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Queen Of The Sands
Joined : 2010-06-03
Posts : 3408
Age : 30

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Ashlei Clixx [FINAL REMAKE] [WIP] Left_bar_bleue60/100Ashlei Clixx [FINAL REMAKE] [WIP] Empty_bar_bleue  (60/100)

Ashlei Clixx [FINAL REMAKE] [WIP] Empty Ashlei Clixx [FINAL REMAKE] [WIP]

Thu Apr 21, 2011 2:57 pm

Ashlei Clixx [FINAL REMAKE] [WIP] 1170191098931-1


| | .A S H L E I . C L I X X . | |

Character True Age:
684 Years Old

Character Appearance Age:

Character Gender:


  • Freelancing with her mother and potential Gotei relations,
  • Will not attack the Espada or give away their information,
  • Has a special inside member of the Espada that freely gives her info on them but will not use this to help the Gotei but more for personal gain.


||The Espada||
Ashlei started off as an Arrancar and she will always be one. There is no denying that fact. Because of this, here constant methods of ‘Killing’ seem to get the better of her. In the need of a tactical decision, Ashlei would be the first person to suggest and agree with destroying everything, laughing about it and then walking off with a big grin. It’s not because she’s trying to be a truly bad person like she used to be, but her predator instincts take control of her decisions unless her mother intervenes. Ever since she became an Espada, she had this violent fetish for killing things and soaking in their raining blood and taking that sort of thing away from this kind of girl is not easy and she wishes to keep the attitude.

||The Child||
Believe it or not, but Ashlei is a daughter of Claire Clixx. The resemblances between the two are their blood-like attributes and their red colour schemes. Ever since Ashlei was adopted by her mother she has gained an unparalleled keenness for protecting her. If anything bad happened to her mother and she wouldn’t be able to do anything about it, she would enter a state of total depression and be very dangerous to be near. Whenever she is around her mother though, she is very happy and always smiling. Because of her attachment to her mother, Ashlei will never take orders from anyone except for Claire regardless of who they were. Even if somebody like Ceon were to ask her to do something, she wouldn’t do it and if she was forced into it, would claim she decided to take it upon herself to deal with the problem at hand. This shows off her Tsundere side.

||The Reader||
Ashlei is understandably a bookworm. She spends all of her free time sitting around and reading a book. It doesn’t matter how big the book is or how small the font is and how many pages are contained within it, she will finish the book and then put it back. Reasons for this, is that Ashlei aims to know absolutely everything she needs to know about anything in life. To do this, she took up reading and invented a library in Las Noches to fuel her reading needs. Soon though, Ashlei had read every book there three times over and that’s over ten thousand books. This just shows she has nothing better to do as the Cero Espada and has even less to do now as a wanted fugitive.

||The Intellectual||
It is not surprising that Ashlei is so intelligent now. After reading so much and forcing her mind to revise every word she reads over and over again, Ashlei has become somewhat of a genius. With an IQ that almost reaches 200, Ashlei can think of solutions to answers relatively quickly. However, she occasionally chooses not to act intelligent or people won’t take her seriously. However, because she has such an intellect, she often makes herself appear much more high and mighty than others.

||The Stuck Up Girl||
Ashlei has always had the ‘I’m better than you’ attitude towards everybody she meets. This is also shown to her mother at times when she is in a rebellious mood and tried to outwit her own mother at things. If somebody claimed to be better at something than she is and challenged her, she would quickly take up the challenge and show them what she is capable of. However, is she ever lost at something like that; she would kill the other person in a very disturbing manner to teach them a lesson not to outdo her ever again. Seeing as their dead, it’s unlikely their even going to walk again.

||The Rebellious Little Devil||
Ashlei has never truly been a good girl. She tends to use her abilities for bad rather than good and can even be seen using her power, intellect and threats to get people to do things for her. Other times, she deliberately causes chaos to get attention or annoys people to get a laugh out of it. For instance, getting under Ceons skin is a good pass time. So is removing a town from the map. Depending on her mood though, she could be capable of pulling off any kind of trickery but refrains from doing it to her mother in case she got mad. Ashlei doesn’t like her mother shouting at her.

||The Cute and Cuddly||
Ashlei isn’t just all about being a devil and causing chaos as well as killing everything and protecting her mother. She does have a very cute side to her which only her mother really gets to see. She changes tone completely and starts agreeing with things even if their incorrect and tends to hug and cuddle a lot. It has been known for Ashlei to fall asleep on her Mother lap for a long length of time which probably get’s on Claires nerves but it’s the only place Ashlei really needs to be and to be reminded of when she gets home. She is a girl after all and also a pretty sleepy one at that.

||The Posh Girl||
Ashlei tends to speak with a British accent and a posh voice. This helps with her Stuck Up attitude as she actually sounds more regal than most people. Seeing as she dresses smart as well, she would be easily mistaken for a noble family member if she didn’t have those wings. She drinks wine quite often and if she can’t find any, blood will do. She won’t eat anything large and tends to dine with small portions. Even a steak she wouldn’t be able to handle without having something to cut it into a quarter and having the smaller bit herself. Her favourite kind of food would be Strawberry Sundae’s just because they taste so fruity and delicious mixed with ice cream; Ashlei will do anything for one regardless of how big the thing was. She even sometimes dreams of eating one bigger than she actually is. Which is weird as her fragile stomach wouldn’t be able to handle it.

||The Disgusting Girl||
As much of a good girl Ashlei is, she has her fetish and flirtiest side which is enough to make anyone hurl from her crazy ideals. She goes for both guys and girls with little bother in whichever she chooses as long as their ready to give up their life for the next hour. As things start to play into motion, Ashlei strategically starts hurting her prey and relentlessly forces them to do whatever she wants. After that, she will literally take apart the body of the one she’s with in a gruesome fountain of blood and guts, but even this is enough to keep her smiling. This shows the girls crazy and sadistic side where she will literally fuck twitching bodies as hard as she can so they bleed everywhere. Blood excites her after all...

||What I hate, and What I like||
Ashlei has many things that she likes and a long list of things she hates. She loves her mother and will follow her to the ends of the earth just to make sure they were both able to be together. She tends to like Ceon and prefers to use her tricks on him as he knows he won’t retaliate against her for Claire’s sake. The girl absolutely adores blood and bathes in it instead of water to ‘clean the skin, purify it and make it as smooth as possible’. However Ashlei hates all bad references made towards her mother and will quite happily destroy everything in her path to kill the one that bad mouthed her. She cannot stand being looked down upon and ends up going into a rage because she isn’t taken seriously enough and also hates being ignored and not in the spotlight of attention. Even causing random hissy fits just to make people realise she is there is enough for her.



Ashlei Clixx [FINAL REMAKE] [WIP] Kaokuma1

Ashlei is an Arrancar to heart and because of this, she has a hollow body part as well as a humanoid body and Shinigami-like form as every Arrancar has. She stands at a very short size at 5’5 and has a very slim body. Her arms and legs are rather thin but not to the point where you’d expect her to snap just by walking or being anorexic. The use of her blood based powers just makes her feel slightly ill quite often and gives her this shape of body. Because she tends to soak in blood both in and out of combat, Ashlei’s skin is of an amazingly soft texture but still retains a healthy colour. Ashlei’s face is usually described by others as ‘Cute yet devilishly evil’ which is exactly how she acts and perceives herself. Her hair is grow out incredibly long past her waist at the back and usually covers a lot of her eyes if she doesn’t move it out of the way. Her eyes and hair both follow the same colour scheme of a powerful blood red that shines in the sunlight and darkens during the night.

Ashlei will always be seen wearing a dress regardless of the temperature or weather. If it is pouring it down with rain, she will wear a dress. If it is blazing hot in the summer she will wear a dress. This doesn’t mean she will be in a dress constantly though as she goes to bed in lingerie and would obviously wear a swimsuit to the beach. Not that she ever goes to the beach though and it’s not often that she is asleep on her own accord. The dress she is most often seen in resembles a high school students uniform with a dark gray colour with a white shirt with long sleeves and frilled wrists. Her legs wear long black tights and she wears nice black shoes which are sometimes heels depending on her mood. Ashlei will never wear gloves, a hat, personal human make-up or casual human clothes such as a T-shirt and jeans. She just isn’t that kind of girl. It is usual though to see Ashlei wearing glasses. Seeing as the girl loves to read, she can be seen walking back from the Library with her glasses on but before she meet’s anyone, she would usually take them off. Their plain and simple glasses made of stock colour metal with glass lenses.

The parts of Ashlei that resemble her hollow side are so easily seen you would fall off a cliff for not noticing them: Sprouting out of her head and out of her back are two pairs of redish wings. The ones on her back tend to be much larger than the ones on her head and give her a slight speed boost in the air compared to her usual Sonido speed. She can combine the two modes of transport to move at hefty speeds across the world and if she moved at the same speed for long enough, she could make it across the Pacific Ocean in a minute. However, this doesn’t mean she would arrive on the other side perfectly fine. She would probably land and crash into a mountain and wouldn’t even go that fast unless she moved in a perfectly straight line and constantly used reitsu. The wings on her head are odd enough as it is. Whenever she is flying, they tend to give off an aerodynamic feel that appears to make her move faster. Whenever she is excited or really pleased, they flap uncontrollably. If she is unhappy, they droop down like dog ears and if she doesn’t want to hear something, she can cover her ears with them like a puppy. This could mean that she isn’t all doom and gloom and has a youthful feel about her.
Reitsu Colour:
Ashlei's reitsu is very different to others because it had been tampered with so much in the past and can barely keep itself in shape. Because of this, the reitsu is a Bright Red colour and flows in arc shapes rather than fire. So when she is charging her powers, she is surrounded within multiple arcing streaks like rivers flowing through the air towards her.


Sealed Zanpakutô:
Ashlei holds a sword wrapped to her thigh. It is only 1’5ft in length and is as long as her waist to knee on her right leg. The blade is a silver colour and the hand-guard is a nice golden. However the handle is a red colour with golden imprints down the side of a dragon and right on the end of the handle is a red blood drip in the middle of a dragon face of gold. The blade isn’t anything fancy and is held onto her thigh by a black strap that is wrapped around her leg twice to form an X shape on each side.

Racial Abilities:

    [Blood for Blood]
    If at any point Ashlei loses blood, she is able to replace the lost blood via the blood she takes from the rain that is created; from the blood she lost (As long as it wasn’t tampered with via special abilities) or even that of the target’s spilt blood. This means Ashlei isn’t 100% made up of her own blood. Not even she knows how much of her own blood she has pumping through her body anymore. Whenever Ashlei does absorb blood though, her body feels a boost in adrenaline that doesn’t fuel her body to fight more, but gives her rebuilding genes a boost of energy and her reitsu to start flaring around her as she gets excited. In short, Ashlei receives a few second burst of regeneration upon absorbing blood which can be used consecutively to heal her over a period of time but not in massive chunks. The more blood digested, the faster and greater the regeneration would be, but due to her Reitsu and powers, a huge sum of blood would be needed for full recovery. there is however, a chance that Ashlei could kill herself with the blood use powers. If at any time she uses more blood than she takes, even her own, she could potentially end her own life if she didn't get more in her system. Almost as though blood was a drug to her, Ashlei craves it the less she has of it.

    [Blood Type X]

    When mixing the blood in ones system however, they would quickly grow ill and this could even lead to their heart to failing. That in itself is a problem, thus Ashlei has a peculiar blood type of X. Upon digesting blood into her system, whatever blood type it may be, Ashlei's biological organisms break down the new blood to use as regenerative powers. This also however, causes her body to generate more blood, but of a new type X. In short, Ashlei drinks blood, the blood is genetically eaten and hacked apart until it is compatible with Blood type X. This does mean though, that her initial digestion may make her feel sick and nauseated but after about 5 seconds, the blood is digested properly and she can use it, feeling normal once more.

    [Forsaken Bloods Will]
    Ashlei has maximum control over the blood she finds on the battlefield. This also means she cannot control the blood that is not outside of the body. Any blood encased within skin and within the body itself cannot be tampered with but this does not include an open wound. if a cut was made on the target and blood can be visibly seen, Ashlei can use the blood she see's on their skin and wound, but not that blood deeper within their system. This means that she is able to cause blood she is close to, to mould and shape itself at her disposal and move it around in a way that she wishes without touching it like a sort of telekinesis. She can form them into shapes and even weak variations of weaponry without having to touch it. Seeing as it is blood though, it is still in a liquid state so it will only ever cause a splash effect rather than piercing.

    Ashlei has a weird emotional state whenever she is upset. If somebody was to cause her to hit a powerful depression state, ALL of her powers feel more forceful. This is because Ashlei NEVER fight at full strength unless depressed and crying of which her true colour’s start to devastate most things. In short, keep her happy in battle or you may find yourself pinned to a wall a few miles away from where you were actually fighting.

    [Emotional Ribbon Link]
    Ashlei is an emotional persona nd sometimes, this can get the better of her. However, because she can suddenly change emotion so quickly, she can use this ability to great effect. Upon use, A ribbon of reitsu, red in colour, shoots from her chest with an infinite amount of ribbon length adjacent to how much reitsu Ashlei decided to sue to make it. The ribbon will then dash forwards towards a target and attempt to stick to the targets chest. if successful, the ribbon starts pulsing reitsu between the two from each body. What this then does, is gauges what emotion the two are feeling that is greatest at that point and compares them. The comparison will then deduct the stronger emotion, then suddenly both targets connected by the ribbon will feel that emotion.

    So for example, the ribbon strikes someone who is depressed and Ashlei is happy. If the depression is stronger than the happiness, suddenly Ashlei will become depressed too. This also works vice versa. It can make depressed people suddenly happy for no reason.

    [Bloody Eyes]
    Ashlei’s eyes are linked to her own powers and Reitsu via a colour change and violent haze pattern which can be easily seen whenever she is in combat and also makes her somewhat spottable in dark places. Every time she activates a power that involves blood based magic, her eyes glow from their usual red to a glowing crimson. The eyes also glow with a nasty haze that spirals around her pupil as though she was looking through a cloud. This glow lasts five seconds after using an ability which then triggers [Vengeance Burns] for her next ability use.

    [Resetting the Eyes – Describing the cool down of her Bloody Eyes]
    This ability is to be used consecutively with her red eyes giving her 5 seconds to use this before the eyes return to their normal pink colour. If Ashlei uses another ability that involves blood magic after using one before it, the effects of all used within the five seconds period change and also refresh the cool down of her red eyes. This means each time she uses a power, her eyes glow red and her next move resets the 5 seconds. The best way to stop this is to keep her from using her powers which is usually done by keeping her in a confined space as she is very wary of using them in case she injures herself.

    [Vengeance Burns]
    So, when an ability is used before 5 seconds are up, [Vengeance Burns] is activated when the next ability is used. What this does, is give the Blood based ability an extra property. This makes the blood strangely unstable which is unusual for blood to do, but if a target is hit by a move with [Vengeance burns] active, then their eyes will also turn red and glow vibrantly like Ashlei’s as they get into their system via the slits in their eyes. This causes any more Blood attacks that hit the target infected with [Vengeance burns] to detonate. Not literally with blood and guts, but more with a feeling that they got hit by a small bomb up close. Visually, this causes a red haze to emit from the one hurt and causes a burn on those that are touched by it. The one that has the haze pulse emitted from them won’t feel the burn, but those that stand near them within 2ft will feel a burn before the haze fades away into the air.

    [Hollow Trigger]
    If Ashlei had not used [Bloody Eyes] in the post before the one she is now in, Ashlei is able to trigger a different ability which cannot be used in unison with [Bloody Eyes]. This is called her [Hollow trigger] which, when used, gives her individual attacks a different property similar to how [vengeance Burns] Works. What each one does is listed below:

    • Blood for Blood : [Bloody Rush] Causes the blood gained to also replenish a minor amount of Ashlei’s Reitsu and health, causing her regeneration to boost momentarily for the length of the post.

    • Bloody Eyes : [Blood Vision] Upon activating bloody eyes, Ashlei is capable of seeing in the dark until she disables her eyes. While using this, Ashlei see’s everything in gray except for blood sources in bright red. This is also permanent until Ashlei disables the eyes and has to wait a post to activate her [Bloody Eyes] Again. The difference between these eyes and her usual eyes are they glow pink, and do not engage [Vengeance Burns] if used with her other powers.

    • Blood Rain : [Blood Spike] Ashlei causes the rain closest to the target to suddenly form together and shoot downwards with the speed of an arrow. The size of the spike is about a metre long with the properties of a blade. When it strikes the ground though, it will immediately fall into a liquid state and drizzle onto the floor.

    • Control : [Reprocessing] Straight after using all ten spheres, Ashlei doesn’t have to wait for her spheres to regenerate. Instead, they instantly appear once more.

    • Eruption : [Aftershock] After the [Eruption] Reaches its max height and falls back to the ground, a second geyser, half the size will shoot up afterwards with half the damage output and speed.

    • Confinement : [Punishment] When [Confinement] is being used and has trapped a target (even herself) Ashlei can cause the sphere trap to detonate in a large spike shape in all directions outwards similar to an urchin shape, each spike at 4ft long.

    • Burst Zone : [Devastation] When [Burst zone] fires off its two energy streams at one another, the spheres, rotate and start to move around the area for a few seconds before fading with the rain.

    • Vendetta Phase : [Blood Burn] Ashlei causes the blood circle to glow a powerful red before suddenly boiling at a rapid rate. This causes those standing within the pool while Ashlei is using the move to feel a painful sensation through their body as she moves. Upon standing off the blood pool, the pain fades.

    • Lusting Claw : [Lust Dance] Instead of simply creating one claw and attacking, she cuts the sphere in half and puts the half on her other arm. When she dashes and attacks with the first hand, the claw isn't as large, however she brings her other arm round for a second swing causing the second claw to leech the blood from the first arm and creating a larger claw on the second swing. the below video shows a short animation of how it appears to the target.


    • Blood Pact : [Force Pact] When Ashlei controls the scythe from a distance, she is able to trigger a move which can only be used during [Hollow Trigger]. Upon activating the ability [Force Pact] the scythe begins to spin rapidly, glow a bright red and dash forwards at Sonido speed. Then, the scythe repeats this in alternate right angle changes of direction four more times giving a total of five jumps. At the fifth, the scythe will keep moving in a direction until hitting something or moving for 10ft. After reaching that distance or hitting an object, the scythe will bounce back through the air in an arc to where Ashlei is standing so she can grab it again.

    • Blood Rose : [Spike Zone] Instead of causing any effect over a course of 3 posts, the blood pool created performs differently to how it would normally act. Instead of fading away, the blood shoots upwards as a vast array of spikes made of blood. They appear over a course of a whole second and stay put for 5 seconds before falling apart and fading away. This ability will not follow [Blood Rose] pulsing power and does not apply it.

    • Call of the Brood : [Vampire Clone] When the bats have spawned and a total of 30 are created, Ashlei is able to create a clone of herself that looks just like her but blue. This is because it inverts her usual colour scheme and is blue and white rather than black and red. This clone cannot use her abilities and only lasts three posts, but is able to attack with its fists and be a useful decoy. Its body is made up of blood meaning the clone cannot grab things and cannot be cut, however it can be smashed and blown up. After three posts are up, the clone falls apart.

    • Severing Rush : [Resentful Sin] Upon hitting their target, the bats fall in half and shatter. Each part of them hardens as shrapnel that can stick inside of things. After a post, they become liquid again and disappear.

    • Vampiric Bane : [Wall of the End] Instead of dashing forwards and swinging her wing, Ashlei dashes backwards and swings her wing instead. This causes the blood on the wing to shoot off and zoom towards their target in the form of a large wave of blood. This will also have the same effects placed on them that allow her to trigger any of her Resserecion moves at will.


Resereccion Name:

Resereccion Release Phrase:
Cut them, Sangre!

Release Actions:
Ashlei takes her sword and holds it close to her face. She closes her eyes and holds the sword with the flat edge facing her. She then states her release phrase and upon saying the blades name, twists the sword so the cutting edge is facing forwards and she opens her eyes to reveal the glowing red pupils. Ashlei then launched the blade high into the air. if indoors, Ashlei simply thrusts her arm towards the roof. Whilst the sword is in the sky, the blade glows red and sends out a pulse of energy as its ability activates. The sword disappears into the air not being seen, but if indoors, the weapon simply falls apart into a pile sand in her hand. When the sword disappears, Ashlei herself takes on a red glowing outline. Ashlei closes her eyes, raises her hands as though she was welcoming something and her appearance pretty much sprouts out of her body in full view of everyone to see.

Resereccion Appearance:

Ashlei Clixx [FINAL REMAKE] [WIP] Kaokuma2

Ashlei always has those two devil wings sticking from her head and the two devil wings sticking from her shoulder blades. In her Resserecion state, Ashlei utilises those features greatly. Her small wingspan on her back grows stupidly huge as each wing becomes 3m if stretched out perfectly. Usually they are seen sitting at 2m and curled up slightly. The wings expose the bones slightly as you can see each individual bone that joins together to hold the wings in place and flap them. The wings are also a deep black as though staring into the abyss. The pair on her head however don’t take as much as an active change as they don’t alter in size but grow into a deep black as well as those on her back. What occurs on her biceps are spikes that burst through her skin as more appear out of her arm and bend directly upwards to point at the sky. Even her Knees have these spikes. Ashlei’s teeth also take a little turn as her fangs suddenly grow an inch making them more noticeable.

In this form, Ashlei does not hold a sword but she is capable of summoning one through her powers listed further on known as [Lusting Slash].

Resereccion Abilities:

  • [Blood Rain]
    Upon activating Ashlei’s Resserecion, the area suddenly starts to downpour with rain and gather deep red clouds as far as the eye can see. The clouds however deliberately make sure the view of the moon can be seen through an opening in the sky. If it is daylight, there will be no gap so the sun cannot be seen and it looks as though night has suddenly occurred. Upon returning to her sealed state, the clouds disappear.

    The rain in question is made up of blood cells that fall to the ground and splash like any other raindrop, just with bloody properties. What is very peculiar is that this blood rain will pass through scenery meaning it will suddenly start raining indoors and even hundreds of miles underground. Those that touch this rain will feel a slight tingle and also notice the smell of it as each drop smells just like blood. Plus each drop sticks to things as blood usually does and coats the area with a tint of red that soon makes everything look red until all is consumed within its bloody atmosphere. Just like standing in the rain, people will get wet. Well people will end up soaking in blood while Ashlei is in this form including herself which is the best feeling for her in the world.

    Now the proper fundamentals of this ability, is exactly what power her sword gives her. When it shattered in the sky, the sword generates this downpour that seems to simply fall continuously forever. The reason for this, is the exact description of her zanpakuto powers:

    The Generation and utilisation of Blood

    This is what her sword bestows upon her. the blood rain comes from the weapons ability itself and appears to have no entry point like a video game with bad spawning NPC's. ALL of her other abilities that require blood below use the blood from the rain to do so and each one will take time to be placed within a sphere for use in [control] rather than patiently appearing. this means she won't just flick her wrist and have her entirety ready at that moment as the ability type she wishes to use would have to charge itself and gather more blood around the sphere. Each sphere however, is incredibly compacted with no room to move inside its cell body at all so she can put the maximum amount of cells inside without it growing too large

  • [Control]
    By moving the blood cells from the rain and spilt blood on the battlefield, Ashlei can create five floating spheres the size of marbles that hover around each other and just above her hand. She can also create another five on her other hand as well to create ten but she tends to just use five to keep herself under control. There are many things each sphere is capable of doing. These are named as [Eruption] [Confinement] [Burst Zone] [Vendetta Fall] and [Lusting Slash]. The spheres will not regenerate until all ten or five are used and will not regenerate until Ashlei’s next post.

  • [Eruption]
    Ashlei sends one of the spheres to the ground or a flat surface at a high speed. This will then smash into the scenery and cause a huge geyser of a detonation to occur that takes five seconds to prime it before unleashing after hitting a surface. This will be made of boiling blood that burns those that touch it and also adds more blood to the area as it is conjured through the sphere that strikes the area. The geyser can reach a maximum of about 24.15 meters (Actual geyser height reading IRL) and shoots up at 22.m/s making it incredibly fast. However it takes about 5 seconds upon hitting a surface to even charge the attack so it gives people time to dodge and move before it actually appears. The overall diameter of this kind of blast would max at 2m but is usually kept at 1m because of fairness in battle.

    However Eruption is a chargeable attack. If Ashlei creates a larger ball of blood for the attack before sending it off, the timer on the move changes to 7 seconds, becomes 2m wide and can reach a height of 30m. It’s not always wise to use the larger version of this attack as it is possible for the geyser to hurt Ashlei too.

  • [Confinement]
    A capturing technique used to reduce the possibility of moving, to capture targets and separate off the battle. However this sort of capture and sectioning off ability will only ever work on one target. By gathering blood into the sphere and launching it towards the target, Ashlei causes the sphere to grow up to 15ft tall (depending on the size of the target) and cause the sphere to envelope the target. The sphere is similar to a bubble here as the inside is not hollow, but full of blood which can potentially cause drowning but Ashlei is able to breathe within the bubble so she could potentially trap herself as a defence. However if it is hit hard by anything, even falling, it will pop spewing blood in all directions like a burst water balloon. However, this cannot be so easily destroyed on the inside and requires a bit more effort, but nothing weaker than a cero could be a worry for it.

  • [Burst Zone]
    Ashlei has to use two spheres to activate [Burst Zone]. Two Spheres are sent off towards a target and hover on each side of them. After a few seconds of charging, the two create a link between then made up of Ashlei’s Reitsu that violently blasts from one another and collides in the middle creating a sandwich of energy effect. Of course the target isn’t pinned when this attack is used and can see it charging easily.

  • [Vendetta Phase]
    Ashlei sends one of the spheres to her feet and causes it to splash across the floor in a circle pattern around her which stretches at 3m in diameter. Ashlei is then able to literally fall into this or choose to walk on it, but the bloody circle will be static to where she is standing and move with her. If she falls into the blood, she appears to have completely disappeared into the floor and moves the blood circle around herself as though she was still on the surface. This is created with a peculiar variation of the zone used to trap Arrancar that allows her body to enter the world but still move in the real world before returning. Then after a short time of 10 seconds maximum, Ashlei reappears as the blood converges to the centre and builds itself upwards to create her shape and body again. If the blood is touched by her opponents, they feel a strange slowing in their leg’s and slows their flash step ability speed by 10% (a small amount)

  • [Lusting Claw]
    Ashlei causes a sphere to float on the back of her hand. Ashlei will then dash to a target and swing her hand heavily but deliberately misses. This is because the blood reacts when the arm is moved in a swinging action and grows. The blood will shoot across her arm and engulf it in blood and grow out of it to create a claw-like shape. This has five fingers, each with blade like properties and grows to a size of 6ft from her arm itself.


Dues Ex Name:

Dues Ex Release Phrase:
Erase them, Sangriento

Dues Ex Release Actions:
Somewhat similar to her normal resserecion change, Ashlei coats herself in blood but by activating [Eruption] that engulfs her body and then hardens upoin reaching full size. Then suddenly, the frozen geyser shatters like sugar glass and disappears into the floor with her new appearance standing in its place.

Dues Ex Appearance:
In her ultimate form, Ashlei starts to look like a remnant of death in every way. Her spikes grow in number as her entire arms and legs are covered in pencil-like spikes with a bone appearance.. Her fangs now gain an extra two on the top row of her teeth giving her four at the top and two at the bottom. One more drastic change in the girl is her right wing suddenly falls in mid transformation into pieces giving her only a single wing. However, the other wing is reinforced flesh which is somewhat stronger than her Hierro and is constantly flowing blood down from the top to the bottom. The very top of the wing also gains a nasty spike with a jagged claw appearance that she can freely use to slice. Her fingertips grow claw-like and can cause hefty damage if she can get a good grip on something with them.

Ashlei’s red hair soon starts to bleed as though she has split her head open and her hair feels like blood flowing from a water fountain. Her skin grows perfect pale as the whitest white and the rest of her colour pool changes to a deep purple with black outlines. Down from her eyes to her chin appears a red coloured streak similar to Ulquiorra’s but they split off at the bottom into three different directions that are perfectly symmetrical on either side of her face. Whenever her eyes glow, so do these symbols.

Out of her tailbone sprouts a long tail as well that is linked to her past forms. The tail is 3m long, 4 inches wide and is sickled at the end with a jagged cutting edge which is about 1’5 long. The entire thing is jet black like the wings and tends to get caught on things as Ashlei moves around.

Dues Ex Abilities:

In this form, Ashlei does indeed use a weapon which some people claim to be her other wing and she herself does not deny the fact as it appears in her hand seconds after the wing vanishes.

Ashlei Clixx [FINAL REMAKE] [WIP] Ckingdeath

The weapon Ashlei uses in this form is a long black scythe which is about 2m in length and the blade itself is just less than 4’5ft long. The joint that holds the blade to the pole end has a peculiar eye etched into it which is what people call a person’s ‘Third Eye’ and this allows Ashlei to perform a lot of her strongest powers in this form because it channels an extra third of her energy at once rather than having a stupid cap on it like some have. This also means she can use more abilities without growing as tired as the scythe uses some of the power itself instead of her. It’s not like a weapon will get tired...

While in this form, Ashlei's ability to generate and Control blood stays the same.

    [Blood Pact]
    Within the entirety of Ashlei’s scythe is a constant pulse of blood which she can feel moving every heartbeat it makes. However the blade itself has no heart, but a long vein running from the eye to different parts of the blade. This could be classed as an actual living weapon as fleshy material can be found inside the weapon. Seeing as Ashlei is capable of moving blood to her will, this also means the blood within her scythe is movable too so by using her powers; she can make the scythe hover. This does use up one of her hands though so she is limited to five spheres while this is happening but while using it, she can perform many harsh attacks with it from afar including making the scythe rotate at a speed that makes it appear to be a spinning blade.

    [Blood Rose]
    Ashlei sends of five of her spheres to a selected location and causes them to converge and grow into one sphere. This will then slam into the ground nearest to where it was sent and splashes outwards in all directions. This blood however is much brighter than the other abilities and has an unusual property. After a second of it being used, the blood fades away into the earth and disappears from existence. However anybody standing in the blood as it goes off will suddenly start glowing an ominous red. The outline of their bodies will be the part that glows and slowly starts to pulse. After a post has passed on the ones hit by the blood, the pulsing pace increases to pulse once every 5 seconds. After the next post made by the ones hit the pulse rate changes to 2 seconds. Then on their third post, the effect is created. The pulsing red creates a powerful blast of ungodly energy that can be felt through the person’s entire system and only affects them. This pulse hurts quite a bit and can sometimes feel like being hit by a freight train but the pain felt differs on the person’s willpower. Sometimes it can cause the target to uncontrollably throw up or collapse momentarily. Again, this depends entirely on the target in question. Hitting a 5-5 human with this would shatter their bodies but a 0-1 would just feel sick and injured.

    [Call of the Brood]
    Ashlei fires a sphere into the sky which splashes in a pulse outwards. This is a calling feature that, after a few seconds have passed, will call her little servants to her side. They appear from the blood pulse that was created as each one is formed from the combining of the blood molecules together. These, are jet black bats which take no proper resemblance and are only 20cm wide. These will hover above Ashlei until they are destroyed and often take it upon themselves to move around on their own.

    One sphere is capable of spawning ten bats to her aid and they will last until destroyed or she dismissed them herself.

    The bats themselves are easy to destroy as they are made of a liquid with a hardened outer shell. They have a thin layer of Hierro around their bodies but if hit hard enough, will shatter their form and cause them to simply splat on the floor. However, this blood that is splattered will cause a miniature [Blood Rose] affect that doesn’t take any time to charge up and use compared to the proper version. The painful sensation isn’t anywhere near as great as normal though but if multiple bats died at the same time and all their blood splattered onto something and the target stood in the blood, the size of the blood pool will alter how powerful the [Blood Rose] given effect will be. This is why it is wise to stay clear of the bats once they’re slain but will never exceed 50% of the potential that the normal [Blood Rose] can perform regardless of the number of bats.

    [Severing Rush]
    Ashlei holds out one of the spheres and causes it to dash forwards and splash over a target like throwing a duvet at someone but made of blood. They will stand right through it as though they felt nothing but of course their clothes will get drenched. However every single bat that is nearby and created through Ashlei will realise that blood has been used in this particular fashion and respond to it as they are commanded. This basically means, every bat, regardless of their position, will zoom direction towards the drenched target and collide with them. However they don’t just ram them and bounce off. The bat’s shoot through their target and appear out the other side and fly around back to their master. Being struck by these bats is like being stabbed by a needle. However if the numbers are great, it can feel like being hit by a bus.

    [Vampiric Bane]
    Ashlei summons the entire bat army she has at her disposal to her side and causes them all to combine with her wing. Depending on how many bat’s there are, the size of the newly formed attack will be up to a maximum of an additional 5ft. The bat blood adds a few more feet to the wings span and coats it in a boiling Reitsu. Ashlei then Sonido straight forwards with her wing out at maximum wingspan and spins on the spot in a single 360 motion when she is close enough to her targets. The wing would then bash into the targets she strikes with a massive amount of force and with a powerful cutting edge effect. This can be blocked however, but can also cut an army in half if their weak enough. Ashlei tested this move on her own army and managed to remove a huge sum of them in a single swing. At the end of the swing, the created blood extension splashes off and drenches their targets like a miniature wave. With this, Ashlei can automatically trigger one of her normal Resserecion abilities onto the target without the expense of a sphere and to all the targets hit by the drenching wave at once.


Skill Level: Hierro: Advanced
Skill Level: Pesquisa: Advanced
Skill Level: Sonido: Master
Skill Level: Cero/Bala: Advanced



Ashlei lived in a very small town over 200 miles away from karakura surrounded by a thick woodland area with a single path leading into the village and out. The place was pretty much a third world country as the houses were crafted from wood and their tools were all unmodern. They were literally the only village off the map in the entire area. Those that lived there were proud people for living so well for so long. That, was until Ashlei was born. At this point, she was named Danielle and lived the first 3 years of her life without any problems. Then suddenly on her fourth birthday, things started to go wrong. In the midst of her birthday night, loud crashed came from outside as a band of invisible Hollows came seeking a meal. There, they found Ashlei's reitsu but she was living, so they couldn't exactly eat her yet. Instead, the hollows did something else. They killed everyone around her instead. in a series of possible accidents that all involved Ashlei, people simply died daily. the blacksmith was beheaded by his won blade he had let Ashlei look after for a few moments. Handing it back, the blade was smacked out of her hands and through the mans face sticking him to the wooden wall behind him. That was one of the first events. The next couple involved walls falling on whole families just because Ashlei was looking at it. The hollows haunting her and killing everyone made sure Ashlei took the blame for it all. In the end, her parents were consulted and the village agreed to kill her. She was said to be a witch with bad omens, so at the age of Eight, she was hung, drawn, Quartered and then drowned in the same day. that was when she died and became a wandering spirit. It's also the time the hollows stopped attacking the village. the year following her Death, Ashlei was underwater while the buildings were rebuilt. She couldn't leave the building because her body was attached to a heavy plank of wood, and her Spirit was chained to it as well. Soon, the hollows just gave up and she became one herself.

Ashlei became a hollow. That's all there is to it. Her body grew much taller and she had a lovely set of angel wings. Her mask covered her entire face but strangely, it also covered her spine and grew all the way down to her tail to create it. She had claws and a very violent temperament. As a hollow, she could break out of her watery prison and upon doing so, creating a massive crash when jumping out. The villagers looked as an explosion launched the river into the air but the one that made the explosion was hollow, thus invisible. In mid air, the hollow threw itself into a nearby building and shattered it completely to the ground. Then, she went from building to building simply killing everyone without eating them. There was one person though that always looked after Ashlei even more than her own parents. That was a young boy named Tetsuka Kiryu that had very weird capabilities. He too had Reitsu and a lot of it as he was one of the remaining creatures of the night. However, he didn't expect Ashlei to appear to him in the middle of the night and as he slept, she took the time to eat him alive. That was Ashlei's revenge against those that killed her. She took to the skies after removing the village off the face of the earth and found her way to Hueco Mundo. There, she killed to survive and ate to grow stronger. She did this for years to come and eventually made it to the renowned Vasto lorde form. This gave the Espada a reason to capture her and turn her into an Arrancar.

Ashlei became a very promising Arrancar. Straight away she had power over a lot of Las Noches as the 9th Espada. She lived that life in sorrow as her memories of her hollow years haunted her. The actions she took to kill her own people. She was scared of that, but they deserved their comeuppance. Because of her past, she was given the title of "Espada Sorrow" and dealt with killing people with sadness. All the while she did this job for her current ruler, she was a child in appearance no older than 13. She was a very valuable asset as she could wipe out Shinigami easily with her strange amount of power at such a young age. That was when she was promoted. She became Espada 3 and skipped a whole 6 places. She was shunned for her age and being so strong, but she was still the Espada of Sorrow and kept her title proudly. Then one day she was given a message. The current Cero Espada was dead. Everyone was shocked as nobody knew where the Cero had gone to, but a new leader needed to be put forwards. The Primera at the time voted herself rather selfishly. Everyone else voted Ashlei because of her power and work for the leader. The primera had a bit of a rage after hearing Ashlei was now cero. She activated her Resserecion and captured Ashlei in a seal of ageing. If the girl was going to run the Espada at such an age, she may as well be that age for the rest of her life. And thus, Ashlei lost the power to age as a full proof seal was hindering her progress. In anger, the Espada including Ashlei killed the Primera without haste and appointed a new one there and then.

Ashlei Clixx [FINAL REMAKE] [WIP] 300px-Etna_Big_%28Disgaea_2%29

Then, as a surprise to everyone, Ashlei aged by 3 years in one day. The effects of the seal were beginning to break and almost instantly, 25% of it fell apart. This caused Ashlei a lot of internal pain as her entire body felt like it was on fire for the whole 24 hours. A days worth of screaming in agony before she stopped. Nobody could get to her as she was just too violent to approach at this time. Then she managed to stop the seal from killing her and had aged to a new look. She had pink hair now, but the seals stability made her Resserecion impossible. Why? Because the seal took Ashlei's Zanpakuto and she couldn't recall its name. While in this state, Ashlei actually gained many friends. She soon left her Sorrow title behind and became Anger, from her tantrums. A group of Arrancar took to really liking her, so she made them her fraccion and sent them on their first task as her subordinates. When they didn't return, Ashlei became anxious and when she went to look for them, she wished she hadn't found them. She managed to catch her Fraccion being cut apart by Shinigami scouts on the sands. In a rage, Ashlei killed them all, ripped their limbs apart and fed them to the menos in the forest. They bloody well deserved it.

Ashlei Clixx [FINAL REMAKE] [WIP] 4603446365_13bf5424c6_z

Ashlei stayed in this form for the shortest period of time in all forms she shifted into. Reasons for this, was that her emotions were getting the better of her while she was in her first teenage years. However, she was still the cero Espada and a big event occurred that gave Ashlei actual meaning to live. The Espada meeting room was met by a small group of people, all from the most villainous regions of reality. Some previous cero Espadas, demons and even betrayed Shinigami. However, one woman took her eye more and she was known as "Claire Clixx". Ashlei knew absolutely nothing about this woman, and even though the demon queen Mana was trying to form an alliance, Ashlei was much more interested in this blood based woman. She had powers so similar to Ashlei's of old. However, after the agreement was made for the Arrancar and Demons to form an alliance, Claire left with everyone else and Ashlei was left to simply do some renaissance on her next possible steps. That was when the two girls met again underneath Karakura. There, Ashlei was simply sightseeing but used this as an excuse to get close to Claire. Then without even realising she was going to do it, Ashlei saw that everyone was now dead and Claire was the one to do it. Baffled by her power, Ashlei took her up in conversation and soon after realising Ashlei's loneliness, Claire adopted the Cero Espada as her child and Ashlei agreed completely.

Ashlei was an incredibly intelligent girl. She wasn't perfect however and was still very immature at the physical age of 13. She awoke one day feeling fine, but after going to the bathroom, she threw up all over the mirror and eventually fell to the floor to do the same to the ground. When she looked at her hands afterwards, she had vomited blood rather than any sickness. Worried someone might find out, Ashlei cleaned up and continued work as normal, only to find people realising she looked terrible and eventually she was led to a very big session of simply throwing up everywhere in the sands. After about 20 minutes of this, Ashlei had changed in appearance. She had become 18 in physical age and her maturity was now useful enough to actually lead something. The pink girl was now going to do what she was born to do, and lead the Arrancar into war. However...

Ashlei Clixx [FINAL REMAKE] [WIP] Thumb_big_wide_65da951617484d880158416930271e53

Ashlei had loved Claire and treated her as though she was her blood mother. They were close, but not that close. Ashlei was always working to make the Espada powerful once more and Claire, disappeared leaving her daughter alone in the world again. As soon as she heard Claire was missing, Ashlei had a minor emotional breakdown and destroyed half of her laboratory in distress. She was plunged back into loneliness but almost as though it was a gift from fate, Ashlei was met by two newcomers to the Espada army that were not of hollow heritage. Rihiku Hitsugaya, betrayer of the Shinigami and Ultimos, rebel of the Demon army had both come to join the Espada ranks. Seeing as people like this couldn't possibly be Espada, she made a new rank of 'Espada Guards' and they both worked together to defend Las Noches. Ashlei quickly became attached to Rihiku and slowly fell in love with him. However, his past gave him no intentions to love her back. That was what took the two to the edge of the earth.

Rihiku was approached by Ashlei one early morning and Ashlei was very concerned that their relationship wasn't getting anywhere. She presumed Rihiku loved her, and so she suggested they tried to go a bit further. Rihiku being who he was didn’t pick up on her intentions and as she leant forwards to kiss him, he pushed her back and asked for an explanation. Ashlei emotionally hurt retaliated by yelling. After a few minutes of yelling, the two realised the others feelings and it was when Ashlei called his dead girlfriend a 'whore', Rihiku came back with a phrase that made Ashlei launch a cero at him, barely clipping his coat. Rihiku then fled through the hole created and travelled to the living world to leave Ashlei in Las Noches to cry it all out.

Ashlei had no idea what to do, and took to strolling around different cities. She went to Karakura but she didn't stay long. She moved around the world before finding herself in the middle of a massive event. She had been wandering for 12 whole hours since the argument and had stumbled across the resurrection of kin. There, she found someone she didn't think she was going to see ever again. Claire had returned to greet Kin with many other notable people. Ashlei however, wanted to remain invisible to them but Claire quickly picked up on her and found Ashlei lying on the floor in tears. that day was Ashlei's real hell, and Claire crying for her and apologising so meaningfully fixed Ashlei's wounded heart, but also broke it... as what had happened that day was going to destroy everything Ashlei had ever fought for... and turn her into a woman to be feared by all, even her own mother.

Ashlei Clixx [FINAL REMAKE] [WIP] Sad-emo-anime-girl-1

Eventually, Ashlei had to leave her mother because something had gotten into her mind that even she was incapable of defending against. it had been lying dormant for 3 years until recently where it attacked her soul. The man was known as Tetsuka and lived off the darkness in ones heart and feasted on their power. In the end, Ashlei was succumbed to his parasitic power she she slowly started to grow weak. A bad time to start however as Ashlei was called to London to help invade. She had no other choice but to follow her ideal path into London and there, was brought face to face with her mother once more. However, insanity gripped the woman again and before Ashlei was capable of stopping it, Claire had become blood thirsty once more. Ashlei couldn't stand watching her mother fall into this craze again, and Tetsuka took it upon himself to use this feeling to her advantage. By persuading the girl into thinking her mother was the worst woman on earth, Ashlei burst into her resserecion and took her mother on in full scale combat. However Tetsuka knew what the end result would be and mocked her every move.

Soon, Tetsuka was able to pull the plug and Ashlei fell to the floor. Tetsuka though, stood tall as he had leached all of the girls reitsu into his system and made a break for it. Ashlei had no way to regain her powers until she was taken by her mother and disappeared for some time to an unknown place. Ashlei was within a forest nobody has been to before where the tree's were all white and only a single man lived there. His name was Vladimir and he specialised in blood magic. Ashlei knew blood was her true calling ever since finding her mother and ordered the man to train her in the arts of blood. He declined the forceful offer, but decided to help when he noticed the lusting for blood within Ashleis heart. Helping the girl back onto her feet, Vladimiar training Ashlei how to use blood magic properly. Soon, she had started to get her reitsu back and working under the bloody man got her far. The two became somewhat inseparable after a day or two of working together until eventually Ashlei had to leave. the espada had to be maintained and also needed to learn of the things Ashlei was to do. She thought her life would even itself out now...

However one event really took a solid turn in Ashlei's direction. After reviving her powers, Ashlei felt more and more powerful each day until she realised what had really happened. tetsuka had broken the seal completely, including the bits hidden deep inside and made her as powerful as she was supposed to be. Soon after this, she met a girl named Miyuki and soon befriended her. Ashlei's curiosity took the better of her, adn the order was given so that Miku may take the girl from earth and bring her to Hueco Mundo. Whilst there, miku would conduct tests on the girl, but she couldn't bring herself to do it. Ashlei then ahd to arrive on scene to keep her Espada Guard under control but as soon as Miyuki was taken from their grasp, Miku flipped and assaulted Ashlei. Seeing no end to Miku's broken heart and mind, Ashlei removed her eyes and banished her from Hueco Mundo until Miyuki was found.

Since then, Ashlei has changed into what she is now. She no longer questions her own intentions and kills those that don't seem fit to be granted her sight. Now, Ashlei takes after her mother... She is a bloodthirsty witch!

RP Sample:
(Roleplay as if you were making a thread on the site. This gives us an insight as to how you would RP)[b]

Last edited by ::Chaozi:: on Mon Jun 13, 2011 1:52 pm; edited 20 times in total
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Thu Apr 21, 2011 6:54 pm
Moved to WIP til finished cause CHoazi is lazy. tsk tsk.
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Mon May 02, 2011 3:52 pm
Moved Back to unchecked! to be checked!
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Tue May 10, 2011 10:15 am
Application Checklist
  • Name [x]
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  • Appearance Described in Appropriate Length OR Picture is Visible [X]
  • Appearance is Not Claimed [X]
  • 10 sentences for personality [X]
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  • Powers are not Godmod/Overpowered [X]
  • Powers are described reasonably enough [X]
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  • Skills are not filled in (Omit if a Hollow)[X]
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Comments/Notes: Hopefully this is the last change for awhile
Tier: 0-2+

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Wed Jun 01, 2011 6:36 am

Skill sheet written out
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Mon Jun 06, 2011 2:37 pm
Given permission by Akemi and Frost

This profile is locked down due to godmod founded by Tsuna.

Tsuna wrote:Blood Rain- This ability really makes little sense. We may live in a supernatural world but I still don't think that a person has enough blood to create a Downpour of it. This seems highly impractical, even for bleach

Eruption: Again, with a ton of blood being used. She is able to create an reuption of blood in the form of a geyser. I don't believe this much blood is even avalible in someone's body

and what happens when blood is boiling?

Anthony Kendall Hemphill: Also it's 2 meters long and 24 meters high. This amount of blood I wouldn't even suspect to be in a normal body. Even for an arrancar this just seems wrong

Confinement: Another ability that uses massive amounts of blood. This one creates a sphere of blood 15ft in diameter and traps the opponent. The shpere is completely made up of blood and can trap the enemy and possibly drown him in blood.

another technique that is high;y impractical due to the amount of blood being used

OK i read through the rest of the abilities because I pretty much had the same complaint about each. I.e. there is way too much blood being used, I mean, there should be a restriction, someone would die from using so much damn blood. And this blood rain thing she creates, where does this even come from

Also There is an ability called BLood for Blood which allows her to replenish blood in her body with blood spilt of thw battle field or something like that, making it so the blood in her body is not all her own. I call bullshit, that's completely retarded. People have specific blood types, taking in the wrong kind of blood wouldn't help her in the least bit, even if she has blood abilties

I could go on all day about blood related abilties but the biggest thing is I think they shouldn't be allowed to begin with. But if they are, the amount of blood being used by this person is enough to kill her by just using 1 attack.

This application will remain in Denied Application until the following staff members have fully investigated it. No one else will reapprove this application until these staff members have fully agreed to reapprove.

The Frost
Momma U

If any problem, contact Akemi about it.

Ashlei Clixx [FINAL REMAKE] [WIP] 232?cb=20170319214106
  • Plays as [?-?] Jiyūna Seishin
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  • Zodiac: Earth Dragon
    (Year 1988)
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    (6th of September)
  • Blood Type: B-Negative
"I took roleplaying and storytelling with a live-and-let-live attitude, thus the idea of a character doing something out-of-character would add more to the character than letting it stagnate into an archetype or a character. Here: A rapid change to a character must be met with an in-the-moment conflict. Ta-da! A rule to live by!"
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Tue Jun 07, 2011 6:31 am

I will not be making any changes to this specific application.

The author of this message was banned from the forum - See the message

Queen Of The Sands
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Wed Jun 08, 2011 4:17 am

I may now be making changes to this application instead of making an entirely new character. This is still exposable to change though

The author of this message was banned from the forum - See the message

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