Bleach Platinum Hearts RP
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Rower of Rock. And Souls.
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A Good Old Fisting Empty A Good Old Fisting

Tue Jun 05, 2012 6:46 pm
Template by [THEFROST]


The man was laughing. Laughing he was as his fist shot forwards, slamming into the chin of his opponent as he felt their jaw impact with his fist, a wide smile on his face and his red, ringed eyes wide and crazy looking as he smashed the man in the bar he had been at, firing them clear outside.

"VOI! THAT ALL YOU GOT? YOU'RE ALL BARK!" He called after the man as with a leap, he flew way out of the bar, much father than a normal person would with the effort he was seeming to exert, almost floating as he reached the ground, both feet touching down solidly, a wide smile on his face.

"You're boring. Get out of here before I decide to kill you. IS THERE NO ONE HERE WORTH A FIGHT?" He roared at the streets around him; inside of the Zaraki district, his smile gone as he looked all around himself...


Believe nothing, no matter where you read it or who has said it, not even if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense.
- Buddha

A Good Old Fisting Empty Re: A Good Old Fisting

Tue Jun 05, 2012 7:08 pm

So Kaede was watching these people get beaten up by a guy with as hell of alot of skills and somewhere in his stupid stupid mind he decided to go in to fight now. His eye's looked on at the figure now with a large amount of interest, before lifting his hand up and walking out.

"I am not terrible good at this form of fighting but..I'll give it my all none the less." Kaede finished his sentence as he walked out and glanced at the form of the blond haired male, he was rather tough looking. Why oh why did he end up in this situations.

Why was it he decided, hey life isn't important at all. I am gonna go walk out and face this guy and try to learn something while getting maybe torn up, he was a tad better than the others. But wasn't entirely sure how he would go about facing this individual. The man was extremely tough and would take a hell of a lot to bring down.

Rower of Rock. And Souls.
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A Good Old Fisting Empty Re: A Good Old Fisting

Tue Jun 05, 2012 9:37 pm
Template by [THEFROST]


Moonie's face gained an incredibly large smile as he turned his head, facing the man in front of him.

"Voi! If you've got the guts to take me on, THEN PROVE IT!" The Moon Iramasha stated, as he threw up a single arm, raising his head up, his eyes wide as he smiled at the man before him, before throwing his fist straight down into the ground. His fist hit the ground; and for a moment nothing seemed to happen as Moonie simply stated...

"Moon Shatter."

As soon as he said that, the space all around him, from his body all the way to the bar seemed to shake. The radius around them, the very ground, trembled; as suddenly, it sank down all around Moonie, suddenly cracking and splitting around in a huge radius with Moonie's fist as the epicenter. Moonie merely stood back up, his eyes still looking at the man before him, his blond hair shaking as he straightened himself, flexing his hand. That move he had just done had been completely done with his own strength; not a bit of it came from the rest of his power as Moonie took a single step forwards...

And leaped out at his opponent, as his right knee came straight up, the other leg planting firmly on the ground.

"Moon... SNAP!"

He cried out, as his knee attempted to make contact with his opponent's rib cage. However, Moonie knew about and understood how to fight shinigami; he predicted a flash step would happen immediately, as he spun around on his foot, extending out his palm towards his opponent's direction. As he did so, Moonie heard the man he had beaten down getting up and scurrying away. Moonie let him go, merely lowering his hand as he pulled back his head, taking in a very deep breath, before looking up at the sky and releasing a loud, well, noise.


He cried out, his excitement roaring through his body as he felt the blood rushing through him, demanding that he fight, that he get in combat; he had just given the shinigami a warm-up; for now, he would let him match Moonie's pace; at the very least, for now...


Believe nothing, no matter where you read it or who has said it, not even if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense.
- Buddha

A Good Old Fisting Empty Re: A Good Old Fisting

Wed Jun 06, 2012 11:23 am

His eyes observed it, that was some insane strength this guy had. Ya know those moments when you completely regret what you've done this was one of them. His eyes focused on the figure of the man as he rushed forward. Sending a thrusting knee towards his gut. He didn't shunpo, no that wasn't something he'd use just yet. Going to the left as he sent a power shot into the rib and mid section of the male's chest.

He was a beginner but a quick learning, he wasn't sure how much effect it would have. Given the insane strength he was predicting insane amounts of power also. This wasn't exactly what he wanted to get involved with. But his Hakuda was pretty bad and this was a decent way to increase his skills within that art.

After his left hand's shot for the ribs, if he staggered him he would spin himself fast and send a reserve kick towards the mid section, though the only purpose of this was to knock the enemy backwards so he could catch his breath. Doing about half a turn to generate power as his leg was aimed at the male's center.

Rower of Rock. And Souls.
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A Good Old Fisting Empty Re: A Good Old Fisting

Wed Jun 06, 2012 3:50 pm
Template by [THEFROST]


Moonie merely turned his head to his right as his foe moved in that direction, his smile still wide and his eyes still bright as he watched the man's fist reach his stomach, connecting with it solidly and...

Making a small "Thump" noise. Moonie himself didn't flinch, didn't move as the attack had hit him dead on. Moonie actually blinked, before sighing as he saw Kaede spinning around again, kicking him in the mid-section with another THUMP noise, just a little bit louder; but again, it was like Kaede had kicked a statue... and his foot would feel that way too.

Moonie merely sighed, as he reached a hand back, feeling his momentum build up as he took a single step forwards, right in under Kaede's guard. Moonie's hand pulled its four fingers back, and its thumb straightened up as he made a direct line from his elbow outwards. Then he pushed forwards, saying simply..

"Moon Smash."

This was the fastest move in Moon Style; there was a good chance it would hit, and thus throw back, Kaede. The blow as aimed at just above his opponents lungs; so if it hit, it would knock the wind out of the poor guy and make breathing difficult for a few seconds...

But he would remember those few seconds, alright.


Believe nothing, no matter where you read it or who has said it, not even if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense.
- Buddha

A Good Old Fisting Empty Re: A Good Old Fisting

Wed Jun 06, 2012 10:31 pm

Let us count the ways this wasn't going well dear people. Well when he felt like he'd punch and kicked a stone wall. That was the first indication that this guy felt next to nothing. He'd taken a decent shot to the rib cage and well, in his mind they were one for one. But however were it counted, one to nothing. And it wasn't in his court again, Kaede tried his best to become a good Shinigami. He wanted to improve badly and well this fight was one way.

He'd never considered the fact that this individual may of been higher up then Nathan, should Kidō be attempted perhaps. What good what it do though, I mean if he did a string of eight bakudo on him maybe he'd have trouble moving his arms. But that was about it, calculating the odds of success here. He didn't smile as he slowly picked himself up, the win had been knocked right out of him as he'd managed what may of looked like two clean hits. But each one felt more along the lines of two clean he didn't quite make it. His hand may of struck, both attacks were at full force.

So the next plan would be perhaps something a bit different, he wasn't going to go easily even if he figured a way out. Why would grabbing him and trying to do that help any, well couldn't just roll over and die.

Rower of Rock. And Souls.
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A Good Old Fisting Empty Re: A Good Old Fisting

Tue Jun 12, 2012 11:40 am
Moonie blinked. He was getting bored of this. The man was trying, he could see; but he just WASN'T at Moonie's level. The moon iramasha merely blinked in disappointment at the man crouched down before him, as he held up his fingers to the man's forehead, his middle finger pressing against his thumb, as Moonie said quite clearly:

"Moon Flick."

His middle finger launched off of his hand, as Moonie felt its weight increasing one hundred times normal; surruonding it with gravity that shot it right towards Kaede's head. If it hit, the man woud be knocked clean on his back, unconscious from the sheer amount of force that Moonie exerted. The Moon Iramasha thought for a moment about killing him; however, he shook his head, deciding that such a thing would simply not be worth it. However, if the man was still standing, Moonie decided that he would give him a taste...

...Of Blast.

Believe nothing, no matter where you read it or who has said it, not even if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense.
- Buddha

A Good Old Fisting Empty Re: A Good Old Fisting

Wed Jun 13, 2012 10:16 am

Kaede's mind was fading and perhaps it was this that made him do something that had been done in his special training alone in the woods for months. His lips moved saying the words for Hadō 1 as the orb appeared not from a hand or anything like that. He formed the Kidō on his stomach instead, this was the first time he'd ever attempted it in combat. Kaede's focus wasn't quite there though and the Kidō exploded and blew him backwards just 4 meters from Moonie. That Kidō had stung, Kaede's eyes hurt slightly.

Ordinarily performing a Kidō of that nature would be a breeze. But performing it the way he'd just done it was something no one without a shikai had ever done before. Projecting the Kidō somewhere else than the intended area. This allowed for surprise and often times it would shock an enemy, he'd managed to perform this little trick in time to avoid a flick. He'd truthfully learned one other Kidō .

But could he do it and stay alive.

Rower of Rock. And Souls.
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A Good Old Fisting Empty Re: A Good Old Fisting

Wed Jun 13, 2012 11:46 am
~The Moon Iramasha Hath Left the thread~

Believe nothing, no matter where you read it or who has said it, not even if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense.
- Buddha
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A Good Old Fisting Empty Re: A Good Old Fisting

Sun Oct 04, 2015 3:59 pm

✖| Clean Up Time!! |✚
┣▇▇▇═─          ☠          ─═▇▇▇┥

It's been 2014 or even before that!
There for I will be locking this thread, feel free to revisit this and keep on reading!

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