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Sat Jun 02, 2012 10:00 pm
The stored energy in his seishin buki began to pulsate as the beams in his hands began to pulsate, he decided to use this now seeing as he didn't want a nasty scar on his body, he flashed his hand without the beams that were glowing black and formed more chaos energy in to a white sheild that he brought behind him to cover his backside. Seeing as this would stop the attack he decided to move hard left and roll to the side so as not to risk being over powered by his Zanpakto.

After recovering from his roll and watching the long wind and reitsu like blade hover where he was formally. Jesus fucking christ that was close...If my other hand wasn't free and ready to block you would have cut me something fierce Akihiko...I am impressed with your mastery of close quarters combat...And your...Zanpakto if I remember what they are called. seems to compensate for your inability to attack with energy from a distance."With that Aoi scanned the terrain and saw a few roofs to the slums, he charged up some chaos energy and teleported to the rooftops then pulling up his right arm, the left shortly behind. He formed some extra chaos energy in to the bow."Phoenix Fire!" Aoi shouted as he began charging up a few bolts, he fired them in rapid sucession forming an 'x' aimed in Akihiko's general vicinity.

While being an Iramasha had it's perks, it had it's disadvantages to, his chaos energy was draining slowly but it was still draining and he knew he wanted to save some in case he needed to use that shield or his chaos attack known as Phoenix Fire again. He decided it was best to store some of this energy in to Phoenix, his Seishin Buki.

He pondered for a bit whether to show the Shinigami his Hybrid form, but he decided it was best to wait in case he needed the extra boost of strength which he assumed he would based on Akihiko's strength.
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Sat Jun 02, 2012 10:34 pm
There was a heavy grinding sound as Katta's extended blade tore through the shield, albeit slowly. As the reiatsu shattered and disappeared, the Shinigami couldn't help but smile. This compounded with Aoi's compliment. "Yeah, I suppose I'm not too bad." Suddenly, Aoi disappeared, only to reappear again on the roof a few feet away. Feeling the release of power, Akihiko compressed as much energy as he could into Katta, slashing at the fireballs as they flew towards him. Releasing the energy as they made impact, a great explosion went off, forcing him backwards thirty feet and causing a large amount of smoke and dirt to fill the air. Staying on his toes, he slammed his sword (Richi deactivated) into the ground, bent over slightly to allow or it to stabilize him. Dirt and grass was torn out of the ground, resulting in a second puff of smoke and dirt to arise.

"Not bad. Turning the heat up a little, are we?" Grinning, Akihiko wasted no time, using Shunpo to close the distance between them and slashing with a blade reaching six feet in length, which easily met the four foot gap their foot held. Floating on reishi, the Shinigami began putting more and more force behind his attacks, gripping his sword with two hands and giving it everything he had, attacking a total of five times. Diagonal shoulder slash ran into horizontal waist slash which transformed into a reverse-handed vertical cut. A quick spin brought it to another horizontal offense, from left to right at neck level. The final attack was a two-handed jab aimed for Aoi's heart, the eye set in Katta's hilt watching with the utmost of excitement.

(Sorry for short post. On IPhone.)

Akihiko Hideo Third Seat, Squad 11
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Sun Jun 03, 2012 8:08 am
Aoi smirked having chose a rooftop for this reason, he knew the shinigami would pursue him and he set this up. Recognizing that in the slums most people didn't have a proper concrete roof but rather a flimsy material, Aoi kicked down, he though he could avoid all the attacks this way but he was mistaken as one of them sent a streak of blood pouring from his cheek. "Ow. Good hit Akihiko!"

But let's see how you handle this. Seeing as he was below Akihiko now Aoi decided to shoot more bolts at the ceiling, aimed right beneath the shinigami, then to follow it up he sent a flurry of them to the cloud that would gather as a result of the impact.

Shortly after shooting this from inside the house he scanned around noting that it was abandoned, and kicked out the front door, scrambling from the compact room so as not to get caught in a close quarters battle. After he got out of the house he moved about 15 yards from where the door was and took a deep breathe, clapping his hands together he formed a ball of pure Chaos Energy and awaited his foe. "I commend you on trying to kill me this soon!But let's see if we can last a bit longer yeah?"
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Strolling With Souls - Page 2 Empty Re: Strolling With Souls

Wed Jun 06, 2012 3:07 pm
The shinigami grinned. Slashing hard with his sword, he released another wave of energy in an attempt to lessen the Iramasha's attack, jumping backwards to distance himself from the blow. Still, he managed to receive a nasty burn along his right forearm. The energy burned through his clothing and started to singe his flesh before he smacked it out. "Jesus, that hurts." Floating above the ground, still level with the roof, Akihiko waved to his opponent, who was charging a ball of energy in his hand. And that looks like it can hurt more. Gripping his sword tighter, he ignored the pain on his arm. "Oh, I wasn't trying to kill you. Am I getting a little intense for you? I can tone it down, if you'd like." And there it was, the trademark, cocky nature of Akihiko had come out to play. Still, it was all said in fun, and the happy-yet-not-sadistically-so expression on his face would say that better than any words could hope to.

Akihiko. Ah, the voices in his head were speaking to him again. The next time he throws something at you, just swing at it normally. I'll take care of it this time. The spirit of his sword, Katta, had woken up and was ready to play as well. In his hand, Katta pulsed with excitement. Readjusting his grip, the shinigami faced his opponent. "Alright, Phoenix. Bring it on!"

Akihiko Hideo Third Seat, Squad 11
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Wed Dec 12, 2012 6:06 pm

2013 Rebuild: Old Threads
Threads of Members that have left are to be re-archived to the Old Thread Board.

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Strolling With Souls - Page 2 Empty Re: Strolling With Souls

Sun Oct 04, 2015 4:59 pm

✖| Clean Up Time!! |✚
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It's been 2014 or even before that!
There for I will be locking this thread, feel free to revisit this and keep on reading!

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