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Fri Jul 13, 2012 11:25 pm
"Oh...Um..Well..." She suttered, Unsure of what to say "Remember when I said I didn't do it on purpose?" She asked quietly "Well....Last time I was here I killed a lot of people and Shinigami...." She hesitated for a moment "I...I didn't mean too...It's not like I did it on purpose...In fact I wasn't even really doing anything but...I cant control my Inner Chaos Energy like every other Iramasha can...So it just kinda does what it wants and last time I was here it attacked a villager, and when I went to try and help him a bunch of people came running towards me and got hurt...That's when the Gotei started sending Shinigami after me...And I swear I wasn't doing anything, But when they came at me with their Zanpaktou's, They just sort of.......Collapsed....A lot of them suffocated when they got too close to me, Other's we're ripped to pieces, A few survived but....Most we're killed...And I caused a lot of damage to the Rukongai, Specifically this district...Which is why everybody is so fearful of me probably, The only reason I was stopped was because of my Seishun Buki, He knocked me out and ran away carrying me to the world of the living where I spent the last 20 years running and in hiding...I've...." This was where she started to grow very quiet

"I killed a lot of Shinigami over the past 20 years, Each of them trying to hurt Arrianna, And each of them falling because of it...Though I never once raised my sword in aggression. When two Spiritual Pressures collide, the one who's weakest is the one who takes damage. Thus far, Not a single person has managed to lay even a scratch on me or Arrianna, And so long as she wills it, I will ensure that nobody has that possibility" Arrianna drew back away from Kaminari, Fearing that she might raise her sword in an attempt to take revenge for potentially hundreds, If not thousand's of fellow shinigami that she essentially killed "It's not like we meant to kill them...It just sorta happened...One way or another, They either bled to death, Or we're eventually sliced in half because they refused to stop attacking..." Arrianna explained "It's not like I've ever wanted to kill anyone...I just wanted to be left alone at the time, I'm not a mur-..." She was about to say she wasn't a Murderer...However even Arrianna knew that to be false...She remembered there we're some times that she was forced to kill...She remembered the names of every single Shinigami that came after her...Her Seishun Buki could probably describe each face flawlessly as well, She remembered what it felt like, Everytime she was forced to kill, What it felt like having to wash blood off her body, Being stuck with the stench of death.

With a heavy sigh she finally spoke again "I understand if you wish to kill me because of all the people I've killed..." She muttered quietly "However if you do wish to, You will have to fight me to do so"
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Sat Jul 14, 2012 12:34 am

"There is no point in having power..."

Kaminari really didn't know how to react to what the two of them were saying now. She looked away and just listened. They had killed many innocent people on accident, but in the end were forced to kill lots of others in defense of themselves. It really did anger Kaminari to know that this woman had killed so many of her own, but that anger faded away rather quickly. A small smile formed on her face and she spoke softly, "I'm... not going to kill you... I can't say that killing so many of my own makes me happy, but it's not like you had a choice. It was either you... or them. In this case, the fact that you chose to live is not bad... I don't think it would be safe for you to stay near the Seireitei, nor do I think you will ever be allowed in since you are technically responsible for the deaths of so many... I'm sorry, but to my own morals, I can't allow you back in, nor will I ask for permission to allow you in..." Kaminari didn't mean any real offense behind what she had said, but knowing that this woman had killed so many, allowing her into the place in which so many of her own reside would be very stupid.

Kaminari looked up suddenly and glanced around them. She looked from left to right. "Something is... here." She looked up and right behind Arrianna. A large Hollow suddenly appeared. It was about fifteen foot tall, rather broad, and had horns that resembled a bull. On his rather large, gorilla-like arms were white spikes, and he slouched over to be walking on all fours. His back legs were rather small, and resembled that of a horse. Immediately, the people of the village began to scream and yell, running away. Kaminari reached back to her Zanpakutō and grabbed onto the hilt. Before she got a chance to unsheathe it, the large Hollow swung it's large arm towards all three of them, the spikes heading in their direction. Out of reflex, Kaminari shunpo'd back and away from the Hollow and quickly looked to see if Arrianna had made it away okay.

"...if you have nothing to protect."

Posting Template By: [THEFROST]

Kanji Man
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Sat Jul 14, 2012 8:00 am
Arrianna nodded to the female "I understand...I suppose letting someone so dangerous back into the Seireitei without being accompanied by a Captain or two wouldn't be very safe" She muttered, Even if she was accompanied by a Captain, They probably still wouldn't let her back in. Either way the male had stood up almost in the same instant that the Hollow appeared, Removing the sword from it's sheath as the spikes came at them "I've said it before, Nobody will touch Arrianna Tsuki" With those few words he brought the sword up, Grabbing Arrianna he made four quick slices on the bridge, Cutting the stone and causing them to drop underneath it. When they landed in the water they quickly moved to the shore. Moving out from under the bridge and over to where Kaminari had moved.

Arrianna sighed, The air around her starting to whip around as the only visible thing to change on her was her hair, It changed to light red "I will be your eyes" The male said, Arrianna nodding as she raised her hands in front of her, The male resting one hand on her shoulder. An almost invisible blade forming infront of the girl as she grasped it, What came next was remarkable, Considering she's blind she probably wouldn't be able to tell where the beast was unless it made a noise but...She turned to face where the hollow had appeared. Shifting her stance she wielded the neigh-invisible blade as though it we're a javelin and threw it directly at the Hollow's Mask 'Please hit...'
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Sat Jul 14, 2012 4:38 pm

"There is no point in having power..."

Kaminari was glad to see that Arrianna had made it away from the Hollow and next to her, but it wasn't over. As Arrianna attempted to subdue the Hollow with the throwing of an invisible blade, which impressed Kaminari, the Hollow was able to move his head to the side just enough to have the blade miss and barely chip away part of his mask. The large beast-like Hollow charged them, howling loudly. The Hollow brought it's arm around towards it's own front, the spikes facing towards them. Suddenly the large spikes shot out from it's arm like bullets from a gun to attempt for a kill shot. Kaminari once again shunpo'd out of the way, but this time into the air about twenty feet. Now, pulling her Zanpakutō from it's sheath.

The sword she was holding seemed transparent, like that of a ghost, as it left it's sheath. Most would assume her Zanpakutō was a single sword, but this is incorrect. Her Zanpakutō is a duel wield, wakazashi and katana. The sword she pulled left the sheath, leaving another inside of it. This sword was the shorter, the wakazashi. "Invade the air... Shiroka!" The blade of her Zanpakutō vanished and two hundred orchids began to surround her body. Using her spiritual pressure to create a temporary footing beneath her feet, she continued to 'float' in the air, while watching the Hollow's actions. It seemed the Hollow wasn't interested in Kaminari at the moment, which she assumed was due to the fact that it had no ability to fly, and it went for Arrianna.

It was now only a few feet from the girl and swung it's large, currently spiked, arm towards her entire body. At the same time, the spikes on it's other arm regrew and it immediately attempted a second strike towards Arrianna's Seishun Buki as well. Kaminari darted forth and unsheathed her other Zanpakutō at the same time, suddenly 'appearing' between the Hollow's arm and Arrianna's Seishun Buki. Due to the Seishun Buki's nature, she assumed he would immediately protect Arrianna without any concern for his own life, so to make it easier, she brought her blade upwards and attempted to slice at the arm that went for the Seishun Buki. The arm was stopped, but it was not cut deep at all. This things skin was thick and rather strong, making it a pain in the ass to get through.

"...if you have nothing to protect."

Posting Template By: [THEFROST]
Kanji Man
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A new friend? - Page 2 Empty Re: A new friend?

Sat Jul 14, 2012 5:48 pm
As predicted, The Seishun Buki did just that, and without concern launched itself in front of Arrianna. Though Kaminari stopped one, The other was still coming and if it hadn't been for her Seishun Buki quickly moving and jumping int he way, She'd of been impaled for sure, As the sword of the Seishun Buki dug into the hollow's arm, This was when Arrianna again called forth an invisible blade "It is time to die" She muttered, Her Seishun Buki bringing its sword upwards to knock the things arm away as a bright light emerged forth from it "Hold it still" She told Kaminari as the male soon turned into and merged with the invisible sword held by Arrianna.

"First stage" She muttered as the energy that resonated around her began to get sucked into the blade which soon turned into dangerous claw-like talon's that we're wrapped around each of her fingers "Ai" When she spoke the energy that had once been 'uncontrolled' was now funneled and contained inside of her hands, faint signatures of the energy resonating was rather easy to spot as she raised her hand, Curled it into a fist and slammed the fist into the ground, Sending a large chunk of the energy through the ground to erupt right under the hollow's head, Trying to blow it's head clean off as well as destroying it completely

"Second stage" Her body moved into a much more defensive stance as her hands pressed together "Chi" It was at this point an odd energy was now being sucked towards her, Not her own, Nor anyone elses. To the Iramasha's, This was known as "Outter Chaos Energy" and converting that and turning it into your own Inner Chaos Energy was no easy feat and required a lot of concentration, Especially from the amount that Arrianna was seeming to bring to her. Though without her Seishun Buki she was leaving herself rather vulnerable, Arrianna prayed that Kaminari would try to protect her, Though wouldn't fault her if she refused too.
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A new friend? - Page 2 Empty Re: A new friend?

Sun Jul 15, 2012 9:48 pm

"There is no point in having power..."

As the two swinging arms were blocked, the Hollow let out a rather loud howl. Suddenly, out of the forest behind emerged three more Hollow that were identical in this one in every way, except for size. The other three were only seven feet tall, which was less than half of this one here. They were also much quicker than this one as well. They were currently fifty feet away from their little battle scene right now, but were advancing rather fast. Hearing Arrianna tell her to hold the Hollow still, she nodded and took in a deep breath, sticking the Zanpakutō in her left hand into the ground. "Disintegrate, you black dog of Rondanini!!" she said, beginning to utter an incantation, "Look upon yourself with horror and then claw out your own throat!" She held her hand up in front of her, only two fingers pointing towards the Hollow, "Bakudo Number Nine, Geki!" A red light surrounded the Hollow, preventing him from moving for a good while. Kaminari was happy with her ability in Kidō and was going to be able to hold this one for a while. While she was chanting, she heard Arrianna say something about the first stage, and in this time her Seishun Buki had vanished.

Kaminari, still keeping the Kidō going, watched as a burst of energy shot upwards towards the Hollow's head. It was an easy task since they were able to work together. The hollow's head was cut from it's body and fell to the ground. "The rest are coming..." Kaminari said as she looked towards the three that were running in their direction. By this time, they were only a short fifteen feet away. Kaminari quickly grabbed onto her Zanpakutō, once again holding both of her swords, the complete one in her right hand. She brought in the orchids that formed around her and made them surround both Arrianna and herself as the three Hollow attacked. This orchids now acted like a barrier, keeping both of them safe from harm as they were suddenly surrounded. "Hold on..." Kaminari said as she raised her left hand, which was holding a hilt without a blade. She swung the hilt outwards, causing the orchids to react. They pushed all three of the Hollow back a good thirty feet before Kaminari brought them right back to surround her and Arrianna.

The Hollows immediately began running at them. They all raised one of their spiked arms towards the two of them and shot them forward. There was at least seventy that was being shot at them at quick speeds. Kaminari shunpo'd towards Arrianna and wrapped an arm around her waist before running off towards the side. Luckily, they were able to get out of the way in time to not get killed, but Kaminari had one of the spikes slice across her shoulder, causing her to bleed a bit, but she said nothing. "Arrianna... If you can work on the offense... I'll cover defense, okay?" Kaminari watched as the Hollows ran towards them, getting ready for another attack.

"...if you have nothing to protect."

Posting Template By: [THEFROST]
Kanji Man
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Mon Jul 16, 2012 7:28 am
Arrianna nodded, Placing one hand onto Kami's shoulder she used it as leverage to turn her body, Her feet quickly pressed onto Kami's back and pushed her off. Though this would probably knock Kaminari off balance, It did give Arrianna plenty of time to launch herself into the air. "Third Stage, Tsu" Now the energy that was used in the second stage and first stage was starting to draw itself back to Arrianna. Though visibly nothing about her changed, Inside it was beginning to take its toll on her body. When the energy 'transfer' was complete and she landed on the ground, There was a small crater that formed as she darted off at insanely increased speed "Fourth stage" She jumped into the air above the Hollows "Ne!" Her body curled into a ball as it began to 'glow' before strange sharp shards burst from the girl in every direction, Skewering everything the shards hit.

The one downfall to Ne, It would slice through houses or villagers....So yet again.......She would kill more innocents without meaning or wanting too...Unless they we're able to move out of the way, Which at this point, Arrianna wasn't even aware of them. However, once the energy was released she sighed "Final Stage" She dropped to the ground and darted towards one of the hollows, Dodging and weaving past any attacks they might try to throw at her and hoping to get close enough to them, having completely forgot about Kaminari at this point.
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A new friend? - Page 2 Empty Re: A new friend?

Tue Jul 17, 2012 5:53 pm

"There is no point in having power..."

Kaminari wasn't one to easily be knocked off her feet, especially when she was in the mindset of battle and defense. Her body was stable and didn't even budge as Arrianna used her as a base for pushing herself into the air. The Hollows were closing in on Arrianna, seeming to completely ignore Kaminari for whatever reason. As Arrianna's body moved into a spin and energy began flying everywhere, Kaminari's eyes widened as some even came towards her. For a moment, she assumed it wouldn't hurt her because she didn't think that was Arrianna's intention. Foolishly, she allowed one of them to pass through her shoulder. She winced as she was cut rather deep, her eyes widening as she set a hand on it. She quickly began weaving in and out of the energy to avoid them, but heard a few screams from the villagers. She looked back and saw that they two were being struck. "N-No...." Kaminari's eyes widened in horror as she shunpo'd over to them, now standing in front.

She tightened her hands around the hilt of her blade-less Zanpakutō and moved her arm to where the orchids that she had created would follow. On command, the orchids made a large wall to block the energy coming through. They orchids were now just as hard as steel and stronger than steel. The energy would hit them, but it would take a lot more to break through. For now, her goal was to keep the people protected. Many of them were already hurt, none of them were dead though. The energy Arrianna sent out were easily cutting through the Hollow that insisted on closing on her. After a few loud howls, the Hollows all seemed to die, defeated by the young woman with the wild energy. Though she could no longer sense the Hollow's presence, Kaminari refused to drop the barrier until she knew it was safe. In truth, at the moment she was very angry.

"...if you have nothing to protect."

Posting Template By: [THEFROST]
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Tue Jul 17, 2012 6:48 pm
Arrianna's heart was racing now, She heard as the hollow's screams faded but didn't drop her guard. She was panting heavily as she readied the final words just in case any appeared again though she sorely hoped it was over. After a few minutes of nothing happening she finally let her guard drop, Thankfully not having to use the Final Stage of her attack though the battle had taken it's toll on her body and as it fell forward it was stopped as the male from before slowly reformed. He lifted her up slowly, Looking around with a sigh "You really went all out...." He moved back towards the Shinigami "It's safe, They're gone...and Arrianna is out cold"

He knew the Shinigami was probably steaming over what Arrianna did...Sure, Arrianna had dispatched the hollow's with ease but.....At what cost? She'd hurt a lot of the villager's and destroyed quite a bit of the town as well..."I do deeply apologize for the damage that Arrianna has caused you all" The male said with a bow, knowing that by now the orchid would've been dispersed he turned to the Shinigami and bowed to her as well "If there is anything we can do, please let us know and I ensure you this will not happen again" figuring that she'd be steaming mad he tried his best to keep the situation from escalating too much...A fight with a Shinigami was not something he wanted to be forced into...
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Tue Jul 17, 2012 7:09 pm

"There is no point in having power..."

Kaminari did drop her orchids and then sealed away her shikai. She dropped down to one knee and set a hand on her forehead. She did her best to calm herself down. Listening to the Seishun Buki's apologies for the girl only made her angrier. Kaminari lifted her head to look at him, her eyes narrowed in complete anger towards him and towards Arrianna. "You can't be serious..." she said in a slightly hissed voice, "Sorry? I felt bad for you two. I felt like I could relate to you guys and understood where she was coming from. I was WRONG! Both of you are no different than murderers!! There is a HUGE difference between you two and decent people!" Kaminari pushed herself to her feet and stepped up towards him, both now bladed Zanpakutō's in her hands. "When I realized I had an ability that I could not control, I DIDN'T USE IT! I avoided it COMPLETELY! I would rather have DIED then dare put people through the hell that I saw when I first noticed what was happening... BUT YOU... YOU refuse to change! You STILL fight. YOU STILL USE A HORRIBLE ABILITY THAT CAUSES THE DEATHS AND INJURIES OF INNOCENT PEOPLE!"

Kaminari turned away from him and tightened her hands around the hilts of her sword. She wanted nothing more than to attack and cut them down right now. Since Arrianna was out cold and all there was to fight her was this man, it would more than likely be easy. Fortunately for the two of them, Kaminari wasn't that type of person. It would be better for the Soul Society and the people of Rukongai to just take her life now. "You disgust me. I can't believe I took pity on you. I can't believe I actually thought you were decent people.... If you have an ability you can't control and that hurts people... You don't fucking use it." Kaminari turned back towards the villagers and began walking towards them, her Zanpakutō's still unsheathed and in hand for just in case reasons. "I suggest you get out of here before I decide to take her life. In her current condition. I highly doubt that you would be able to defend her successfully. Get out or die." Kaminari had never spoken so coldly to someone before, but she had also never witnessed something so selfish. To not only have Arrianna forget about the innocent people that were around her, but to even endanger someone that was being kind to her... It was unforgivable. Kaminari was at that conclusion that this girl was just as evil as everyone thought her to be.

"...if you have nothing to protect."

Posting Template By: [THEFROST]
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