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Let Sleeping Cats Lie [Shihouins] Empty Let Sleeping Cats Lie [Shihouins]

Tue Jan 24, 2017 6:20 pm

Gotei United Veteran - Yoruichi Shihouin


A woman lazed out, her body sprawled on top of an orange-shingled roof among many other orange-shingled roofs amongst the Seireitei. The building were pretty much all the same here, so it didn't matter to her which this was; that is, she didn't care as long as it was far away from the Shihouin manor. You see, the woman was currently trying to avoid a certain number of responsibilities that came with being a member of the Gotei... ever since that little runt Suika became Captain Commander things got a lot more active around here. She liked it before, when nobody gave two shits about what others were doing, and the Gotei was a disorganized mess. That way, she didn't have to bother even pretending to fulfill her duty. This time, it was a little more difficult finding ways to shirk those tasks. One thing was for certain, and it's that people would find her all the faster if she hid away in her own family's estate. No good could possibly come from that.

Instead, she was halfway across the Seireitei in the other direction, bathing in the sunlight as she snoozed on top of one of the many roofs available in the city. She'd managed a good half hour without being found—her time in the Omnitsukido really paying off here—but she was judging it was soon time to get moving again; they'd find her eventually if she didn't. "...Just... a bit longer..." she grumbled to herself, hitting the mental snooze button as she closed her eyes and laid her arm over her face to block the sun's light. The rest of her body drunk it the bright light, with not a cloud in the sky to cast a single shadow. It truly was a wonderful summer-like day today, so to hell if she didn't enjoy it as much as she could.

And then she sensed it: Somebody was definitely coming her way. It was different from all the other signatures walking around at ground level—this one was heading directly for her and she knew it. She'd been found. "Damn, already...?" she whined under her breath, before sighing. She was already mentally preparing herself for this, getting ready to high-tail it off to somewhere else with her speed. There were perks to being the fastest out there, truly, although a small part of her was chiding her for using all the skills she's acquired in her lifetime for such childish antics... a really, really small part.

For now, the Shihouin didn't bother moving, under the pretense of not knowing that someone was coming for her. She just kicked back and waited in her sleeveless black jumpsuit signatory to her time in the Omnitsukido. There was little else in the ways of clothes for her, but by this point everyone in the Soul Society had gotten all too used to it. When her pursuer finally managed to get to her, Yoruichi barked a question to them, as if a sleeping dragon awakened by a daring knight.

"Who dares disturb my sleep?"

Let Sleeping Cats Lie [Shihouins] Qx494h
Thicc Boi
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Let Sleeping Cats Lie [Shihouins] Empty Re: Let Sleeping Cats Lie [Shihouins]

Wed Jan 25, 2017 12:04 pm

I'll tell you my sins
you can sharpen your knife

Chidori hates when her father sends her out on useless and tedious tasks. Most of them were quite simple: taking out the trash, getting something for him, or relaying a message. It's not that he's too old to do these things, on the contrary he's quite young and energetic, he's more lazy than anything. He wasn't always lazy, but it was a trait that he had picked up after Chidori was born. He would often dump all of his fatherly responsibilities onto his wife, and now all of his duties onto Chidori. It seems no one can be safe from his wrath.

The task today was to relay a message to his sister, someone whom Chidori hasn't seen since she was a toddler. The famous Yoruichi, a name that she would have to remember now that she's going to see her again. Normally Chidori doesn't remember the names of family she doesn't see often, but it was hard to not hear Yoruichi's name in the Seireitei as it's almost yelled every few minutes or so.

From the little info she knew about her aunt, she knew that she didn't do much work that she was assigned; Chidori seese where her father gets it from. Thus, she decided to start her search on the other side of the Seireitei, far away from the Gotei HQ. It wasn't long until Chidori picked up her spirit energy as it was faintly familiar and stood out more than the rest of the Shinigami inhabiting the Seireitei.

Upon approaching, she was asked who dare to disturb her. Yup, she found her.

"I'm Chidori. Chidori Shihouin. I came here looking for my aunt. Hint: I found her."

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Let Sleeping Cats Lie [Shihouins] Sumera-character-list
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Thu Jan 26, 2017 8:44 pm

Gotei United Veteran - Yoruichi Shihouin

Of all the people...

"Shihouin? I'm not familiar. Go away now." If she wasn't misremembering, and she did not believe she was even though her memory was not particularly one of her strengths, this Chidori was one of the family members she'd interacted with before... a long, long time ago. As in, she actively babysat the kid by messing around with her, who believed that she was somehow getting trained by the Flash Goddess. Nonsense, but she didn't bother to argue the point with a toddler back then. Hopefully that was not about to come back and bite her in the ass now. She could already tell from the tone Chidori took that she was going to be quite the handful to deal with. The best possible solution was obviously not dealing with her.

Sigh... it probably was not going to be that easy. She thought they were only going to send one of the family's servants or something, the type of person whose heart wasn't really in the act of trying to chase down the Flash Goddess for the day. A kid, though? A Shihouin kid at that; they were going to have an obscene amount of energy and would be likely to keep on playing hide and seek with her past the point any sensible person would normally stop.

She peeked out from under the shadow of her arm, her amber eye falling on Chidori with a tired look. Yeap, she definitely had the look of a Shihouin about her, and she was also still standing there expectantly. It did not seem like she was going to heed her words, as expected from a family member. Looks like she'd been found out. "All right, you got me. Yoruichi Shihouin, caught by her wee little niece. Maybe you should be the Flash Goddess." She gave an exasperated smile to the girl as she spouted such ridiculous sarcasm out loud. She practically dared her to take it seriously, so that she'd have an excuse to whop her over the head a good one.

"So what do you want?" she asked, yawning aloud and stretching out like a cat on its back. She still was posed to jet it out of here the moment things turned sour. Who knows, maybe she had some kind of back up on its way to come round her up. Yeah, like that was ever going to happen. "This better not be on someone else's orders. I'm not coming back to go take care of some paperwork or other boring obligation."

Let Sleeping Cats Lie [Shihouins] Qx494h
Thicc Boi
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Let Sleeping Cats Lie [Shihouins] Empty Re: Let Sleeping Cats Lie [Shihouins]

Sat Jan 28, 2017 5:18 pm

I'll tell you my sins
you can sharpen your knife

For some odd reason, her aunt's sarcasm was annoying her more than normally. Whenever Chidori has interactions with her family, the annoyed emotion is the one she can best describe them with. At least Yoruichi wasn't like her father; his stupidity brought the worst out of her. The Flash Goddess remark was what was ticking her off the most as cockiness seemed to run in the family.

Following it was a question: why was she here? Even Chidori knew the answer to that question despite her forgetfulness. "I'm here to relay a message from my father. Or your brother, if your cat brain couldn't figure that out." Yeah, that was a pretty good comeback. Chidori nodded externally to give herself internal satisfaction and pride. Though, her aunt didn't need to know that she forgot what she was to relay over. She only remembered that it was a really long message.

And if it was really that important, her father would've sent someone else, right? Since they were on the subject of cats, she might as well ask her aunt a question.

"How do you do that cat thing? I've seen dad do it and others around the estate, but I have yet to actually learn how to do it. Hell, you down to teach me? Since it doesn't look like you're busy or anything."

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