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Too Nice A Day Empty Too Nice A Day

Wed Sep 05, 2012 7:49 pm
Too Nice A Day Joshuabanner

[Night Walk Calm(Argent Tournament OST) - David Arkenstone]

For all the chaos that Soul Society experienced anymore, there were quiet days once in a while. Quiet of course is a subjective term in this case; Soul Society was on stand-by for war, as was always the case anymore. At any time Soul Society or Earth could come under attack again, and each day the attack didn’t come was another day everyone held their breath. Thus the members of the Gotei 13 were kept on standby for the inevitable conflict that was to come. Add on the strange incidents of conflict in Rukongai, or people challenging a certain Captain to combat that resulted in a (not) minor amount of collateral damage. Strange disappearances, the constant risk of enemy spies, sneak attacks, and the normal business of hollow slaying; all that adds up. The point? A day without chaotic events taking places was a great thing indeed.

Such a day should not be utterly wasted by staying inside and doing something as bothersome and repetitive as paperwork, or so went the thought process of a certain Sixth Division Vice-Captain. It was also this thought process that eventually led Joshua Jehanna to leave his post, his paperwork only half done, and head outside; not just outside his office either, since if he stayed within his divisional barracks or even Seireitei there was a distinctly high chance that a certain Captain would show up to chastise him about his lack of work ethic, punctuality, pride, so on and so forth. So instead he headed out of Seireitei; this of course had nothing to do with an interest in some gambling. Not at all.

So yeah, gambling happened. Joshua made no effort to disguise his appearance after he exited his division’s boundaries. His garb was typical of the crimson hair Vice-Captain; his strange coat and hat. At his side hung his Zanpaku-tou; his sword in the shape of a katana that still felt strange to him, even hundreds of years later. Yet you would not see him travel anywhere without that blade by his side; even within the walls of Seireitei under its new security procedures it was foolish to travel unarmed these days, and Joshua was not as much a fool as he acted like. He stopped only once for a few minutes at the western gate to chat with the guardian there, with whom he had a good rapport with; generally Joshua had a good rapport with just about everyone due to his outgoing nature. After a little banter he bid farewell and continued onto one of the tavern-style establishments that littered Rukongai; a place where drinks were cheap and people liked a game of cards. Joshua was decently well known and liked in this part of Rukongai, something surprisingly few Shinigami could actually say. He entered the tavern to a round of smiles, which had nothing to do with the round of drinks he immediately bought the house. Not at all. He took a seat at one of the tables where a game of cards was underway and bought in.

It is “unfortunate” that Lady Luck did not decided to sit at Joshua’s side this day, at least were cards were concerned, and Joshua didn’t feel like “making his own luck” this day. So after he had “lost” enough money for one day he excused himself. Afterall, today was too nice a day to stay inside, and too nice a day to let his mood be ruined by such events. So Joshua contented himself with a pleasant stroll through Rukongai’s inner districts as people shopped and laughed, cried and lived. Maybe at some point he’d find a quieter place for a nap? Who knew.

Life Is Just Luck, Innit It?

~We trip and stumble only so that we may stand back up...~
The Gotei 13 Advocate
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Too Nice A Day Empty Re: Too Nice A Day

Sat Sep 22, 2012 3:27 am


Kimiko Utagawa

Stress, Irritation, and Chaos. Although these words are able to describe the lives of everyone withing the Seireitei, it seemed especially true for a young woman within a certain Division. Kimiko Utagawa of the Eighth Division was always having a huge problem with forcing the entire Squads paperwork to get done. Her Captain, Jaeden Crow, was the entire cause of this. Although a nice guy, he repeatedly disappeared, running away from his duties and forcing her to take care of it all. Ever since she joined the Division, stress has been at an all time high, she's constantly irritated with her Captain, and things just felt like they were completely out of order. And today she had a really bad headache and was so mentally drained that she was not able to, nor was she willing to try to deal with the constant craziness of her Division. She just hoped that her Captain was going to cooperate for her sake. In truth, she's even thought a couple times about a transfer, but where would that get her? It was best for her to stick with what she knew, and right now that was with Division Eight. Though, that didn't mean she couldn't take a breather every now and then, so she figured that it was about her time for that.

"What is this shit?!" she said as she stepped into the Captain's office and realized that no one was even there. Anger hit her so bad, that her left eye began to twitch rapidly. "I NEED A DAMN BREAK!" she screamed at the top of her lungs, although no one was around to hear it. Her Lieutenant was gone, and so was her Captain. Once again she was left with the paperwork. "AHH!" she screamed out again, but sounding more like a frustrated growl than anything. Smacking a large stack of paperwork off of the desk that her Captain was supposed to be sitting at, she dropped everything and turned away, walking out, and allowing her legs to take her wherever they pleased. Kimiko wore nothing different than that of the usual Shinigami with her Zanpakutō on her left side, resting at her waist. She had reddish-brown hair that came down just a bit past her neck and matching color eyes. She wasn't the most beautiful of Shinigami around, but she definitely wasn't ugly.

With just a few minutes of walking, Kimiko some how ended up outside of the Seireitei, right at the edge of the Rukongai. She didn't know why she had come here and just leaned her back against the wall in slight confusion. She had literally let her feet move where they wanted to. She didn't even pay any mind to her surroundings or direction. Now that she was paying attention, she raised an eyebrow and looked around. "Why the hell...?" she thought to herself, wondering why she would have even come in this direction. It was about then that she heard the voices of two men. She turned her attention towards a young red haired man that was speaking with a guard. After a small chat, she watched the red haired man wave and take off, but something about this caught Kimiko's interest. This man's clothing was commonly used, but she had a strange urge to follow him, so she didn't hesitate to do so. She followed him for a while, keeping a small distance and her spiritual pressure at least slightly hidden. As she turned a corner to follow him once more, she realize she lost him. "Huh?" she raised an eyebrow and quickened her pace down the last area she had seen him in. She almost passed by a small tavern when she heard that same voice call out for a round of drinks for everyone. "....He's insane. That's it... He's insane. Why did I follow the insane one?"

She stepped inside the tavern, raising an eyebrow at the few people that decided to turn to her, but were giving her slightly dirty looks. An uncomfortable look came on her face as she glanced around for the man, "Oh yeah... I don't think these people are very fond of Shiniga-..." It was then that she saw him and stepped over to his side, watching what he was doing with slightly curious eyes. She watched him lose a few times, practically giving away his money, and chuckled quietly as he began to excuse himself. As he stood, he would literally turn to face her. Kimiko wasn't too tall, but she wasn't tiny either. She was five foot five inches in height, and was currently looking at this man as if he were an idiot, but still had a smile on his face. "Hahaha... You suck!!" she said to him in a joking tone of voice, her hands on her hips, right as he turned to her. She was attempting to stop him right in his tracks. She didn't know why she felt as if she needed to follow him, but she did and it brought her here. She was one of those 'it must of happened for a reason' people, so she went with it. "What the heck is a Vice Captain doing out here? I thought all Lieutenants were serious and concentrated on work, so how did I follow one out here to find him gambling his money away in a game of cards?"


Last edited by SerenityVerdant on Sun Sep 30, 2012 5:29 am; edited 1 time in total
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Too Nice A Day Empty Re: Too Nice A Day

Sun Sep 30, 2012 5:17 am
Too Nice A Day Joshuabanner

[Dwarven Tavern Music - ????(World of Warcraft Soundtrack)]

Well, it had been Joshua's intent to excuse himself and make a quiet exit but it seemed that too was not in the cards. As he turned to leave he came face-to-face with another Shinigami. That in and of itself was only slightly odd out here in Rukongai, but most certainly not unheard of. However, not many actually went into individual buildings without a reason. At the moment the woman who had followed him in seemed to have no purpose other make fun of him? He took a moment to size up this person; she looked vaguely familiar which meant that he had seen her at least in the background once or twice. She certainly had an attractive enough figure to get noticed, but something in his head said that wasn't the reason why. He didn't really ponder on it a great deal. Several other people were looking at him, some with a little shock on their faces; Joshua did not publicize his rank in the Gotei if he could help it you see, quite the contrary to many who loved to try and use their rank to get what they wanted. Maybe this was because he didn't like his rank, but who knew?

Anyway, back to the little miss ahead of him; little because he stood a good few inches taller than her. His reaction to her calling him out about how badly he had just “lost” his game of cards? He cracked a smile at her.

“So you were following me huh?” he said, an eyebrow raised for a moment as he left all the implications hang in the air; it was usually best to make a comment that suggested more and let their minds fill in all the blanks.
”You obviously don't know who I am if you think all the Lieutenants are serious workaholics. Yet you know I'm a lieutenant; now how would you know that...unless you've been following me for a long time?” He took a slightly exaggerated step back, looking at her as if she may suddenly be dangerous complete with a wary facial expression; he managed to do this for all of three seconds before his composure cracked and he smiled again, and even chuckled slightly.

A slight move on his part, and his exaggerated step back turned into the perfect set-up for a bow to her; the reverse of what some certain stuck-up types might have felt was appropriate what with him being a Vice-Captain and her a third seat. Sure, maybe they were right in that the show of respect should have been reversed, but she was a lady and he Joshua. As he bowed, he made an actual introduction.

”Joshua, at your service. And who might you be, miss?” he said, standing back up with his carefree attitude. By now, several of the surrounding residents had turned back to their own important things; it no longer looked as thought something interesting was going to come of these two Shinigmai appearing in their midst. Well, nothing for them anyway. Someone stepped into Joshua's spot for the game, so he couldn't step back into that. Granted, he had no intention of doing so, even before an interesting and pretty woman had appeared.

He shifted slightly as she gave her response to his question; it had grown subtly stuffy in this room and his coat was suddenly feeling like less of a good idea. His disdain for the typical shinigami attire did have its drawbacks from time to time, but it didn't bother him as much as some others. After she had made her response he'd give another smile.

”And could I get you a drink? If you've been following me you must have worked up a thirst.”

Life Is Just Luck, Innit It?

~We trip and stumble only so that we may stand back up...~
The Gotei 13 Advocate
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Too Nice A Day Empty Re: Too Nice A Day

Sun Sep 30, 2012 6:02 am


Kimiko Utagawa

Kimiko wasn't exactly used to being out in the Rukongai, so the area did make her feel only slightly uncomfortable. Most would have thought her rude or inconsiderate if they knew the things that she was thinking at the moment, but in truth it wasn't really her fault. Having lost her memory of everything only two years ago, she had not yet left the Seireitei for this part of the Soul Society, so mannerisms she should have here were slightly... well gone. It was one of the reasons why she so bluntly called out his losing streak. It was not in her intent to insult him, but it did make her smile that he tried something that he didn't seem to be very good at in the first place. In fact, that smile never wore off. Right before her was a Vice Captain she had never been able to talk to before, so leaving the safe confines of her barracks brought out an interesting day. And, although this had nothing to do with her smile... no nothing at all. This man was actually rather attractive at first, and second glance.

"Yes, yes..." she said, a nod coming along with each yes, "I definitely did follow you out here. As to why I did, I do not know the exact reason, but there's likely to be one for it..." Hearing his next statement about Lieutenants, she fought a twitch of her left eye. Okay, he just openly admitted that he wasn't serious about his work, at least that is how Kimiko just took it. She hadn't said anything about workaholics, but seeing as he mentioned it, she figured a few people probably bug him a lot about his lack of dedication to his work. She ignored that and moved on to the second part. "Well I've been following you since you left the gate... sir." a small smiled formed on her lips as she enunciated the 'sir' and he took a strange step back from her, "Don't worry. I am not some freakish girly stalker here for a picture. I rarely leave the Seireitei... In fact this is my first time, but beyond that fact... If I had not spotted you when I did, I would more than likely still be sitting there next to that gate with the feeling of immense... boredom..." The word 'boredom' came out with an irritated sigh.

"We-...." she had gone to continue talking to him when he actually bowed to her. Kimiko stared wide-eyed and highly confused for a moment, taking in his name. "Joshua...." she thought to herself as she raised an eyebrow, "Tall, high ranked, handsome, sort of funny.... kind AND polite... Would be the perfect man if he didn't gamble away his money, sneak out, and be rather blunt and seemingly proud of his laziness..." Pushing all negative thoughts to the side, Kimiko decided to go along with his mannerisms and gladly curtsied right back to him. "My name is Kimiko Utagawa and it is rather nice to meet you Joshua. I must be honest and say that I did not expect you to be so polite as to bow when introducing yourself. It's not a common trait." Soon, she was offered a drink and she went to reply with a kind yes, but something stopped her. She jumped, flinching a bit, and even tensing up when a person not five feet away from her had begun coughing and refused to cover his mouth. At first, she just brought her arms up towards her, wrapping them around herself and showing an obvious discomfort in the look on her face.

"Um... Well I..." she was once again cut off by the same man that was coughing. Her left eye twitched and she turned to him, speaking in a rather disgusted tone, "Why don't you cover you mouth when you cough? That is absolutely appalling. I highly doubt anyone here wants your spit on them." In a way, it sounded as if she were speaking down to him, but the fact of the matter was that Kimiko was rather OCD in certain things and cleanliness was the main one. The man stood and turned to her, "You got a problem with me woman?" Kimiko stood her ground, keeping her self standing straight as she watched this large man attempt to intimidate her... wrong... girl. "I have a problem with anyone who is so disgusting that they can't cover their own mouth when coughing. When so many people are packed into a room to enjoy themselves and someone such as yourself is making it uncomfortable by spreading your disgusting filth, it gets highly... highly... annoying."

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Too Nice A Day Empty Re: Too Nice A Day

Sun Oct 04, 2015 4:54 pm

✖| Clean Up Time!! |✚
┣▇▇▇═─          ☠          ─═▇▇▇┥

It's been 2014 or even before that!
There for I will be locking this thread, feel free to revisit this and keep on reading!

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