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Too British For This Shite [Evelynn, Sing] Empty Too British For This Shite [Evelynn, Sing]

Sat Jun 07, 2014 10:43 pm

Artist: Jamie Berry - Song: Peeping Tom

So much brown. And gray. Not much green. The colors of this world were rather shitty; it's why she preferred the Kokuryuteshi. Luxury was normality, this... this was arse. All these dull shades of Earth's wasteland sped by as the lavender-haired teen overlooked the side of the hover car. The hood was retractable, opening the bluish-gray sky up to the passangers. They were soaring through the air at around 4,000 kilometers per hour, shrieking loudly to everyone but those within the car. Thankfully Evelynn's exorbitant vehicle was designed with a barrier that dampened the harsh sound, as well as the wild winds that would likely blow her out of her seat. As it was, the girl was reclined in her seat and just relaxing as she looked over to the right side of the passenger door. Her arm was hanging just outside, with fingers tapping the the silvery armor of the door. Her long hair whipped around as wind blew past it, and it would be windblown after their ride came to an end, though Evelynn didn't much care for keeping it neat and tidy. One could see the small white stick stemming from her mouth, which was of course the only visible bit of her lollipop that was signature to her appearance by now. It moved around as she adjusted the candy in her mouth, and brief openings in her mouth would reveal that the color of the lollipop's head was gray... and one could only wonder what flavor that could be. Now to the girl's left was a nondescript and completely unimportant male Fenier, but he was the one driving the car. Whatever had happened in his life he had gotten the short of the stick, and now chauffeured much more significant people such as Evelynn around. The two did not speak, as she barely noticed him and he felt too awkward to converse. All that mattered is that he drive straight and they end up in China. They were coming from Thailand where K-World's rift had dropped them off. And there was a good reason for her to be out here on Earth, or else she wouldn't even breathe the bloody air of this place.

Sing Iramasha was her name; she was important or something to Kokuryuteshi's organization, which is something that Evelynn was thinking about joining. But hell, if it weren't for the confirmed sighting of her she had espied, this would not be a trip she'd have taken. Thankfully the car was starting to fly over an actual resemblance of civilization, architecture that was centuries behind that of K-World's. The circle jerk of complaints continued within her mind as she counted the seconds with her fingers by tapping the side of the car. At the speed they were going, they soon reached the general area of where she needed to be. The driver would circle above the city, looking for a spot large enough for the car to land safely. They caught the eyes of many denizens, who stared up in slight awe, slight curiosity of the advanced vehicle above them. Evelynn, vainglorious as she was, would smile and wave down to them, her light blush coloring her cheeks. The experience was short-lived, as the driver finally found a landing pad, coincidentally part of Kokuryuteshi construction site. They were waved down by some of the workers that recognized the brand of the car as K-World built, and they slowly descended onto the marked location. Evelynn looked over to see what they were all working on, realizing from just the skeleton of the construct that this was another portal device. So they were planning on making China a destination for their teleportation, which woulda sodding helped beforehand. She scoffed under her breath, before looking away, at no thing in particular. The car touched down with a hiss and a huff, just before the girl quickly undid her seat belt and jumped over the door without opening it. There was a moment when her skirt lifted from the movement to briefly reveal the garment beneath, but she did not seem all too concerned with any of the glances her way. Attention was nice.

And so she paid the driver off for driving her, though only half: He still needed to drive her back after all. He'd wait here like a good boy, considering the amount of money Evelynn was capable of handing off. With that out of the way, she strode off, slurping on the lollipop in her mouth and finding her way through the construction site to get to the exit. When she emerged from the gate, they closed it behind her and left her to the urban jungle that was known as Hong Kong. There were people... everywhere, almost as populous as the amount of buildings that seemed to be present. ''Ya gotta be kiddin' me,'' she muttered to herself, speaking through her British accent in a cute lil' voice. Finding Sing among all this noise seemed like it would be such an impossible task, at least at first glance. Thankfully, she was a significant enough figure that she'd be able to ask around for her. She resigned to this, though not pleasantly. After a quiet sigh and a quick stretch of her lazy muscles, she took the brunt of the crowded streets and began looking around. Finding the least grimy individual close by that she could, she walked up to them and called them out, raising her hand as high up as she could to get the woman's attention. She succeeded, and ran up to her, thankful that she stopped. '''Ey, uh, you wouldn't 'appen to know where I could find a Sing Iramasha around, would ya?'' There was a slight pause, where the two just stood there in awkward silence, before she got a response:

''Nǐ shì shuí?''

Suddenly, Evelynn realized there was colossal fundamental issue in her plan.

Template By: [THEFROST]

Last edited by Phantasia on Thu Jul 24, 2014 8:54 pm; edited 1 time in total

Too British For This Shite [Evelynn, Sing] Qx494h
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Too British For This Shite [Evelynn, Sing] Empty Re: Too British For This Shite [Evelynn, Sing]

Sun Jun 08, 2014 6:11 am

Artist: B-Complex - Song: China - Word Count: 1686
In a deafening clap of thunder, the skies that were once rich with shades of azure and ash soon dispelled and gave way to thick cloud of darkness as the heavens cried with a fierce rain. Progressing further into the blissful and calm slumber of the night's call, the endless spiral of sky scarpers, neon signs and hover cars illuminated the metropolis like an endless source of eternal light. So although the rainstorm that befell the massive urban sprawl was torrential in it's downpour, it did nothing to detour the allure and charm of China's capital to it's citizens. Packed to the brim with umbrella's, coats and devices meant to deflect the rain from even so much as touching them; the inhabitants of this land filled every waking corner as a cluster of foreigners started to fill it's soil. In the wake of a new governmental and regional takeover, the radical force known as The Kokuryuteshi seemed to mark this as the spot to call their base and home to their celebration of this vast takeover.

Akin to the dashing glow of the cosmos trailing stars, the fleet of Kokuryuteshi airships first stormed into the city as their all-encompassing roar brought the attention of the general public. From rooftops, to sidewalks and hover cars in between; the residents of Hong Kong paid witness to this entrance of reinforced K-World presence with a range of reactions. Many of it's people felt that it was no different than the administration that ruled over them previously and this were indifferent to such a domination. After all, China was a nature rich in the history of dictatorship. So by virtue, it's people were already quite docile.

On the other hand, the more radical sec of the population felt that perhaps some good could come this dynamic takeover. Through this new administration that dawned over them, perhaps a better, brighter and more free nation could at last be at hand in this new age. In the wake of this transition; their economy was bouncing back to life following the backlash of World War Three, the countries birthrate had been on the increase and the infrastructure, security and technology of the society-at large was in a period of great advancement through the knowledge The Kokuryuteshi provided.

So as the naysayers and doomsday seekers started to become more vocal as a collective hive among the crowds of people, they were drowned out like an undesired child's cry by the overwhelming sense of apathy and desire for change the nation had for it's expectations of this infamous organization. And in it's place, like a freight train shattering the silence of night, the sound of boots hitting the cold wet pavement signified the arrival of the armed soldiers of K-World. Flooding the streets in mass droves, these men were on a mission. Shrouded in the mist of the eve's rain, these trained followers of K-World's lead sought to bring in the dawning of a new era. Thus, the nations flag throughout many governmental buildings were soon ripped from it's hinges and replaced with the insignia of The Kokuryuteshi to officially reign in this new rule. Under this bell, the daunting roar of numerous ships on the city's port-bay shook the earth as many of it's naval fleets docked in the city. Indeed, from the skies, to the ground and into the heavens themselves; this force of power ran deep and had this entire civic center on lock down.

Yet, as impressive as all this may or may not be to one's perception, the final layer of this fiesta unveiled itself in the form a ray of golden light which streamed down from the atmosphere like a tranquil tide. A single figure was to blame for this perplexing sight. At a leisured pace the feminine entity descended downward to the earthen terrain beneath her. This solo force, upon further inspection, turned out to be The Kokuryuteshi's Princess making her entry into the nation's center most city. Even from the vantage point that separated The Devil Iramasha from the city below her, the golden glow of The Royal Figure's eyes pierced through the storm and commanded attention to it's audience below. In the moments that followed, a crowd of K-World and Chinese citizens alike had gathered around a governmental building none too far from the weary-eyed Evelynn.

Landing ever so smoothly on the damp concrete of the structures crest, Sing stood solid like a statue upon the rooftop as her long, flowing cape that embed the warm colors of gold and crimson blew soft and steady as a calm winds whisper amidst the rainstorms breeze. And much like her cape, the platinum blonde hair of The Iramasha's held it's place; as it's horn-like shape braved the might of the gust in the vicinity. Twisting the headgear mounted on her skull, the headphones seated around her ears appeared to be coated in a sharp shade of purple and engraved on them happened to be the Chinese symbol for "Harmony" in gold paint. With bright lights fixating their glare to the rulers body, they then exposed The Devil as wearing nothing more than a indigo hued dress under a white vest with elaborate trimmings to it. All finishing up with the glare of elegant golden jewelry wrapped her wrist and custom tailored boots that flashed like a fierce flare in the lime the light.

Now with all eyes on her, The Iramasha eyes glistened with a brighter shade of gold before synchronizing the pattern of her spiritual energy against the frequency of collection of many energy spheres that K-World had planted underneath the metropolis. Filled to the hem with a strong wealth of power vested within them, The Princess connected her sacred chaos energy to this channel of harvested fuel that the orbs contained. When harmonized to this hive? Sing implemented her command into the air in order to form the materialization of a freshly written chaos spell. With it? The effects aimed to convert the diverse set of languages spoken within the city limits. If one knew not a bit of English? Then that tongue would be translated to the flow of the Chinese dialect. In this way, all would understand one another and the chances of being lost in translation all but fizzled out.

In this way, it left room for Sing to begin her brief, but impact speech. "I needn't tire the masses with a long-winded dialogue. If you do not know of my name, you can refer to me as The Princess of The Kokuryuteshi: Sing Iramasha." Talking with conviction strung behind every word, The Demeanor of The Devil Girl was strong and steady. Giving direct glances at all the cameras nearby, she'd continue onward: "I appear before this country to say that we've eradicated the military might behind Iori Sugirua's army. In this invasion, we've accomplished our goal of achieving 100% control of this nations government."

Holographic imagery of K-World soldiers clashing against a crippled military soon played out behind Sing following those bold words. It showcased the duration of this battle, the brutality of their force and the resolve behind getting the overall job done. Visuals of fire, death and destruction looped itself as Sing stared with further intensity behind her eyes.

"We plan not to cause any further destruction; least our forces meet resistance. Nay, we desire to work alongside your people and bring the standard of living, the might of it's people and the place of China's role in the world to the utmost stage. Through corporation and patience, I promise you the rebirth of this war-torn land and the recreation of a mighty people's republic." Speaking in a tone that exuded confidence, there lay not a single doubt behind the hardened gaze of Sing's golden stare. It yielded some some below her to become mesmerized by the fact that a mere female could own such charisma, but she'd paid them no mind.

"By taking our hand into the future, I assure the stability of this nation with the resources backed behind The Kokuryuteshi's might. So let this new revolution of change begin not with a fright, but with a wave of relief and resolution of better things to come. You've seen despair, now it is time we turn the hands of hope back into this society. That is all." With that, her broadcasted message to the nation and the world at large concluded. In one swift motion, she'd then turn her back to the people and swing her cape over in order cover herself in a cloak of secrecy. For like a flash of lightning in the earth's skies, The Iramasha was gone and sought out to a familiar presence encroaching upon her space.

"So, I take it you must be Feiner related...." No matter where Evelynn lay in this city of never ending people, Sing focused her third eye down over the scent of The Lone Girl's energy signature and staked her presence out. Bring forth the power of the Iramasha's fabled Chaos Warp, The Devil wasted no time in pin-pointing Evelynn's location and warping there. Thus, in a rush of golden light, The Presence of The Princess's aura flowed over the woman as a mellow breeze. "...tell me, what brings you from the clutches of K-World and into the pits of the living realm? I can tell it isn't just for tourism. Not for an interdimensional trip like that." Letting loose a soft smirk and a nonchalant attitude about the whole ordeal, The Iramasha seemed to be rather interested in her. To The Princess? It felt as if one of Zane's own kin were here. And being that he was good people, it proved wise to check things out. Henceforth, to investigate matters for herself, she'd decided to peer in a bit into the fellow Feiner's life and see where things were with the woman. In this way, she'd at least gauge where her alliances stood and kill a bit of time before moving on to the next big task at hand.

Too British For This Shite [Evelynn, Sing] WVMWLOu
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Too British For This Shite [Evelynn, Sing] Empty Re: Too British For This Shite [Evelynn, Sing]

Mon Jun 09, 2014 9:34 pm

Artist: Jamie Berry - Song: Peeping Tom

Third time was the charm. As in, after three attempts, Evelynn stopped attempting to withdraw anything intelligible from the foreign denizens of the city. This was not her cup of tea, digging around through the rough like a petty scavenger. There was no way in bloody hell anybody could expect someone like her to have to do this; it was nonsense. Thus, she simply gave up, and resolved to finding the nearest drinking establishment to chill out it. That, too, the girl failed, what with all these cult-like runic symbols in place of actual letters. There was always a red tinge coloring Evelynn's cheeks, but sometimes it was present because of inner frustrations more than anything else. She bit the corner of her lips and puffed her cheeks, giving a small frown to anybody who looked at her funny. Eventually she came across a place with actual English words in it, which she discovered to be just what she needed. It was a stand made just for her, with English to Japanese translation booklets on display in the front. The merchant spoke somewhat adequate English as well, or as much as he needed to to sell these things to his customers. Evelynn made short with the words and cut to the exchange, throwing money across the desk as she rudely grabbed the book away. While the merchant was left to pick up the change that rolled off the table from the ground, the Fenier girl was already walking away, flipping the pages open. Thank heavens for this book—an author native to the United Kingdom, and something that Evelynn could very well trust. Reading books was easy, just a minute or so of skimming the thing and she derived exactly what she needed to know. Shortly thereafter, she tossed the book over her shoulder and into the middle of the street, walking off.

It was a few hours before anything else exciting occurred in the sprawling Hong Kong. It was not so long ago that the skies were sparse in clouds and the atmosphere dry. Weather reports certainly couldn't predict the sudden shift in weather that occurred over the city. A storm began with the thunderclap, shocking some people on the streets and causing a slight falter in the mindless flow of people traffic. A darkness blanketed the stretch of metropolis, causing some of the light-sensitive fluorescent signs to suddenly spark to life. At first the change came with slight confusion due the unusual behavior of the sky, but when the warships began to roll in, the majority of Hong Kong's population had their attention on the scene. These ships were of K-World, much more advanced than what was normally seen of Earth's technology as was often the case. This was not shocking; despite the militaristic display of arms this takeover had already been in progress, and these people knew it would be coming eventually. One would expect horror throughout the streets, but rather the fleet was met with an overwhelming silence; acceptance. It was more like they were waiting to see what happened now. They stood patiently, watching the ships descend in all parts of the city, before one great golden sun shaft broke out through the cloud at the heart of it all. A beautiful woman floated down like an angel stripped of wings and rank; like a gift from the gods on high; like the ambassador sent to them by a benevolent race. She captured and held the people's attention, and they anticipated what this one had to say.

Evelynn was not one of said people. Rather, the purple-haired teen was currently isolated in her own little bubble of honeyed liquor. She lazily held onto a golden-brown bottle of San Miguel beer, rolling it around on the table as she shuddered from the terrible aftertaste of the liquid. The beer was bollocks, but it's the only kind they seemed to sell. No matter to her, as a drink was a drink, and she would casually sip from the bottle every dozen seconds. There was a... a loud voice saying something to her at some point, except it was murky and unintelligible like something deep in the back of her mind. And all she was getting was ''Wahn wahn wah wah wahn wahh...'' It caused her to look down the neck of her bottle with an eyebrow cocked, briefly wondering if someone had spiked her drink. It would prove false, as she was not getting anymore delirious than this, and the voice was still muttering on back there. Evelynn just figured there was a conversation going on behind her and she was just drunk. She resolved to emptying her bottle with one final swig, before rolling it across the bar to her right. There was a light chink of glass as it joined the rest of the empty bottles in a small pile of nine; ten now with the new one. Tapping the edge of the bar and waving at the bald Asian man serving tonight, she recited perfectly a specific line in Chinese. ''Zài hè yībēi, xièxiè.'' Smiling at her accomplishment—having learned this from the translation book—she watched as the peasant obeyed her command. This time around he gave her a strange look and muttered something that seemed to indicate the tone of a question, as he snapped the cap off of the bottle and slid it over to her. Evelynn caught it just barely in the palm of her hand to took it to her lips, muttering the approximation of affirmation as she drank. Of course she didn't know the question, but she didn't want him bugging her while she was enjoying herself, so she shrugged him off.

In the middle of all this pleasantness, a blonde-haired figure appeared immediately right beside her, warping into existence from seemingly nothingness. Evelynn startled and choked up on her drink, causing some of it to dribble from her lips as she tried to save the rest. After carefully swallowing the beer and setting her bottle down, she broke into a coughing fit where one could clearly hear the liquid in her throat. Through her wheezing she barked out at the woman, ''Wha' in the bloody 'ell! Are ya tryin' to kill me?! Some woman jus' popping up ou' o' the b'ue like dat...'' The last bit was muttered under her breath as she recovered, grabbing a nearby handkerchief and wiping down her collarbone and the top hem of her shirt. After situating herself, she reached into the pouch on her hip to pull out her candy stick, which seemed as big and new as a brand new lollipop, this time burgundy in color. Finally deciding that now was the time to stop drinking, she stuck it into her mouth and casually began to suck on it (You're welcome, internet). Only then did she really take a look at the stranger who had appeared out of nowhere did she realize that it was not a stranger at all. Her eyebrows rose up slightly in surprise, and her mouth made a small 'oh' shape. ''Oh hey, it's dat lady I was lookin' for. I know ya... We sh' drink togetha'!'' Completely forgetting only moments ago that she had wanted to stop with the bitter liquor, she waved to try and get the bartender's attention again. Clearly, she did not hear the question asked by the Iramasha.

Template By: [THEFROST]

Last edited by Phantasia on Thu Jul 24, 2014 8:56 pm; edited 1 time in total

Too British For This Shite [Evelynn, Sing] Qx494h
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Too British For This Shite [Evelynn, Sing] Empty Re: Too British For This Shite [Evelynn, Sing]

Fri Jun 13, 2014 2:06 am

Artist: Infected Mushroom - Song: Pink Nightmares - Word Count: 1365
Well -- she certainly was an interesting character. That was one of the first thoughts that had came to Sing's mind when first meeting this Feiner. There was a questionable raise of the eyebrow that came to her face while she watched Evelynn's drunken stupor come to fruition. Observing her ramble on made The Iramasha come to wonder if it was a blessing in disguise that she'd decide to pay a little trip to see Zane's kin. After all, with all the weird looks in the area they were receiving, it seemed as if Eve would have been easy prey in her -- uninhibited state. Although she could contribute this to her surprise entrance into the bar, it still felt rather -- unsafe -- and uncomfortable -- to leave an attractive woman such as Eveylnn alone and intoxicated out of her mind in a land of predators. So as she let out an uncomfortable and nervous laugh of sorts, The Princess decided that it was now her obligatory duty to look after the Feiner until they were back on K-World soil and preferably at The Feiner compound so they could better look after the inebriated woman.

"Popping out of the blue? Huh, I guess you can call Chaos Warp that." There was a wriggle of the nose and a slight chuckle as The Devil Girl spoke in an otherwise amused tone. To The Royal Lass? She was questioning rather or not the girl was consciously aware of what she were doing to all the other men in the environment. Sure, it could have been the booze stirring up a storm of conflict in her body, but unless she was a lightweight -- there was no way the woman could have failed to notice all the eyes ogling her like vultures. There were men to her right giving winks, others in the stools around them giving slight coo's and all around they were quite pleased with the display she put on. It caused a soft sigh to exhale from The Golden Haired Iramasha's mouth while shaking her head in protest to what was going on. "Well, Feiner, you should know that the only things "popping out" around here are safely secluded within everyone's pants. Take a look around you."

Now glancing at the attention that was warranted or unwarranted towards the female, Sing could only have a doubtful smirk come across her face as she laughed softly at the predicament they were both in. There was just something about the liquor pumping in everyone's veins that turned logical people into drooling beast. Taking quick looks at Evelynn, the bartenders and everyone else in the shady bar proved to further Sing's question: could anyone in this entire nation of people hold a damn drink? It was Along these lines or another THAT The Iramasha then proceeded to facepalm out of embarrassment for every single person around her."I mean, I doubt you are really weak or unarmed if you can travel out the earth-realm by yourself. But I'd feel pretty...unnerved....about leaving a person like yourself out here."

Speaking with a tone intermixed between chargin and concern, The Princess then felt very much compelled to protect her -- if only based from her own internal instincts as an elder sister to look out for her younger siblings. Imagery of her twin brother and half-sister soon came into mind as she thought of the people she'd like to shield from some of the world's more sinister realizations. So with a heavy sigh that was filled with a sense of light-hearted affliction behind it, Sing took off her golden, purple and red shaded cape and placed it around Evelynn's shoulders like a coat of sorts."And I suppose I could go for a drink....but not at a place like this." Taking a sharp glance at all of the men that were leering closer, The Devil Iramasha released a good deal of her spiritual pressure in order to send a "Warning" aura of sorts.

In some people? Liquor tended to be something that subdued the fear or hesitation within a person and made men and women alike very -- reckless. And with some of the more sinister looks that were coming upon the more feisty bar-patrons -- Sing felt rather -- uneasy. So this sharp and piercing force was her way of "protecting" The Feiner and trying to instill a sense of dread in the others to prevent them from escalating into a bigger scene. And despite the woman never quite asking for her assistance, The Iramasha still felt obliged to look out for one of her own. The Princess was somewhat controlling and overbearing in that aspect, but it's a motive that perhaps her father may or may not shared and thus felt right with her.

"I'm not sure why you came here in the first place, but I'm guessing before you lost this here battle with the booze...." Peering at the piles of empty glasses that reeked of alcohol, Sing could only give a questionable look at the scene. It was as if this woman was just looking for trouble. The Feiner kin didn't seem to appear to be oriental in origins either. So like a wanderer in a bizarre world, Sing presumed the woman was lost more than anything else. " were probably looking for me?" Playfully dangling the empty bottle in her right hand, The Princess soon placed the glass down in a gentle manner and shook her head. Unsure that the woman had even paid for her feast with how unkempt her appearance was, The Iramasha just decided to handle the cost herself -- even if she already paid for it. Directing a nano-sized gadget in the air, a red flash of light lit of Sing's pocket. The root of this creations nature was that it was indeed a nanobot. This nanobot had within it virtual currency and after converging with a white dot that came from a bartender nearby, the bill had been paid for in The Kokuryuteshi's under Sing's authority by them transferring the data wirelessly. The wonders of the 25th century, eh?

"You oughta' learn how to better get a grip on your booze, Feiner." While staring into Evelynn's eyes, Sing grew tired of calling her Feiner or woman. Therefore, she telepathically commanded her nanomachine to return her side once more. When neatly tucked away in her pockets, she gave instructions for the device to run a face check on the woman before The Iramasha. Within seconds of scanning the facial aesthetics of Evelynn, her face did indeed appear on K-World's Registry of citizens. Beaming the data into The Princess's mind, not much was specifically documented on her from what The Royal Lass could read, but at least gave her a name: "Professor Evelynn Feiner".


That gave Sing a soft chortle of laughter. Maybe looks were deceiving as she looked like anything but a professor in that get-up and drunken coma. Having all the information she needed, Sing dismissed the microdevice and decided to get to work with helping her new "friend" out. "Alright, if you can even understand what I am saying right now, I suggest we move this to K-World." Holding out her right hand to Evelynn, she motioned with her head leaning forward for The Feiner to go ahead and grab her palm. "I've already paid for the tab and if you are trying to pry information out of my head...I'd suggest you'd just come back to K-World." Going on to pat the young human's head with her left hand if it wasn't swatted away by her erratic behavior, Sing started summoning a dense collection of golden energy that was her life force. This was meant to envelop them both, if she were willing, and then transport the two girls back to the Feiner's compound where they'd have a nice little -- chat.

"So to surmise:'s time for you to go're drunk."

And in those skittish words, the two of them were meant to disappear in a burst of bright white light and hurdling into the embers of K-World once more through teleporation.

Too British For This Shite [Evelynn, Sing] WVMWLOu
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Too British For This Shite [Evelynn, Sing] Empty Re: Too British For This Shite [Evelynn, Sing]

Sun Oct 04, 2015 11:35 am

✖| Clean Up Time!! |✚
┣▇▇▇═─          ☠          ─═▇▇▇┥

It's been 2014 or even before that!
There for I will be locking this thread, feel free to revisit this and keep on reading!

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