Bleach Platinum Hearts RP
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Thu Feb 16, 2012 10:37 am
killerants walked into the lush forest feeling excited to find a sparring partner even though he didn't show it.he was wearing standard shinigami robes with his Zanpakutō on the right side of his waist. as he waited for his opponent he decided to walk around and observe the scenery. as he walked he noted that some trees had slash marks on them. he noticed a large clearing.he stood at the edge of the clearing. "this is a great spot to wait." he grabbed the hilt of his Zanpakutō and took a deep breath. "maybe i wont mess this up."
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killerants vs hanataro Empty Re: killerants vs hanataro

Thu Feb 16, 2012 11:36 am
Hanataro would be practicing with his sword, as he needed to do better. After all he can't become a captain by just healing people all the time, he still needed to know how to battle. So he would go around with his blade in hand, as the only noticeable thing would be that the said blade. Has a gauge in the middle of it, as he heard someone talking to himself. He would walk over to the voice, as he spotted someone there. He would smile at him, as he would walk up to him. " Hi, are you loo...." He tripped over a branch as his forehead would hit the ground with a thud sound. " owww..." he said as he tried to get up abit, as he looked at the guy.

A life is such a good thing,But can be taken away so easily.
Hanataro,Yamada 3-1
Nova 3-1
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killerants vs hanataro Empty Re: killerants vs hanataro

Tue Feb 21, 2012 9:03 am
almost immediately after kill finished his sentence he heard footsteps to the side. he turned his head and saw fellow shinigami coming towards him.then the shinigami fell. "ummm hi." he forced a smile that didn't quite right with him.kill helped the young man up.kill took a good look at the shinigami. he noticed his zanpackuto had a gauge in it. "so who are you?"
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killerants vs hanataro Empty Re: killerants vs hanataro

Tue Feb 21, 2012 11:29 am
Hanataro would look at him, with a smile as he would be helped up. He would listen to him ask about who he was, and he would perk up. He would hit his chest with his hand, as he build confidence to talk without stuttering. " My name is Hanataro Yamada, I am four seat of squad four " He would say in a proud tone, as he would look over him. He seemed new around here, maybe a trainee or a unseated member. " So how are you, you looking to train " He said with a smile towards him, as he would practice swinging his sword away from the guy.

A life is such a good thing,But can be taken away so easily.
Hanataro,Yamada 3-1
Nova 3-1
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killerants vs hanataro Empty Re: killerants vs hanataro

Tue Feb 21, 2012 12:22 pm

(Hello to you, killerants, and also to you, Star. I have volunteered to help you both out with your RPing in this thread. Over this course, I will be explaining, in parenthesis like this, a few issues I find that I'd like to point out, and possible ways to fix them. To start, you both need some good detail. Killerants, noticing the gauge in Hanataro's Zanpakutō was a good way to start. However, it's not enough to just include one minute detail. Try going for more detailing in exactly what Hanatarou looks like to Kill. Try describing how the environment appears to him, any oddities in sounds or appearances that spring to mind as he's talking. Detail the emotions that Kill is feeling, not just him turning his head. For example, if the smile was uncharacteristic, explain why it was. Explain those personality traits in Kill that make it so "not quite right" that he would be smiling. Also, when you start a thread, make sure to detail everything, and I mean EVERYTHING about the environment they're in. Don't assume because of the thread you're posting it in. Detail any buildings that might be around, any animals that he might see, what time it might be, how the sun or moon is shining through the leaves, how the canopy looks to him.. what have you. Anything about your environment you could possibly think to detail in a flowing and creative way. Now, for you star, I give the same advice. More detail, more specifics, more emotion. If you want to convey your characters properly, play to their INNER selves, not just the exterior. Tell us what they're thinking in-depth, and why. If you're going to quote specific thoughts, putting them in italics might be a good idea, too. For now, I'll leave it at that, I will be watching the progress of both of you as the thread progresses)

The Rukongai. An area of the soul society that not many of the higher-ranked soul reapers cared to spend their time in. Why? Well the answer to that was simple. It was a "dirty" part of the soul dimension. This is where all the riff-raff were. It was where all the spirits who WEREN'T shinigami went. A few of the nobility considered them peasants, although this wasn't true in every case. While a few lived in poverty, in the higher-numbered districts, quite a few more still lived luxurious lives in the lower numbered, more lawful, more orderly districts. The higher you got, the more crime ran abundant. It was these districts that some shinigami classified as "worthless". However, a couple of the soul society's strongest members came from this district, including the Zero Division leader, himself.

However, the cities themselves are not where our story takes place. The rukongai also has a forest. A large, expansive forest, stretching as far as the eye could see. It had housed many battles, sparring matches, drinking contests, and the like. Shinigami from all over soul society came here to hide, to relax, to fight, or to forget. It could be a haven, or a death trap, depending on your intentions, and depending on what *exactly* you were looking for inside.

So... what was a Quincy doing here?

It was quite simple, really. This particular Quincy was in love. She was dating a shinigami, a former captain, by the name of Solas Foiche. Solas had saved her. She had found her and protected her in a time and place where no one else would've. Without even knowing it, she had saved the quincy's life. And the quincy loved her for it. However, happiness begets misery, and after quite a few months had rolled by, the quincy's house burned down. Devastated at the loss of her family home, the quincy had almost given up. She had almost ended it. Just when she thought she would, however, her guardian angel appeared once again. Solas found her in that alley she had crawled in, and taken her to the defenders of the earth, the Vanguard. There, she had joined. And there was where she had made her home.

As for right now, Solas was delivering a report to the captain commander on Vanguard's progress. She had opted for the quincy to come along, as she had never seen the Soul Society, and Solas was just considerate like that. However, the quincy had decided to go outside of the walls of Seireitei, and venture into the districts she related to more. The rukongai. It hadn't been more than an hour before she spotted the forest, and had disappeared within it to explore.

Who was this quincy, you may ask? Why none other than Mari Hitagurashi. She was noted as one of the most powerful quincy of this time. Not because of raw power, but because of sheer ingenuity.. and her darker side. Yes, it was true that Mari had, for all intents and purposes, sold her soul. But she became stronger for it, as she had made a contract with a shadow demon who had given her power she had never imagined. It was hard to keep this from Solas, but Mari was waiting for the right time to break it to her...

As the quincy dashed through the forest, going from branch to branch instead of traversing the forest floor, she heard voices from quite a bit away. She blinked, running a hand through her long, red hair, currently held up by a pin her mother had given her as a child. Mari turned towards the direction of the voices, and dashed through the canopy, dodging birds and leaves as she neared. Hiding her reiatsu, she landed on a branch overlooking a clearing, where two shinigami stood. One of them looked to be a bit short, black hair, pasty skin, and a timid appearance. He was wearing shinigami clothing, and holding a blade, so it was relatively obvious why he was here. The other.. wasn't so obvious. He had dark skin, african-american, she'd guess. His hair seemed to be short.. ish.. though it was hard to tell with the sun in her eyes from the clearing. Was it still mid-day? Ugh. He appeared to also be wearing a shinigami robe. Was she viewing a spar? Mari sat on the branch, careful not to make any noise as she watched the two. She swung her feet back and forth, black boots adding some weight to help the swinging. The branch on her ass pushed her thighs to make them look a bit bigger than they actually were, but the short-shorts didn't really help that either. She giggled a bit, she actually liked her body, unlike most women. Her E-cups didn't really help that vanity, either. She had trouble fitting into a lot of shirts, so she simply wore a black bikini-top with a red flame design on either cup. Mari leaned against the tree, gazing at the two, wondering if anything interesting was going to happen.

I envy because of the heart.
I glutton because of the heart.
I covet because of the heart.
I am prideful because of the heart.
I sloth because of the heart.
I rage because of the heart.
Because of the heart...
I lust for everything about you.

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killerants vs hanataro Empty Re: killerants vs hanataro

Wed Feb 22, 2012 9:08 am
delighted by hanataro's friendly and positive nature kill smiled.he admired the optimism hanataro was showing. hanataro seemed freindly to him. "yes, i am." kill watched how hanataro was swinging his zanpackuto. kill unsheathed his zanpackuto and also started swinging his zanpackuto away from hanato. kill disliked doing this though. he did it only to to make hanataro more comfortable around kill. "wow you're really a fourth seat, impressive." "you must be strong." kill stop swinging his zanpackuto.
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killerants vs hanataro Empty Re: killerants vs hanataro

Mon Mar 05, 2012 6:16 pm
Hanataro would enjoy the area, as the trees and calm winds were about. He would simply look back at kill, as he felt strange. He didn't push his feeling at all, letting himself let his guard down. He was more of a Kidō fighter, but he didn't mind using his weapon. He heard Kill words, as he took it as a compliment for himself. He didn't get those very often, and he would smile at kill. " Thank you very much, so do you want to spar " He said in a timid, but confident tone

A life is such a good thing,But can be taken away so easily.
Hanataro,Yamada 3-1
Nova 3-1
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killerants vs hanataro Empty Re: killerants vs hanataro

Tue Mar 06, 2012 10:40 am
kill watched as hanataro smiled and said "yes i been itching for a good fight." "the first step to getting stronger is gettting experience" kill thought to himself. kill walked back about 7 feet away and turned to face hanataro. he unsheathed his zanpackuto and looked at it. the length of it annoyed him because it takes up more space then others zanpackuto. kill made a slight frown then immediately turned it into a smile to hide his dislike. kill got into a fighting stance with his legs shoulder width apart and his zanpackuto straight in front of him. "so do you want to make the first move."
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killerants vs hanataro Empty Re: killerants vs hanataro

Tue Mar 06, 2012 11:24 am
Hanataro would simply bring his sword to the ground, as it would hover over it. He would then shunpo out of sight, as he would reappear in front of him. As the blade would then slash upwards aiming to slash him from below, and slash him across his chest. He used as much force as he could, If kill decided to block to shatter his guard. So it would give him enough time to kick him, silently he would smile at him. " That's fine by me "

A life is such a good thing,But can be taken away so easily.
Hanataro,Yamada 3-1
Nova 3-1
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killerants vs hanataro Empty Re: killerants vs hanataro

Wed Mar 07, 2012 9:07 am
kill watched as hanataro brought his zanpackuto down and suddenly disappeared. startled by hanataro's sudden shunpo kill was taken off guard.then hanataro appeared in front of kill and he quickly focused and used his shunpo to go back a few feet as he saw hanataro's slash coming towards him. "that attack was close" kill thought to himself. if kill wouldn't have dodged it he could have been hurt. "you're not playing around are you." "guess i actually have to try." kill knew that hanataro would pose a challenge,but the first step to winning a battle is getting inside an opponent's head. so kill naturally wanted to seem big.kill ran towards hanataro full speed holding his zanpackuto to the side. when in front of hanataro he slashed horizontally from left to right. kill aimed for the legs to hopefully immobilize hanataro for a little while. after that attack kill would jump up and try an attack from above.
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