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Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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Tue Nov 15, 2016 3:20 pm

Mirja, The Mad Wolf

Mirja had come to America in search of Caanan. She had got Arianda to make sure nothing bad happened while she was here, this was Queen Mana's place, after all. But then, if ol' Mana appeared, things wouldn't exactly go bad, but they would be distracting. Mirja wouldn't be able to keep her hands off that girl, for one. She was...enticing. Still, she was here for a specific purpose, and that purpose was a specific building, long since abandoned in the thousands of miles of America, such a large country it was untameable in it's entirety even by the greatest.

Unfortunately, as it turned out, the guy she was looking for, the Evil Doctor Caanan, had set her up with the informant that told her where he was. Just a laughing sound track and then a massive explosion that blew the entire building to pieces, and caught Mirja right in the middle of it. Had she not been her super-dense and incredibly durable self, she'd have been squished in that, but she was a long sturdy, so just dug herself out of the rubble, and lamented the fact that her Shunshakusho had not survived nearly as well.

"Getting real tired of your shit, Caanan. Just stay in one place so I can tear your legs off like the irritating cockroach you are" she grumbled, and then saw the four men. Decked out with heavy battle armour - they were learning that just themselves was not enough, it seemed - and painful looking gear. If she didn't take these guys out soon, it was going to be frowns all around.
"Where are the big guys? Those were fun. You little mooks aint worth shit" she taunted, before one of them launched a heavy steel net at her, with barbs, no less. Poor kids totally underestimate Mirja however, and she was not there to be snagged a second later.

"Can we just call this a day? I'm practically naked and just been exploded. My hair is a mess" she stated, but the nearest bastard just charged her and got a foot in his face for his troubles. "Guess not"

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Wed Nov 16, 2016 12:17 pm
"Hell of a time to be alive! Speaking metaphorically, at least. A nude amazoness fighting robots in the middle of a set of creepy ruins? I feel like I should be paying for the opportunity."

The voice seemed to emanate from nowhere at all, at first. But after just a few moments, it was clear that it was coming from underneath them, and not even that far down. A thick, bubbly white sludge began to rise from countless cracks, formed from the explosion. One of the armored men turned towards the blob, staring curiously for a moment. That moment was long enough, unfortunately; within the amorphous, eye-watering mass, a clawed hand plopped out, aiming an enormous red laser directly for its head. It moved at supersonic speeds, cracking against his faceplate with enough force to leave him stumbling back. The voice emanated from the roiling white mass again, and this time it sounded faintly amused.

"Humans do still have pay-per-view, don't they? Things always seem to grow and move so quickly. It wouldn't surprise me to hear that they devised a way to stream content directly into their dreams. Or their retinas."

The white sludge was now swirling in place, bubbling and roiling, limbs shooting out from it with a sound much like thick ice snapping. Yaksha Dokuja ever so slowly extricated himself from...well, not to put too fine a point on it, from himself. A remarkable application of mind over matter was happening, on an absurd scale, as his own bones broke and reknit and reshaped, all in the span of eyeblinks. He finally hunched over, staring at everyone present, tongue lolling from between his teeth ever so slightly.

He laughed; or at least, it sounded like it could've been a laugh. Or a man clearing his throat, just once, very politely.

"I think not so much changes across the ages, though. 'No' still means 'no', for instance. I don't suppose two on four is enough to persuade you to reconsider your options?"
Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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Wed Nov 16, 2016 12:42 pm

Mirja, The Mad Wolf

Mirja was not a girl to be put off, or disturbed once the battle had begun. Even with the fluffiest of tails, she was prepared to kill the guys in front of her with incredible skill and create pain. However, another guy, or at very least thing, appeared and distracted them, giving Mirja enough time to charge her Wolf God Fist and then release it into the back of one of the men. The power of the blow crumpled his armour, and send gooy bits of pulverized flesh and bone skittering across the battlefield. The reiatsu throw-back jarred her softly, and so she missed the oncoming shock baton that caught her across the head and send her sprawling.

With her 'out of action' as they thought she was, the men turned to the suddenly appearing Yaksha, their batons spitting out sparks of electricity as they looked to him. They didn't seem to be jarred by the sudden and rather brutal death of one of their comrades, indicating that they were disciplined fighters, or their emotions had been stunted, either way.
"This is a private party. She is our property, and we are just recovering her" one of the survivors stated, in a voice digitized by his helmet. The heavy body armour and the shock batons were quite an intimidating look. And the way they had just taken out the girl so quickly was something that they seemed to be quite confident about. That confidence was quickly misplaced as Mirja flipped up from the floor and delivered a strong kick into the back of the man who spoke, whistling as she did. From the crack as she hit them, it was clear that the gray haired wolf girl was phenomenally stronger than her slender build let on.

"Nice armour. Caanan's really pulling out the stops with your equipment, huh? This might even be a challenge" she said, looking behind them to the new arrival and giving him a cherry wave. "Darling, a thousand on three wouldn't change their opinion" she started before one of them charged her. She seemed to vanish, and then appeared behind him in a single movement, driving an elbow into back and knocking him down. She then flash stepped over to the new guy, and looked at the three remaining guys. They were getting up from her hits, and didn't seem overly bothered by them. "This is probably going to be a hard fight for you, kiddo. You sure you don't want to just watch on the sidelines?" She asked, taking a stance that clearly showed her expertise in the field of martial arts.
Coding Altered From: [The Frost]
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Wed Nov 16, 2016 1:02 pm

Yaksha, The Anthropophagus

"Darling, I wouldn't miss it for the world. What's a few broken bones between friends?"

The hollow lifted its own arms in something which might generously be called an attack formation, his mouth lolling open in malicious glee. Only one of the armored figure began to approach, his shock baton at the ready. Yaksha let out a series of high pitched, shrieking yowls, circling around his target; for just a bit he sounded like he was some horrible extra in a martial arts movie, until his tail lashed around, aimed directly for the man's leg.

He had been anticipating an attack clearly, as Yaksha's limb was snatched up in his free hand. He let out a derisive snort, free hand charging his baton as he took a single long step in. "Animals should respect their superiors. We don't want you, so you can leave at any time."

The baton slid down in slow motion, poised to crack into Yaksha's shell with remarkable force; almost certainly, if it hit dead on, the hollow would be gone to his ever after. It seemed to fall in slow motion...and as it did Yaksha's mask split open, as if thick black threads had been sewn across it with an invisible hand. His mask opened into a hideous leering mouth, and as it did, Yaksha leaned back, away from the baton.

Again, his opponent had anticipated this; he yanked forcefully on Yaksha's tail, ready to tug him back within range. It worked fact a little -too- perfectly. Yaksha's tail popped off entirely, coiling around the limb that had held it in place a split second before, and Yaksha shot forward with the force and precision of a bullet, tackling the armored man to the ground.

The shock baton struck his left hand, with force enough to tear through a solid slab of concrete. It was a solid hit, a blow that could've killed him in any other circumstance. But Yaksha had already anticipated what was to come. His hand popped off at the wrist, being obliterated to pieces by the shock baton. Half a million volts shot through the now inert piece of flesh, causing it to shock and bubble...but the limb, now detached from the whole, had nowhere to carry its current. It was grounded harmlessly, as Yaksha barreled into the man, knocking him to the ground, and wrapping his free hand around the one holding the baton. Over, and over, and over, he smashed it into the ground, trying his best to disarm his foe.

"Don't you ever speak to me like that again, you insolent little shit. I didn't survive this long by respecting the natural order of things. I'm going to tear your throat out, and then I'm going to find out as much as I can about Canaan, and then I'm going to leave your body at his doorstep, so he knows that he can't just run around dragging others into his ridiculous fucking war again."

Coding Altered From: [The Frost]
Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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Wed Nov 16, 2016 1:31 pm

Mirja, The Mad Wolf

Hollow or not, the guy seemed to be friendly enough, and was certainly on her side, at least for now. Caanan's cannon fodder was slowly diminishing. With one dead from her super shot, and one wrapped up fighting the new Hollow, Mirja was left to deal with the two in front of her.
"These guys are not normal humans, kiddo. They are most probably stronger than you, so try not to get into a contest of strength" she warned him before he slunk off, and then grinned at the men in front of her. They were calculating the best way to come at her, so she had a second to herself. She pulled her stance, a low thing with a focus on her side rather than forward facing attacks, and stared at them intently, her body language promising death.

Their emotions had been stunted, but this appealed to a much more primal part of their brains. And so they hesitated for a moment, unsure if they should press on or play it more defensively, and that moment was all she needed to get behind the guard of one of them, and drive and explosive shoulder ram into his gut, follows swiftly by a powerful but precise elbow that shattered the already cracked armour and ruptured his gut. Poor guy was going to die in agony as the acid from his stomach leaked into his blood stream and melted him from the inside. Lovely way to go. His friend reacted quickly, as they always did - enhanced reflexes and reactions was just one of the many modifications ol' Caanan had given his children. Mirja's hand came up swiftly to parry the baton at his wrist, and then deliver a strong blow to his chest, knocking him off his feet and sending him sprawling back with a cracked chestplate.

"That armour will be the death of you" she quipped, swiftly pulling a gem out of her robe and pointing it at the man. He recognized it immediately and dodged out of the way, but Mirja was expecting him to dodge and held back on firing until he was mid-dodge and couldn't move, and then shot a ball of fire at him. His armour did not catch fire, but it did partially melt, scorching his flesh with molten metal in so many places that he died of shock. Flicking the gem up in the air and catching it, she replaced it in her robe, and looked to the new guy.
"How's he going? I had a bit of trouble getting in, so you will probably have a lot of trouble getting in" she muttered, ready to intervene if the fight turned against him. Which, even though they were mooks on the level of skill and power, was possible.
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Wed Nov 16, 2016 2:39 pm

Yaksha, The Anthropophagus

"If I can waste his time, then that's good enough for me! No one ever said I was a soldier."

Yaksha was still steadily bashing the man's hand against the ground, his arm and tail alike both bubbling up and gently roiling; the flesh was working steadily at rebuilding, but even when Yaksha chose to detach the limbs over simply losing them, it was no easy process to regrow limbs. Flesh and muscle and bone took time to work out, and he often had trouble remembering just how many bones were in the standard arm at any given time.

Finally, finally, the man released the blasted baton. Yaksha could handle a lot, but that thing had quite clearly been too much of an issue for him. He released the limb, his claw simply sliding across the armor now, fingers flattening out and probing over the surface slowly, carefully. He growled and spat down at the pinned human, voice smug.

"Is your suit airtight? I hope so, because I'll-"

A deafening crack, and then Yaksha was on the ground, curled into a ball. The soldier had lifted his head and smashed it into Yaksha's chin, clipping him hard enough that he had bit off his own tongue. The world swarm, his eyes watered, and he knew in a helpless manner that if he couldn't act soon, he'd be dead. He had come here without much of a plan, and now he was suffering for it, quite clearly; there was just no way he'd be able to react in time. That baton would come down, and then Yaksha would be pounded to mush.

The soldier, strangely enough, was slow to rise, looking almost groggy. It seemed he'd rapped his own head not insignificantly from hitting the ground, and he had to take a few moments opening and closing his hand, as if testing to see how intensive the damage was. Yaksha's tail still wrapped tightly around his other hand, trying desperately to squeeze the life out of it, but a dismissive flick sent it flying off to the side, where it splattered against the ground.

The soldier leaned over, picking up the baton, and glancing at it. He looked almost like he was trying to determine whether he should bother using it on this weakling, or just go right ahead and burn the rest of its volts on the real target. Finally after a few moments, he settled for landing a savage kick against Yaksha's back, leading him to let out a strangled, pained moan.

The man circled around, staring dispassionately at Yaksha; it was hard to make out any fine details, but he could see quite clearly that the hollow's mask was being cradled by his remaining hand. He reared back his foot, scoffing slightly.

"You never should've interfered."

As he reared back, prepared to punt Yaksha's head clear across the room, Yaksha's eyes opened wide, glinting with that same smug triumph. His hand lashed out just as the man went for his kick, the fingers splintering and disappearing into paste immediately...but sending the kick soaring just up over his head. Yaksha's mouth opened wide, revealing row upon row of lacerating, meat-shearing teeth. He reared upwards, clamping down on the back of the man's heel, worrying away at it. His legs swept around in a clumsy, rapid arc, scissoring against the remaining leg.

Unfortunately for Yaksha, lightning reflexes could deal with nearly any form of deception; the enemy simply leapt up into the air, landing on one of the feet, smashing it into the ground as well. Yaksha let out another strangled hiss, his jaw loosening...but he clamped on for dear life, confident this was the last chance he had at survival. All he had to do was wait for his teeth to do their work, and hope that the woman could get over here quickly enough.

Coding Altered From: [The Frost]
Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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Wed Nov 16, 2016 3:00 pm

Mirja, The Mad Wolf

It would seem that the new guy was not doing so well with the guy he decided to fight. Giving him a second to make a quip, the tables quickly turned with a savage headbutt, and then her rather chivalrous friend was on the floor trying to bite, of all things. Even if he managed to get through the thick boot that the man was wearing, his teeth would probably be blunted on the metallic bone coating that they possessed. Fortunately, before he could get too battered to unholy hell, Mirja came up behind the man and twisted his head off, the bones popping and skin splitting in a gruesome display of raw might.
"Alas, poor Yorrick, I knew him not" she quoted, before launching the head over her shoulder and offering a hand up to the man.

"Your bravery and chivalry are commended, even if your sanity and intelligence are not. Still, always good to see someone else around. I'm Mirja Eeola. These guys you have had the misfortune of meeting are the low leveled foot soldiers of a surprisingly sane doctor called Caanan. It's a personal thing between me and him, so if you wish to avoid getting involved in a war like this, there are still plenty of holes to hide in" she announced, looking over the guys while she offered a hand up to make sure they were all dead. Ruptured gut guy was still dying, and gods was he dying loudly. The acrid stench of burning flesh filled the air now as the metal that had killed one of them cooled around him. The deaths portrayed here today were not ones that she wanted, in any way shape or form.

"I suggest running and hiding because Caanan is a person that holds grudges very well, and these guys are the kind of guys that he has a lot of. Basic foot soldiers that can be sent out by the dozens. Only four here because they thought the explosion was going to do something, but as it turned out, it didn't do as much as they thought and you were here for me to get two easy kills. Which, unfortunately puts you on their shit list"

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Wed Nov 16, 2016 3:09 pm

Yaksha, The Anthropophagus

He rose from his fetal position on the ground, running the splintered remains of his hand across his chest, as if checking for wounds. He didn't speak for several moments, likely because his tongue was still a sore, splintered mess. He glanced over towards the enemy, his head swimming even just from that small bit of motion. Ye gods, Yaksha hadn't been in a fight in way too long. He had only barely taken a couple real hits; the rest had been tactical sacrifices, giving up ground to gain it. He'd avoided a unilaterally one-sided destruction, and in the context that was likely the best he could hope for. He closed his eyes, willing all his attention onto one of his arms...and as he did, it began to thicken and elongate, with a sight much like a clay pot being spun and shaped.

Within five or six seconds, he had a perfectly serviceable hand attached to his shoulder, and he used it to reach over, grabbing up his tongue and popping it ruminatively in his mouth. He glanced at Mirja, his expression unreadable as he chewed and rolled his mouth around, testing his jaw before he even bothered to speak again. Finally he sighed, reaching over towards the man's body, and turning him over; his left heel was corroded and worn into, in a way that looked almost precisely like someone had bored holes with a drill.

"Don't worry about my teeth. I take very good care of them. I likely would've needed a solid minute to actually break through so...yes, death was pretty well an inevitability there. But I served my purpose, at the very least. Normally, I deal with fights by simply turning the tides, making an overwhelming show of aggression, and then letting them retreat. First time I've had to actually fight for my life in quite a while. I have to tell you, getting your arm smashed to a pulp never gets any less shocking."

He turned towards Mirja, bowing forward slowly, gracefully...and as he did the second hand began to spin and stretch its way out as well, folding across his chest as his free hand tipped an imaginary hat.

"Yaksha Dokuja. Pleased to meet you."

Coding Altered From: [The Frost]
Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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Wed Nov 16, 2016 3:38 pm

Mirja, The Mad Wolf

The Hollow had some interesting techniques, recovering from his battle damage pretty quickly, given a moment to rest. Which was good, she would hate to see someone who helped die because of her. She should have kicked ass quicker, so that Yaksha didn't get so hurt. But, that was all by the by. Now there were introductions and cake.
"These guys have overwhelming show of aggression down pat. So you may wish to find yourself some sort of Hollow mentor to help you fight better. Imagine if you had to fight two of these on your own?" She stated, before flicking her hair back and swishing her tail. It was such a fluffy tail. Something, strange about it as well. Regardless of how Yaksha felt about tails and people attached to it, he would feel driven to give it a pet, and snuggle into it's warm furry embrace.

"But, if you really do want to pursue this guy as you said. 'Drop his body at Caanan's door' I think were your words. I can help you on your vendetta, the more people who want to bang angrily on his door, the better. This one woman rampage could do with a spunky sidekick" She quipped, smirking and showing some rather vicious wolf teeth.

The groaning of gut guy was getting annoying however, so she walked over to him and slashed his throat out with her fingernails, which were more like claws than anything else if a person looked closely. "Have the decency to die when I kill you, gods. I swear these people have no manners at all. On top of the exploding building, destroying my robe near enough and generally being a big frigging dooshnozzle fucktard" She then stood up, and flicked what hair she had out. It was not much, short, raggedly cut, and a grey colour, but it matched her eyes pretty well, and so didn't clash to terribly.

Coding Altered From: [The Frost]
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Wed Nov 16, 2016 3:54 pm

Yaksha, The Anthropophagus

"I came here as a courtesy, child. Don't make me regret it. It's plainly obvious to everyone that I'm the dashingly handsome love interest."

Yaksha rolled his eyes ever so slightly, watching the tail thrash by, his gaze narrowing. She clearly wasn't a hollow, or at least no kind of hollow he had ever met. And Yaksha liked to believe himself a connoisseur of hollows after this long. But he could see no Zanpakutō on her either, and generally no sense of what kind of creature she was. It was already sparking his curiosity, and it was only peaked when he watched her rip open a man's throat. He followed just after her, hands folded over his chest.

"You do realize there's no 'wise old monk' hollow that lives on a high mountaintop, yes? Hollow mentors aren't really a thing; our kind get along about as well as cats. Everything I know is self-taught. I can't say I'm good at the art, but I can decisively say I've never had the slightest interest in learning how to rip a man's heart out of his chest, or how to make him swallow his own tongue. Violence is a fool's game, and the moment you engage in a fight you had best be prepared to die. Seeing as I'm not...I don't fight until I already have what I want."

He rolled his shoulders ever so slightly, stalking over to the slaughtered man, touching a hand idly against the claw marks on her throat, whistling appreciatively.

"It's traditional to introduce yourself when others do the same."

Coding Altered From: [The Frost]
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