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Thu May 12, 2011 3:48 pm
Nothing is ever simple. That is just how life is, there are always many sides to a story and many outcomes. Life is just a series of events that come together to form what we call reality. This is what Tsuna Iramasha thouhgt. Once a member of the Iramasha council Tsuna was now an exile of Iramasha Island. In a time of desperation Tsuna wanted more power. He was answered my the spirit that dwelled within the master emerald. The spirit gave him the option of taking it's power into his own body and becoming it's new vessel. It said it hated being stuck in this shrine. What Tsuna didn't know is that removing the spirit from the Master Emerald that it would shatter and all of the power that was inside would be unseable. The Spirit of Chaos was the main source of power for the master emerald. By removing the spirit Tsunna removed the power and was promptly exiled for treason against the Iramasha. He was currently staying in Urahara shop. Urahara was a lay back guy and was a little, how to say, different but overall it wasn't a bad life style. He had gotten news that the person in which he risked his position to try and save had already been saved. Talk about being beaten to the punch. Tsuna felt empty now. He didn't know what to do. AT first e had a clear goal. Lately he hadn't had many of those. Nor had he had any kinds of ambitions. for the first time in while he was starting to feel himself change. He didn't want to be stepped on anymore. He would no lobger be a side character or the first hand man. He would be an Alpha in every sense of the word. He could feel the spirit of chaos stir deep inside of him. It liked this thinking and Tsuna didn't blame him.

Tsuna himself is not the type of person who is either good or evil. In fact he switching beetween both so often it is not even funny. Many people now were blaming the Spirit of CHaos, Depore, for his change in personality but the truth was Tsuna was living his life in a shell afraid to come out and see the world. NOw he was planning to live up to his true nature. If he wanted to ensue destruction he would. If he wanted money he would get it. If he wanted women he wouldn't hesitate. After living for so long you think he would learn these valuable lessons faster but he had always settled for being the good friend or the wing man. Well that was too bad he would no longer be that guy. A dark evil chuckle came from him. THe aura around Tsuna was bright but his demeanor was dark. You could say that his whole being was in a state of Yin and yang. Which at the moment was true. Chaos is ever present, whether there is good or evil chaos is always present. Tsuna has now become the conduit of that power. He live in both realms. Well in any case Tsuna had decided to take a walk today. Being a free man was something he wasn't entirely use to yet so he decided to try doing what he wanted to. Maybe he shoudl try bending someone to his will. Tsuna quickly shook off that thought. That was a little too dark even for him.

He continued to walk. The moon was high. It was midnight and he doubted that there would be anyone around at this time of day. Tsuna needed to get stronger. His reiatsu was now something that would be considered unbelievable for it was something that was at the moment completely different form that of an iramasha. Tsuna was say it similar to that of a vizard in which there were two forces in one body. But that was not exactly the same. It was something new, maybe more similar to a ziamichi. However he was no expert on them. Well whatever he was now he decided to shrug it off. Some people had given him the name "FAllen Angel" because now hius wings were a fiery red. They looked like the wings of a pheonix and were not somethign that the iramasha clan possessed. Tsuna let his wings come out, they quickly changed from pure white to red and he called on the power of chaos that now dwelled within him. His eyes became golden and slitted. His hair gained a red tone with a silver tuff to it. He walked over to the small pond near him and peered at himself. "Man I really don't look like an Iramasha anymore". Tsuna said as he looked at himself. IN fact he no longer really looked like himself aside form the dark skin. Tsuna sighed. He could Feel Depore chuickle as he examined himself in the waters reflection. He let out a small bit of his reiatsu and found it astounding. Tsuna wasn't sure whether or not it was his control over the reiatsu that allowed so much to come out or if this was now a little to him. The thought of his won power now both scared and excited him. A weird mix of emotions but Tsuna could feel himself changing and it felt good.......
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A chance Encounter (future thread) Empty Re: A chance Encounter (future thread)

Thu May 12, 2011 6:00 pm

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A chance Encounter (future thread) AmareT2

"No... I will never return to being that one girl..."

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The complete darkness that ruins thou heart shall always be the same, only not able even return the light. Amare noticed the first time, that Matthew first appeared in her life... That darkness would over take her life; when others personalities could not deal the different between the Matthews' . One did... It was pure darkness of her very heart knew the differences... First leaving the Soul Society then joining the Sin Fall; sixth circle... Soul Society, It was a place when her light personality destroyed her bias. Now Amare was her new name... Not April but Amare. Meaning love... The female was reunited with her royal family, and that name was known everywhere. It was the matter 0of her regaining of memories of the longing darkness. The night was so young and forest was silent. Only thing that could be heard was chirping of the crickets. The enchanting maiden of 427 years old sat there in the trees. Her long legs dangled off the branch. Though her body was not invisible due a soft lustrous velvet cloak that by sight would make any man envious, even a black veil cover her nose all the way down to her chin. It was the image of her being revealed to anything forbidden for any other man to see. The sin of temptation. To make one desire to see what she looked like only to have their jaw dropped...Under the hood and cloak; The female stood at amazing height of 6'2. Her long red hair falling all the way down to her ankles in even managed to see from under the cloak. Long black animal ears pinned down so they won't stand out. Her curves had more to them. Her outfit was only that of a bikini top, midnight hot booty shorts with fur at the edge with a thong that quiet visible from reset at the mother birthing hips. Thigh high fish net with long boots and at the ankles a large puff of fur. This was the true and final stage of Amare Redwood.

Amare desired to stay were no one would come unless they wanted to hunt her down... The quiet welcomed her with opened arms. Her hands rested upon her lap awaiting. Where the maiden herself came from a place that sins were truly competed every second. Either the murder of each other or the lusty love making. Those dark red orbs leered around as the wind played around with the leaves that fell down gracefully to the ground. Her own memories haunted of training in the forest and suddenly Tsuna catching her... The image of those playing meeting together, made her sick to her stomach. Love? “HAHAHA!” The laughter rang though out entire forest as if it was bells of London making every single person aware. Her lips paused, Who ever it was that followed her. Amare managed to ignore whatever it was. Her pet ravens were cooed up a storm from different locations, they were warning her. Her arms slipped out of darkness of the cloak, raised it out for one black winged bird. The alluring sense of ravens, Amare felt like a family with them but no longer with that cage the held her back for all four hundred years. ”Little raven oh so magical... Let my eyes be yours! My brothers and sister, I have return. The maiden singed happily running her fingers down the birds mystical blue and black feather, as the birds welcomed her touch.

Amare dropped from branch from the branch elegantly and glanced around. Peace. The wind began tug at the cloak and hood with the desiring to removed it. Those dark red eyes shimmered slightly as she began move away from the location. The raven moved itself onto her shoulder, resting there. Closing those eyes, letting the darkness lead her. She could hear it all...Snapping twigs, crushing the dead leaves that got in her way. Darkness was truly her friend, it would never lead her to the wrong place... Her nose twitched as the animals fornicated and smell of flowers. The night air was not cold, but oddly warm. Her blood began flow with ease as she swayed passed the trees. The bird quiet watched the wonder aimlessly, and wondered where she was going.. 'Stop...' The voice of the darkness commanded of and she obeyed. Once those eyes opened, they were amazed by the sight. It was an opening in the forest where the only light with the darkness only grew the female to the edge. What was going on here? The glowing of the beautiful bloody red moon lilies, mocked her. The image of this sight ever made the maiden fell to her knees. The flowers began to flow with each other as the wind pushed them along. The flowers seemed call out to her as if they were lonely. Her fingers rubbing one of the petals, it felt like silk... Amare simply pulled a moon lily, pulled it up to her face. The scent was similar to that mixture of roses and mint. Amare sighed softly, as if she was pleased..

"My angels of darkness, I love you so... You send me such a sweet gift that makes my skin crawl..." Amare shivered a bit, darkness with her heart made her feel wonderful. There was no more wavering between men or even sadness with morals. Just the very pleasure of committing very sins given to without remorse, the death of shinigami's before she made her way into the dark forest, and taking their souls as her meal ticket. Her smile grew widen even so gloomy, while she stroke petals against her flushed cheeks. "Come out fool... I feel your darkness... It shroud your hearts so. Why bother hiding.." Calmly stating out loud before going about admiring the flowers... Then caught the scent of a familiar. Tsuna was surround by ravens and crows. Each one of them were calling to Amare or what Tsuna would believe at him to leave. They were watching ever since he had enter the forest in which Amare rested in. They were truely her eyes where ever she went. Soon the female found herself only listening into the calling... 'Interesting... Heheh'

April managed to pull her attention away from the moon lilies and to where the young man they had been found. Her hands graced one of the lily into her cloak. The man was going to be asking questions of course so the female had to be ready for something. Closing her blood red eyes before moving swiftly and quickly towards him and her beloved birds. It was time to find this man... The mysterious female dodged every tree that got in her way. From a distance it would seem like a wild animal coming towards the him. The animals that was around flead from the section of the forest. Amare grabbed onto a branch, and swung herself around once before jumping onto another, with perfect footing. From what Amare remembered ... He didn't look like that, nor did his energy feel so immense, this was the wrong thing for Amare to come. His energy was much greater then hers; he would not able to tell on who she was but only a trance of the April's energy pattern would remain. "...." From a distance she watched quietly trying not to bring attention to herself.

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A chance Encounter (future thread) EmerSiggy-2

Emer McLoughlin's Theme

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A chance Encounter (future thread) Characters
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A chance Encounter (future thread) Empty Re: A chance Encounter (future thread)

Thu May 12, 2011 7:01 pm
Tsuna could feel it. Changes were occurring within his body. But his mind was becoming more and more clear. After gaining this power Tsuna's memories of how he got the power was altered. He thought ti had something to do with the master emerald but he knew that to be wrong. The Chaos emerald was a massive storage of power that was true but it didn't hold a spirit. He was realt confused. What happened that day was now completely locked up in his head. Tsuna wanted power but for what. His mind had created alot of things to help explain what had happened back on Iramasha Island, it did it to the point where he didn't know what was real and what was not. He had something he wanted to do. Protect April....but from what. His head gave him a splitting headache. "Forget about her...". A voice sounded in his head. This was not the spirit of chaos. There was no such thing. SOmething was wrong, deathly wrong. He looked at his appearance once more. The Iramasha are a race that lives within the spirit realm, in order to make a change like this something had to have changed within himself, more specifically his reiatsu. He was different and he felt like an abomination. He didn't hate the change though. He wanted more power and no he had it but he had a lingering feeling that this was not right. Another chuckle deep within Tsuna's soul. It almost made him shiver. whatever. He would now embrace this new sense of power. He didn't care how wrong it was he liked it. He knew one thing for sure. He knew for sure that he knew the power was not right when he acquired it .

Tsuna's golden eyes flashed in the water light. That was a difference he did not notice the first time he looked. When he didn't active his powers his eyes were an electric blue. At the moment his eyes showed something ferral. His power at it's base was destructive. He gazed at his own eyes and he saw something in himself he didn't see for a long time. joy. But not just joy, ecstasy from the power that he now possessed. His wings were red. A golden red, they looked like the wings of a phoenix. Tsuna looked at them and smiled. A phoenix, a symbol of rebirth. Man that was ironic. Tsuna laughed and when he did a wave of intense chaos energy was released form his body. Not alot of chaos energy but something that was thicker. Almost as if the energy ion his body was refined to something that was not of this world. That's when Tsuna felt it. Someone else in the area. He had never felt this reiatsu before but at the same time there was somethign familiar about it. Tsuna slowly turned. He radiated power but inn an entirely different way than before. He now had energy that shows both light and dark but he was leaning in niether direct. Chaotic neutral.

He looked directly at the area where Amare was watching him. mWho was this that had a familiar feel. Now there were more things he didn't understand and he didn't like it. His golden eyes flashed again. "Come out" tsuna said. This was not a suggestion, it was a command. Not just any command, it was one with power. when he said it he meant either you come out or he was going to make you come out. He already made this apart of himself. He was going to make sure to change. He would from now on be cinfident in his abilities. he was strong and he was going to make surwe the wole world knew that he was. He added his spiritual pressure to the mix just to make sure that Amare knew that he meant it.
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Thu May 12, 2011 9:20 pm

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A chance Encounter (future thread) AmareT2

"No... I will never return to being that one girl..."

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This was utter surprising his every feature, the maiden of darkness could not gasp a bit as the cloak was blow right off of her by the energy that this man was emitting, leaving her body revealed her killer body. The beautiful female covered her eyes with her arm and winced at this sudden bust of energy. It made the lily, fall out of her hair and into the calm waters. Amare was a bit scared on what to do… Should listen to the male’s command or walk away at the moment. This was a demand… Amare simply didn’t like to be demanded only by one person. Her lip paused for just a second as the lily danced onto of the waters. There were so many choices she could make at the moment. She could always attack him but she would be wounded greatly, not the smartest idea or she could go run and tell Matthew… At the moment it was her best idea that she followed her first idea. Slowly stepping out of the shadows to show herself off the man who emitted such natural power and possibly a twist of both good and evil. She was drawing to it like a moth and light, it was beautiful…

”Do you know of April Redwood, Tsuna…”
Those words slipped out of her mouth with poise, and a bit shocked herself how commanding she herself could be. Her lips held a snicker one that showed those pearl white fangs. This man was Tsuna, his energy was enchanting the air with his scent. He smelt as if he was reborn into his world. Amare jumped a bit so she would float in mid air to greet him face to face for the first time… She was the actually April, she was not light April he would know and love so much. That was merely a shadow of her that was forced up her when she was two years old. Laying on her back and began float around the cheashire cat, would... “Well now… You seek the girl name April but not the true being. I am sadden a bit… possibly ashamed.” Amare acted as if she was upset by pouting a bit and looked away as if she was shunned. Closer and closer the female moved to male, her long red hair began to stand up just a tad. Her ears were pinned up straight up by the lord they were twitching at every move the male made. She could smell him just only couple of feet away…

”Well to leave no ends out there little Snu-Snu… I am the true ‘April Redwood’ But I am named Amare Tenebrae… A name that Matthew Tenebrae, a friend of yours and surely my beloved dark lord have given me…” It was always a game when it game to Tsuna but this time the game was on him. Amare was different then the pink haired dear, she liked games and she liked male who could hold their ground against her like Matthew. Hisagi was just a pawn of men who was easily twisted by both darkness and his own spirit… Amare pull his this man’s strings until he gave in or something happened. He would be lovely addition to her collection, but one thing she hoped is that it would not turn around and bite her in the face. Amare just floated there almost all her skin revealed just a bikini top, a thong that rested on her hip, those hot booty shorts laced with fur… then those snug fishnet that hugged her nice juicy thighs… and those long black boots and gloves to match. It was picture perfect for such a dark being who was the temptation of lust; her blood eyes pierced at his golden as if they calling her in.


• ⁞ • ⁞ • ⁞ • ⁞ • ⁞ • Akemi's Character of The Month • ⁞ • ⁞ • ⁞ • ⁞ • ⁞ •

A chance Encounter (future thread) EmerSiggy-2

Emer McLoughlin's Theme

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Sat May 14, 2011 1:25 pm
Tsuna wasn't really paying attention to his part. He seemed to be gaining some more of his memories back from what had happened. The dark Chaos emeralds. The ones taht opposed the power of the ANgel and Demon emeralds. IN Tsuna's attempt for power he felt their call. Something weird happened when he got hold of them though. Tsuna is the person within the Iramasha that has the highest syncro rate with the emeralds. He didn't exactly understand what was so bad about these emeralds. He tried to sync with them and almost as if they had a will of their own they fused together and entered his body. That amount of chaos energy was on the level of angelf demon emeralds. When fused together it was something Tsuna was no expecting. Afterwards he ended up in Urahara's Shop somehow. He didn't bother going back. Something told h that after he passed out that he had done something warranting his death. The drastic change in his physical appearance would also probably be a state of alarm to other and the weird energy he now gave off. tsuna was no fool, he understood that he had done something incredibly stupid. But he did not regret it. In fact even the reason he had wanted to power in the first place seemed to be trivial now. He had not cared as much any more. His foolish obsession with the shinigami girl was something that he had gotten over after receiving the power. He would no longer allow other people to govern the way he would live and he would take charge once and for his thoughts were wondering. That tended to happen when people were talking about things he didn't really care about. He looked back over at Amare. His eyes glowing golden like a demon as his wings went back into his body.

He could feel it now. That thing that felt familiar about her now it made a little bit of sense. He smirked. In all honesty this changed absolutely nothing, after all the trouble he had been through with the other April his indifference to her had become the thing of legends. "Yeah and what of it" Tsuna said with a bored indifference. This whole thing with April Redwood had gotten too him in the past but now it was something he couldd careless about. Well not completely. The power that he gained was specifically for the purpose of getting her back but now taht seemed so trivial. Why did he even care so much about the girl. She had so many problems in her head that it gave Tsuna a headache just thinking about it. "Your make assumptions and therefore you don't know the truth. What makes you think that I am after April Redwood." Tsuna continued as if he couldn't careless. It was way too much trouble for him to chase after that one. After over 400 years of doing things the way he had and the last few years of doing things differently he was fed up. He knew she had wanted him at some point but she never had enough courage to pull away from Matthew. Of course now that he knew that she had split into two seperate entities it was different. If he had to guess April was off frolicking with some new victim. Since when did he start thinking of the people she was with as victims, oh well it didn't matter one bit. "With all the things I had gone through with her and Matthew I have decided that it was not worth my time to even think about it. Whatever April does now is something that matters little to me". Even as he said it he knew he meant it. He looked over at Amare sizing her up. Given the name tenebrae would mean that she was now under Matthews control. An Evil smirk appeared on his face.

Tsuna snickered at her comments. Dark Lord, Tsuna had almost burst out in laughter. Matthew a Dark Lord it was something that almost had him on the floor laughing. "Really now, Matthew is your master?" Tsuna said. The fact that he was using Matthew instead of Matt was a sign that he no longer saw him as a friends or even someone he respected. Matthew was just a nuisance that Tsuna could eradicate anytime he chose. The only reason he let him live was because he truly didn't care what he had been doing as of late. Besides if left to hsi own devices he would end up getting himself killed anyway. "Dark Lord my ass, that puny excuse for a man is nothing. Trust me Kitten, there are many out there, including myself, who could crush him like a bug" Tsuna said this and meant it. He knew several people who would rip him a new one. He may not have seen Matthew in a few years but that didnt' change anything. The man was nuts, he had no real ambition other than enslaving the peopel around him. With all the drama that was around him it was almost like a damn soap opera. How anyone could see him as a master was beyond Tsuna's understanding. Yes Tsuna had changed. Before gaining the power of the emeralds he had been cold and calculating. Before that he had been the fun lovin trickster. Now after gain the emeralds he had somewhat revered to is original persona although alot more sinister. Everything he did now was to benefit himself. He took no orders and whe he fought it was because he wanted to get stronger or to test himself. He had changed and it felt oh so good. "How can you even follow such a pathetic person?" The question was filled with a mocking curiosity as he folded his arms and waited for a reply.
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A chance Encounter (future thread) Empty Re: A chance Encounter (future thread)

Sat May 14, 2011 2:47 pm

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A chance Encounter (future thread) AmareT2

"No... I will never return to being that one girl..."

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This boy was truly rich in his carelessness making her not want to be there now and the way he mocked Matthew annoyed her greatly. She listened to everything this man had to say about the subject and just rolled her eyes a bit, he was trying to test out her anger, but that game was not working what so ever. Amare was best at games unlike April was who would just lost her temper sure, Amare had a terrible temper but April had that of boy who hit puberty rage. The fun fact that she heard from his little pinky lips was that “Whatever April does now is something that matters little to me” that was most interesting thing, because Amare had nothing to do with April but only share a simple body with her… Possibly a desire of her as well. This was a trial of her patiences but that name her called her… Kitten? Oh that was strike one on the judging list. He called her something that she hated most was kitten but she didn’t show it all. That was best thing she could do, no glimpse of unsettling emotion enter her face, mind or eyes just that snicker grew more on her face. Her body leaned back so she didn’t have to make eye contact with her and gazed up at the stars that glittered so brightly... Other statements about Matthew was, something she was could laugh at but didn’t.

”I do say you are getting a step ahead of yourself boy. No one can call me such names unless I give them permission to… If I do remember… I didn’t give anything to you.” She comment with a bit sigh at the end as if she was bored now. Her left hand began to pet her belly and her right one just stroked the air as if she was pushing herself along. He spoke like an Alpha male, and truly only threaten with hollow words… Words that made no meaning meant nothing, all Tsuna ever did when he spoke to April so it was proof that Tsuna really didn’t care. That counted for the feelings he had for April which was interesting enough to say. Yeah it was like watching TV no less for Amare with that one character who barks but no action, ”I followed him because he managed to pull me apart from that whore April Redwood. I owe him my life for ripping that shadow out of my body so I can take my body over once again plus the sex is ‘satisfying’. So suck on it.” Amare chuckled playfully doing the hand gesture before sitting up to stare at him, to examine his new features. Amare didn’t really care for the sex, it was just there and an slight bonus; because it wasn’t much of BAM SHAM as she planned it to be…. She could say another about it, yet she didn’t go too far. It seemed like her appearance had no effect on him but his appearance had affected her a bit more than a bit. Her hand rested back in her lap, while one just dangled down to touch the water skimming the top of it.

There was much to be noticed at this was not the original Tsuna in which she had seen just a few weeks ago, he had grown… more dark and his appearance stood out the most. Something that she caught onto first; His Hair. He no longer had crappy old black hair but fiery red hair that caught her attention. There was one thing, Amare loved was men with red hair to make it even better he had golden eyes to boot on out there. Other than that the rest was same but his attire and those red wings… Amare soon glared away with a bit of curiosity on when Tsuna became so… Appealing to the eye. Head on, Amare was completely different then April but April should have tapped it instead on not waiting 15 years ago to take some demon. It would be pleasing to watch though; because one side, well Tsuna’s side.

He wanted April badly and ready to prove himself… She could remember time from watching the scene from April's eyes, at the shrine, April was going give it all to him at the time four hundred years ago but she pulled away due to it would awaken 'darkness' within her. Then just a few weeks ago Tsuna would have taken her right there if Amare didn’t interrupt the cuddle fest, at this time, she didn’t regret it actually. If she didn’t not pull April away from Tsuna, then he would not have had this transformation happen… Amare just continued to snicker like a fox would, stated a bit carefully, ”Too bad little April is already the mother of two children…. And you are not the father of them… It is would have been quiet sight to see how she would have reacted to your sudden change.” Amare stated before laying onto her stomach and stretched out a bit like a cat would, those ears were perked up… Yeah a bit Amare being a much of a sinner she was, Amare was just a tad aroused by the sight of the male. ”And Surely you would have someone oh wait, You too beta to even have a female or even mate for life, HAHAHA!” Now that was Amare’s quiet settle revenge for calling her kitten. ”Sorry about that but it is true, What would a Beta like you do anyway against an Alpha, Cry? Beg for a little mercy?”

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Sat May 14, 2011 5:07 pm

A chance Encounter (future thread) Ih5oau

Tsuna gave her a laugh that showed that he really thought her to be pathetic. Truly, she was Matthew's dog. Owing him her life, man that was rich. At this point in time he didn't think her to be any better than April. Whether APril was scared into submission or this Amare owing him her life it was all the same. They were shameful, bowing their heads to such person. Tsuna's opinion of him had dropped so much that he believed that Matthew was just an ant that was waiting to be crush. Well more like a roach, everytime you kill it it keeps coming back. It was almost annoying. But Tsuna continued to laugh. then he started to hear her insults to him. Calling him a beta, this was something he would not stand. He wouldn't let it show on the outside though. He was not a Beta in any sense of thw word. He was exiled from the Iramasha Island, another point that he had forgotten about after taking in the dark emeralds, and now he was going to make sure to never submit to anyone. He would not be someone's pawn, everyone would bow down to him and that was the simple truth. He woudl take down anyone in his way even if it were god himself. that was the new Tsuna. Tsuna eyed her. "That insult coming from you doesn't even bother me in the least Kitten" Tsuna said and once he said it he knew it to only be half right. It annoyed him to hear her say it but to hear it from her was almost laughable. "I honestly don't believe you even have the right to be talking about this to be. Someone who wags her ass in front of Matthew and submits to himn, calling him their master has no right o call me a Beta" Tsuan said with the most mocking of tones. It was true. he believed that once you submitted to Matthew that you were no better than a dog.

He put his hand on his face and laugh out loud at her and then gave her a glare that could freeze hell. He let out a wave of reiatsu taht again was differnt than what you would normally feel from an Iramasha. This one was thicker than the last that he let out it was one that demanded obidence. He was dangerous and he made sure that everyperson or thing in the area knew this. He would not take being called anything less than an alpha especially not from this omega in front of him. She may be strong but she was nothing more than a pawn. "I'm only going to say this once. You are nothing but a dog to him. Your a pawn, a slave." The murder in his eyes was soemthing that he had never had before. he wasn't angry, he was just showing the difference between what he is now and what he was. "A person like you is nothing, he will treat you like trash and dispose of you when he is done. Don't go getting ideas taht he won't. Your master is a coward, someone who isn't even worth my time to think about, and I should know, even when I was around him I was infinitely more powerful than he was. He could never catch up to me and he will die knowing that he could never best me". tsuna began to get a grip back on his reiatsu and lowered the level. the murder in his eyes never left though. He started to walk slowing over to where Amare was. each step he took showed he was no longer going to stand being anything other than an Alpha. Ever since his change he could feel a dangerous nature being nurtured in his soul. He grabbed her by her throst and hauled her up in the air. After taking in the emeralds into his own body he gained the appearance of person about 19-20 but his strength was immense. He rought her up like it was nothing.

He looked her dead in the eyes and held her throat in a death grip. With a kool and level tone he began to talk to her. there was no anger just cold hard facts when he spoke. "Let me tell you this straight, again I could care less about that red haired bitch. In fact the next time I see her I might rip her throat out. with all the crap she made me go through I wouldn't be surprised if my hands just slipped." he said as if he were the devil himself reborn. tsuna was enjoying this. Making people Submit to his will was something he had only seen Matthew do. But the thing about Matthew was that Matt didn't understand true power. His only ambition was to conquer the people around him. Tsuna was different, he would destroy anyone in his way for power. He would destroy the world and make everyone submit to his will alone. "I am not one easily angered, but seeing her face might just bring out the killer in me. Killing is nothign something I use to enjoy but now, savoring the feel of blood on my hands seems like an excellent way to spend the day." His hands started to become claw like. It was almost as if he had been take over by a demon. His claw like hands started to press against her throat, enough that it should draw blood. He dropped her body from his grasp and let her breath. He thought about kicking her while she was down but he decided not too. he bent down to where he had dropped her and whispered in her ear. "Don't cross me the wrong way, because if you do I will destroy you. I will dominate her part of your being and then I will crush into nothing" Tsuna said and then added "My sweet little kitten"
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Sat May 14, 2011 6:36 pm

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A chance Encounter (future thread) AmareT2

"No... I will never return to being that one girl..."

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“You misjudge me, I have nothing to do with her… This is my body, and my personality finally rang… I am not your sweet kitten, Tuna fish.”The moment he grasped her thought was the moment those goose bumps dashed down her body out of excitement. If she was given a chance to follow her mind, she would but his arrogant little bitch was getting to her slowly and making chackle like a witch. “HAHAHAHA! YOU THINK I TOOK IT WITH A SMILE AND BEGGED FOR IT?! YOU KNOW SHIT THAT LITTLE BOY!” Sure, pleasure is pleasure, and yes she begged for it because one, anyone would beg for it after beginning toyed around; had absolutely been soaking wet and no sex for the past four years? Or even watching sex happen?! It was down right crime of it’s own. Amare snicker only grew longer… He didn’t know… If he would look onto her back, scars from Matt and on her shoulder bite marks on that lustful body. Her eyes searched for something for some but they soon closed..

“I was going to leave when he summoned to fucking darkness and summoned his sick little fuck of tentacles and play with me like I was a toy; but in the end, fucker cam and bingo I didn’t even have the slightest bit of pleasure.” She snapped at him on pure instinct, with her fangs baring at him. ” I am not Beta myself, I am full blow Alpha…”Amare was spoken in a harsh raspy voice, but her hand grasped around his own throat digging her claws into his skin. She was more than willing rip his major blood veins right out this position. No a better idea found itself appearing into her head.”He is going to die without keeping up his end of deal, so fuck him too… Any way so I call him my lord due to fact I feel bad for him so fuck off. Yet, chess pieces are not good when they can think for themselves… I am last one female from our special little group… AS they say the strongest survives as the weakest die off.” Amare didn’t care for the hand around her throat, she was still going to have her fun… ”Meaning Mizore and Jade, that includes is other two personas both killed and as soon as these two personas; that leaves you and me at the end, which I find most funny…”

That blood red aura began to form around her, a blink of eye, the female had transformed into a young female with short pink hair roughly to her neck and her body was much smaller… so she slipped out of Tsuna’s death grasp instantly onto the surface of the water. She was in a uniform to the same school Tsuna and April went too…Those big blue eyes glanced up at him innocently enough to be counted as April Redwood’s…. but the funny thing about it, Amare was truly female in which he fell in love with but not personality wise; April Redwood was a shadow that covered up Amare. Her hand raised to her hand to her mouth, with the most sadden look up towards him. ”I am Sorry Tsuna-san for everything….” Then the female transformed into the current look of April Redwood, she looked just like the mature one Tsuna himself greeted.”I am sorry for picking someone much more worthy then you….” Then pulling herself back up into her normal and final state of darkness stand up all the way at her height of 6'2… He would not expect anything from her but pure hateful and mind games, Amare looked at his a bit hatefully, leaning in… Her left arm snuck behind him, so the fingers could play with his red locks. He was extremely power, she had to admit to that but maiden was going to do something, that it would snap him out of his delightful chaos mind. Her lips found themselves next to his ear, inhaling his very scent… Her other hand? It held his side a bit, while her body was swaying back and forth, moving her hips away from him…Breathing deeply, running her hot steamy breath down his cold strong neck. ”What if I say, I am original her… The very her that given this fruitful body and that curse to bare… I am sorry for your means of arrogance and your trails on which you had to take because of that curse… but you would not be here; if I had not pulled April away from you twice nor would I be here… ”

With that she merely pulled herself away from Tsuna and began to float away in the air from the area with a smirk. ’Hmmm…’ Her hand brushed against her warm skin, carefully glance back and forth at the path before her and Tsuna. Her long wild red hair began to dance a bit at sudden breeze and her skin began a bit numb… That was Amare had to say to say; interest idea if Tsuna was going to allow to leave....

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Sat May 14, 2011 7:30 pm
A chance Encounter (future thread) 23r3l03

Before Tsuna even realized what he was doing his arm came up with incredible speed and back handed her across the face, hard. She had just pulled away from him and was about to turn and go away but Tsuna hand was faster. Alpha my ass Tsuna thought. She was the same whiney bitch she had been ever since he knew her. Still bowing down to Matthew. He now understood taht she was the original April, albeit with a new name but all the same. His eyes did not changed though. the murder in them was still there although there was no anger in him. IN his eyes there was a strange mix of murder and pity. She was a pathetic woman that was all he could think. Tsuna's hatred for Tsuna had grown to immesurable levels although Matthew himself did not know this. He may have made threats to kill april if he ever saw her, well the one Amare called the Shadow april, but if he ever saw Matthew he would crush him like a grape. As for the one in front of him it was almost not even worth it. No matter what she said or how she tried to define it, she was a servant to the pathetic man which made her nothing more than an insect. A feeble flame just waiting to be snuffed out. The back hand he had aimed at her face wa sone that would send her flying. he walked up to her again. His eyes flashing pure gold and the slits were like that of a dragon seraching for it next prey. "As long as you submit your mind and your body to that pathetic creature you call a master your nothign better than a dog. I see and understand now. You are the real April. ou have to be if your still under his control" tsuna said with a sneer. This was somethign that she needed to hear whether she liked it or not. the truth of the matter was, this was April, the only person he never knew to be a complete slave to taht bastard will.

"trust me girl" tsuna said with all the malice that he could summon. "You may have been the part of April that pushed her away from me, hell you may have been the reason I sought power. but let's get one thing straight. i was no the one who sough this power,, it sought me" tsuan said. It was true. Although he wanted power going to find the dark emeralds was not something he made conciously. he found them and they had chosen him as their master. "And you being an Alpha don't make me laugh. your just an omega, full of excuses why you must stay with that weakling. You may wish to call me a beta all you want but you are nothign better. Your a disposable pawn and don't ever seek to put yourself into the same category as me." tsuna continued. Mind games were Tsuna's territory. If she wanted to enter his domain then she was going to have a hard time. This is where Tsuna was King and there was no room for anyone else. Tsuna was going to make sure that this girls knew her place. Or atleast knwo the place and positioned she held. All those excuses he despised. no matter how much control she may think she has it is all just a lie. How can she continually think that way. Yes Tsuna saw the signs of it better than anyone else. She was still trapped. Whether she called it pity or not she was still allowing herself to be dominated by Matthew. Someone Of worth he could understand. being under the power of someone worthy, halo or Shadin he coudl understand. But Matthew. That just was pathetic. Maybe I should kill her. tsuan thought in his mind. Someone who doesn't seem to want to be her own person should just be destroyed. But Tsuna didn't act on this. IN all honesty he could care less but he diodn't like how she truly thought these things.

"If your truly an alpha stop all your barking and do somethign about your currect situation" tsuna said pulling her up to him. His presences was like that of a great mountain. unmoving in his conviction. "I'm not telling you to prove it to me, but for all your barking you still submit to someone else. Those who submit are not alpha's. they are dogs following the tail of thei master, people like taht don't deserve to be a leader or be an alpha." Tsuna said in a dark tone. he had learned this the hard way. "MIzore and Jade were weaklings. others who submitted to matthew. bu they didn't have any hoope. They were the lowest of people. Only following the orders of others. But you. You have a strong will but your afraid of yourself." Tsuna said. tsuna threw her to the ground. he knew he was being rough be he didn't care. that whole treat women with respect thing had all blown out the window. Women were just as strong as men were and he was going to treat this situation the way he wanted to. He cracked his knuckles. He didn't want to hear anymore excuses form this girl. "Now tell me, when Has showing pity or being submitted to Matthew's every will ever made you happy". Tsuan said this because he kenw it never did. And because of this she would never be an Alpha. If she always was chained to him, even if he died she would still need someone to hold those chaons for her. She woudl never be a true alpha. He had never been this rough with anyone outside of a fight before but this felt like it was needed. "Tell me little kitten, why do you truly allow yourself to be an omega if you want to be an alpha. I want to hear it straight from your own mouth you pathetic excuse for a ziamichi."
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Sat May 14, 2011 8:20 pm

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A chance Encounter (future thread) AmareT2

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Holy shit and did that leave a mark on Amare’s face, those big red eyes widen as they form tears from the passive stinging and her ears were pinned back as that beautiful silky soft hair stood up greatly. He called her the true April, that name in which she hated.. The name in which confides her in being who she was in the past, no… He called her out from the straight and narrow to right off of the right turn down main street. This was something, she didn’t not expect at all… Her hand raised up to touch the mark but good amount heat was just radiating off of her cheek. He hit her with both strength and speed making it a good fucking combo, she always stepped back a bit before tumble then Tsuna pushed the female down after half of his statement… On how much Amare was not alpha… But this didn’t matter. He hit her… Those blood eyes looked up at the male, Tsuna was not the same little pussy Tsuna… He didn’t want her… He didn’t really care for her either… He right off the bat told her off. Inside of her mind; her gears were turning like a Mexican running from the police. ’If I leave Matthew… Then my final connect would be severed, then I would not be April anymore. He is right… Out of Tsuna’s mouth, he really spoke nothing but truth… But how do I get rid of what I casted… His blood is inside of my body and so is the darkness… Then I am all alone again cast out from the world before I met anybody...’

She pulled herself off of the ground and swiftly turned around. Nothing came out her mouth, but tears began to ran down her cheeks but the female smiled no matter what. Amare could not help it, everything from her past was still there because of Matthew and his connection with her. He lied… Matthew just lied… He said everything would be cleared from her mind, not a second thought would linger in her mind, her heart was crying out to the darkness but no one answered plea. Not even the demon, even it even want to help this time. Amare wanted power; so the demon helped her, Amare seek the guidance of higher being, someone who could help her…. She was screwed up in her own turmoil, unlike the April Redwood. Something snapped… ”You know for the past 425 years of my life, I was forced to watch my life sealed away to a thing that her own mother placed on me when I was only three, because I was not mommy’s perfect little angel… She placed a shadow me, yet today she lives a perfect life… While for me the first time get a chance to room outside on the playground of life, and I screw up… It is a pathetic sight Chuuu… ’ Amare didn’t sob but her hands grabbed onto her hair and pulled in front where he would see ever single mark that happened.

Amare’s tears silently ran down her cheeks and her long fingers began to stroke her long red hair, the little orb on the end of her hair simply shattered into a thousand pieces, as it knew her emotions were breaking though. ”Haha, So I guess I am whatever I am; it is my fate to be like this for placing my faith into the wrongs hands again.” A bust laughter came out of her fragile lips, but the silence quickly overwhelmed the scene… ’I think it is best…’ Amare stumbled away from Tsuna a couple of feet before slipping down onto her tush, those tears eventually stopped rolling down her cheeks. Her face seemed to be pouting and a bit deep into the fire another comment struck the female’s heart strings. When did Matthew ever made her happy? The female scrambled throughout the all memories of them… All she remembered was pleasure; pained and hateful feeling whenever she was around him. She didn’t state it clearly out loud but the message was clear, ”What do you think you could better than him? Last time I checked you didn’t want to deal with anything related to April Redwood, You clearly stated I was her…” Amare scowled at him before looking up at the sky adoring them… ’At least you are perfect…’ Her emotion on her face was doubt and plain sorrow. Her hands continued to stroke her hair as it was felt wonderful. Those animal like ears just twitched as they slowly raised again.

”You can shut the fuck up for once; You just can’t realize anything can you? You can’t call yourself an Alpha if you don’t even listen, you are really no better the myself. Why the fuck are you talking to me like I am some god damn pet of yours?!” Amare snapped at him harshly before jerking her head back up.

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