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Thu Jan 28, 2021 2:44 am
Only A Month Late - Page 3 Yugiri-header-template3


She was silent. Yugiri understood the words weren't weightless, as much as she was showing her sharper edges and justifying herself. There was a tentative spot she had put herself in, now she had all the responsibility on her shoulders. She shouldn't have that, she was banished. The former Shihoin shouldn't even be here to deal with this.

"You know Chidori, that was my life for a very long time. I assure you Rio's life is still like this, this is what we accepted life as. While I admit, my tone might mislead you into thinking I lack an iota of respect or fondness towards you as I might have implied in the past with my cold nature. I promise you that isn't the case."

That was the nice bit she had to say, now the reality of the situation.

"Don't say that. Listen to yourself, you've got centuries over me and are threatening me with the guilt of blaming myself if you did do it."

Yugiri followed her down. Staring at Chidori intensely.

"You're right though, you're incredibly young technically and also naive. You're not really suited to be in charge of the clan and Rio would be a much better fit rather than stressing over how hard it must be picking up the slack and worrying about a mistake from you happening. You came back with a shaky relationship and pregnant, forcing yourself into the position you are now out of ignorance."

Talking of dreams, it wasn't alien to her. It's not like her childhood wasn't filled with dreams of flying as a sweet break from her reality but Chidori's were more than a nice escape, it was a coping mechanism. She nursed the little boy, thinking she was getting the hang of lulling him into settling.

"Stop looking at your problems like this, fix them Chidori. What you do with yourself now determines how they view you. Do you think when they grow up they want to remember you as the mother that commited suicide and abandoned them because life was too hard? What have you even done to try and resolve Sol and your issues? I don't even know what I saw earlier but it sure didn't look like it promised anything good to come out of it with your relationship with him."

She was really blabbering now though, enough that Yugiri brought her hand up and slapped her to interrupt her train of thought and give a sigh. The first two ones she could entertain and answer but her questions became less sensible as it continued.

"It's clear to me, we're incredibly different and you handle your issues um.. differently. So, you're going to sit on that bed and rather than find yourself a pretty looking distraction from how hard your life is. I insist you instead lay there and think very hard on what you want out of life and where you want to be in the future until you can actually control yourself."

"Before I go as well, you're going to promise me that you will never kill yourself. You can run away, do whatever you want but if you kill yourself then I will never forgive you, I won't so much as keep a single ounce of respect either. You played this card on me when I didn't want to show up to the funeral, I did and this is the only time I will ever do what you did to me then."

Yugiri was not one to look for comfort in. Her words were cold, her threat was icy like it wanted to settle this whole room into a frozen tundra with it with how much weight she was trying to express at Chidori. Still, tough love was all she ever knew. When she made a mistake, she got banished and Yushiro showed her no mercy. The lack of mercy is what made her swim rather than sink. That was the best she could do without lying or coddling her.

"Now Yuushiro, you're going to be as big as Papa when I come back. Aren't you? Yugiri might even show you her super secret Shikko, it's the coolest. One day I'll go faster than Yoruichi with it and I'll really fly like a bird."

She said. Tickling his stomach to try and relieve what she expected to be a lot of stress with Chidori in such a state. The smile and small giggle was very forced but that didn't matter for the baby. She'd just fake it until she made it.


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Thicc Boi
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Thu Jan 28, 2021 5:41 pm
Only A Month Late - Page 3 6EdIfMt


Artist: n/a - Song: n/a

All she could respond with was a laugh. By this point she was just curled in a ball on the floor, Nakano having come over curiously to see what was going on with her mother.

"Like you still have respect for me to lose? I thought any form of that went out the window when I came back. Anything you or Kokoro have left towards me is for the title. I've done nothing to gain your respect and everything to lose it." Chidori picked her head up and picked up Nakano, putting her daughter at eye level.

"I can't make any promises either. You can call me anything, but you can't call me a liar. I don't want to say yes today and no tomorrow. But I'll try." She watched as Yugiri spoke to her son.

"Actually, it might not be that long. I want to start putting forwards the motions of undoing your banishment. You wouldn't have to come back home, but it'd be a place you're welcome. And, if it's alright with you, I'd like to start over. I was being a bit of cunt, and I've been a cunt for years, but I'd like to focus on family. My real family. I think I'm going to quit my job, or maybe take a leave of absence. Take a long vacation. Travel the world, who knows."

"Oh, and one more thing. I'm going to die someday. It could be today, tomorrow, hell right when you leave. I'm going to leave a lot of things behind, especially these two. In the unfortunate circumstance that this happens, I want you to look after Yushiro. Not all the time, but just enough. I already know what it's like growing up without a mother, and the world is a scary place. I know people aren't really you're thing but do this for me."

"Give you're sister a hug goodbye?"

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Only A Month Late - Page 3 Empty Re: Only A Month Late

Fri Jan 29, 2021 7:01 am
Only A Month Late - Page 3 Yugiri-header-template3



Her anger spiked again. She almost wanted to grind her teeth together at the way Chidori refused to even promise that. Maybe she was being too lenient? No, it was a delicate situation. Sure she could take a hammer to the glass that made up Chidori right now but she wouldn't be able to walk over the glass that covered the floor afterwards.

"You can do whatever you want, you're the boss."

It was all she had to say in regards to her talking about undoing her banishment and a subtle reminder that she wasn't technically beholden to the orders of her predecessor.

"I don't like that word, it sounds gross." She stated in response to the request to start over, picking out the vulgar language. "Anyway, no. I don't want to startover and wipe the slate clean, that's cheap and only serves as something to make you feel better for a little bit. It's a shortcut. Look at our relationship like a mountain, now climb it instead of cutting it down."

She froze at the mention of taking care of the baby in her arms upon Chidori's death. Shaking her head in response.

"Nope. There's better options than me, if I will take care of children it will be on my own terms. So I guess you better not die then or talk to Rio about it."

She had shot down just about everything thus far. Looking at Chidori thoughtfully at the last one. This was the one she thought the most about before she sighed and put Yushiro on the ground and standing with an open posture but not saying anything. Putting down the baby was the answer. Yugiri just didn't want to speak her answer.


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Thicc Boi
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Only A Month Late - Page 3 Empty Re: Only A Month Late

Sat Jan 30, 2021 11:03 am
Only A Month Late - Page 3 6EdIfMt


Artist: n/a - Song: n/a

Chidori was silent for the most part, doing the listening this go around instead of talking. It pained her a bit that Yugiri shot down everything, but there might be a sliver of a chance.

"What word? You mean.... CUNT?" She said it with may more emphasis this time, making it more visceral than it really was. For some reason teasing Yugiri was one of Chidori's favorite pastimes, ever since they were children. "And I'm not asking you to raise him, that'd be too much. Just be there when he asks, yeah? Even though she wasn't a good one, Chishiki was my mother figure for when I needed one to talk to. Her advice was... less than stellar but that's all I could ask of her."

"Just a hello, a yes, or a no. That's all." She stood up and wrapped her arms around her sister. It's been years since they have done this, never really having a reason or want to. Feeling a tug, Chidori looked down to see Nakano looking up at her mother, tugging at her pant leg. It put a smile on Chidori's face.

At least for the near future, Chidori had a plan. If it would work, we'd have to see.

"The last thing, I promise. I think you've proven to have changed in your time away. Thus, I'm giving you permission to visit as you please, with at least 24-hour notice. Also, as the Head, I demand you leave me an address before you go, just in case I want to go see you. Thanks."

"I love you."

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Only A Month Late - Page 3 Empty Re: Only A Month Late

Tue Feb 02, 2021 7:46 am
Only A Month Late - Page 3 Yugiri-header-template3


Yugiri's expression remained bemused, it was hard to tell if that was her resting face or not when Chidori spat the vulgarity at her. She didn't want to give her much from it, except a roll of the eyes.

"I guess I can do that..."

She remained still in the hug. A little uncomfortable and tense as the whole making up thing didn't come natural to her. It was like when Kokoro hugged her, except a different kind of discomfort in this case.

"Alright. I still prefer travelling though... no such thing exists. I will just come to you instead."


The reciprocation didn't come, at least not immediately. It was really awkward and tense before she yielded and tried her best to give them back with a little hesitation.

"I.. love you too."


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