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Fri Sep 30, 2016 8:52 am
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Dark Revenge [Open] Empty Re: Dark Revenge [Open]

Fri Sep 30, 2016 10:39 am



To put things frankly, The Black Nightmare was very annoyed.

Annoyed with many things, but none had managed to annoy him to such a degree as did this Demon Ziamichi woman. In truth, he had been watching the entire time. Watching her, her actions, everything. A stranger with Demonic spiritual pressure entering the Seireitei? Were they that stupid? Sighing quietly, Ryoichi's eyes slowly opened. Covered by the black of night, and by the black cloak that was draped across his back and head, as well as his spiritual pressure silenced entirely, there wasn't a single wisp of energy that would tickle someone's senses.

The mismatched eyes of the Black Nightmare shone like a Moon within the night. He wanted to leap in and take her out. Assassinate her and prevent anyone from having to deal with this woman. However....his instincts told him to stand down for now. If he was to take her out, he had to learn a bit more about her, did he not? So he did. He continued remaining in the shadows, watching. His hand gently tapped the handle of his katana. This woman was not only incredibly stupid, but so were some of his Shinigami allies. His eyes narrowed in a cold fashion as the two lead the Ziamichi to an alleyway, where they could have some alone time.

Ryoichi was too familiar with this kind of trick. She was playing them, and these simpletons were falling for it. It was time to act. Standing from his kneeling position, Ryoichi silently made his way to the ground. Sliding from walls, leaping from balconies, he was making sure that he was completely undetected. As his feet gently collided with the stone, Ryoichi quickly ducked into another alleyway, his hands on his swords. He had to time this just right. Adjusting his weight to focus on the tips of his toes, Ryoichi slowly began to gather a small portion of his spiritual energy. It was time for the Black Shadow Arts to be used, after so long. Seeing the woman change to what seemed to be her original form, Ryoichi acted.

He launched his body towards the woman, with his hands ready to draw his swords. However, this woman would most likely only see black and white flash across her vision as he made sure that not only his movements were faster than she could hopefully see, but the simply act of drawing his sword would most likely be entirely unnoticed by her. Ryoichi was an expert in quick-draw. He could draw both of his swords, make two slashes, and you'd never think his arms would have left his sides. Well, this is exactly what happened. By using his immense speed, Ryoichi quickly drew his swords, forming a single X with them, and catching the woman's blade between his own. After this? He would quickly knock her weapon into the air, not aiming to disarm her, but to keep her weapon away. As of now, he had no plans to counterattack. His current objective was to get his comrades to safety.

Utilizing Flash Step to his current maximum, the Black Nightmare would quickly step backwards, grabbing the first of the two shocked Shinigami from their position, before his body would vanish, his form disappearing due to the use of Flash Step once again. Retreating to a nearby rooftop, Ryoichi would set down the man, checking him over for a brief moment, before returning to the ground. While they were not in the same general vicinity as they had been, Ryoichi's ears quickly picked up the screams of agony. He had been shot. Gritting his teeth, the Black Nightmare would, once again, silently move. However, he knew that he needed to be even faster to save this one. Placing his hand on the ground, blue symbols would appear underneath him, before fading.

While he had not used his Black Shadow Arts: Black Speed on himself often, he was going to try it once. As he felt the flow of energy within his body, Ryoichi knew that he had only mere minutes, even seconds left before the first life would be taken. He would not allow that to happen. In fact, little did this Ziamichi know, but these Shinigami were from the Covert Ops. While he hadn't had the time to sign up, he most certainly did not like people threatening his comrade's lives. His eyes narrowed even more, almost becoming slits as he quickly dashed forward, his Black Speed art boosting his Speed to Master, which would continue for three posts. With this new speed, Ryoichi would, once again, dash forward at his top speed, zipping past the Ziamichi woman, and snatching his wounded comrade.

Performing multiple flash steps, Ryoichi would fade from this scene, and take himself, and his comrades to the Kido Corps' section of the Seireitei. After all, they would need some care after what they had just been put through, wouldn't they? As he left his wounded to the Kido Corps' healing, Ryoichi still had work to do. Quickly transporting himself back to the scene, the assassin would stand in front of the Ziamichi, his back facing her. Turning around slowly, the now masked [physically, not Vizard-like] Ryoichi would place a hand on the set of two swords at his side. He could feel Kurai rustling around in the sheath, and possibly even his inner world. However, Ryoichi himself would say nothing. There were no words that would be spoken from him, unless necessary.

For now, there would only be combat, blood, and death.

Coding Altered From: [THEFROST]'s

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Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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Dark Revenge [Open] Empty Re: Dark Revenge [Open]

Sat Oct 01, 2016 9:12 am

Mirja, the Masterless Pet

Mirja's fluffy tail had been hanging around the Soul Society for a few days. Despite her insanity and a Demon ex-Mistress, she was still part of the Gotei 13. So here she was, doing her bit and her job and generally just milling around glaring at people who brought up her change in apperance and her wolven tail. It was so fluffy, how could they hate it? Or maybe they hated that she was so incredibly talented she had unlocked her Bankai recently and now had an epic tool of Justice Dispension to go with her fists, Mjolnir and other Mjolnir.

However, while wandering aimlessly and with no thought of direction at all, she sensed something, much like practically everyone else in the Soul Society. Some loon was trying to break in, as if they were not going to alert the million-strong army of Soul Reapers with their actions. She wondered if they were suicidal, or just wanted to come and kill some people. Either way, Mirja was not going to let them get away with it. Uterlizing her Flash Step, she covered the ground from here to there pretty quickly, and saw some guy fighting a girl.

The guy she had never really seen around before, but then she had never really seen the girl either, so that was a moot point, and she'd just leave it there, being all moot and angsty because it was moot. It was clear who was the invader from her Reiatsu sense, so she just drew Beowulf, and looked at the group.
"So, any reason for this breach of the truce? If I drag your battered ass before Mana, what do you think she would say, little Demon? Eager to start another war so soon after the last one, are we?" Mirja asked, taunting the Demon so very well.

Coding Altered From: [The Frost]
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Dark Revenge [Open] Empty Re: Dark Revenge [Open]

Sat Oct 01, 2016 9:15 am
I gave Mirja permission to post before me. It is my turn to post. One will be coming in time.
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Dark Revenge [Open] Empty Re: Dark Revenge [Open]

Mon Oct 03, 2016 10:42 am



Flashing around like a whisper in the wind, Ryoichi continued to speed around. Even with this woman firing what seemed to be a blast of corrosive energy, and a large amount of snakes, it was all in vain. Why? Ryoichi was simply too fast. He wasn't staying in the same place for even mere moments before moving again. Even with seventy snakes launching themselves at him, there was no point. Ryoichi was not a slow target. His twin eyes scanned and calculated the woman, looking for anything that he could exploit as a weakness. As of now, he wasn't finding anything. That was because the woman was not only moving as well, but speaking. Her voice was distracting him. He was out of practice. However, the woman was acting like she had killed them.

She hadn't. He had managed to save them...but only by the skin of his teeth. If he had been event the slightest bit slower, or messed up once, they would be dead, and most likely him as well. However, luck had been on his side, denying the Ziamichi his allies' lives. That was the only thing that Ryoichi had managed to translate from the poisonous lips that her words had left. It was also the only thing he cared to listen to. Why should he care about anything else that didn't matter? Well, he didn't, and he shouldn't. As his cold gaze pierced into her eyes, Ryoichi's hands slowly wrapped around his twin Zanpakutos'. Fingers gently tapping on the hilts, ready to remove them and strike. However, it seemed that he would not be alone in this situation.

He heard the sound of a sword being unsheathed, and his eyes flicked towards it. A little girl with a wakazashi had wandered here. She was a Shinigami, no doubt about it. The way that she held her weapon, the cold, playful, and teasing look in her eyes. He could tell that her simple goal was to taunt the Ziamichi into attacking. Whichever one, it didn't matter. Turning his eyes back to the Ziamichi, the tips of his feet pressed against the ground, and his back hunched over slightly, before his body shot forward with a burst of his Master level speed. His feet skimmed across the air, the wind passing by his face as his form shot itself towards the Demon Ziamichi. With his body stopping before her, Ryoichi's head quickly shot upwards, staring her in the eye for a moment, before performing Flash Step to move.

During this burst of speed, Ryoichi's blades would become unsheathed, and three rounds of his skill "Rapid Slash" would be used. His swords flew through the air, aiming to tear flesh and muscle, slash through bone, Even with his current strength, Ryoichi knew one factor. There was no possible way that this woman could block over three hundred slashes to her. However, this did come at a price. With his arms and body moving fast to not only execute his skill three times so that he could deliver the three hundred slashes if possible, this was also putting a strain on his arms. With all of this cutting, it was going to delay him by at the most, a single post before he would be able to recover enough to perform it again.

Using Flash Step once again, he quickly "stepped" backwards, with his body reappearing around two to three feet away from the little wolf girl. His eyes shifted from the wolf girl to the Ziamichi. His mind started formulating a plan. That's what they would need, wouldn't they? With his eyes locking themselves onto the Ziamichi, he had his plan. Black Blast. He should have been at a reasonable distance from her to fire it safely. Thrusting his hand outwards, a symbol would appear in front of his hand. Spiritual energy would gather and condense in the middle of the symbol, draining a random amount of Ryoichi's own energy, before a blast of darkness would shoot off from the symbol at near instant speed. As the blast traveled, it would tear up the pathway, surging towards it's intended target.

Dropping his hand back to his side, Ryoichi's plan hoped to be a success. While he most likely would not gain a direct hit, he knew that this blast could be difficult to avoid, if the Ziamichi had no intention of moving. If she was moving, it was time to make that a little difficult. Raising his hand and pointing his middle and index fingers outwards, another symbol would appear in front of the fingers, before energy, in the shape of a pure black line would fire from the tips of his fingers. While it did have the potential to pierce defenses, this was not his intentions. All he wished to do with this was to keep her on edge, and keep her guessing.

Turning towards the wolf girl, he first pointed to her, then the Ziamichi woman. He wanted her to attack. For him? He needed some more time. If he was to help drive out this woman, he needed to be able to do one of two things. Perform one of the two Black Shadow Arts that he could use to either attack or trap, or continue fighting. He was being cautious, since he didn't want to make a single mistake. If he did, it could lead to him and his comrade's death. That was not an option for Ryoichi. Time to play the waiting game.

Coding Altered From: [THEFROST]'s

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Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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Dark Revenge [Open] Empty Re: Dark Revenge [Open]

Tue Oct 04, 2016 6:46 am
Mirja watched for a few seconds, and then put Beowulf back in it's sheeth. The guy had it, and she wasn't really a girl that played well with others. Nor was she really that much of a good friend with Soul Society at the moment. She was going a bit loopy, and might break something important or something else, she didn't really know. And that was the problem.
"Yes, yes. Woosh, bang, right to the moon. See you later kiddo" She said, turning her back and casually walking away from the situation, and then kicking off in a Flash Step so she could go home and make cookies, or something.

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Dark Revenge [Open] Empty Re: Dark Revenge [Open]

Tue Nov 22, 2016 10:49 am
Within this post, I will be controlling both Toshiro, and Ryoichi.

Dark Revenge [Open] 6EdIfMt

Artist: Flatline - Song: Oh, What The Hell [UNDERTOME MEGALOVAINIA KIRB/ZETTO FIGHT THEME REMIX] - Word Count: 859

There were too many childish idiots within this massive world that the former 10th division captain was in. A simple sigh left him as he continued to observe the events that were currently unfolding within the events of the Seireitei. A Demon Ziamichi woman had simply appeared. Now, she intended on wreaking havoc on the place that Toshiro Hitsugaya had been protecting for well over a few centuries? Did she think that someone of the "olden age" of Shinigami were not watching?

Well, this one was. And Shiki had really made a stupid decision by attacking the Seireitei head-on. While not too much damage had been done to the Seireitei itself, there was still a small bit of damage that both Shiki and Ryoichi had caused. Ryoichi had done well, keeping her occupied for this long. However, it was time for someone who was more than a match for her. As he observed, he watched as Ryoichi fire not only a blast of black energy towards her, which had simply exploded upon contact with the strange, invisible barrier that had come out of nowhere.

However, she had been foolish enough to lower her guard, and completely ignore the small blast in the shape of a line that had flown through the air and pierced her, as per her ignorance of the attack. Toshiro, at first believed that Ryoichi would be able to hold his own for a little while longer. However, that soon changed as he watched the Ziamichi form some sort of lightning attack, and that is what caused Toshiro Hitsugaya to interfere with this entire affair.

Drawing the single katana from his back, the cold, powerful aura that he possessed would flow from his body, engulfing the entire area that all three were in. Both Ryoichi, and Shiki would be affected by this immense burst of cold power that came from above them. Raising his weapon aloft, and leaping down from where he was, shouting to his Zanpakutō the command that would give him the full access to Hyorinmaru's power. "Forgive me for this, everyone." He muttered, before shouting. "Bankai! Daiguren Hyorinmaru!" The shout would, at first, cause an immense amount of spiritual pressure to simply engulf the area in an icy aura that threatened to freeze everything if it were more than an aura.

Ice began crawling it's way up his arm, forming a dragon's head, encasing his sword up to the hilt. Continuing up and down his body, Hyorinmaru's ice flowed up his shoulders, forming two wings that protruded from his back as he continued to not only fall, but also to transform into his Bankai. Crawling down his left arm, a single claw would be formed, and the same would be done for his legs and feet. His sword frozen into his hand, Toshiro grasped the icy limb with his left hand as he neared the ground, before dashing forward with immense speed, thrusting his sword forward.

"Ryusenka!" He shouted, and a large amount of ice would burst forward from his blade, which would attempt to encase the female Ziamichi, with Toshiro shattering the ice soon after. Ryoichi, on the other hand, had snapped out of his brief daze from the sudden appearance of the former captain, and had launched himself forward, using flash step to get himself up close to Shiki, and thrust his palm to the ground, and a symbol of the Black Shadow Arts would appear, following Shiki wherever she went. Ryoichi felt his energy drain immensely from that usage, and he knew that she would not be able to break through this cage that would form.


If anything, she would need a Grand Master's level of Strength to break through from how much energy he had put through. As if on cue, four pillars would appear and trap Shiki into it's grasp, keeping her firmly locked within the confines of this cage. However, Toshiro himself had also been preparing for something such as this, as he was tired of this insolent child's pathetic attempts to "settle her vendetta". So, he had decided to use his own version of trapping someone. As Toshiro hovered mere inches from the ground, his sword arm would raise, and a small tinging sound would be heard, and his sword would turn at a ninety degree angle, before tens of pillars would form from the ice that was created from the moisture in the air.

Slamming into the Black Cage, Toshiro simply aimed to fully trap her, and keep her from getting out. Approaching the twin cages of black and blue, Toshiro would speak. "You are found to be an intruder of the Seireitei. As the former tenth division captain, I take it upon myself to banish you from the Soul Society. You will be marked as an enemy, and I will ensure that any attempts to break into the Seireitei again will be met with equivalent force. Now, get out." Toshiro stated, before thrusting his sword into the ground, and causing a Senkaimon to appear underneath where the two prisons were, and Shiki would then fall into the portal between the worlds, and when she arrived, she would be anywhere but the Soul Society.


Coding in template By: [THEFROST]
Graphics by: CPKallday
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