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Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
Demon Toy
Joined : 2016-08-18
Posts : 6029
Location : Where ever a Space-girl can

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Mirja Eeola [APPROVED 6-0] Empty Mirja Eeola [APPROVED 6-0]

Thu Aug 18, 2016 3:32 pm
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Vizard Profile

I. Basic Information

» Name: Mirja Eeola
» Titles:( Silver-Eyed Witch. Mjolnir. Princess Punch, Mad Wolf, Super-Kami Guru [last one self-given]
» Appearance Age: 24
» True Age: 510
» Gender: Female
» Affiliation/Rank: Gotei United. Earth Affiliation Division.

"Have you lost your mind?!"

"Yes, but that's not a new thing"

» Appearance Description: Six foot three, and with decent assets, Mirja has a very nice figure, before looking to her hair and eyes. her hair, starting the train of strange off on it's speeding joureny, is a shocking hot pink, and long. Spilling down her back in what can only be considered an unrully mess, or though usually kept into some manner of neatness by a hairband keeping it to a disciplined level of mess, something only Mirja can pull off. The hairband is not something that is for fashion, since her unique hair does not exactly sway in the wind, but it stands out all the same, since she made sure it was a silver colour to match her eyes.

The hairband brings about the colour in her eyes, the deep silver colour which looks like she can stare directly into a person's soul and lay bare all their secrets. She obviously can't do this, but it is very rarely seen and can be quite haunting for some people in their uniqueness. Another jarring part of this appearance is how the pupils and irises are the same silver colour, instead of having a black iris and silver pupil, something that can be decidedly eerie to look at. Her clothing is another strange, and unique part of her. Her Shihakusho cuts off around the thighs, and has short sleeves, exposing as much body as it covers and has red trims around the edge of it all. People can see she lacks muscles, looking slender, and beautiful, a woman in every way. And to judge her on this, is usually the last thing people ever get wrong.

Peeking out of her back, is the handle and butt-end of her Zanpaktou, being decidedly smaller than most peoples, shaped like a Wakizashi, and rarely, if ever, drawn for combat. The sheath is a soft red with a metal cap on the end of it, and the handle is a basic black. It doesn't look great, and shows Mirja's not-exactly disdain for Melee weaponry, but her disinclination to think of them as important.

At one point, however, she underwent a dramatic change in her appearance, losing most of her hair, and having the small, raggardly cut remnant dyed grey to match her ears and tail, another addition to Mirja's appearance. The tail, now real and organic, swishes playfully from side to side as she walks, but she brooks no grabbing of it, at all. Behind her Shihakusho, there is a different tale. Far from the flawless perfection of her skin, lays a great deal of marred flesh, with scars dotted all about the place, and a brand in Ancient Demon on the bottom of her gut.

After being captured by Dr Caanan, she underwent subtler changes, which brought her body to a point of perfection, her skin a smooth, pure white and unmarred by even the slightest blemish. Her hair changed from its usual grey colour to a pure white, matching her skin tone. Her clothing of not-exactly-choice (Because she can't get the dam thing off) is a Bodysuit that covers her from neck to toe, with only a small, tight vent to let out her tail.

» Appearance Picture: Mirja Eeola [APPROVED 6-0] R3zQdIa

I. Personality

» Personality: Jubelant: Pretty old, and ostrosized for a considerable part of her life, Mirja has developed an interesting ability to be jubelant and happy in every walk of life, regardless of who is trying to bring her down. The alternate was to be really sad and never get anything done because nobody liked her, so it was all she could really do.

Generous with Food: One of Mirja's many quirks is her possession of copious amounts of food, most of which has been cooked herself in her spare time. As such, she is always up for finding the opinions of others by sharing them, on occasion just snack food, but more rarely actual meals as well.

Protective: As good a trait as it is bad, Mirja is fiercely protective of her friends, and will always go out to help them regardless of what situation they might find themselves in. However, this can not only put her into some awkward position, but also put a few of her friends off due to the overbearing nature of this can make a few people prefer distance between themselves and Mirja, since she is pushy and demanding to keep her friends, and not lose them

Secretly haunted: Mirja represses it very well, but she is haunted by her past, or rather the lack of it. Her inability to remember anything before the joining of the Soul Academy makes her worried, wondering who was a friend, who hated her, who loved her, and most importantly, who was she? Her persona crafted from nothing - in Mirja's eyes - makes for many sleepless nights, lost in existencial worry.

Ghost Whispers: A trait that has come new to Mirja, and one that drives her to distraction and a total lack of focus. Words and faces, thoughts and feelings, just spontaniously appear within her psyche, unbidden and unexpected. It's unnerving when she is alone, and while she is with someone, it can cause her to lose concentration on what the person in front of her is saying. Far from understanding what is actually happening to her, this scares her immensely, and has bred a form of paranoia as she has no idea when the next will come, or what horrors it might bring. These whispers have vanished with the appearance of Iko, and the Wolf Girl is decidedly incoherent the necessary questions to find out if she has them or if they have disappeared entirely.

Split Soul: Mentally, Mirja is not all on the same boat. While she is a woman who can display the patience and temperance to see a difficult task to its conclussion, some things can frey her control very quickly, mostly related to the male species and their lack of forethought. Once the temper has been released, Mirja is incredibly rash and reckless, with a misplaced invincibility complex stemming from her naturally tough body.

Iko, the Feral Wolf: A recent addition to the Mirja Psyche, Iko believes herself a wolf-morph from the demeaning manner she was forced to act, and the outfit that Arianda had put Mirja into, just for the teasing. This was reinforced when Mirja managed to get the ears and tail made organic and permanent, through avenues she'd prefer to avoid. She was once distinctly lacking cognitive functions and knew only attack if someone was threatening Mirja, but has since grown to get along with Mirja and her Inner Hollow Hvit. She is still childish and immature of mind-set, but it is much less than what she used to be afflicted with.

» Likes: Cooking, Flirting with Females, going really fast, punching people.

» Dislikes: Flirtious Males, not being able to go fast, not being able to punch people.

I. History

» History: Mirja Eeola was born in Lærdalsøyri, a small town in Norway, and from a young age was smitten with the legends of her home. Hagbard, and Halga. Ragnar, and Rerir. Bjorn, and Beowulf. Enboldened by them, she was inspired to become a mighty hero, and got into a lot of trouble with the local children on many a time through scrapping with them, trying to prove her strength. This constant life of fighting led her to become quite good at it, a teen of sturdy build and sharp instinct. However, her young carrer as a street brawler came to an end when her parents moved to England.

Greener pastures were the goal of the move, Norway was a nice enough place, but they wanted to make it big, and maybe get their daughter into a better life. It didn't quite happen like that, since they were forigen, and lacked any sort of nobility that the English felt were so important. As a result, they quickly got forced into a job at a Factory. It was poor pay and long hours, and Mirja grew concerned form them quickly, so turned to the city she was now in to ply the only trade she had. And that, was how she got wrapped up in the seedy underbelly of the world, an underground fighting ring.

Here she found fighters way beyond the children she had fought on the streets, but did not let it get to her to much, she had fire, and passion, and the men she brawled with were often caught off guard by the fact that a female could have such strength, and such drive for the fight. She lost occasionally, but it was not awkward to explain it to her parents since they were not around anymore. However, life took a drastic turn when she was assaulted by a group of thugs in an alleyway. They tried to steal everything she had, including something more precious than any could understand. They succeeded, but when the second tried, Mirja managed to get free, and swifted battered the first man into a bloody pulp. The others did not wait around to get beaten, and stuck a knife in her lung before fleeing the scene. Slowly, painfully, she was taken from the mortal coil and was reborn, in the Soul Society. Dispite being assaulted and then murdered, it seemed like Mirja didn't have anything really holding her to the Earth, and so did not become a Plus, but reincarnated directly.

Born in the Tenth District of Rukongai, life was not very difficult, aside from the fact that she was a strangely heavy baby, something everyone commented on, as she grew up. Her parents, not exactly nobles but ones that liked to appear above the rest, impressed that she should be a good girl from a very young age. To grow up, be attractive, and gain a husband that she would look after. And of course Mirja obeyed. But her firey spirit could not be ignored, and one day, while a group of teens were tormenting a younger girl, she went up to them and told them to stop what they were doing. After a short arguement, one of the teens, confident in his own superioirty, punched Mirja in the face, and broke his knuckles. The rest took equally painful wounds as Mirja hit them all with immense strength for a girl her size, and age. Having never had a fight before, Mirja simply believed people were that weak, but apparently not, as the tales of her spread quickly through the Rukongai. Eventually, she was even visited by one of the Shinigami from the Seretei, come to confirm the rumours. Because if they were true, she would be a great asset for them. He proposed a simple arm wrestle to prove her strength, and she accidentally dislocated his shoulder. Proven beyond doubt, the Shimigami retreated, with promises that he would return later.

And return he did, with some quant fingerless gloves that streched up to her elbows. However, he found Mirja's house in ruins, and the girl herself bleeding on the blood. Her head had a wound that was leaking blood all over the place, and her parents were just dead. The attacker clearly throught the hit to the head would kill Mirja, but didn't take in her special nature, which had saved her. The Shinigami quickly got his friends to look after her, speeding up her recovery, and eventually she came back around. However, Mirja could no longer remember anything about her life, the large scar on her forehead making such loss prodomonant. Her Shinigami friend explained his role in things, but couldn't help her with anything else, only offer the gloves. He said they would help her control herself, so she didn't leave a trail of bodies behind as she took to the Academy. Mirja, having nothing to her name aside from this, took the opportunity, and joined the Academy.

In the Academy, Mirja's lithe frame, womanly face, and long pink hair led her to be underestimated by most. This led to an incident when she was in Hakuda training. Her partner, full of vigor and bravado, barely constructed a guard, believing Mirja would fall over at the first punch. This, allowed Mirja to slip in, and deliver a mighty uppercut that had her entire body behind it, springing up from below and colliding brilliantly with his chin. At first, Mirja was elated to prove his misjudgment wrong, but that elation quickly turned to horror when the teacher came over and announced he was dead. She was frozen to the spot as the word rung in her ears, again, and again. Until eventually, she couldn't take it and ran away, out of the Academy, out of the Seireitei, and away.

Squatting in an abandoned building, it took the Soul Reapers several weeks to calm Mirja enough to get her out of her abode. She was a gaunt, haunted figure by this time, unwilling to let herself leave because she would just hurt someone else. Unknown to her, she had created a potent mental block that kept her from unleashing the power she had killed the boy with, restraining a large degree of her strength with a psyche-leash, making it physically impossible for her to throw a punch as hard as she could.

After getting out of her abode, she was shipped to the 12th division, so they could do some tests on her, and discover exactly what was going on. They found out that her Reiryoku was uniquely dense, and that the Reiatsu had been focused inwards, rather than the usual external development. This, meant that as she progressed, and her Reiatsu grew, she would become considerably stronger - the strength actually just a side-effect from her super dense muscles, but still potent. The current restraints - for her gloves were actually restraints, keeping her power in check - were the only reason the poor kid's head stayed on, and would need to be replaced periodically as she grew. They made her a new pair of gloves for her current level of strength, and was ordered to come back every month for a check up. Also, they subtly manipulated her memories with their technology, making any remembering of the event something that would only come through supreme effort. So when she was let back into the Academy, she simply believed everyone held her at arms reach because she was unique, and different. Eventually, she graduated, and was assigned to the 11th division, where she put heart and soul into becoming the best she could.

And that, was her life. Train with the 11th division, pull punches so you didn't cream a guy - the restraints didn't take all her strength, and she was still quite the hefty girl - and occasionally go to the 12 division for check ups. While able to keep herself in check most of the time - her powers required strong metal dicipline, after all - she did develop a bad habit of punching people when they were to annoying for her to handle. She learned that punching people was fun, if you were restrained and didn't cause a broken bones when you did it. Pretty early - for a Shinigami - into her carrer, a great catastrophe occured on Earth, and highlighted the Soul Society to the humans, causing great changes within the Seretei. Mirja was not effected greatly by them, having only just graduated from the Academy, and so not ingrained enough in the life to have difficulty changing. It was still an exciting time, however, and a great start to her carrer as a Shinigami.

It was around this time that we started to work on her Shikai, the primary manifestation of her Zanpaktou. Beleving that the world was changing, and she needed to change with it, to gain more power and unlock the nature of her Zanpaktou. Maybe it would even give her some insight as to who she was before the Academy days. It was a long time coming, full of trials and tribulations, most of which was the meditation, she was bad at sitting still, but eventually, she managed to get in contact with the spirit, and connect over several sessions to learn his name, Beowulf. This montianious creature, looming over Mirja even while on all fours, like some Astronomical-sized gorrila. From the start she could tell Beowulf was hiding something from her, it's one eye glinting with the light of it's lies, but she wasn't going to argue with some thirty foot creature of muscle, regardless of how polite he spoke, or how surprisingly soft his voice was, considering his size. She asked once about her past, got an anwser that rumbled with finality, and never asked again.

Her spirit's name gave her a strange sense of happiness, but she didn't know why, so she attributed it to the long lost memories that had long plauged her. It was annoying, but she put it past her, and worked to be as best as she could be. What was lost in the past was lost in the past, and all she could do was march onwards. However, not quite learned in the ways of Zanpaktous, she was reminded of all the training swords she had broken, and worried. This worry developed into a release that did not bring out Beowulf's full power, so she didn't hurt him when hitting with her full strength. She had released his true form in the first time, but since, overcome with the worry. The false release irritated Beowulf, but at the same time he could relate to her feelings, and so let her progress at her own pace.

As she grew older, the world got much more active, far more than she had ever believed possible when she first joined the Academy. Shinigami were taking to Cybernetics with much gusto, and enhancing their powers. So much was happening in the universe, Mirja tried her best to ignore most of it. The Cybernetics especially. It was this great craze, to turn oneself from man to machine, to eschew the flesh and embrace the machine. But, between her skin making anything in the way of opperations a medical nightmare, and her own strength vastly outpacing anything a machine could do for her, she grew to dislike them. Not for what they were, but for the way they were so shoved in her face by everyone, as the best thing since sliced bread. She was here to punch things, not to learn about everything in the everything. Her Captain would tell her what she needed to know.

However, seeing the world move on and new creatures appearing, Mirja did look to herself and believe that her ability to fight would need to evolve in order to stay relievant, and for that, Beowulf's false release gave her fighting style room to grow. With it's nature, she learned more about sharp jabs and fist-based attacks rather than the usual Atemi-based attacks that took advantage of her marble-esque skin to cause crippling damage with - to Mirja at least - minimal force. The difference between her base Hakuda and her Shikai release became evident, with the Kempo/Atemi style that she used normally clashing with the Boxing-esque approuch to the use of her false Shikai.

The distinct lack of use with her real Shikai has led to limited development in that field. Mirja has focused slightly more on being able to locate a person via their Reaitsu, to maximize the potential of her bubble of darkness, but this new development and the distinct lack of dedicated use means she has not had the same length of time or level of determination to work on it as she has with her other styles, and this shows in practice, as it looks pretty Ga-ryu [No School].

The only Cybernetic that Mirja played with the idea of was a mechanically scaling seal, but discarded it eventually, the limits and unique nature of such a creation would make it to much for her to ever hope to obtain. She did, however, get onto 12th division to start making the restraints something different to gloves. With the gauntlets in her Shikai, they would clash, and feel really wierd. So they developed a different one. Their tests had shown that her hair had the same density, which meant it was part of her enough to supress her powers. Which led them to create a Hairband for her to keep her powers in check. Subtle, and workable, she loved it, and so kept it, and subsequent generations of her restraint were also a hairband, easy to remove as well, if the situation called for it. Which, when 2150 rolled around, came more and more often. Sent out on more patrols in the first month than she had been in the previous year, she developed a considerable degree of combat experience to advance her false shikai style. Since the Atemi style attacks were useless on normal hollows, she had to fall back on strong, pragmatic and decisive blows. Not that it was a problem, she didn't really need to worry about hurting Hollows. Hurting them was, after all, the whole point.

The situation escaladed with immense speed, and Mirja was swept up in the War that followed, her life becoming that of combat and Hollow slaughtering. Her combat mentality became more offensive and aggressive as the confidence in her body grew. But she couldn't kill enough Hollows to stop the slow erroding of humanity. Ghost towns and ruined Cities became more common, and so Mirja slowly lost her inhibitations and rarely, if ever, wore her hairband in the World of the Living. The idea of collateral damage became less important as squads of Shinigami were deployed en masse all across the world. With nothing holding her back, she struck like the hammer of a God. This, combined with the Norweigen accent that she had in her voice, thick to start with but getting less pronounced as she got older, let people to start referring to her as an old Norweigen hammer of myth, Mjolnir.

Running clean up and extermination on the other side of the world, she was not present for the great battle of what used to be Karakura Town. She heard the stories, and felt said to have missed out of it, but she saved a lot of people with her actions, and that was her comfort as the War came to an uneasy close with the victory in the pits of Karakura. Showcasing the indomitable fortitude of Mankind, the humans recovered from the loss of five billion fellows, and took to the skies. Building cities only dreamed about in fiction. Going up, going down, going into the depths of the sea itself, and those that stayed on solid ground developed Dome Cities. The advancement was amazing to behind, and drove Mirja to advance herself as well. Her Akemi had seen a drop in use due to the large degree of lacking humanoids to use it on, so she focused her efforts on training that, in between cooking, talking to Beowulf, and admiring the tenacity of humanity.

Everything changed however, on April 27th, 2414. This was the day, when Hell came to the Soul Society. At first, figeratively, with the invasion of millions of demons into the Seretei and Soul Society as a whole. Mirja did as Mirja does best, and crushed faces. Mountians of dead rose, while the living fought on top of their fallen comrades. If Demons even thought of other demons as comrades. The sky darkened, tendrils thrashed, Mirja broke any part of demonic anatomy she could get her hands on and then, from the sky, came devestation on an unprescidented level. Countless forks of lightning, Head Captain Tsubasa really showing off his power as the incursion into the Seretei was crippled. The elation of such a release did not last, however.

Someone, she had never seen before, appeared after te Demons took the toil of the Head Captain's Bankai, and brought Hollows numbering in the millions. A veteran of Hollow busting after the fifty year War, Mirja threw herself into the horde with the same level of confidence that had powered her life. But, this proved a mistake, as she met one cunning, cowardly Adjuchas who used his brothers as shields and then eventually shot Mirja with a special nail. It punctured her skin and bounced off her rib-cage, but the Adjuchas left her to die, believing it had gone through and into her lung. The second time in her life when underestimating her had saved her life. But this was new. She had taken cuts, scrapes and bruises over her life, but her ever-evolving body had never seen any real damage before this point, Mirja had never really taken real pain. It was to much for her mentally, and she collapsed, further adding to the idea that she had died from the hit, bleeding from her wound, something so very new to her.

Captain Iriko's shikokai, when released, put Mirja's body into a deep stasis, her indomitrable body keeping her alive, if only barely, while within this cryogenic pod, laying on and being laid on by the hordes of dead. Suspended in mental activity as well as physical, Mirja laid dormant until the Shi generators and healing nanobots were spread across the entireity of the Seretei, allowing the Shinigami to finally awaken from her short coma, and rejoin the battle, far below what was needed to bring victory, even with the activation of the Shi Generators and the power that was filling her to the brim, but fighting all the same. Eventually, through what seemed to be infinte effort, the enemy were pushed back, the Shadow Throne toppled, and a ceasefire issued. It was no real victory, from what they managed to do, but it was better than the crushing defeat they were heading for.

As if that was not enough, a few months later, the prisoners in the Maggots Nest broke free and rampaged. Mirja, having since recovered from her wounds and helping out with the reconstruction, engaged the escapees, uterlizing her special Akemi style to cripple the lesser prisoners and bring them low in the most efficent manner. However, nothing would beat her Captain, Ibiki Suika, from taking out Kazuya Kihara in a magnificent battle. It was quite amazing to watch, when she wasn't disabling the lesser prisoners who thought she was an easy target, being only a girl.

With so much damage to the divisions and their members, the Gotei Reformed was no surprise. It wasn't exactly obvious to Mirja, but then she didn't really do the whole political obviousness that most did. When it was created, she rejoined her captain in the Combat Squad, ready to bring her mighty fists to bare against the enemies of the Seretei once again.

Life carried on, as life had a want to do, and many crazy adventures awaited Mirja until the fateful day she met a strangely powerful Hollow and got into a fight with it. While she emerged victorious, it infected her with some strange hollow virus which fed off the intense darkness of her heart at that moment, and propagated into an Inner Hollow within hours. This hollow appeared to Mirja and tried to convince her to just surrender her soul, but it did not work in the Hollow’s favour, and so a fight brought out. The two traded blows, but the unique Shikai of the Hollow seemed to give her the advantage until Iko appeared from nowhere and blindsided the Inner Hollow long enough for Mirja to get a decisive blow in and win the battle for her Soul. Outside, her hollow form was prevented from running rampant by Kimitsuki, a Demon of Fire whom she would later become closer to, as time went on.

I. Natural Abilities

» Natural Abilities: Natural skill - Ultra-dense Reiryoku: A strange quirk of her birth, this has become the defining attribute with Mirja. For some reason, her Reiatsu was focused internally at birth due to the vents located at her wrist exerting more pressure inwards than she was able to do outwards. To avoid burning herself up as she lacked an outlet of Reiatsu, her body managed to release it in physical aspects, like sweat, dead skin cells, and urine. This physical manifestation changes the wavelength of the energy released, and makes it appear as if she has no spiritual output. However, what she has, is no spiritual output that can be sensed by people looking for a certain thing.

Due to this, people with sense of energy in general, rather than just Reiatsu, can sense her exertions, but it is generally considered akin to an invisible gas. Also, because she can not exert Reiatsu except in cases where it is enhanced beyond her usual limit, she is barred from Kido, and from spiritual-based techniques such as Ceros.

As her power increases, as does her density, which in turn allows her to have multiple advantages over her normal brothers and sisters. Her defensive powers are increased considerably due to the fact that her entire body is roughly eight times denser than a person of equal rank. This ratio has increased over her life, and still has the ability to increase further as she grows in power. At her current level of power, this ratio is around twenty five to thirty times greater than the average Shinigami. The down side to this is that she is the bane of chairs, having to sit very carefully in them, or they collapse under her weight. In her life time, she has only suffered two major punctures of her skin, once when she was a young child, and once at the Demonic Incursion. This has caused her to have a moderate feeling of invincibility, which manifests in her style of attack, charging in without though of her own well-being. Of late she has met much more powerful creatures who had blunted this ego, but it remains quite a considerable part of her life none the less.

Along with being really heavy, and really hard to hurt for people not miles above her in power, or without a special trick, her muscles have grown denser along with the rest of her body, granting her incredible strength that is aided by how solid her skin and bones are. Mirja believes her physical attacks wouldn't be nearly as effective if she wasn't akin to a granite mountain when hitting someone. This has allowed her to has a unique fighting style, where she focuses on the weak points of a person's body, and devastates them with well-timed strikes, not needing to put more than a jab in, since she is a physical monster. At present, there are few non-spiritual materials she can't break, only extremities of temperature can be felt by her, and she has a great penchant for grandstanding and letting people break their fists on her face. This can lead to some trouble when said fists break her face at the same time....

Due to the fact that her weight is a natural thing that her body can handle with ease, she can train her Hoho and natural running speed as easily as any other, since her weight is in proportion to her skeletal and muscular strength, rather than disproportioned like regular fat people. Due to her abnormal birth and growth, her physical strength and durability increases in direct correlation to the depth of her Reiryoku unlike many others, which makes the celling for her physical strength and durability to be much higher than any other Shinigami or Vizard, and constantly climbs as her energy grows in magnitude.

This doesn't affect her Reiryoku, which grows as a normal person's would, it simply focuses it internally so that it works on her physical body a lot more than providing fuel for Kido and such techniques. While Mirja has since developed a few techniques to control her internal spiritual energy, it still can not be exerted outwards except in special situations.

I. Racial Abilities

» Racial Abilities: (You can put any customized racial skills/abilities/techniques in here. These can range from shunpo, kido, zanjutsu and anything else you want to add. Feel free to skip it if you don't want to fill it out.)

I. Sealed Zanpakutō

» Zanpakutō Name: Beowulf.
» Zanpakutō Spirit Appearance: Beowulf is, first and foremost, incredibly big. Nearly thirty foot when he roams on his knuckles like a massive gorilla, Beowulf’s size is something that is evident even before anything else. However, getting past this size, he is quite an interesting being. One eye is missing, with an old scar claiming responsibility for why the eye is no longer working. Instead, it gleams with a deep red light, and adds to Beowulf’s intimidating appearance. His skin is a deep gray, but with veins of white-gold light running up from, starting from the fists and feet, and carrying on through his entire body.

He has large, vicious looking teeth which are predominant as his lips do not seem to cover them, or he has no lips at all. He is covered in surprisingly soft fur that blends in perfectly with his skin and makes it nearly impossible to tell that he is fur-coated without touching it. All in all, the spirit is a creature that can fuel nightmares for many years if one merely sees him without talking to him. A recent breakthrough in her own soul and the soul of her Zanpaktou has granted Beowulf two pairs of wings, small in proportion to the rest of his body, and generally kept tucked behind him, but when they are splayed, the look as if they are constructs of pure light and beauty.

» Zanpakutō Spirit Personality: With vocal cords thicker than a man, and lungs large than three, Beowulf has a very powerful voice, and a voice that has a deep, rumbling nature to it. A voice that perfectly fits such a powerful frame, it can easily be taken for an aggressive nature if it wasn’t for the polite, measured tone with which Beowulf conducts his speech with. The voice of a gentleman in the body of a monster makes for an interesting conversation, if you can get past the body of a monster part, and that even his whispers are louder than many a man’s shout.

» Inner World: Beowulf’s Inner World is not a world of greatness, nor of magnificent views or breath-taking scenery. It is a spotlight, the size and shape of which changes of Beowulf’s whim, but is generally no more than a few dozen meters, and that is it. Darkness stretches in every direction, and attempts to explore inexplicitly always lead back to the spot light before one has gotten anywhere. There are secrets out there in the dark, but Beowulf works hard to contain them until it is time.

» Sealed Zanpakutō Appearance: Being decidedly smaller than most peoples, shaped like a Wakizashi, it fits rather comfortably on the back of Mirja’s waist. The sheath is a soft red with a metal cap on the end of it, and the handle is a basic black. It doesn't look great, but it doesn’t need to look great, it is Beowulf, after all.

» Sealed Zanpakutô Powers: currently, cut off from her Inner World, her Sealed Zanpaktou has no powers at all. But this is liable to change when she reconnects.

I. Shikai

» Shikai Release Phrase: Obliterate the Ideal of Fear

» Shikai Release Actions: N/A
» Shikai Appearance: Beowulf takes on a pair of armored guantlets and boots in the base Shikai. They are a white-gold colour, with soft veins of light that glitter across them. This glitter fades when the Yami no Sekai skill is used, to prevent it from giving away Mirja's position.

In the Wings of Beowulf form, The physical appearance is a slender pair of shoes, almost dress slippers, the standard white-gold colour but with a softer look to them than her original shikai form and small gauges on the side.

» Shikai Abilities: In her base release, Beowulf grants Mirja a portion of his strength, allowing her to exceed her upper limits by a considerable margin, and also grants her the ability of the Light-Eater. This allows her to consume all light photons in the surrounding area, or in a person's attack if they strike using lasers or the like, and put it to work on her side. The main - and generally only power aside from eating opponents lasers - of this is the Sigurd Dragonfire, in which the photons are compressed to the gauntlets, and then fired out in hi-intensity beams, capable of burning through practically any material, even flame-retardant materials with several seconds of contact. An advanced variant of this is 'Endless Lungs' in which Mirja channels light-consuming powers with one gauntlet, and lets loose a beam of unending heat out of the other gauntlet.

However, she sees a very different release in the Wings of Beowulf form. This form grants no bonuses other than a considerable increase in her speed, exceeding the upper limits of her movement and reaction speed by a formidable margin. When moving, the two gauges on the side fill up and after some time [3 posts] they max out and allow Mirja to release the Wings of Beowulf. Incorporeal but bright and easy to see, the wings stretch out from the back of her shoes, and grant a further boon to her movement and reaction speed, allowing her to move and react at speeds phenomenally higher than her upper limits.

The Wings of Beowulf last for the same amount of time as they where charged for [3 posts] and then retract back into the shoes, to charge again. This cycle can roll as long as Mirja has her Shikai active, but the charge is not saved if she seals her Zanpaktou with only a portion of the power prepared, having to charge again from scratch if she re-releases it later.

I. Bankai

» Bankai Name: (What is the name of your character's Bankai?)

» Bankai Release Phrase: (What does your character say in order to release their Bankai? This is optional. For example, you could have the phrase relate to their power set, or just simply have them say Bankai.)

» Bankai Release Actions: (What kind of action does your character perform to enter Bankai? This is optional.)

» Bankai Appearance: (What does your character look like in their Bankai?)

» Bankai Abilities: (What abilities does your character attain in Bankai?)[/strike]

I. Inner Hollow/Mask

» Inner Hollow Name: Hvit

» Inner Hollow Description: A pale mirror of what Mirja used to look like, Hvit is nearly identical to the present day Mirja. Her snow-pale skin and pure white hair mismatch the sulphur-yellow eyes, but strange eyes are par of the course in Mirja World. As if rebelling against her physical colour code and Mirja’s fashion, she wears flowing dresses that are bright and vibrant, generally in light reds and blues, but occasionally she will don a dress of pitch blackness.

» Inner Hollow Personality: Hvit has a multi-faceted personality which is not entirely evident at first contact. She is very proud and confident not only of herself, but also of her appearance, and believes that people will give way under it. However, when they refuse she becomes irritated and starts a fight very quickly to get what she wants. When victory is near, she becomes smug and taunting, mocking her opponent as she drives them further and further towards the edge of defeat and her triumph. She puts on a face of undaunted superiority and will flaunt it for anyone who tries to step up to her.

Once defeated, however, she shows off a part of her personality that entirely undermines what was previously shown. She starts to brood, sulking at the defeat and becomes anti-social, refusing anyone’s attempts to talk to her and remains at the edge without any desire to do anything but sit and brood. Here, she loses all of her previous assertive nature and cannot fend off a person that is overtly adamant and distinctly impossible to ward off in any way. Once defeated, her persona becomes malleable and with enough time, patience, and a mad wolf girl acting as a buffer, she could come around to stop brooding and learn how to cope with her life rather than just silently complaining about it.

» Inner Hollow Powers:
» Hollow Mask Appearance: Once donned, Mirja’s Mask takes on a black colour so deep it seems to turn the surrounding area darker, although this is merely an optical illusion. The pitch black mask used to be bare aside from a deep scar down one eye, but after losing and reconnecting with her Inner Hollow, the mask now seems to sparkle when it is donned, as if it was mimicking a night’s sky. The mask turns Mirja’s silver eyes to the sulphur yellow of Hvit, with Mirja’s uniquely coloured irises changing as well, making it all the more unnerving to look into.

» Vizard Powers: POWER!!!!!!! IN A MASK!: A strange Hollow, Hvit’s abilities are focused neigh-exclusively on the manifestation of physical power, granting Mirja a considerable increase in power when donned, even over the usual Vizard Masks. The downside is that the usual Mask Protection that Vizards enjoy is conspicuously absent from Hvit.

Link-up: Possibly due to Mirja’s nature of opening herself fully to those who need her, Hvit and Mirja share a bond closer than the average Vizard, allowing a seamless blend between the two powers. Mirja’s Reiryoku is reinforced by Hvit’s when she dons the mask, granting Mirja the ability to use any of her Reiryoku-based techniques with added Hvit, and not have to worry about how well the powers mesh.

I. Resurrección

[NOTE: This form is for 0-3 and up. Refer to the racial specs for more information]

[b]» Resurrección Release Phrase:[/b] (What does your character say in order to transform into their Resurrección state? This is optional.)

» Resurrección Release Actions: (What kind of action does your character perform to transform into their Resurrección state? This is also optional.)

» Resurrección Appearance: (What does your character look like when they transform into their Resurrección state?)

» Resurrección Abilities: (When a character ascends to this state, they at their peak power. Please state what kind of powers that your Vizard obtains when ascending to this form.)

I. Equipment/Other Resources

» Equipment: Punchinator Prime: Designed with the Punchinators as a base, it contains Ultrasonic technology lovingly pilfered from Caanan's computers. The new additions make the Punchinator incredibly heavy, and made exclusively for Mirja or someone able to match Mirja's momentous physical strength on an extended period. The Ultrasonic activation causes the Punchinator plates to ripple and distort the molecular structure of anything that it hits. Unlike an Ultra-high frequency sword, the Punchinator displaces rather than cuts clean through, but the results are the same.

However, the extreme energy demands means it can not be activate for very long, necessitating an activator switch so as not to burn the battery out in a handful of moments. Even when activated on demand, the battery will not last in an extended fight, and will need recharging relatively quickly. [4 uses before battery runs dry. Counts as a Tier 0 Punchinator when out of juice]

As with all Punchinator models, the efficiency of this weapon is based solely off the skill and strength of the user, and merely looks fancy if a weak or unskilled person were to use it.

Punchinator claws This 'pair' of claws, ten in total, five for each hand, was made specifically as an addition to the Punchinators. However, they are usable on their own. Each of these items is a small ring, which contains within it an extremely durable spike. When the spike telescopes outwards, they are able to reshape themselves, becoming claws.

Each of these rings, therefore, can also be placed on the user's fingers if the Punchinators become disabled. Otherwise, they slot right onto them. Each of these rings reacts to the user's mental commands; if they tell them to retract, they go backwards, and if they are told to move forwards, they go away from the user... extremely quickly. Moving at speeds rivaling three hundred miles per hour, they can actually be used as a weapon simply from this reason.

After all, these claws have no 'safety'. They can be told to retract and extend as fast as the user is able to think it. In other words, these claws can be used like a jackhammer, smashing into their target as long as the user keeps the claws pressed against them. Alternatively, they can use the claws as simply extremely sharp objects, as the claws become sharper the more reiatsu that the user pours into them, up to a sharpness that can slice Advanced durabilities to shreds if the user has enough reiatsu poured into them at the time. (The amount it would take to shred those durabilities in normal circumstances, that is.)

Furthermore, while the spikes that form into the claws are quite durable and compact, being small enough to fit in a pocket when shrunken down, it is possible for them to break due to the jack-hammer like nature of these weapons. As such, they have the ability to regenerate when the user is out of combat. However, if all of the claws are broken, then the user must send for a new pair to be made or take them to someone who actually knows how to fix mechanical objects, as the claws 'forget' what they are supposed to look like.

Eve Prime Bodysuit: A skintight, crimson red bodysuit made for the Eve Projects to protect them to a degree as their focus was exclusively offensive. The Prime Bodysuit was created to be a heavier, but more defensive suit in response to Mirja's ability to take the weight without being encumbered. Armoured by Caanan's bleeding edge technology, it was able to take the brunt of most Eve Projects hits while only causing moderate discomfort to the wearer. After being saturated in Mirja's unique Reiatsu for a constant, 24/7 month, it took on a portion of the girl's durability, allowing it to prevent an Atlas Project from breaking Mirja's ribs with a solid punch.

The suit itself is considered immensely difficult to damage, but this does not translate to it's defensive capabilities, as while it can take the brunt of most attacks, it is not a perfect Armour. It is virtually indestructible outside of molecular deconstruction based techniques, and those need to be delivered from a tier higher than Mirja's own due to the saturation of her own Reiatsu. Said saturation makes it effectively a part of her own body, and so in the unlikely case that it is damaged, Mirja can regrow it by getting healing Kaido, as long as there is something left to regrow.

This can mean that if faced with an opponent of sufficient strength, Mirja could be batted to a bloody, unconscious pulp while the suit stays intact. While armoured against most physical blows, and insulated against temperature, the suit offers no protection against electrical energy, passing through the suit with very little resistance.

I. Skill Sheet


Will Skills
  • Willpower: Master
  • Mental Deduction: Adept
  • Pain Endurance: Master
  • Focus: Master

Skill Sheet
General Skills
  • Durability: Master
  • General Speed: Grand Master
  • Strength: Master
  • Weapon Skill: Beginner

Racial Skills
  • Hoho: Advanced
  • Kidō: Beginner
  • Zanjutsu: Beginner
  • Hakuda: Master

Racial Skills[Vizard]
  • Power Augmentation Advanced
  • Cero: Beginner
  • Mask Protection:: Beginner
  • Hollow Control: Advanced

Hollow Skills
  • Acid Skill: Beginner
  • Garganta : Beginner
  • Cero/Bala: Beginner
  • Regeneration: Beginner

Temporary Skill Sheet

[strike]Will Skills
  • Willpower: Master
  • Mental Deduction: Adept
  • Pain Endurance: Master
  • Focus: Beginner

Skill Sheet
General Skills
  • Durability: Beginner
  • General Speed: Grand Master [Mentally limited to Advanced]
  • Strength: Beginner
  • Weapon Skill: Beginner

Racial Skills
  • Hoho: Advanced
  • Kidō: Beginner
  • Zanjutsu: Beginner
  • Hakuda: Master

Racial Skills[Vizard]
  • Power Augmentation Beginner
  • Cero: Beginner
  • Mask Protection:: Beginner
  • Hollow Control: Advanced

Hollow Skills
[list][*]Acid Skill: Beginner
[*]Garganta : Beginner
[*]Cero/Bala: Beginner
[*]Regeneration: Beginner


Last edited by Mirja Eeola on Thu Mar 26, 2020 7:47 pm; edited 75 times in total
Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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Mirja Eeola [APPROVED 6-0] Empty Re: Mirja Eeola [APPROVED 6-0]

Fri Aug 19, 2016 3:23 pm

Coding In Template By: [THEFROST]


Enter The Shinigami

V. Racial Techniques/Abilities/Skills Continued

Link to Tai Chi

Dantian: Great Ocean Beast, Gold Realm, rank 1.


[kept for documentation purposes]

She lost a lot of her personality when she took the axe-wound to the forehead, but I do like the idea of ghost whispers entering her mind of late. It certainly does add something to her development as a character. Added that in.

The whole, rice cakes thing was part of the copy-pasta of the last site. It was an experiment that didn't pan out very well, clashed with the rest of the character, and was generally considered by me as a failed experiment. So I have removed it.

Put in a part about her lack of middle ground when it comes to mentality. She is patient and in control, until she isn't.

Advancements in history surrounding Beowulf's personality, and appearance, as well as how the Shikai has changed her manner of fighting. Tweeked discription about the fake and true shikai. I have not given her a lot of light-based powers because Light is pretty difficult to dodge or defend against. It was an active choice for the sake of balancing her Shikai.

Added in her opinion about Cybernetics, vastly improved her fighting style, and the discription of her skills, added in a bit about her unique density.

Large addition to her history surrounding the Fifty Year War and the Demonic Incursion.

Last edited by Mirja Eeola on Thu Oct 26, 2017 2:59 pm; edited 18 times in total
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Mirja Eeola [APPROVED 6-0] Empty Re: Mirja Eeola [APPROVED 6-0]

Fri Aug 19, 2016 6:10 pm


« Application Checklist »

• Let's Get Down To Business •

  • Name [X]
  • Appropriate Age [X]
  • Gender [X]
  • Appearance Present [X]
  • Appearance Described in Appropriate Length OR Picture is Visible [X]
  • Appearance is Not Claimed [X]
  • 10 sentences for personality [X]
  • History is of appropriate length [X]
  • Powers are not Godmod/Overpowered [X]
  • Powers are described reasonably enough [X]
  • Application/RP Sample is not in First Person [X]
  • Skills are not filled in (Omit if a Hollow)[X]
  • RP Sample Present (Omit if this is not the first character) [X]
  • RP Sample is 10 sentences [X]

« The Willsheet Checklist »

• And Comments/Fixes •

  • Willpower/Determination: Advanced
  • Mental Deduction: Adept
  • Pain Endurance: Adept
  • Focus: Adept

  • Comments/Notes: Alright, you've made most of the changes I've asked for. The profile looks more buff to me and I could see it being a 3-1-- like I stated in my previous post. So, I'm giving this tier based on the fact you fulfilled my request and because I want to see how you will run with this character. I expect high activity out of your character given the need for active Gotei members at the moment. Good luck.

  • Tier: 3-1-

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Mirja Eeola [APPROVED 6-0] Empty Re: Mirja Eeola [APPROVED 6-0]

Tue Aug 30, 2016 10:23 pm
2-4 tier upgrade.

[Pain Resistance to Adept to Advanced]

[Strength to Advanced to Master]

[Hoho Adept to Advanced]

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Mirja Eeola [APPROVED 6-0] Empty Re: Mirja Eeola [APPROVED 6-0]

Sun Sep 04, 2016 4:11 pm
2-3 tier upgrade

Strength to Advanced
Durability to Master

Apperance changed
Personality updated
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Fri Sep 09, 2016 11:40 am
2-1 tier upgrade
Strength to Master
Hakuda to Master
Advice on Bankai purchased
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Mirja Eeola [APPROVED 6-0] Empty Re: Mirja Eeola [APPROVED 6-0]

Sun Oct 02, 2016 12:49 pm
Bankai. First Ring, Second Ring, added.
Strength and Durability, updated to reflect Reiryoku density.
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Mirja Eeola [APPROVED 6-0] Empty Re: Mirja Eeola [APPROVED 6-0]

Tue Oct 25, 2016 7:47 am
Miniburst rewards

Tier 2-1 to 1-5
Focus Adept to Advanced
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Wed Nov 02, 2016 5:25 pm
General Speed, Advanced to Master
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Mirja Eeola [APPROVED 6-0] Empty Re: Mirja Eeola [APPROVED 6-0]

Wed Nov 02, 2016 5:53 pm
[adm]Edited your profile and removed the +'s and -'s in your skill sheet. We do not have those on Platinum Hearts and the Master+ is only in reference to someone who uses both strength + hakuda, or has some type of enhancement technique.[/adm]

Mirja Eeola [APPROVED 6-0] WVMWLOu
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