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Template By: [THEFROST]
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Revenge and New Discoveries [Open] Empty Re: Revenge and New Discoveries [Open]

Wed Feb 05, 2014 8:08 pm

Artist: 東方アレンジ - Song: Spiral of unconscious - Word Count: 1565
Bloodshed, bloodshed, bloodshed. It seems that all some demon's knew how to do was create more bloodshed in the world. As the smell of freshly made blood rang throughout the area in the wake of The Mad One's rampage, it brought about the attention of a certain Royal Asthavon. Flashing back to the casualties of war within the Australian Conflict so many months ago, the two had met in the sea of battle as the clash of the infamous Golden Coast battle had raged on. Sensing his sorrow, observing his torment and understanding his struggle; as a token of her benevolence, The Woman was noted as handing Eric a trinket of her empathy in the form of the newly created set Demonic Runes that were sealed into his body. Thus, through this link, she was prone to hearing his heart ache out for her; it's thirst yearning for a request to see this woman once again. And who was this entity, one might ask? Well, it was none other Khala Asthavon, The Heart of Touketsu.

Surely she could do nothing else but oblige to his request, no? Therefore, with a hop, skip and a jump the supposed Demon Goddess emerged on to the scene. Appearing on top of a cliffside nearby, the location that these two beings of demonic origins appeared to be in was somewhere within the rocky ranges of the Grand Canyon. As the sun beamed down a warm ray of heat, the shadow of the demoness could be seen as casting upon The Mad One. If Eric were to notice and turn himself around at this point, he'd pay tribute to what the Regal Creature was wearing appearance wise. While the winds around two were beginning to pick up, the female was seen placing a black hat with a dark orange ribbon attached to the side of it upon her head. Opening her teal hued eyes, each of them blended in seamlessly with her similarly shaded hair that transitioned into a faint hint of white near the ends of her neck due to it's short length.

Staring down at her chest, the actually garments of the Asthavon were rather old-fashioned compared to some of the fashions in the modern world. The shirt in which The Demoness wore was in color orange with diamond-like blue buttons and dark green collar stitched on to it. In accordance with this synchronization, the knee high skirt which Khala wore was also a shade of emerald resembling that of her collar; although it had a faint flowery pattern to it. Lastly, the final garments in which adorned were a pair of blackened socks and shoes to complete the entire outfit. Thus, as all of her clothing had formed around the girl's body, a sapphire colored object that was in the shape of a sphere came into view across the right side of her chest. In the release of this...heart...many sorts of tendrils were seen surrounding themselves around Khala's body.

Now having been fully reformed for all to take notice of on the field below her, she'd let out a innocent giggle to show how amused The Asthavon was in Eric's half-hearted attempts to deceive the Shadow Fall alliance. Sure, they were a group of demonic goblins that were quite vicious in nature, but......they weren't associated with Shadow Fall in the slightest. Out in remote locations like this, it wasn't uncommon for rogues of demon's to huddle together in concreated camps if they weren't associated with some of the major organizations associated with Shadow Fall, under the protection of safety that was within the limits of most of America's cities or had some notable power to keep them safe. It was all but a means to ensure their survival in this dog eats dog world.

So alas, his bluff fell on deaf ears...mostly. Picking up on this transmission, she'd raise a questionable eyebrow as to what the The Mad One was uttering throughout this communication channel. Had he been out of touch with the outside world? According to the date Khala was familiar with, today marked the start of of February 4th, 2414. Meaning, it had been been over three months since the start of the Australian War that took place October 27th, 2413. This posed the theory of rather or not the male had been in a coma for such a period to still be making outdated claims as that. It's a good thing that he didn't manage to break into Shadow Fall's actual transmission. If Eric had? He'd be the laughing stock of Demon World for attempting to deceive this organization with such outdated intel.

In the end, nothing but a heartfelt sigh escaped the Maiden's lips as she paid witness to the brutal slayings of the Shinigami that Eric had encountered. It seemed he hadn't enough sense within his head to simply stand down from such a threat. Then again, the people of this planet weren't logical at all. The funny thing is? These creatures of man were beginning to rub off her on her. So watching the butchering of the poor soul gave her a twisted warmth; smiling ever so softly to this display of violence. Why was that, one might ask? Ultimately, it was but another minor step in the grand scheme of things that lead to the eventual end of flesh and bone creations. Yes, the way this plane of existence was heading, it's own self-destruction was all but imminent in the mind of Khala. Henceforth, he could have potentially been saved for today, but he'd have to face the music sooner or later. Rather it was one hour from now, or one million years from this point. It was the fate of these mortal creatures.

In consequence with this logic, there was nothing but ample opportunity to allow him to enter his new made home in the void of the abyss. Thus, as Eric ripped off the appendage of the Shinigami, Khala soon descended from the cliffside in order to claim yet another lost soul into it's proper place of origins. Swaying her sea colored tendrils around, they would begin to envelop, constrict and eventually consume the likes of the now near-dead Death God. Gently smiling through all of this, only soft coo's of tenderness seeped out of The Demoness's mouth as she slowly started to integrate this creature into her being, break down his body parts and consume him whole to live out the rest of his days in the next life within the bottomless creature known as the physical body of death itself.

In this process, muffled screams radiated out of the poor man's mouth. If a person were to pay keen attention, the spewing of this Shinigami's entrails were beginning to become apparent. Hints of red started to ooze into Khala's tendrils, resulting in the unfortunate soul that was this creature's lunch to begin screaming even louder than before as pain radiated throughout his entire body. Put yourself this sap's shoes and imagine the sensation of feelings your bones reduced to dust as you struggle with all your might to escape the clutches of death. Breathing slows and becomes heavily, despite your extreme thirst for life as the setting of annihilation creeps in. Organs begin to swiftly dissipate as these appendages cover every opening from the man's mouth, to his ears, eyeballs and mouth; consuming him within complete silence as his sight, smell and vision turned to black.

At this point, all he was left with now was the utterly hellish sensation of understanding that the end was near for him as his flesh was turning to sunder; being eaten and digested by the endless rows of teeth munching through his body as if it were a cut of prime rib. It was an agonizing transformation to undergo as he continued yelling bloody murder. Eventually, however, these tormenting shouts would come to end before his entire soul were devoured by The Demonic creature and his cessation was at last at hand; the only thoughts of man being: "Why?"

And the answer was rather simple: it's nature. No matter what creature you were, death was always around the corner. So as the tendrils retracted back inwards into Khala, the demon was seen placing her hands together as if she were praying and giving remembrance to the man as she acknowledged his spirit's passing from this world. Patting her third eye that rested neatly upon her chest, she'd decide to finally approach the likes of Eric Zarathos once the lost soul was disposed of in such a gruesome way.

"Hmmmmm, so it seems our paths of destiny meet once again, Eric Zarathos. Yet, I do not believe the scorn of this realities influence has detoured you much in going forth with another endeavour to discover more of these runes you seem so fond of. But, I am curious: why is it that your essence cries out to me?" Speaking clearly and without hesitance, The Asthavon was now standing directly in front of The Mad Demon within the blink of an eye; moving from her previous position at nearly instant speeds to the naked eye. What occurred from this point onward was going to be in the hands of the Demon Male as she'd watch, observe and pay attention to his reactions.

Revenge and New Discoveries [Open] WVMWLOu

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Template By: [THEFROST]
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Revenge and New Discoveries [Open] Empty Re: Revenge and New Discoveries [Open]

Sun Feb 09, 2014 2:58 am

Artist: Umineko OST - Song: Hello your dream - Word Count: 2016
In the wake of her entrance into the scene, it was quite the charming series of events that rolled out upon Khala's arrival to greet Eric Zarathos. Swaying her tendrils every which way but right after that incorrigible feast, Khala tuned her eyes upon The Mad One kneeling on his feet before her. Underneath that rough exterior of The Demon's seemed to lay a persona whom understood class, dignity and grace when the situation called for it. It resulted in a soft laugh escaping from the girl's mouth; one that expressed fondness and amusement at the actions that transpired before her. Much unlike the cynical, taunting and downright cruel laughter that the likes of the Demon Queen echoed out to those whom she tormented, clashed blades against with and ultimately slaughtered during that witches time. It made The Heart of Deveta ponder if the behavior that she conducted herself in really was worth anything of praise. After all, within the perception of this sweet little demoness's mind, all that took place was the release of torment from another afflicted soul within this plane of despair.

Nevertheless, hearing him speak forth from that moment in time, a gentle smile eased across the lips of Khala while listening to him talk on. Expressing such sentiments akin to understanding the absurdities of his attempts at thwarting Shadow Fall's plan, a quick nod of the head would be the confirmation given to indeed convey the fact it was not a wise game for him to indulge in. Sooner or later, Shadow Fall would strike hard and they wouldn't be so forgiving from what The Demoness understood of her kind. It was a lethal game of cat and mouse Eric was playing with this union of Demon and Arrancar.

Onward from that ominous marking, the decay of Eric's mind started to become unveiled by none other than himself. Disclosing information such as the fact that the consciousness of his psyche was turning to sunder within that larger than life clash within the depths of the Australian War, it was obvious to the reagle demon that the following aftermath of this battle must have been exceedingly exhausting on him. Mhm, from all that was analyzed from his life, this world was transforming The Demon into yet another case of sorrow filled within in this miserable reality. This realm was one that Khala deeply loathed, but accepted for what it was. Even throughout the different flows of time, separation of dimensions and the need for false worlds; all it was but a futile attempt to escape the fact that all souls were trapped to this existence throughout it's infinite depth and roots.

With the quiet exhale of Khala's breath, she'd snap herself back to the conversation; paying tribute to the gratitude Eric expressed when it came to the assistance The Heart of Deveta provided in The Mad One's clash within Australia. Truly, to The Demoness at hand, it certainly wasn't that much of a hassle. Akin to watching a person bleeding out in the street, the subtle empathy behind The Creature's subconscious went to work on that day to try and provide a means of a compassionate act to one consumed by the clutches of agony. It honestly was not a difficulty for her in the slightest. Although, be that as it may, a small flare of her heart felt a warmth for being appreciated in such a profound way. One duly kept under locks within the enclosed heart of The Demon God.

Just as he was concluding himself in the first set of exchanges between the two demon's, Khala was recognizing that The Mad One truly applauded the depth of her power. As a result of this, there was yet another obligatory nod of the head once more to show she indeed acknowledged that praise. To be complimented on her strength was truly flattering, but it wasn't the end all game for this interaction with Demon Overlord. Thus for all that may be of the two,, what came next was a more curious question to be asked. Popping the question of why Khala performed the noble deeds that she did during that dark day, It appeared that Eric genuinely did not fathom why the Asthavon aided him. Chuckling quietly to herself in a tender matter, perhaps the time to chime in was coming upon her.

"My, you are filled with so many intriguing inquiries, my Mad Demon. I greatly appreciate the wealth of gratitude you shower in me on this day. Alas, though, the answers will be divulged to you easily enough. Why did I seek to give my hand to you in that blackened battlefield? Undoubtedly, there isn't a simpler reason than the fact I saw a soul being tainted by this world's wickedness. One that binds that spirit, drains the essence of life and turns one mind into a divided state as it breaks apart at the seams in the wake of such despondency. Perhaps I could have enveloped you into my being, much like the Shinigami I freed, but I felt you were worth sparing such a fate so prematurely.

Thus, my blessings were upon you on that day for you had suffered through enough and a marvel of rarity was to be bestowed upon you on that day. Too often do the imbalances of this accursed realities delight for inflicting misery on it's inhabits goes rampant. Through the powers that lay vested within my heart, being birthed from such a existence, I yield the probable nature to ease these burdens on vessels whom I deem worthy enough of being sanctified with my divine will.

I am far too disinterested in the barriers of this world to acknowledge these differences you seem to claim responsibility for when it comes what divides us. The embodiment of my creation is not one easily tamed, subdued or subjected to being treaded upon. I step forth to the destinations in which I desire to go, I bring about the actions into the universe that I ambition to will into reality and no other mortal being is capable of instilling the concept of what is right or wrong for me to do when it comes to the choices I make for myself."

Concluding the statements to The Mad Demon in a very composed tone of voice, the intentions of these words echoed out to him were meant to embed the fact within Eric Zarathos that Khala Asthavon was a lone force in this world. Albeit she is fond of The Demon Queen and the family in which they harbored, at the end of the day, the delicate fact that this was indeed the Heart of Deveta they were dealing had always been faintly etched into the horizon behind them. The Demon God, more or less, chose what life it decided to lead and where it wanted to go with it's direction. That was this entity's lone law governing itself and one it enforced heavily. But, be that as it may, the only other force in this existence capable of even invoking a more cogent alteration inside of the closed heart of Khala was the manifestation of Truth: The Original Angel. Siblings of the universe, each were created shortly following the establishment of the universe as it is today; with Deveta himself being the youngest of the pair.

Disregarding the fact that these two beings held the potential of being the closest figures to supposed "gods" of this universe, a term very loosely applied to them by spirits less powerful than their own collective union, there was still quite a great lust of admiration and companionship to Khala, Deveta and other incarnations of The Demon God for this creature. Yes, even with the other worldly prowess in which they possess, it seems the bonding of siblings still holds very strongly even in this scenario. Truth, outside of the Soul King, was a rare entity whom was on par with the likes of The Demon God. So, in his book, there was room enough for this beloved elder brother to influence Deveta to a subtle extent; so long as he was not treaded upon in an aggressive form.

As a result of this, there was still very much affection held behind the locked heart of Khala for this Angel, but it was a moot point. The sounds of his conscious melody were all but silent since the clash within Madness City when the likes of The Demon Queen and Truth clashed in cataclysmic showdown. In one final flare of light, the outcome was settled and the world was still in question about what had occurred afterwards, but the battle was concluded in a tie and neither of the beings whom partook in that colossal battle would never the same again afterward. Even the land itself was deeply sacred for hundreds of miles following that blow out; much to the same effect on the impact of Khala's heart.

Waking back up to the reality of the world, so as to prevent the ache of her mind from coming to the surface, Khala slowly shifted her head to gaze upon the newly energized form of Engra coming to the threshold. Apparently, there was another persona held inside of Eric's heart. Introducing himself in a regal tone, The Demoness gave a nod of the head to confirm the acknowledgement of his existence in her mind. Following that moment, she'd listen in to Engra explaining the tale of his creation; for he described himself as the darker representation of Eric's core. Yet, in spite of that, the words this creature uttered were that of commendable admiration for his host. Clarifying the struggles, hardships and difficulties that The Mad Demon had underwent; stories of his attempts to bond Shinigami and Demon's together were not ones The Heart of Deveta were entirely clear on. Albeit, it still did not matter much in the grand scheme of things. Being slain by Hagokumo Masada, those dreams would soon coming crumbling to the ground and reduced to ash in the wake of that death.

"I see. You have my condolences towards the cruelty in which this world has spewed upon you. Ye needn't apologize for anything in regards to Shadow Fall. What has came to pass has came to pass. There is nothing we can do or alter to change that which has taken place in the past. I seek my vision towards the future, thrust my eyes into what has yet to come and destroy the shackles of bondage that imprison me within this existence. Trivial alliances or oppositions mean nothing to me from any race of beings in this world. To put things bluntly: I go wherever I want to go, and no one can stop me."

Swaying her tendrils ever so slightly afterward, Khala moved a lone appendage to gently cusp Eric's face in it's ends. Due to how the reunion of these two were shaping out, it became apparent that many of the misunderstanding were slowly but surely beginning to become filled in. The holes within this plot being all but covered. Though, there would be one last exchange from The Demon Goddess. Opening her mouth, she'd soon begin this discourse: "So tell me, what is it your heart is yearning for now? I'm rather curious to know what is keeping you propelled in this disillusioned, agonizing and blackened existence that we share. Is it merely a thirst for power, or a desire for something greater than that? I'm certain your essence did not quake for my own solely for a singular purpose. Or am I reading too much into this, no?"

Thus, for now, the ball was now in Eric's court for how he would respond to these inquires that The Heart of Deveta gave him. Varying upon the answer which would utter out of The Mad One's mouth, Khala was either going to be further engrossed into this story or may very well depart to attend to other matters within Demon World.

Revenge and New Discoveries [Open] WVMWLOu

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Template By: [THEFROST]
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Revenge and New Discoveries [Open] Empty Re: Revenge and New Discoveries [Open]

Mon Mar 03, 2014 6:52 pm

Artist: Raito No Konran - Song: Subconscious Attack - Word Count: 2512

Khala could give nothing but an amused chuckle in response to some of the words Engra used to describe her. Surely he must've met a demon at some point that was not entirely consumed by their bloodlust. Despite that much, The Darkened Spirit within Eric was correct about one thing: The Heart of Deveta did choose to make it's own rules in the life that it led. There was no other way to live her life but as a free spirit unbounded by mortal ideals, laws or constructs. In the mind of Khala? The only one capable of influencing her was that of Truth; and that fellow godling was all but silent for the time being. So as Khala's eyes seemed to focus in on the body of The Mad One, she'd have a sense of flattery that they thought so highly of these powers that lay vested within her eternal being.

"It appears that your path in this dull realm has been an exceptionally woeful one to have not encountered a similar spirit to myself. It's hard to believe that my creations have turned into such barbaric creatures, but I suppose that is with the nature of evolution, change and progression. A good deal of things in this life cannot last forever. And for those concepts that can last an eternity, soon enough, the very foundation of themselves will alter and morph in due time. That is the way of the mortal plane. With that said, I love all of my children as they were my own until they'd give me a justifiable reason to invoke my wrath upon them. And while the praise you bestow upon me is great, it makes me question how things have progressed with Mana's rule in Demon World if they are all turning out in such a contorted way."

Taking a soft hearted sigh after finishing up her last sentence, Khala would rub the back of her head and ponder if taking such a passive role in Demon World was truly the right thing to do. Although she was not a fan of interfering with the likes of The Queen's and King's of Demon World, things were certainly becoming rather -- unstable. Flashing back to memories of Madness City, she'd even mull over the fact that one of her favorite demon's, Mana Asthavon, was partially responsible for the silencing of Truth. After all, that is when Khala first awakened within the realm of human's and when she started to become self-aware once again. In the face of this reality, she'd decide to continue onward with the conversation the pair of demons were having to give herself time to contemplate further on these thoughts later.

"As crude as your wording might be, you are correct in assuming that I l prefer to indulge in my own way of life. I don't hamper my will down by such loathsome chains that this reality so devilishly enjoys to imprison mortal souls with. It is why I yearn to one day free a good deal of souls from this suffering, clench them into the night of death and allow them a place to finally find a sense of slumber, peace and an end to this agony. I've endured a very lengthy lifetime; the likes of which spans throughout countless hundreds of millions of years. In this time, I've come to learn that the only escape from this universe of malice -- is through accepting the embodiment of death into one's being. Given that you have the force of death itself bestowed upon you by The Queen, it's no wonder that our hearts could synchronize in such a way. I see death as the final means of enlightenment and one day I'll bring it full circle."

When finished speaking this go around, there seemed to be a serene look overcoming Khala's eyes. Dreaming of such a grand world like that , one where all are merged within the silent night of death, was quite the tranquil place to put forth her mind, body and spirit. After all, through that mental loophole, the purpose of Khala originally killing the unfortunate soul was to allow him the gateway into her own tangled version of heaven: The Embodiment of Death itself. There, souls could rest, bury themselves within the womb of the end and allow themselves to forever be placed in a state of ultimate peace, understanding and dream; freed from the chains of this existence once and for all.

For now, though, she'd listen in closely as to what the desires of these two wicked spirits were. One of the first things that was posed? A better structure for demonhood in general. That one granted a soft laugh; but not out of malice or anything like that. For in the perspective of The Demon Goddess? It was rather surprising to hear those sentiments from someone who had the title of "Mad Demon" longing for something like stability. Indulging in hearing the demon out further, Engra started to ramble on about that all-too-worn out plot to kill the primary body of The Demon God: Deveta. That one granted a much louder cackle; as Khala sincerely believed there wasn't a chance in hell that the Royal Iramasha had a probability of killing that creature. It was the essence of what Khala was, the full extent of her power; and to kill a creature like that would upset the natural order within the universe. At least, that's how far The Asthavon was willing to place her estimates if they even were able to pull off such a feat.

Indeed, The Demoness was already aware of the plot hatching between Ketsu Iramasha and The Demon Lord: Matthew Hinote. It was an entertaining affair to observe, but not one to be taken seriously within the mind of Deveta, Khala and all of their other counterparts. At the end of the day, if pushed come to shove, they would unleash a torrent hell that comes with the terrority of waging war against a demonic entity millions, if not, billions of years old. Should their plans advance to the point of posing a threat to The Demon God, they'd surely be wiped off the face of this existence by then. That was her will and that was undefiable in Khala's point of view.

So as she was seen wiping the tears away from her eyes, the laughter would ease and she'd carry on with listening to more of what The Mad One had to say. Speaking something along the lines of his brother seemly finding a forbidden book of Eris, Khala was more than familiar with the original Danava of Discordia and Madness that Mana was recycled from. That could be explained easily enough when her time to speak had come. As it seemed that, most of all, Eric had desired a sense to protect himself, care for his loved ones and face defeat no more. Thus, having heard enough, The Heart of Deveta would decided to chime in at the point where The Demon finished his dialogue.

"Oh my, oh wow! You surely must be under a lot of pressure if you've fallen under the assumption that those runts from the Royal Devil Family pose much of a threat to myself. While it is true they hold a magnificent firepower when it comes to dealing with mortal souls, I'm afraid that those cretins really don't stand much of a chance against my collective self. To kill a fundamental force in the universe -- is pure blasphemy~! I'd wipe the entire face of the Earth in their blood if they dared pull such a stunt against me."

In that moment, the fearsomeness of The Demoness could be felt. Throughout the land, the whole of the Grand Canyon was filled with an ominous void. Within moments of her psyche's brief transition into that murderous intent that lay vested within the heart of demon's, many sorts of animal life around them died off instantly. From birds, to lizards, spiders and even -- human's. In a camp nearby, a herd of human's could even sensed by The Mad Demon as simply dying off by the release of this cryptic energy that oozed out of Khala like a toxin to the land.

Even the range of the environment around them became consumed within a blackness until the creature got hold on these powers. Stopping herself short before the bloodlust within her heart managed to come to the surface, Khala would take a deep exhale; having reddened steam exit from her mouth. If The Mad One were paying attention, he'd even notice that her eyes were entirely consumed by a reddened light for a few seconds. At least, before her eyes they faded back to their azure blue shade. "Hehehe, excuse that little outburst. The thought of such peons seeking to tread against my will -- makes me savage."

Regaining her composure, a more calming expression came into view across the woman's face. As quickly as the rage was invoked across the land, so to was the stimulation of her mental control. Soon, she'd relaxed her once hostile body language with the thoughts that tied together of the wholeness of Death's Embodiment. In that way, she'd once more come to an ease, attract a sense of calmness and induce a depth of tranquility within herself yet again. Through all what was shown thus far, if there was one thing Khala detested, it was mortal beings claiming to have the means to kill her. Specifically, those seeking to take away her unearthly position in the cosmos without being an equal being to herself; such as the Soul King or Truth itself.

"Alas, I'd worry not for Queen Mana. The being that you call "Eris" was the original Danava of Madness and Discord. All that one truly needs to look into is the overwhelming fact that the creature which resides inside of Mana's subconscious takes on traits of the Greek Goddess of Chaos. From what I understand, it will be yet another clash of will to determine if that woman retains the essence of who she is now or is altered into an entirely different being if the original Eris succeeds in her plans.

As you know, Danava are recycled after they have passed and this dormant blood has come full charge with the events that have transpired over the past few years with dear Mana. It was her time to come as the new Danava of Chaos and Madness, but it seems some things just don't know when to quit. Which is why I said: there are things that last forever in this universe, but they won't always remain the same for an eternity. Bare that in mind and pay no heed to the misconceptions of Demon's who can grasp the concept of infinity. Whatever is written in that book is more than likely -- a mortal mistranslation."

Chuckling a bit to give herself room to breathe, Khala would then move on to the next subject at hand. It was one that made her rather agitated to hear, but a matter that needed addressing no less. She was going to inform Eric of where on the spectrum in Demon World that "Demonic Holocaust" tipped on. As by no means was that a colossal event in comparison to the vast boundness that was The Home of Demonkind.

"And speaking of further errors made by worldly beings -- since when did the lost of only two hundred demon spirits constitute as a holocaust event? As it stands, our kind has reached nearly one hundred billion in population and you mean to tell me -- the lost of two hundred people is enough to be considered an extinction event? As cruel as this may sound, that's nothing more than a drop in the bucket compared to the sum total of demonic creatures in existence. That was nothing more than a massacre in the best of circumstances, Eric and Engra." Hearing many sorts of misinformation, inaccurate information and overhyped souls speak of the "Demon Holocaust", there was a sense of disgust and bewilderment about that event. Were her children growing even duller in wit? It would take at least a ten percent lost of Demon Life to be considered a holocaust-like event. So, in that response, nothing but the shake of Khala's head could be made in response after hearing such drivel enter into her ears.

"The structure of Demon World may very well need some adjustment, but the last wish of yours -- seems probable to achieve." Before she could go on any further, however, Khala was a bit taken aback by the fact that Engra and Eric seemed to grab hold of her cheek. It caused her to blush to an extent as she doesn't recall anyone other than Mana or Truth coming within this close proximity of herself without malicious or hostile intent in their eyes. It caused her heart to skip a beat for a moment before taking a slight step back away from him.

"I certainly wouldn't mind being a companion, but I don't think I'm in a place where that could be a reality. It seems you are suggesting a more -- affectionate relationship. To that, it seems -- bizarre. The only other person I could see this hole in my heart being shared with is within his own oblivion for the time being. It's flattering, but really I'm not -- ready for such thing? When I think about that -- it makes me feel odd -- and I don't like that." What was coming out of his mouth was more than likely intent for her to develop into something more interpersonal. To which Khala simply did not have the functions to do so unless it was, of course, potentially with the other godlings of this universe.

"Just -- take this as my gift." With that hurried wording, Khala would then swiftly change the subject in order to take her mind off such thoughts. In a matter of moments, a soft sigh would exhale from her lips and she'd touch the forehead of Eric Zarathos. In that place in time, The Heart of Deveta aimed to invest a new boost of energy straight from Za Koa itself into The Mad One's blood. Being signified through a beam of luminous white light, a sacred spell was being crafted on the command of The Creator's whim. In this way, the intent was to bring his overall power to a new plateau and be blessed with The Demon God's divine aura for the time being. With this sacred transferal, he should find himself reaching the status of 0-2++ and becoming a sufficient fighting force.

During that ritual, sparks of energy went scattering throughout the range until the darkness that was around them faded and gave way to blue skies. Thus, when the signal was all clear, Khala would look curiously at Eric and ask this question out:

"Well, tell me, how do you feel now...?"

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Thu Mar 13, 2014 3:38 am

Artist: Crystal Castles - Song: Violent Dreams - Word Count: 1587

Everything else that was echoed out of the mouth of Eric and Engra mouth's were of no concern to the demoness at this point. There were no need for apologies, regretful wording or any sort of action from them. In Khala's mind? If they had offended her, treaded on the woman's terrority or somehow managed to get on the elder demon's bad side -- they wouldn't be standing before the Asthavon's eyes. That's how affirmed she was in her strengths and abilities. So, there was nothing more than a nod from her to acknowledge what the two of them said towards being remorseful for what was done.

Instead, one might be wondering: "What was more interesting to Khala?". One of the first things that peaked her amusement was the very fact that he was still standing. It brought a slight smirk to her lips as it seemed he could withstand the energy for it's effect to go to work on him and his body. Granted, it wasn't exactly an exhausting task for her to undergo. After all, the boy already had the potential to reach such a level, The Demoness merely brought it out more swiftly. So on some levels within her consciousness, the pleasure of doing a good deed rewarded the demonic lass with a warm feeling within her heart.

This in turn leads to the second thing that brought an interest to the woman's mind: the question of being asked "What did she want?". In that moment her eyes smoothed over and a calm wind blew throughout the range. It was if there was a shift in the air, a change in the wind and the focus set on Khala. Feeling chills throughout her body once again, she gently held on to herself and let out a cold exhale from her lips.

"What do I crave? What do I desire? I presume that I yearn for something which will benefit this reality and all of my disjointed selves within it. Yes, even when I stare at you, I see the heart of my soul beating within your eyes. I can feel the pain that this land has inflicted on your very psyche much as it did my own at the beginning of it all! I admire your ability to stay ever vigilant in such a place, Eric. I applaud your burden even! To go on for so long without losing who you are in this FILTHY realm; living amidst this endless vortex of crippling and impure thought through all your might."

Gazing upon Eric's eyes with utter delight, a sense of rapturous tone were uttered out within these words. Delirium set in and the woman was becoming quite ecstatic by this tale. Memories of her former self were surging into her mind like an electric current. Distorted imagery of an ungodly experience that caused Deveta to undergo the process of enduring every possibility within the known universe and beyond echoed within the ancient demon's head. Down to the smallest blade of grass, to the colossal entity of death itself; at one point in the beginning of this existence, The Demon God had underwent an unfathomable perception of all matter that had been, was and would ever be within this universe.

However, due to the laws of this verse that he inhabited, such a power could also not exist and these memories could not be retained. Thus, it drove him mad! Utterly mad! In a collapse of his mind, it lead to the creation of Khala's birth and the obliteration of his so called "absolute" power and the destruction of his sane self. Birthing the creation of Demon Life, filling the strain of this knowledge onto other creatures and allowing this entity to escape into the cold abyss of his broken mind as a mere shell of his former self. Leaving the extract of this event, in the form of Khala and the many other selves of Deveta, to pick up the pieces.

So as these memories came to a close, a cracked smile came to view across The Demoness's face. The desire of what she wanted for all of her assumed "pieces" scattered through the cosmos started to become very clear to her once more. It brought glee, it caused her body to let out a giggle and she was ready to indulge Eric more in what her heart desired; but not before giving him further ramblings of a mad woman.

"While the body may be corrupted by such a poison, I still have yet to believe the mind and spirit have been driven into a corner by such toxins. So THANK you for asserting yourself with all your might in this endeavor, in this struggle and within this MISERY. Expressing true thought and feelings can be an irritating thing for any being. Surviving with everything you got, your fangs do not refrain from communicating the knowledge of true solitude.

So I want to respond to that courage which oozes from remains of myself that beats on within your heart. Yes, everything that brings us grief from all that surrounds us is all to real. I can sense, feel it, taste it and see it within ever spec of matter that comprises this prison we live in. By submerging all that I can into the embrace of death, I wish to release all of my selves scattered in the universe and free them from the prison they are confined in.

You can see it to, can you not? You have the essence of death's will flowing through yourself. It's the only escape from this chamber of heartache. We can become free of it's grasp if all of the scattered pieces that be of myself are reunited in the hands of death's embrace. They are in slumber, of course, but at the end of my plan -- they'll be awakened soon enough. Everyone one of us will become enlightened to the truth, even you yourself, Eric!

All will surely return to it's original form and the burden of this existence will be no more! Isn't that exciting? I'm not talking about creating a new world or anything absurd like that. When we are all restored as one, there will be no need for an imaginary world or any sort of utopia: there will only be -- sweet relief. Sweet, sweet relief."

Khala meant every sentence and every word of what she spoke. Throughout every fiber of her being, she screamed for joy in this objective of hers. In the perception of The Heart of Deveta? Indeed, he was a god -- but not a complete one. Under the belief that universe is it's vessel, there is a desire to cradle itself back into the womb of death to become one with the nothingness that leads to the erasure of self and the rediscovery of a repaired unity. Through destruction, rebirth can begin.

Thus,much like the soul of the reaped Shinigami she claimed, the end game for this beast is to have all the land feel this return one day. It may not be tomorrow, perhaps it won't be the next week, potentially not even within the next month or year; but eventually -- she felt all would become one with the embodiment of death and the arduous task of being whole once more will become fulfilled. That is why she deduced that even the greatest minds that the Earth had to offer have speculated the heat death of the universe, that is why giants gods of life which are suns die out and it is why black holes consume all: through this knowledge -- all must return to whence they became and become one with the void. That is what the will of death was interrupted as by this being.

"So as my blood tingles at this thought, soon my own desires will come into motion, Eric. In the coming months, the boundaries separating Hell will be destroyed and I plan to have my associate, The Demon Queen, assist me in this favor. Without Truth here and the Soul King silent, I'm under the mighty impression that I am now in control of the flow of the spirit cycle.

Henceforth, by disrupting that flow, I intend for these pieces of life to become one with death as they were intended to be. Does it not sound like a grand scheme? I'd like your co-operation when this time comes soon enough. I foresee you and The Queen getting along quite nicely in this event.

Changes are on the horizon, and while I cannot speak all of what my mind entails, know that what you seek is just within thy's grasp. Soon -- we'll be liberated and made complete!"

Raising her hands to the sky, an elated expression consumed all of the woman's face as she appeared to be in utter ecstasy with each heavy breath that she took. So with that, she'd cup Eric's chin and mutter these words to him: "So be well, keep your chin up and know your retribution will come soon enough, my child."

Giggling with joy, she'd soon dissipate into a blackened mist and swirl all around Eric before breaking off towards the sky.

"If your heart is true, you'll understand what I desire and hope your loyalty remains true to our heart. For now? I take refuge in Demon World until all is prepared for this ceremony of rebirth! Until then -- have patience for your reward."


Revenge and New Discoveries [Open] WVMWLOu
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Sun Oct 04, 2015 11:31 am

✖| Clean Up Time!! |✚
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It's been 2014 or even before that!
There for I will be locking this thread, feel free to revisit this and keep on reading!

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