Bleach Platinum Hearts RP
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The Gotei 13 Advocate
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Reunited: Kaminari and Kazuma [Closed] - Page 3 Left_bar_bleue1570/100Reunited: Kaminari and Kazuma [Closed] - Page 3 Empty_bar_bleue  (1570/100)

Reunited: Kaminari and Kazuma [Closed] - Page 3 Empty Re: Reunited: Kaminari and Kazuma [Closed]

Sat Sep 29, 2012 10:01 pm

"There is no point in having power..."

Kaminari heard the change in tone and realized very quickly that Makoto faded and Kazuma was back. Realizing what he had said, Kaminari turned her head only slightly towards the boy. The look on her face was still rather emotionless, but she did acknowledge him, which she did not acknowledge Makoto. Shiroka blinked a few times at the child-like tone. "So this is the boy..." she thought and then smiled at him, "I am Kaminari's Zanpakutō Spirit. Thank you for the kind words you have given, child." Shiroka then looked to Kaminari and raised an eyebrow. They both sensed it at the exact same time. Someone with a decently strong spiritual pressure was on his way here. Shiroka held out her right hand and a blade identical to Kaminari's, except for a vine that wrapped around her wrist, appeared in her hand. Kaminari reached back and unsheathed the second of her two swords and they both awaited the arrival of the person who was coming their way. "Stay sharp." Shiroka told Kaminari and Kaminari replied with a simple nod.

"... A child..." Shiroka said as she watched the boy come into view. Both she and Kaminari both lowered their guards, but neither of them sheathed their weapons. In a world such as this, a child can also be the enemy. "Boy, what are you doing here?" Shiroka asked, ignoring his statement about Kazuma looking beat up. No one else here was injured besides him, so it was obvious who he was talking to.

"...if you have nothing to protect."

Posting Template By: [THEFROST]

Reunited: Kaminari and Kazuma [Closed] - Page 3 Empty Re: Reunited: Kaminari and Kazuma [Closed]

Sat Sep 29, 2012 10:14 pm
Kazuma blinked, a boy like him what was going on here. He tried to get up, but he wasn't going anywhere. This boy, he looked more mature then Kazuma in some ways. How else to put it but then again he wasn't sure. Jiraiya became a bit serious, several bells rose around him. The male stood grinning a bit as he glanced at the boy, he was about to join in and fight. But he stopped looking the child over, he didn't sense any blood lust from him. Nor did Jiraiya detect anything similar to what one would call a calm. He crossed his arms, deciding to watch how tis would play out.

Ryu: His eyes narrowed a bit, looking at the people. Shesh healers always went through crap, he didn't think this was quite worth Shizukesa's time, he rubbed his jaw glancing the child over. Before bringing his eyes to the two armed females, they were interesting. One of them obviously was a spirit and not a physical being, anyone with a little Kidō strength would notice that fact. His eyes came upon the girl, he was being spoken to by this other woman. He watched her pull the weapon out, it looked almost exactly the same as the others. Wait a tick, the ones has a vine on it. But it was time to explain his mind, he rolled the dice around his hand. The question was did they cause it or were they defending the boy. He brought his hand up and rubbed his chin thoughtfully. The Vizard Corps sign of a Colonel on his bicep area, he walked forward slowly answering as he walked. "Wandering, I am Ryu Shizuka the wandering Colonel of Vizard Corps..Sector 3 medical..I am only interested in healing the kid..other then that..I'll leave you be.."

Ryu glanced at the frame of Kazuma, his eyes looking over the injuries. Both the male and female here were spirits, he would beat his soul on it. But not now, he looked down at the boys injuries. "I had heard about the infection spreading around, but may as well take time off of that and look into the matter of this kids injuries..He seems to be ah.." Ryu talked aloud, mainly to relax Kami and the others.
The Gotei 13 Advocate
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Reunited: Kaminari and Kazuma [Closed] - Page 3 Left_bar_bleue1570/100Reunited: Kaminari and Kazuma [Closed] - Page 3 Empty_bar_bleue  (1570/100)

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Sat Sep 29, 2012 10:38 pm

"There is no point in having power..."

Both of the girls calmed down when this boy mentioned he only wished to heal Kazuma. The girls glanced to each other and shrugged. Shiroka dropped her sword and it vanished before it hit the ground. Kaminari sheathed hers and then they both watched what this boy by the name of Ryu was going to do. The two of them seemed similar when you watched them. Both of them stepped exactly three steps to the left to get a better look at what Ryu was going. They both, and at the same time, tilted their head to the side while watching him as well. Neither of them seemed worried. If this boy tried to do anything that would hurt Kazuma, the both of them would likely slit his throat in less than a second. Right now, they were just deciding to trust him. "How quickly can you get him healed? He doesn't exactly have a single... self... I guess you can say." Shiroka said, beginning to explain the Kazuma boy, "There is another person inside of him that is much worse off, on the edge of death if he isn't healed quick enough." Shiroka and Kaminari both looked serious, with a hint of anxious worry in their eyes. They wanted Makoto healed first, but that was probably not going to happen

"...if you have nothing to protect."

Posting Template By: [THEFROST]

Reunited: Kaminari and Kazuma [Closed] - Page 3 Empty Re: Reunited: Kaminari and Kazuma [Closed]

Sat Sep 29, 2012 11:00 pm
Kazuma merely laid still, staring at the strange short boy. He wasn't sure where this kid came from, but what his deal was odd. Makoto was wounded, but saying with a smile he spoke. "If he heals me for a lengthy period I can let Makoto take the healing while I take some of his damage.." This had pry sounded insane, but Kazuma didn't really understand, what people were so odd about. Obviously everyone had this problem, or most of them anyways. What was the problem with him and Makoto sharing a body. Makoto was to ashamed to show his face around Kaminari any longer, he failed to protect Kazuma from the outcomes that came from it. Kazuma's eyes looked at the frame of Ryu. The man was a high rank, so he could tell. Kami and her cute Zanpakutō both stood aside now and let the male passed them.

Ryu: "I see, so I guess this is a bit serious..A tad more then expected, since the wounds aren't for a single being I'll use my sword..don't jump..too much...Burn it away Shizukesa." He said pulling his sword up, white fire shot from around his frame and the sword now. Engulfing the body of Kazuma now, the whites flames felt hot but for some odd reason. They healed those around him and rather quickly, it wouldn't take to long. He looked up deciding to answer the question now that the process has begun. "Given what I can see, this will take a short amount of time. However if the other being inside of him is gravely wounded, my shikai should be able to attend to it. These flames burn away the agony of this world." He said to let them know the flames weren't harming anyone. "What's wrong with the other female, is she quiet or does she not speak..If you like I can look at it..I am not to bad with healing injuries of such nature."
The Gotei 13 Advocate
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Reunited: Kaminari and Kazuma [Closed] - Page 3 Left_bar_bleue1570/100Reunited: Kaminari and Kazuma [Closed] - Page 3 Empty_bar_bleue  (1570/100)

Reunited: Kaminari and Kazuma [Closed] - Page 3 Empty Re: Reunited: Kaminari and Kazuma [Closed]

Sun Sep 30, 2012 12:07 am

"There is no point in having power..."

Although it was horrible to say and think about, Kaminari's mind was completely set in stone about this Makoto and Kazuma situation. She was told that Makoto had given up on life and created Kazuma. In her mind, Kazuma will always be 'clone' or 'fake' side of the two. She wanted Makoto to want to continue his life, fuse with Kazuma, and move on. This is why she reacted strangely at times. She had gone through so much in life, having been killed by her family, coming to the soul society just to accidentally kill her best friend and harm those within her village. With everything she had been through, not once did she think about giving up. She only wished to become stronger and get better, find people who she loved and loved her. Looking at Makoto now, she wanted nothing more than to give him a nice kick in the ass. She cared about Kazuma, but she still felt that Makoto was the rightful owner of this body and this life. Shiroka new this as well. Which is why she stopped talking when the two of them realized that Kazuma was the one that was back in control. Seeing these flames shoot forth towards Kazuma, within a very quick movement, Kaminari went to unsheathe her sword and strike at this Ryu, but was stopped by Shiroka.

"It's fine..." Shiroka said. She too was a Zanpakutō spirit, so she was able to tell whether something was going to harm, and this was not. Kaminari re-sheathed her sword and calmed down again. That was about the time that she heard the question about her speaking. Shiroka immediately spoke up. "I think it would be best if you just left this little spit-fire alone. With everything that has gone on, Kaminari isn't exactly herself and anyway... there is no way to heal what is not an injury." Shiroka said, wanting the boy to just leave it at that and concentrate on Makoto and Kazuma.

"...if you have nothing to protect."

Posting Template By: [THEFROST]

Reunited: Kaminari and Kazuma [Closed] - Page 3 Empty Re: Reunited: Kaminari and Kazuma [Closed]

Sun Sep 30, 2012 12:21 am
Kazuma was about to jump, but they felt nice. Those flames were warm and for some reason gentle, it wasn't like being burned real flames. But it was strange he felt his injuries as well as Makoto's healing, he didn't understand it but what happened if Makoto decided to fade away forever. "Makoto was thinking about fading away forever lately, Mizuki smacked him one for that.." Jiraiya said, making a vocalization of the thoughts Kazuma was thinking. It was highly true, Mizuki had been very angry with Makoto for wanting to quit and just stop. He wanted the old Makoto back, the boy who just had endless amounts of talent and skills. However over time Mizuki began to accept Kazuma more and more as a person, he believed the boy had more right to live then most. He could of become anything he wanted, why give up on everything. Kazuma and Makoto were originally a single being, but Makoto's depression formed this being out of nothing. This was truly an interesting turn of events. Kazuma remained silent as he listened in.

Ryu: "I can see that, but do not worry of the flames. My Zanpakutō is misjudged fairly often, fire the element which burns life healing it..Ah well..Forgive the rudeness on the subject, I will leave her be as you request...Give up on life you say and simply fade away, I am not sure I comprehend this situation well enough, could you fill me in?" The degrees of injuries were interesting to say the least, Ryu wasn't interested or worried about the female attacking his back. Because though his Zanpakutō was a healer, had she attacked him from behind. The defensive wall would of gone up, unlike the current flames they would burn anyone who made contact with them. He didn't understand how two beings could of been separated and build a living life form yet. This was truly a mystery that was causing his mind some discomfort to think about, the injuries on Kazuma were mostly healed. He walked forward, deciding on what needed to be done. The other being inside had recovered as well from what he could detect, his sword letting him know the states of them within his mind.

He raised his right hand, before Kazuma's face in the flames, Jiraiya had not time to react. He knocked Kazuma out now, with this spell. He rested his arms now and glanced at the two. "No movement, these wounds were bad enough..if their are two it's likely one may die sooner or later..But I won't trouble you with details of it..I suspect you'll take him to the Gotei 13..I will be going down to the town to help what people I can..good day."
The Gotei 13 Advocate
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Reunited: Kaminari and Kazuma [Closed] - Page 3 Left_bar_bleue1570/100Reunited: Kaminari and Kazuma [Closed] - Page 3 Empty_bar_bleue  (1570/100)

Reunited: Kaminari and Kazuma [Closed] - Page 3 Empty Re: Reunited: Kaminari and Kazuma [Closed]

Mon Oct 08, 2012 1:49 pm

"There is no point in having power..."

Kaminari had calmed down the moment Shiroka blocked her. She trusted her Zanpakutō's judgement and was not going to question it. It was only confirmed that everything was fine when Kazuma didn't thrash around or yell in pain. Taking in a deep breath, she let it out slowly in a manner of calming her nerves. Both Shiroka and Kaminari's attention was caught when Jiraiya spoke about Makoto wanting to fade away. Immediately Kaminari had become angry and stepped away with a few stomps of her feet to make it obvious that she was angry. Her opinion had still not changed. Shiroka's mind was actually in agreement with Kaminari on the situation, but there was nothing that either of them could do. "Kaminari is..." Shiroka began to speak, glancing towards Kazuma and wondering how much this information would upset him. Shiroka just sighed and continued on. He must know their feelings on it.

"Kaminari and I both have a problem with this situation... We find it extremely disturbing to know that someone would actually create a false version of themselves to get away from the world..." Shiroka explained and then kneeled down next to Kazuma, "I know hearing that probably hurts, but you should understand... Kaminari went through hell herself... She possesses a power that she can't control and a long time ago this power killed a lot of people that she cared about... Including her best friend." Shiroka glanced back towards Kaminari, who was a good fifteen feet away from them now, so she was unable to hear the conversation. "And with everything she went through, she never gave up. She did her best to get stronger, and look at where she is now? She has friends, she's going to get married, she's powerful enough to absolutely demolish those people that were chasing you without breaking a sweat... She's done ALL of that without giving up, and she hates the fact that Makoto has given up as well... She thinks it selfish."

"...if you have nothing to protect."

Posting Template By: [THEFROST]

Reunited: Kaminari and Kazuma [Closed] - Page 3 Empty Re: Reunited: Kaminari and Kazuma [Closed]

Mon Oct 08, 2012 2:19 pm
Kazuma's face slowly became serious, he spoke softly and only so Jiraiya and the Zanpakutō of Kaminari could hear him. For the first time in perhaps his life the boy sounded a bit more adult like, the child like nature seemed to fade somewhat. He knew well enough that people didn't like him, he knew he was just a fake person. But Makoto was in weeping now, he didn't want to be seen any longer. Kazuma knew why but perhaps they didn't, what Makoto wished to do next Kazuma had refused on himself as a separate personality."I am not sure how to put it into words, but I do know what will happen when I die..which that day will be soon..Very soon indeed..Makoto's emotions will die with me..Happiness, desire, things like that..Kindness too..Makoto poured his emotions into making me, giving them to me to share with him..But as time passed they became more concretely mine then his..So once I am gone, which it does hurt very badly to hear that Kami doesn't much like me.." Kazuma paused, it was perhaps Makoto's intellect giving him enough insight to speak so sharply and calmly, things like this happened so rarely for him.

"Jiraiya wasn't aware of it himself I don't think, but Makoto will be about as empty and barely alive as the dead..He'll walk and be here..but the end result sadly is that he will not get to keep his emotions, so Makoto won't care if he's alive or dead at the end of it all..Chances are, due to this his mental connection to Jiraiya could be lost, or JIraiya may change.." He didn't really know what the connection was, so within his low logic he explained it as best he could. Before sitting quietly, he wanted to cry but didn't at the same time. He touched his chest, closing his eyes once again. Yes what Kaminari's sword said had hurt him, he'd made sure the last part was loud enough for Kaminari. Where he begun speaking about Jiraiya, he still sounded like Kazuma. Just a bit more informed then normal.

Ryu:"Hm." That was indeed strange, he held the sword up now recalling the flames as he sheathed it. The fire had faded away and well his task was done. He walked over checking over the male's body for a moment, so it was as he thought at first. Perhaps this was a mistake, but this man's body was made of rubber, he blinked at it. How strange that was, well he was more or less done here, nothing like a little walk through the woods to lighten ones day up.
The Gotei 13 Advocate
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Reunited: Kaminari and Kazuma [Closed] - Page 3 Left_bar_bleue1570/100Reunited: Kaminari and Kazuma [Closed] - Page 3 Empty_bar_bleue  (1570/100)

Reunited: Kaminari and Kazuma [Closed] - Page 3 Empty Re: Reunited: Kaminari and Kazuma [Closed]

Mon Oct 08, 2012 3:56 pm

"There is no point in having power..."

Kaminari and Shiroka both stayed completely silent through out the entire time that Kazuma was speaking. He had definitely matured for the moments in which he was explaining about the inevitable doom that Makoto seemed to have lined up for himself. Shiroka stood up completely and stared blankly down at the boy. She and Kaminari both felt the same things for the boy at the moment, pity and disgust. Shiroka glanced back to Kaminari for a moment and sighed. "Well, good luck with whatever happens next kid..." Shiroka said as she turned her head back towards Kazuma with one of the coldest looks in her eyes. With that, Shiroka vanished, turning into a bright pink energy and going right back into the sheath that was on Kaminari's back. Once Shiroka returned, Kaminari crossed her arms along her chest and turned half-way towards Kazuma, her cold eyes gazing at him with nothing but indifference. At this point, there was nothing she could say or do and Kazuma had just proved that by saying there was no hope for Makoto. Kaminari's mindset was one thing, and that was Kazuma was a fake and Makoto really just needed to grow up. She wasn't going to change her mind. At this point, she was actually contemplating whether to just end this pathetic excuse for a life or just leave him be. Of course... she said nothing.

"...if you have nothing to protect."

Posting Template By: [THEFROST]

Reunited: Kaminari and Kazuma [Closed] - Page 3 Empty Re: Reunited: Kaminari and Kazuma [Closed]

Mon Oct 08, 2012 4:21 pm
"He'll live and be alive yes, but absent love and emotions..He won't really care is the thing..That's what bugs me most, so when I am gone so to are those things that Makoto doesn't want to feel..." With that Kazuma closed his eyes and fell silent, perhaps that would comfort Kaminari he doubted it. He got up slowly, looking at Jiraiya softly before patting the elderly male on his shoulder. Grabbing hold of the straw hat he so enjoyed, he put it on his head slowly. Letting his mind rest for a bit, he was rather sure that Ryu wasn't going to like him getting up, so he said nothing as the male walked away. This existence was fleeting and Mizuki would arrive soon, Kazuma closed his eyes. Letting a tear drop fall down, he knew the look Kaminari gave him. It was one similar to that her enemies got, he'd seen it at his sister. Kazuma began to walk away, he would fade, fade away and so to would the man who would take over. Perhaps they would simply go some place where this world and it's people were of no importance.
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