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A stroll through Rukongai Empty A stroll through Rukongai

Fri Dec 07, 2012 7:03 pm
Toshiro was having a rather good day. The odds were in his favor and the sun was shining bright. Today unlike any other day, Toshiro was strolling through Rukongai simply admiring the positive atmosphere. He was dressed in his usual shinigami attire, which consists of regular shinigami clothing followed by sandals, strapped to his back was his Zanpakutō the handle of which reflected a small ball of light onto the ground ahead. Through out Rukongai he caught sight of a lot of children playing within the area along with a lot of adults all of which reminded him of his time after death. "What a a enjoyable memory that was" were the only things he thought about as he slowly marched through the area. As he marched, he witnessed a few thefts from little children, all though they were braking the law, how else were they going to survive, after all he could turn a blind eye just this once. Toshiro straightened his back as he tilted his head upwards to admire the skies above, he hadn't previously admired the sky, however it was intriguing how the research and development squad are able to watch every thing from the clouds or the sky. He wasn't too sure how it worked all though it was some what intriguing. Suddenly the district seemed to had changed, the deeper he went the more damage the houses seemed to have had received; the stall owners seemed to chase children for thefts and hit them. A child quickly slipped past Toshiro as a large, fat man chased him with a small tool that had resembled a knife. Life in this part of Rukongai was indeed tough. As the boy passed, Toshiros eyes fixated onto the boys face only for a brief second, after which he took a step to his right and received a sudden impact upon his back as the fat man clashed into him. The child was long gone, yet the man wasn't too happy as he began to shout out,

"Wha...." Toshiro instantly phased out and disregarded the mans speech as the man spoke for several minutes with out pause nor signs of stopping.

A stroll through Rukongai Empty Re: A stroll through Rukongai

Sat Dec 08, 2012 1:43 pm
The pressure that struck now came without much surprise, it had no real direction. The man who'd stolen from the children before had been apprehended without getting a single injury, he was being dragged by his collar. "You steal from the young, that's rather low of you..You are a man, show it don't act younger then these before me.." The man couldn't of even defended against what stood here, a white Haori whipped about within the breeze. Flowing around as his cool blue eyes examined this place, he'd come here to take a break from the noise of the Soul Society. He also was brought up around these parts when he was far younger, but that wasn't the point he was attempting to make. Truth be told he could of pry killed them all by standing there, but Masamune released the man who stared at him. Shock first, then fear he sighed rubbed his forehead. This place was about the same as it was back those two thousand years prior. He carried in his other hand his Zanpakutō, so those who thought the man wasn't armed were in for a surprise.

The other thing was, the way he carried his weapon was a habit formed from his days in combat. His eyes scanned and fell on the figure of the other with the Zanpakutō, the male's energy was a bit weak. Though he would pry come up someday, he pushed his reiatsu down a bit. Hiding his Captain power, as it wasn't needed to knock these people out by standing there. Masamune also wasn't that much of a show off. Unless it came to playing a violin, within that world he loved the sounds he could make and didn't intend to be shy or humble about it. Within the Soul Society, he was the best musical mind with a Violin. The light blue eyes looked over this situation, he wasn't sure what to expect. He looked at some of the kids playing their games, he returned what had been stolen. That was finished, his eyes stayed on Toshiro. This Shinigami should of been able to get back what had been taken with relative ease. It seemed he'd been willing to let one go.

Masamunes gaze remained solid and on the male's figures as he walked to him. The children and people allowed him a path, those who didn't were simply avoided by some small movements, Masamune was a fairly good warrior and this sort of thing had been almost easy to avoid. The wind blew as he stood before the man, looking at him now with just a simple blank face. "So, it's interesting to see someone who let a guy go.."
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A stroll through Rukongai Empty Re: A stroll through Rukongai

Sat Dec 08, 2012 2:49 pm
The the sound of the mans voice began to irritate Toshiro, due to which he began to rotate his body to face away from the big mouthed man. A brief distance away, his eyes caught sight of a tall lean man, the clothing worn by the man resembled the one worn by the captains of Gotei 13, with out a doubt he was in trouble. The crowd slowly separated as the man marched towards Toshiro. The gaze from the man seemed to have been pinned on Toshiro, in every manner it seemed some what serious from which he determined two possible outcomes, one - he was going to get in trouble for letting the child go, two - he was going to get in trouble for letting the child go. Suddenly Toshiros heart beat began to increase, every beat sending a small vibration up his body as he braced himself, it wasn't fear that dominated his body in that instant, it was the thought of what the captain would say. Through out his rotation his regular shinigami outfit flapped through the air. The voice of the annoyed stall owner began to radiate into the surroundings as he carried on with the insults regarding, Toshiros job. In every manner Toshiro was almost proud of he had done, with out a doubt the child required that food in order to survive, deep in his heart he felt some sorrow regarding the welfare of the children. However at least they would be able to pull through another few days.

As the distance between Toshiro and the captain shortened, Toshiros eyes fixated on the captain, no facial expression, just a look as he awaited some thing to be said. After a moment the mouth of the tall lean figure bobbed open as he spoke out, "So, it's interesting to see someone who let a guy go.." the mans voice seemed rather balanced, he showed no signs of anger as he spoke which intrigued Toshiro. He raised his head and looked up at the captain as his heart rate began to return to normal and replied in a polite manner "I apologize and will take gladly accept a punishment for my action" his eyes remained fully alert as he awaited the mans reply...

A stroll through Rukongai Empty Re: A stroll through Rukongai

Sat Dec 08, 2012 3:13 pm
Masamune eyes didn't change, he closed them for a bit to weigh out the choices before him, this was a minor incident. A child seeking food, taking it nothing more or less. He'd captured another thieve like one, but he stole from children. He had let the man go today, so he did show himself to be a balanced man. He glanced at the man, shooting him a warning look to be silent. "Be silent merchant." Masamune was calculating where everything would be, he simply reached into his robe, putting some money down now for the merchant. The man had since gone quiet, he looked at Toshiro now. He was thinking on punishment if any should of been given. He came to the conclusion of know, since far as he was aware this was just a first offense. "Don't worry about it, try not to let things like this got unresolved in the future..It has a last impact..What squad do you come from?" Masamune figured he was a member of the Gotei 13, perhaps a member of a Squad, He wasn't sure if the man was seated or not.

After all one could only guess about these situations. Masamune's eyes looked around, he glanced it seemed something was coming. Ah right the bandits that gave this place problems when he was young. They still ere around, he smiled somewhat as he walked over to an area outside the village. He seemed focused on something, he stood there now glancing at the incoming group, they were only five. This wasn't really enough for a Captain to get involved, their clothing was if anything pitiful. Torn in several places, but each were carrying weapons. "So five going to Squad Four, for medical treatment..Hm..I think this is enough need for me to fight you..." Masamune looked back giving Toshiro a slight glance, wondering if he was going to get involved in this. If he did, all Masamune would ask was that he removed the children and weak from the area. Masamune's swordsmanship would be enough to take each one out like an infant.

Though this was far from an idle situation, Masamune and them seemed to wait. They were out of their skulls and drooling, it seemed they were simply mad.
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A stroll through Rukongai Empty Re: A stroll through Rukongai

Sun Dec 09, 2012 12:02 pm
Musames eyes didn't change as he stopped his strides shortened. Instantly he hushed the stall owner that constantly spoke about his loss, then handed him some money to pay for the food loss. Toshiros eyes glanced in partial relief as he watched the mans body movements there was nothing out of the ordinary but he braced him self for a conclusion. This with out a doubt would determine weather or not Toshiro was going to be punished for letting the child go with out stoppage yet the man smoothly spoke out, "Don't worry about it, try not to let things like this got unresolved in the future..It has a last impact..What squad do you come from?". After wards Toshiros eyes widened in a sign of surprise and relief, without a doubt this man wasn't as strict as the other captains which in some manner made Toshiro feel better and at ease as he spoke to the tall man. The mans tone seemed some what inquisitive as he went onto ask regarding the squad Toshiro originated from. He straightened his back as his mouth opened to speak out three words, "Squad 6, Sir" . Toshiro felt some sort of warm radiating from the man, he wasn't like the other people that he met, he seemed rather balanced and at some ease with somewhat of a pacifist nature.

After Toshiros reply, the tall captain glanced at some people that were heading in our direction. He had no idea who the men were but it seemed the captain was aware of their presence in the area. The group consisted of five people, who they were was another matter, bandits ? rogues? all possibilities but a captain wasn't about to get involved in a matter this small. With that in mind Toshiro turned and took a few steps forward towards the group, meanwhile the captain spoke out "So five going to Squad Four, for medical treatment..Hm..I think this is enough need for me to fight you..." then turned and glanced at Toshiro as he approached. Through out the bandits approach the civilians within the area seemed to scatter or at least move away which showed a presence of fear, something that represented knowledge of these bandits and gave them a reputation and it wasn't a good one. Toshiro was around a foot away from the captain as he reached for the Zanpakutō that remained attached to his back.

A stroll through Rukongai Empty Re: A stroll through Rukongai

Sun Dec 09, 2012 1:13 pm
"Hm Squad six huh, well that's interesting..You can take the one on the right, I'll deal with these four...Don't kill them, they are just starving..So do whatever you can to avoid that, I would like to deliver them mostly injury free." Masamune said before lifting his Zanpakutō up, the Captain was getting ready to attack. Though two had tried to move, towards the form of Toshiro. Only one made it, a blur of movement and a slash hit that man's side slicing into it. It appeared as if the Captain hadn't moved much, just turned to face him. His sword was still sheathed, he did the task again but this time his arm was a blur of movement and speed. Precise cuts appeared on the last three's chests, before they simply fell over. Masamune turned to watch now how Toshiro was doing with his challenger, the man was wielding a farming ax. Nothing to threatening, he made daunting swings at the figure of Toshiro. The ax came across at the right rib cage of the male. Masamune knew a bit about the boys from Squad Six, most were talented in multiple fields.

It would be interesting to see what skills this one had. Masamune was an old vet at combat, he'd been in several wars. Where his sword had been there to service and help him. It was close to him as Matsu was, he lost both of them that night. He'd made no attempt to return his connection to his sword yet. This process was taking a while, perhaps one day he would sit and mediate and hear that voice once again. Hear the voice of his sword coming back to him. He still hadn't come close to mastering his sword's Bankai, he remembered struggling to figure out what it's secrets were. His Zanpakutō was still teaching him, the Bankai and effects of it and his Shikai never were truly known by any. So it wasn't as though people knew what to expect of his powers. But no point getting lost in the past, his eyes watched hoping the boy would be able to end this without death. It would be interesting to see if he could pull it off.
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A stroll through Rukongai Empty Re: A stroll through Rukongai

Sun Dec 09, 2012 2:08 pm
Toshiros eyes almost zoomed in and out as he watched the opponents. He felt pretty confident and felt the need to keep up the appearance that had been set within his squad. As he kept his self in a professional manner, he tilted his head to face the captain as he spoke out, "Hm Squad six huh, well that's interesting..You can take the one on the right, I'll deal with these four...Don't kill them, they are just starving..So do whatever you can to avoid that, I would like to deliver them mostly injury free." it was understandable, people from his own district performed similar actions in order to get some food. In reply to the captains order Toshiro nodded and watched as two men attempted to come towards him, only one of whom managed to pass through, who wielded a large farming ax. It was rather no trouble in Toshiros eyes, moments after the man began swinging the blade at Toshiro during which Toshiro simply used the arts he learned prior to joining squad 6, the arts powered by Hoho the speed of movement maximised by his shumpo. However his attention quickly diverted to the captain that moved at amazing speeds, it was almost like a flash that lasted around a second yet one by one the bandits fell onto the ground. Instantly Toshiros eyes fixed onto his opponent, then he began his small yet effective strategy. His right arm flew up behind his shoulder from there he quickly drew his blade and clashed with the ax, with out a moment to waste he rotated the blade and flicked it ax to the right which lead to his opponent being unarmed. His job was nearly done, he raised his right foot and placed it around a stride ahead in which moment he vanished out of the opponents sight only to appear behind him. After the quick movement Toshiro kicked the mans right leg, but he was precise with the kick striking the back of the mans knee which lead to him dropping onto his knees. There was any need to use his Zanpakutō due to which he moved forward and pushed against the mans back, meanwhile his left hand swooped in front of the man and slipped through under his armpit in order to restrain the man.

A stroll through Rukongai Empty Re: A stroll through Rukongai

Sun Dec 09, 2012 3:42 pm
Masamune merely observed, he'd beaten his with relative ease. Though some may of doubted it, swordsmanship wasn't his strong point. So he did it when holding back, had he really wanted to use Kidō he'd of just used a bakudo and ended this. But he didn't need the world knowing of his gifts and skills. He was a fairly secretive man, he nodded for the men who'd arrived behind him. Members of his squad began carrying off the others, Masamune walked towards Toshiro and his friend. It wasn't ideal but perhaps this game had been interesting. Masamune's hand shot in front of the face of the man, who stared for a moment. The hand glowed, soon his eyes rolled backwards. "Sorry, but we need to get these people taken care of. You performed very well, we should have some tea sometime. I prefer more relaxed scenes then these.." Masamune seemed to ignore it but the following conversation between a female and male from five came and began picking them up. The two were each getting stretchers and taking them off the field, other units were collecting the others.

Just comments here and there about the Captain's swordplay being above average, he didn't really need to go this far. But for Masamune this was the closest thing to holding back he could do, not to mention his respect to them as a warrior had to be shown. Learning how to tilt the blade certain directions on impact, cause the wound to be less then fatal and sometimes it would even wound. Masamune gave a soft sigh now, he disliked all this fighting. But couldn't really bring himself to stop at this pace. He brought a hand up, rubbing his brow softly. His days had been rough, he listened for imput from his Zanpakutō. But no sound, he wondered how much longer things would be like this. Quiet and without his sword, something would need to be done about this.
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A stroll through Rukongai Empty Re: A stroll through Rukongai

Mon Dec 10, 2012 1:15 pm
Toshiro was done with his target there was nothing more to it. Moments after few squad members that weren't recognized by Toshiro had arrived at the scene all of which quickly moved to aid the injured bandits. Afterwards the tall captain walked with ease towards Toshiro as he spoke out "Sorry, but we need to get these people taken care of. You performed very well, we should have some tea sometime. I prefer more relaxed scenes then these.." It seemed like a rather friendly offer if he was to decline it would be somewhat disrespectful however he had no intention of saying no. Meanwhile two shinigami began discussing the captains actions and that he shouldn't have gone so far in order to take out these bandits. With disregard Toshiros eyes moved from the man he was restraining in order to look at the Captain whilst a small smile crept up his face. With the movement of his eyes Toshiro began to reply to the captain, "You have some grate speed, it would be cool to have some tea with you sometime..." all though Toshiro was rather relaxed he seemed to be formal with the elders and captains however due to his relaxed like nature he had missed out all the key words and blurted out some relaxed, carefree and informal words. However there was nothing more to it now, he couldn't go back on his words nor fix his mistakes he considered as he pushed the man he was restraining forwards.

A stroll through Rukongai Empty Re: A stroll through Rukongai

Mon Dec 10, 2012 2:55 pm
Masamune, slammed the hilt into the man's ribs and knocked him out cold, his figured picked him up and vanished. He'd done his business here, the Captain put him over his shoulder now. Deciding he would take him directly to Squad Four, among flash step users he was fairly good. "Thanks for your help in this situation, remember keep your head clean and we'll make a difference in this world." Masamune was a bit formal, but he was always this way. He wasn't like Kyoraku or the others, he kept the manners of old Japanese ways. He'd been here after all that was one of the things he felt important for a Captain. Presenting yourself a certain way was all part of the job. Matsu used to tell him he was a Captain among Captains. He would of been nicer back in those days, very kind and naive. In short innocence was still blooming inside him, his eyes never did seem to lack the magic they once had. But this was part of growing up, becoming an adult and a true man. Dying inside and understanding, that trust was merely a corpse.

Masamune put on a strong face, this place was still painful and it always would be. He used a shunpo and vanished now, he got a fair distance before doing it again. This wasn't something so simple as he was smiling softly and leaving the man in care of the others, he had then returned home from there. Actively leaving this place and the man behind.
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