Bleach Platinum Hearts RP
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Mysterious Man Empty Mysterious Man

Thu Apr 14, 2011 12:58 pm
Early in the day, Gin decided to pay a visit to a place he had never forgotten, but didn't return to. It was a place close to his heart, and with every passing day, it does not grow weaker. He stepped out of soul society, making his way through the Rukongai. As he walked, the earth around him grew dead, the trees began to look dried up and leafless. He knew he had arrived. He had no grin on his face, unnatural for Gin, but instead had a calm look, feeling at peace when he arrived. He looked around at the dead trees and dry sand, and was touched by a gust of air, warm, and dry. There wasn't any life to be seen besides a few lizards crawling into holes, making their homes underground.

This was a place close to Gin, a place he kept close to his heart, because as a child, this dead forest, was where he truly met Matsumoto Rangiku. While he wasn't much of a softy, and never told anyone of his feelings, Rangiku was truly his favorite person out of all. A slight grin came to his face, not like the others, a more sincere grin, a smile, he was happy to be in this place again to remember that wonderful day where he met that girl.

Gin's face became calm again as he turned to look at one of the dead trees in the distance, he wasn't sure where he actually found the girl, the land was dead, and it all looked the same as far as the eye could see, and it would be impossible to know for sure. He leaned against a tree and took a breather, then began to walk back to seireitei, his silver hair blowing in the gust slightly as a grin was brought to his face.

Gin Ichimaru - Tier 0-4+
Meruto Iramasha - Tier 1-3+
Boreas Nekton - Tier 2-1+
Nain Yue - Tier 2-1+
Luck Yuugi - Tier 2-1
Giygas Giegue - Tier 2-1
Atlas - Tier 2-2
Keten 226 - Tier 2-3+
Mephisto Furcht - Tier 2-3
Monkey D. Luffy - Tier 2-3
Zima Mesha - Tier 3-2+
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Mysterious Man Empty Re: Mysterious Man

Thu Apr 14, 2011 1:10 pm
Rena had been running for what felt like hours and accidentally barrelled into some man having faltered during a shunpo. She looked like a bloody wreck..her hair was caked in blood and her entire body had lacerations all over it. She looked like she had just fought a war all by herself.

And she freaked the moment she heard hundreds of hollows roar behind her. She was up in and instant and turning around to face them. Now there was someone else around with spiritual pressure. Though she was exhausted..she felt he was strong. even if he truely wasn't..she couldn't just let him fight by himself against so many hollow.

"Get up! they are coming!!" She said as she glanced back over to him and then back infront of her---

-- only to see the open mouth of a hollow attempting to swallow her whole. She put up her blade defensively..but she was so tired that none of her powers were functioning. Behind the hollow infront of her..she could just barely see the swarm that had been chasing her the entire time begin to catch up.
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Mysterious Man Empty Re

Thu Apr 14, 2011 1:22 pm
As Gin was walking back, he heard a noise in the distance, a roaring sound from what seemed like a mob of hollows. He stopped walking and turned, the gust still blowing against him as he felt the spiritual energy of not just hollows, but a shinigami as well, a concerned look appeared on his face as a woman suddenly appeared infront of him, bumping into him mid-shunpo. Gin put his arms out and caught her. She was covered in blood, which peaked Gin's interest, she seemed to be battling the mob all by herself, he wondered why, but he could see she needed help.

Gin watched as she was up instantly after falling into Gin, and seemed confident as well, but he knew she couldn't be strong enough to face them. He rested his hand on the sheath of his zanpakuto and pulled it out before pointing it towards the sound of the mob. He watched as she glanced over to him, a hollowing coming towards her as a grin appeared on Gin's face, a devilish grin as she turned back to see a hollow attempting to swallow her, which she was too weak to block.

Gin kept his zanpakuto steady, pointing straight at the hollow as he spoke the words, "Pierce him dead... Shinso..." He said with a smirk as a powerful reiatsu was released from his zanpakuto, glowing white with power, and extending at a great speed, smashing into the hollows face and slicing it's mask clean in half with little effort. The blade continued to extend, slicing some hollows in the back as well. In a mere instant Gin had killed many of the mob, and he stepped forward, retracting his blade to it's original length as he continued to grin, "You shouldn't fight a losing battle, look at you... you can barely stand up, you couldn't even deal with one... oh well.. I can handle them.. please relax and feel better.. I will help you in a moment." He said with a somewhat polite, yet sarcastic tone, almost as though he was trying to piss her off, yet compliment her, it was a very confusing tone, which couldn't be told if he was joking or being serious.

Gin watched as the hollows continued rushing, he extended his blade once more, his arm pointing it to the left of him, and as it was, he slashed it in a clean swoop from left to right. The blade was not yet fully extended, but as it did, the masks from left to right of the tall hollows appeared to be more and more slashed as they fell to the floor, disolving into purple reishi. The ones surviving were screaming in pain, and some of the lesser ones ran off.

Gin Ichimaru - Tier 0-4+
Meruto Iramasha - Tier 1-3+
Boreas Nekton - Tier 2-1+
Nain Yue - Tier 2-1+
Luck Yuugi - Tier 2-1
Giygas Giegue - Tier 2-1
Atlas - Tier 2-2
Keten 226 - Tier 2-3+
Mephisto Furcht - Tier 2-3
Monkey D. Luffy - Tier 2-3
Zima Mesha - Tier 3-2+
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Mysterious Man Empty Re: Mysterious Man

Thu Apr 14, 2011 7:35 pm
"You shouldn't fight a losing battle, look at you... you can barely stand up, you couldn't even deal with one... " Rena couldn't help but get angry at him when he said that. One!? ONE!? She had fought damn near 400 of the little bastards and slaughtered them! Even she would get tired after so many!

"It wasn't just ONE. No matter how strong a person is they do eventually get tired against ovewhelming numbers. I'll have you know I took down hundreds of the damn things before they started to kick my ass!" She replied very hostily to this man. She turned and looked at his face before freezing in her tracks and stammering her next words.

"Y..yo..your..Gin..Ichimaru.." She had to nearly choke out the last words. She had thought he died during the Aizen campaign. Yet here he was standing before her and HELPING her no less!

"What are you doing here!?" she said as she gripped the hilt of her Zanpaktou and took a defensive stance with it. When last she heard mention of Gin Ichimaru. He was Aizen's right hand man. She relaxed pretty quick though..because as she thought about it further it didn't make since for him to help her if he was simply going to kill her.

"Does anyone else know your alive?" She asked curiously to see if she was the first to meet him since that event or not.
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Mysterious Man Empty Re

Fri Apr 15, 2011 2:59 am
Gin stood there as his blade retracted back to it's original length as he turned to look at the girl who looked like she was just run over by a train. She had appeared to get angry and Gin just kept his grin on his face, "Regardless of how many you did defeat... you were still defeated." He said in a disappointing tone. She had finally realised who he was, not that it mattered to him at all, he didn't care if anyone knew he was alive or not. Gin turned to her to answer her question. She had asked if anyone knew he was alive, "Of course people know I'm alive, I don't think it would be possible not to notice me after all I've done." His grin grew in a devilish way, hard to tell if he was still good or bad.

Gin walked up to the girl and leaned over, placing a hand on her head and looking into her eyes with his own squinty eyes and the devilish smile, "If you hadn't noticed, you look like you were hit by a truck... killing you would not only serve no purpose... but wouldn't be much fun. If I had to put a number from 1 to 10 of how scary you are... I'd place it currently at negative 5." He said in a polite tone, even though it was a rude comment.

Gin removed his hand from her head, standing up straight before turning to the hollows once more, slashing from right to left this time, extending it as he slashed right to left, the blade sending out powerful reiatsu which easily cut through the hundreds of hollows, "Having a blade a long as mine, and a reiatsu as powerful as mine, makes quick work of this amount of hollows." His grin never left his face as he spoke. He retracted his blade to it's original state as the rest of the hollows ran away in fear, the others falling over in pain and disolving into purple reishi.

Gin Ichimaru - Tier 0-4+
Meruto Iramasha - Tier 1-3+
Boreas Nekton - Tier 2-1+
Nain Yue - Tier 2-1+
Luck Yuugi - Tier 2-1
Giygas Giegue - Tier 2-1
Atlas - Tier 2-2
Keten 226 - Tier 2-3+
Mephisto Furcht - Tier 2-3
Monkey D. Luffy - Tier 2-3
Zima Mesha - Tier 3-2+
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Mysterious Man Empty Re: Mysterious Man

Fri Apr 15, 2011 1:27 pm
Rena frowned as he continued to mock the fact she was beaten pretty badly at the moment. She wasn't as strong as him and he should easily be able to tell that fact. So why was he being such an ass to her?

"You don't have to continually insult me. If i'm that bad off why didn't you just let me die."

She hmphed and pulled out a rag from her robe that she began to clean herself up with. between her blood and the blood of her enemies she had to wring it out quite a bit to get herself decently clean. She then placed the rag back in her robes in a pocket specially ment for it.

"What are you doing here anyways.. I had figured you would be the LAST person out here."

She eyeballed him carefully as she finished speaking her questions. She was in no condition to fight him..nor was she in any condition to flee. If the man was still evil. She was going to die. If not..well she had no freaking clue what was going to happen.
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Mysterious Man Empty Re

Fri Apr 15, 2011 1:37 pm
Gin watched as she cleaned herself off, wringing out the blood that was on her, he continued to grin as he responded to her, "I have no idea why I saved you, but I did, so please be greatful mistress." He said in a sarcastic tone, looking out to where the hollows once were, all of them gone now as he turned back to the girl, whom finished cleaning herself up. She asked him why he was here, which was hard for him to answer, afterall, he was here because of that one girl, the one day he finally met her, but of course, it was personal stuff he didn't feel like mentioning.

Gin stood there with a serious face as he looked at the desert, then grinned as he turned his head to her, "Let's just say, I wouldn't be the last person out here..." He said in a polite tone as he put his arm out, patting her head, lowering his face to be close to hers, "Besides that though.. why on earth were you out here fighting all those hollows on your own? You couldn't possibly be that dumb... You don't look dumb anyway..." He said with a concerned tone, but kept his grin on his face, making things confusing.

Gin removed his hand and stood up straight, spinning his zanpakuto in his hand as he caught it, pointing it downwards and lowering it to slide back into his sheath, turning it back into its sealed state as he let his arm relax. Gin felt the gust of warm air hit his skin and then yawned once beefore grinning again, "Regardless.. you don't need to worry about me killing you, even if I had intentions.. you wouldn't be any fun anyway." He said in a rude tone, but in the end, he was saying he didn't want to attack her. Everything Gin said was very hard to understand properly, which is just the way he was.

Gin Ichimaru - Tier 0-4+
Meruto Iramasha - Tier 1-3+
Boreas Nekton - Tier 2-1+
Nain Yue - Tier 2-1+
Luck Yuugi - Tier 2-1
Giygas Giegue - Tier 2-1
Atlas - Tier 2-2
Keten 226 - Tier 2-3+
Mephisto Furcht - Tier 2-3
Monkey D. Luffy - Tier 2-3
Zima Mesha - Tier 3-2+
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Mysterious Man Empty Re: Mysterious Man

Sun Apr 17, 2011 12:44 pm
Rena resisted the urge to slap the man for his rude behavior..but she did glare at him as he treated her like a child. He didn't seem to be giving off any murderous intent and he wasn't flexing his She guessed he was alright. Wouldn't be the last person here though? Who would be then? Oh well..she didn't think she'd figured it out herself and decided to drop the thinking altogether.

She then looked up as the wind blew past her face making her hair and robe ripple in it, "I was out here tracking down some hollows that had been causing alot of chaos.. Soul Society hadn't been doing anything about I decided to take care of it myself..I would have never guessed there were so many involved..or so many that could be involved."

She sighed as she leaned against a nearby tree and looked over at Gin Ichimaru. Still quite surprised that the man was not only alive..but so close to Soul Society without being surrounded by soldiers. Maybe they too already knew and knew something she didn't. Something that made it so that Gin could be near Soul Society and live.

"Well.. it really isn't my business to care whether or not your in Soul Society or not. I probably shouldn't be here either since I'm not a part of the Court Guard Squads anymore." She shook her head and sighed softly as she raised both hands in a what can ya do fashion. She then began to walk towards Rukongai District and looked back at Gin.

"Why don't you take a stroll with me. I'm sure its better than staying here by yourself Mr. Ichimaru."
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Mysterious Man Empty Re

Mon Apr 18, 2011 1:43 pm
Gin stood still, thinking for a moment, his expression changing into a calm look, no longer grinning. He thought about the way he was acting, then realised, there was no real reason to do so anymore, his job was done, it wasn't even his responsibility anymore. He grinned a bit, but it was a real grin, a smile, his eyes opened lightly as the girl spoke. His eyes were a clear ice blue, and glowed from the reflecting light of the sun. He only opened them a bit, but his eyes still stood out on his face.

Gin continued to smile as he responded, "You... did a good job... the hollows were well dealt with, no matter that you failed, the important thing is that you took on your responsibility, and even though it seemed hopeless, you kept with it..." He said in a normal tone instead of a sarcastic or rude tone. He seemed to finally realise that Aizen was defeated, he no longer needed to be distant from everyone, he needed a new goal in life, and hopefully, its one where he can be himself.

Gin smiled further, his eyes closing again, he was happy to be offered to walk with, "I would love to walk with you, it will be fun I'm sure." he chuckled a bit, he still had a bit of a sarcastic tone, but he wasn't trying to be sarcastic at all, "Perhaps I could find some different clothes to put on... these ones are a little torn up from a while back... I could use some new ones..." he said sweetly. He seemed to be a totally different person in an instant, you wouldn't of suspected that someone with such a murderous past would act this way. Due to his past though, even if he acted this way, suspicion would still follow him.

Gin Ichimaru - Tier 0-4+
Meruto Iramasha - Tier 1-3+
Boreas Nekton - Tier 2-1+
Nain Yue - Tier 2-1+
Luck Yuugi - Tier 2-1
Giygas Giegue - Tier 2-1
Atlas - Tier 2-2
Keten 226 - Tier 2-3+
Mephisto Furcht - Tier 2-3
Monkey D. Luffy - Tier 2-3
Zima Mesha - Tier 3-2+
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Mysterious Man Empty Re: Mysterious Man

Wed Jun 01, 2011 1:29 pm

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