....spirit....vibrations or whatever, and fucking with normal people. Ugh.

"I thought you were ....flexing your spirit whatever. Just got spooked is all. Sorry, I'm not used to being around Spirituals." She conceded, rubbing the back of her head.
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Tue Jul 09, 2024 12:42 pm
City of Light, City of Magic [Joli, Mura] BzY1waL


Huh… don’t… worry about it.

Mura was confused. Had she seen a ghost or something? Wait… maybe she meant Kyūken! Turning his head around, Mura tried to establish stern eye contact with the plus chained to his sheathed tsurugi, but Kyūken wasn’t doing anything weird. He was just… floating. Silently. Rather uncharacteristic, but he’d been this way since they met Sabriel.

She looked a bit mortified, mentioning that he had flexed his spirit something- did she mean his Spiritual… his Reishi? She could sense that? Why’d it shock her that much, then?! He wasn’t that… oh.

Mura couldn’t help but throw a side-eye at Kyūken: “And you have the nerve to call me weak?”

“B-Be quiet…”

“Tch. Suit yourself…” Mura ended the conversation with the ghost real quick, turning his gaze back towards the blonde. “Sorry, I do possess Spiritual Energy, if that’s what got you worked up… I wasn’t flexing, though. Not even sure you can do that – it’s not a muscle, it’s just energy.” Mura made it somewhat clear that he had no damn clue what she meant by ‘flexing’ – he was just a human with Reishi. A lot of Reishi, especially for the average human, but he wasn’t doing anything extraordinary with it. He wasn’t expressing it or powering up or anything – he’d never powered up or flexed anything. He had his energy and made use of it the moment he’d draw his blade, but beyond that… meh.

“Wait, you can flex your energy? If you know that… are you from the Vandenreich, too? I’m just here to visit.”

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Tue Jul 09, 2024 12:55 pm

City of Light, City of Magic [Joli, Mura] My2pcex8kd7

Joe rubbed her eyes a bit as she turned, righting herself as she looked down the street, considering just walking out of here while she still hadn't embarassed herself too much. However she was a bit startled when she heard the responde from the man. A furrowing of her brows as she stared at the man for several long moments. Was this guy for real?

"What? No, I just grew up with Quincy Family members. I don't remember the whole.... terminology. But I know how most of it works." She murmured, her eyes slowly narrowing a bit as she took a moment to scrutinize them. "Of course you can. You've never seen a fight go down and felt shit get heavy alluva sudden? I don't remember the term for it. But it's like...spiritual ...gravity." She didn't remember the terms, but she sure as hell remembered the lessons. Applying more force to your surroundings by restraining your spiritual energy sounded like the most ass backwards logic ever, and it was one of the lessons that had always stuck with her.

She paused... touching her chin to her thumb. "I'm not really good at teaching...well..alright not teaching THIS stuff, I was taught when I was little. But I don't really remember enough to give you a lesson. I'd suggest uh.. looking it up. I'm sure they got articles about it online."
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Sat Jul 20, 2024 2:23 pm
City of Light, City of Magic [Joli, Mura] BzY1waL


Oh… so much for assuming, you foreign bigoted Ainu weirdo. Still, she talked about ‘pressure’ as if it was expected trivia – everyone knew what this spiritual pressure was about, right? Just like everyone knew what 2 plus 2 equaled.

“Gravity… I think I get it now,” Mura responded, thinking back to the day he met Akira back in China. He felt the air tightening when he breathed, and his skin was shivering in the heat of battle, but he chalked it up to the sheer adrenaline rush from combat. To think that there was an actual, tangible pressure from their spiritual energies…

He did look it up in 0.2 seconds from his phone per her request – being one-handed meant he had to practice small, handy habits like these a lot more, so he was quick with typing and stuff. “I mean, that’s partly why I’m here – Vandenreich must house many experienced combatants with more knowledge in Spiritual Pressure than what I can find back home in Japan… w-why aren’t you a member, though? You’re a Quincy too, right?”

Oh, for fuck’s sake, Mura… just because she grew up with a family of Quincies – her words – didn’t mean that she was one. But sure, fine, continue assuming shit. “Between Meninas and Stella, the Quincies are really talented with Spiritual techniques…”

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Tue Jul 23, 2024 8:57 am
City of Light, City of Magic [Joli, Mura] My2pcex8kd7

She couldn't help but snort a little and smile as he made the connection. "Heh, more or less. Pretty messed up, honestly. " She sighed, closing her eyes as she recalled the effects such pressure had on people in some instances. Just paralyzed from the mere presence of some things. It was fucked up. However, she did raise her brows in slight surprise at the man's assumption.

"Psh. Me? In the Vandenreich? No, my sister is though. And I'm not a quincy either. Some people in my family were, but I never really had it in me for that stuff. " She stated simply enough. Years ago she might have been sore on the subject, but frankly these days she didn't mind in the slightest. She could just work on herself and being a person. Right?

she pushed out the thoughts that threatened to distract her from the conversation. The sensation that she didn't feel...happy as a human.

"Beats me. I've not really met a ton. Though if you ask me, The Arrancar seem to be pretty damn skilled as a general group. But I guess being what they are has a lot to do with that. I hear theres a lot of strong shinigami too." She shrugged. She knew she had a pretty layman's understanding of it all, at least in the broader scope of just being a civilian. But she was certainly open to being corrected.
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City of Light, City of Magic [Joli, Mura] Empty Re: City of Light, City of Magic [Joli, Mura]

Tue Jul 30, 2024 11:37 am
City of Light, City of Magic [Joli, Mura] BzY1waL


Huh… so she wasn’t in the Vandenreich… and she wasn’t a Quincy… so…

Was she just a… normal human, then? Like him? Was ‘normal’ even the right word to use here? Certainly, Quincies were humans too… okay, now he sounded really weird- y’know what, keep those weird speculations to yourself, Mura. “… Hmh,” he hummed in deep thought, “So it’s more than just heritage?” It could be a family tradition for all that he knew, but thinking back… Meninas did express it as if it was a trait.

The mention of Arrancar did make him remember Veralia, causing a soft blush to travel across his face before he shook it away. “… Mhm, seconded,” he agreed on that, “Actually, I haven’t met any Shinigamis myself… I thought they were more elusive than that. Are they also here in Vandenreich?”

He holds up a hand to gaze upon the large center of Vandenreich beyond the bridge, hopeful for his future within their ranks. “Now I got to join them… I mean, you may not be a Quincy, but what else’s stopping you from joining?”

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City of Light, City of Magic [Joli, Mura] Empty Re: City of Light, City of Magic [Joli, Mura]

Tue Jul 30, 2024 3:23 pm
City of Light, City of Magic [Joli, Mura] My2pcex8kd7

Jo tilted her head ever so slightly as she watched him mull things over in his head. As he did so, she let her eyes strain to the ... thing that was just hanging out behind him. Not like it was the first time she'd seen a Tsukirei. But what WAS strange was that the guy didn't really seem to aknowledge them much. Maybe they did't get along or something. But she ... at least for the time being, didn't say anything about it. Yep, just gonna let that one slide for the time being.

"I've seen one or two in the uniform. Well, at least I think so. Aint as common, but i've seen em. And ...what do ya mean?" She asked with furrowed brows. Of course, she internally didn't blame him. Some nights she wondered that very same thing. Not like there weren't noncombative positions in the vandenreich to be taking. And in truth, she was deathly curious about the spiritual world. She wondered if it might not just be the solution she'd been pretending wasn't infront of her. But no. At least for now, she wanted to explore her options. She didn't wanna just jump into things like that. Besides, she had other plans.

"Won't lie, I've maybe thought of it a few times. But I don't really think it's for me." She stated simply.
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