Bleach Platinum Hearts RP
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The author of this message was banned from the forum - See the message

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The Bout (ANNIHILATION -vs- FROST Left_bar_bleue99999/99999The Bout (ANNIHILATION -vs- FROST Empty_bar_bleue  (99999/99999)


Sat Jul 21, 2012 7:59 pm
Annihilation wrote:[OOC: We still rocking or what?]

Actually, I was going to write up a post later tonight as I've been working on getting my muse back. Haven't made an RP post in about a month or so and it takes a bit of time for me to get my juices flowing. So probably when everyone logs off the xat, I'll get a post up. I haven't forgot. Been tweaking Shadin's entrance to make it connect to his timeline in addition to getting some music to play in order to better create the post.

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The Bout (ANNIHILATION -vs- FROST Left_bar_bleue99999/99999The Bout (ANNIHILATION -vs- FROST Empty_bar_bleue  (99999/99999)


Sat Jul 28, 2012 5:12 am
AND HERE IT COMES! Got my muse back

Song: BLEVE 《Unease》 - Artist: XOTIC - Word Count: 1784 - Character Count:10255

"So, it appears I've managed to step forth into a different timeline, huh? This should prove interesting to see the capacities this Mind of God has." Slowly, but surely, a man began to materialize upon one of the tallest buildings within what appeared to be a deserted Karakura Central. From the looks of it, he appeared to be a rather pale looking man with a frail body frame. As the wind began to guest from the apparent storm on the horizon, this guy's long, shoulder length white hair began to blow in the breeze as if he belonged here. Rubbing his nose a bit, he opened his dark red eyes to the new scenery before him as his mind began to become in sync with the world around him. The constant sound of blips and beeps were audible from Shadin's eyes; little lights being seen within the pupils of them as he began to become hooked up with The Yuudeshi Network of this universe. "Amazing, I'm still able to access the damned network despite being in another world altogether. I'll have to thank KJ for his genius one of these days."

Looking upwards towards the sky, data from the Yuudeshi Network in this world began to stream into Shadin's mind as he grinned a bit. Second by second he began to know every nook and carny of this city, the weather conditions around him, information on this world's timeline and...Aramand. Judging from the records kept by the Gotei 13's database which was in-sync with the Yuudeshi Network, Shadin was granted permissions on PROJECT ANNIHILATION. Reading through Central 46's enteries about his conception, Shadin began to get a pretty good idea as to what some of this guy's powers may entail. After a bit of scanning, phasing and downloading; eventually, he figured out what this guy's sealed Zanpukto's possible capacities were, the potential his Shikai had and even Bankai. Thus, with this knowledge in hand already before this fight had even began, Shadin already knew the type of force he was going to be dealing with and made the appropriate precautions.

"Hehehehe, and it seems that somebody has already noticed my arrival. Alright, I'll take 'em on as he seems to be the source of this cities emergency crisis." Cracking both his neck and crack, Shadin braced himself for what might be one hell of a brawl. "Suppose the first thing I should get rid of would be that pesky storm." Holding out his hands, Shadin began to redirect energy from The Yuudeshi Towers in order to have large quantities of spiritual energy emerge around the eye of the Hurricane; making sure to rewrite the values on their existence with Imaginary Computation to make them only respond to Shadin's will and only be manipulated by him for the time being. Once move had been done, Shadin smirked devilishly as he move each of his hands out of the way to signal all of that power spreading throughout the battlefield and for far beyond that.

This is where the nature of his mind would begin to show as he called upon the powers of Imaginary Computation in order to rewrite the values of every single piece of matter, every little atom, all types of electrons & ions and all elements on the electromagnetic spectrum. In fact, at this very moment, you could say that everything that is possible in a tangible sense was under the influence of Shadin. It far surpasses even the control Annihilation had appeared to have over this storm, but there was no time to get caught up in that. To him, it was nothing more then a big display of showboating that he was going to put to an end easily enough if things went his way. Now, with his energies influence on the area on a physical, supernatural and spiritual level; Shadin began to make an attempt at rewriting the very principles of physic's, science and energy in order to neutralize all elements, all particles, all ions and anything external that Aramand was manipulating or controlling on a natural level. So, judging from this course of action, all benefits he had received from this massive typhoon should be removed, the Tesla Protocol erased from his body and that pesky Polarity lock eradicated.

In other words, what Shadin had just done with his power is that he generated a massive neutralization power on a large scale that otherwise negated the effects of Aramands storm by rewriting the values of it's existence on a spiritual, physical and energy based level with Imaginary Computation; voiding the benefits he had obtained from it and otherwise forcing him to fight with his own energy and techniques. Moreover, to ensure this wouldn't happen again, with energy from the Yuudeshi Towers keeping Shadin from wasting his own energy reserves; he'd begin to change the values of reality in order to formulate a technique which would hopefully "lock" him out of utilizing, controlling, generating or otherwise manipulating all external elements, energies or forces that weren't otherwise produced from his own body. This translated into the fact that if he tried to harness anything on the electromagnetic spectrum that wasn't his own power, with Imaginary Computation's new values placed on the entire battle area, it would only serve to negate his attempts and send that energy directly into Shadin into a converted force that removes all impurities from it to enhance his own strength.

It applied to all elements of nature, the forces of this world, scientific methods such as making use of any kinetic energy that is otherwise not generated from Annihilation's body; essentially locking down some of the properties of his Shikai from what Shadin was able to gather from the Yuudeshi Network. Now, with all these events transpiring in mere seconds, Shadin would vanish from upon the building he once stood with his decimating speeds. In the course of a few milliseconds, he began to cloak his spiritual energy and then all sound, smell, vibrations and visual imagery of his body simply by removing all sources of light on his body with Imaginary Computation and using it to cover his scent by rewriting the principles on his own body in order to mask them and creating a sound-proof barrier around his own body. Now, hopefully being undetectable on a multitude of level's, he would use his immense speed in order to emerge behind ANNIHILATION.

Without wasting even a single nano-second, he'd go on to perform a Senka on him. This was a special Shunpo technique where one moves behind the opponent to directly attack and seal their Chain of Fate (otherwise known as Saketsu) and Hakusui in two rapid striking attacks. This movement is so fast that a target may not be able to tell whether he was attacked from the front or the back and even an outside observer may find it impossible to tell what the movements are. So, with Shadin being a Grandmaster in the art of Shunpo, this was ESPECIALLY dangerous in his case as he could perform this technique in an amount of type that it would almost seem like an instantaneous movement when you add the speed from his other racial attributes. So, with all of that said, hopefully this would be a one-hit KO where Shadin made a direct hit on Annihilation in order to perform the same move Byakuya Kuchiki once used on Ichigo Kurosaki to render him powerless from his supernatural powers and bring this fight to a possible early close if he could damn well help it.

Finishing up with that technique, since he was at a close range, he'd then go on to make an attempt at sending some of his own reishi inside of Armand's head via his nostrils and/or mouth. Should this work ,with Shadin's presence inside of him and masked hopefully, he'd go on to channel his own force into them in order to activate his Telekinetic powers within these reishi. So, if all went according to plan, these reishi would begin to multiply to the point of covering Annihilation's brain within a matter of three seconds; after that period, he would then attempt to blow Armand's brain to bits by compressing his skull, head and brain so much that they would implode on themselves and hopefully kill him. Then, once done with that, Shadin would use his speed to make an attempt at avoiding any sort of counter measures Annihilation may or may not have had. In a matter of moments, he would appear back on the ground as if nothing would happen; should his calculations be correct.

As a back up plan, however, while Shadin was performing those two attack's on Armand's body; he'd then go on to use Imaginary Computation to constrict the amount of reishi and Reishi in order by simply changing their values in order to make most external attacks from Armand be weakened or negated altogether. So, if he were to channel something as basic as, say, a lightning ball; it would be heavily weakened in it's effects or stopped altogether. Meanwhile, effects such as augmentation to oneself would still work within this area. As any sort of internal based technique isn't effected by this. Moreover, by changing the principles of his own body, Shadin would not be effected by this due to the fact that Imaginary Computation realizes he is the controller of these effects and thus bypasses him; and, for two, he placed the values of his own body to be above those in the area. This meant that there would be an even further gap between their speed as this effects Shinigami based techniques like Shunpo and would possibly lower Armand's speed dramatically while all this is occurring.

In any case, to finish up things, Shadin would begin to tighten each of his hands into a fist in order to make the existence around Armand begin to implode on itself; thus creating a supernatural blackhole that should consume Armand into a void of nothingness in order to put an end to any further resistance. Making sure to crush every bit of his body, every part of his soul and take the very essence of life from him and toss all else into this dark abyss for the rest of time while connecting off the connection to this realm of existence. Taking a soft sigh, a rather fiendish looking smile would appear across Shadin's lips as he would await to see the effectiveness of his techniques. Crafting a force field around himself in the meantime to reject any sort of surprise attack while he awaited the results of his attack.

"Nothing shall be left in the wake of God's Mind."


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Sun Jul 29, 2012 1:07 pm
The Bout (ANNIHILATION -vs- FROST 28545285_p16

Hello I am Raiki, going to be a judge for this thread, and try to keep it as unbais as possible. While this post is a placeholder, as I am reading this thread many times, to break down everyone actions, and go by logical outcomes for both party's in this. So wait till I post again, with a full detail post for my judgement.

Sᵃ ᶥ ᶦ ˣ ♚
Sᵃ ᶥ ᶦ ˣ ♚
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Sun Oct 04, 2015 6:29 pm

✖| Clean Up Time!! |✚
┣▇▇▇═─          ☠          ─═▇▇▇┥

It's been 2014 or even before that!
There for I will be locking this thread, feel free to revisit this and keep on reading!

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