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Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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 Hannah Chiza Empty Hannah Chiza

Wed Mar 29, 2017 10:21 pm
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Coding In Template By: [THEFROST]


Enter The Shinigami

I. Basic Information

» Name: Hannah Chiza
» Alias: The Deception!
» Age: 78
» Gender: Female

» Association: Shadowfall. Arianda Vael.

» Appearance Written: Hannah is a girl that stands out in a crowd, regardless of wither she wants to or not. She had short cut hair, of a dark black, and auburn eyes that seem to shine with intensity when seen in low-light. Her face looks to have a hard beauty to it at first glance, but stare longer and the soft features come into play. The smoothness of her skin, and the curves of her head, accent it into something that can entice with a look.

Zooming one's eyes out - yes, it's a thing, shut up - they could come to see the true scope of Hannah's appearance. Tall, and in that height, making herself look slender rather than skinny, she immediately attracts people with her body, and her breasts are just perfectly sized for her height and weight, making her entire body look as if if was sculpted by a master artisan rather than something that was born.

» Appearance Image:

I. Personality

» Personality: Deviating so dramatically from how she looks that it earned her a moniker to that effect, Hannah is a quiet girl by nature. She can deal with people well enough when she needs to, polite, soft of tone and nice to talk to. She can hold her temper well, and does not result to insulting the other party in practically any situation, feeling that if she made it heated, she would have a big problem returning to the background when she was done. When it is required of her, such as in her shop or local providers - the butchers, and bakers and fishermen - then she is a girl who has a considerable social acumen but generally prefers to be away from the action when she doesn't have to be up front. If there is any way she can let another person be in the spotlight, then she will let them, and potter around in the background. It isn't an introverted nature, or any sociological problems, she just prefers the quiet.

However, a new addition to her mentality, is something that she is still trying to get to grips with, something that flies in the face of her pragmatic sensibilities. Soul Reapers, her own people, light such a fire of rage in her heart, she can't restrain her actions. Her hands shake and her visions blur, she is assailed by the memories of that day and she either flees the scene, or lashes out violently, in a drive to cripple them in mind and in body.

I. History

» History: Born in the Soul Society, Hannah grew up with her family in a nice little shop, in the fourth district of Rukongai. Even when she was a young child, she would melt the hearts on onlookers with her smile. She was put up on the shop floor as soon as she could talk, as such a blend of cuteness and childish beauty made for great sales tactics. However, despite growing up in the retail business, she became a girl that didn't actively seek out friends, didn't spend her free time out playing with the children, but rather reading books, drawing pictures, and other activities that she was happy to pursuit on her own.

Life, was good, but unfortunately, life never stays good. Hannah was, unbeknownst to everyone, born with a powerful soul, able to produce a stunning level of Reiatsu for a girl who had never so much as seen a Shinigami. This power, was liable to cause great problems for her parents, there were scattered tales of the now-great Shinigami having nearly - or even outright - crippled their family due to the rampant, uncontrolled power. And so without her knowledge, she instinctively suppressed it, keeping it within her so she would not hurt anyone. But she did, she hurt herself. Unable to deal with the strain of such power being kept inwards, her body grew up sickly, and weak.

Her outer beauty was not effected, and in fact flourished as she grew up. Growing more and more beautiful, breaking hearts with the way in which she stayed in doors and never engaged people beyond the casual hello. She caught all manner of illnesses easily, and her strength never developed well under the strain of her ever-growing Reiatsu being suppressed, even without Hannah's knowledge. One day, it all came to a head, when she got news that her father had been killed in an accident. There was controversy surrounding the accident, some people thought it was revenge for when Hannah never returned an invitation to go out to dinner. With that, her control broke, she could no longer keep in the power inside her, and it rushed out.

While not magnificent, or even considerable to a Shinigami, it was pretty impressive for a simple soul in the Rukongai, and so she was quickly brought to Shin'o Academy, whipped up in a whirlwind of activity so she didn't know what was going on half the time until she was in the cute uniform. And then life began, she was thrown into lesson after lesson, barely given time to think about her father's death, between her constant illnesses that persisted after she had managed to grasp her Reiatsu and use it properly - it was thought that her latent abilities had come to the fore-front by way of grief, rather than her repressing them for years, because by rights she should not be able to do that - and learning so much, her head was crammed full of junk. Zanjutsu was interesting, however her weak body could not allow her to do it for very long before starting to ache and cramp, which was annoying because she had a great deal of energy to burn, just no strength to burn it with.

Hakuda went the same way, and while she wasn't terrible at Hoho, she truly shined in Kido. Here she picked up Hadō and Bakudo like it was a matter of course, as if she already knew what she was doing, and just going through the numbers. But, as she began to excel, stories reached her ears about a small cadre of students in the Academy that did not take a shine to those who were better at them. Suddenly afeared, her Kido studies dropped dramatically, leading a lot of people to think it was a fluke, or she was simply good at the basics while unable to handle the more advanced stuff. She continued in private, making sure to hone her skills for when she was out of the Academy, and hopefully among more mature Shinigami would would not be so childish as to intimidate and crush their peers. In the end, despite five years of training, her body remained frail and prone to illness, and she barely scrapped by on passing the Academy, only just making it into the medical division.

It was here, that she thought she was able to shine, and studied Kaido for a few weeks before coming out to the Squad and showing her ability. Such a solid, instinctive understanding of the usage of Kaido, along with a solid Reiatsu and beautiful frame, led Hannah to climb the ranks quickly, becoming a 3rd seat in less than a year. Her instincts allowed her to progress further, conceptualizing a new manner of healing Kido - called Genkido - that focused on speed and range, since usual healing Kido was not something that could be done on the battlefield. It was Hannah's goal however, to create Kaido that could be used by the stronger Kido casters to help without being in contact for several minutes. It wouldn't be something anyone could use, as it exhausted even her now-potent Reiatsu pretty quickly. Through experimenting, she learned a few other tricks not at all related to making a person feel better. The manifestation and creation of certain phenomena using her Reiatsu. She thought this must be how Kido was first made, with one person that had the feel for it teaching others.

In between this, she was focused on her Zanpaktou, setting aside days dedicated to nothing but her Division duties, and Jizen, hoping to get through to her blade and put a face and name to a companion that had been close to her heart, even without knowing it. It was interesting, to actually want to get to know someone, to go out of her way to try and interact with them, even though it was something she had never done before in her life. But she liked it, it was a good feeling. If she got good success with this, she would even push to maybe make a few friends among the Shinigami. Maybe, that was still a long way off, and she was still a little wary of her inability to do something like that.

While she was not forthcoming with her experiments - she still didn't do social well, and still broke people's hearts with a smile - people still knew she was up to something. And unfortunately for her, they did not like it. She had come, like a storm and taken over the division, raising so high so fast. If she was allowed to carry on, she would become even higher, to the Vice Captain seat, or even Captaincy if she was not stopped. They could not allow a young child who could hardly get out of bed in the morning without a wheezing cough or bunged up nose become a leader of their division. So they took her out. Tricked her into coming with a small party to assist a patrol of Shinigami, Hannah came without question. Helping people was her job, after all, and if she couldn't do that, she was a failure of a Shinigami.

But, to her dismay, there were no wounded in this patrol, just a group of vindictive bastards who hated how she had risen, hated how she refused to interact with them, to give them the attention they believed themselves to be entitled to from a beautiful girl like her, and so they were in on the plan to remove her. She hadn't even realized she had entered a covered cage until the door was slammed shut, and locked. In front of her, there were several hollows, meticulously harvested to make her death as realistic as possible. She died from Hollow attack, just nobody mentioned where those hollows were, or why they had been able to get to her so easily. It was there that she lost it, exploding into action as a flurry of Bakudo and Hadō was cast without a single word passing her lips. It was a new trick she had been working on, a trick that allowed her to use Kido at a moment's notice.

It was a weaker variant, like Eishōhaki but without even the slightest evidence that she was going to use Kido before it's usage. With a brilliant mixture of Kido, she managed to lock down each hollow, and then blow them apart, crushing their plans for a trap and attaining victory. However, there was nothing sweet about this. She felt a new emotion bubbling up beneath her. And it was, hate. hatehatehatehatehatehatehatehate!

She couldn't contain it, couldn't control it. All the emotions that had been building up over years, exploded outwards. Her vision blurred and her mind went blank, she couldn't even think to use her Kido properly, instead falling back on her more instinctive magic. Blasting her way out of the cage, she caught one of the assailents off guard and hit him with a new trick of hers. Halharl Infigar, a combination of her Reiryoku exerting heat and wind, sending a blast of air that scorched the skin from his bones, and left a charred husk. Caught off guard by the mental and sensory feedback of turning a person into that, she didn't stand a chance when one of her other assailants smashed her around the back of the head with his still sheathed Zanpaktou. They then laid into her, beating and kicking until she was practically dead. Enough for them to believe she was gone from this world, and leave her body to rot. Life was not quite done with poor Hannah, however.

It was this moment that she broke through into her Zanpaktou, learning her name and seeing her face for the first time. It was a bittersweet moment, soon to die and now meeting the person she wanted to care about, wanted to use as an experiment to branch into the world. She thought she was going to die that day, but death was not on the cards, as she was found by a Demon woman, by the name of Arianda Vael. Arianda took her back to her home, and nursed her back to health, ensuring that Hannah survived. She did not know why Arianda did this, but only knew that she was fundamentally changed. Having murdered a Shinigami, been rescued by a Demon, and probably reported dead - not to mention the fire that roared through her weak body every time she thought of a Shinigami - she would not be able to return to the Soul Society. So all she could do, was to make her life here in the arms of this Demon, and hope that the world did not judge her harshly for it.

I. Equipment

» Equipment: [If your Shinigami has any equipment? Put it here. If they don't, skip this section.]

I. Racial Techniques/Abilities/Skills

» Racial Abilities: Gen-kido: While failing Zanjutsu, and Hakuda, finding it incredibly difficult to build up any degree of muscle mass, and only having a passing skill in Hoho, there was only one path left for Hannah to excel. And that was to use her powerful Reiatsu to create a new set of Kaido powers, to make her mark despite her body's physical uselessness. Gen-kido is not a fully fledged art yet, still requiring experience and experimentation before she can call it that. However, it is on it's way there. Being conceptualized as a more potent Kaido that can be launched at range, it is separated into numbers much like it's cousin, Kido, ranging from 1 to 50. They demand a great deal more power than usual Kido, however, and should be used sparingly when they are completed.

Instinctive Reiryoku Control: Sometimes, Hannah doesn't need to understand something Spiritually related to utilize it. Understanding in this situation, comes after it has been used, as her instincts in the setting of Reiryoku control are peerless, sharp enough to slice a Vastimian Dreadnaught cleanly in half if they where a physical blade. This is the drive behind her creation of the Gen-kido, and her more fringe-based 'Anima Mea'

A Sound Soul: Hannah possesses a potent storage of Reiryoku, and skilled in the efficient usage of it's powers, putting her firmly on higher ground than most in the realms of Kido and other such techniques. In her childhood, this was not without it's problems, however.

Body of Cardboard: Repression of her power, ravaged Hannah's body in the younger years, leaving her sickly, weak, and unable to do much physically. This has not gone away and she struggles in tasks that most take for granted, as well as savoring the days when she can actually breathe properly, and isn't obstructed by some sort of illness.
[Hannah's Strength and Durability count as a level below Beginner]

Anima Mea - Sound of the Soul: While researching her Genkido, Hannah became aware of her Reiryoku's deeper mysteries. wither it is just her skill and control over her Reiryoku, or if it is something unique to Mirja, she doesn't quite know, but what she does know, is that there are four paths within her Soul. Heat, Wind, Force, and Light. With these four paths, she can cultivate amazing new techniques that have never before been seen, such as her Halharl Infigar, which pushes the Heat and Wind. The only other techniques she has right now, is Hadika Hadeka, pushing Force to create a powerful blast from her hand, knocking the enemy back, or launching herself back if she needed it - an interesting outcome of this is that the force is not a single thing, but rather fixed for several seconds, hitting the target over and over, or granting Hannah a very limited flight capability - and the exhaustive Belior Goldoreza, which pushes Heat and Light to create a beam reminiscent of a laser. As she grows in power, and experiments more, then more powers are sure to come from this.

Gisei Hadō - Mugen no Ikari: Not a technique that Hannah knows she has, but something under her possession none the less. It is a Gisei Hadō that manifests her boundless hatred for Shinigami, and her refusal to ever be put in such a situation again, preferring death. Once used - instinctively, she has no control over this power in an active sense - it released an incredible goat of energy from her eyes, sundering the surrounding area with the power of a mid-90s Kido. However, her body is unable to handle such an incredible release of power, and this fries her eyes in their entirety, burning them out of her skull. If she survives this harrowing experience, then the lingering power prevents any sort of regeneration for a week [real time] before finally fading enough for the attempt. However, since her eyes are gone, rather than simply wounded, healing is a long, drawn out process.

I. Sealed Powers

» Zanpakutô Name: Peach Tree Cannon [generally referred to as Peach]

» Zanpakutô Appearance: Petite and unseeming, Peach does not look like someone that would ever be noticed by anyone. Something she finds rather amusing when compared to Hannah's incredible, striking beauty. She likes to dress in traditional Japanese Kimonos, but occasionally wears her birthday suit to annoy Hannah.

» Sealed Zanpakutô Power: Locutus Est: Peach can speak Kido incantations for Hannah, allowing her to release Full powered Kidos without uttering a word herself, catching the enemy off guard and making it an incredible surprise attack. This doesn't make it any quicker to use, nor does it reduce the penalties of using Eishōhaki, it simply takes the burden of speaking it off Hannah and allows her to apparently use Kido like snapping her fingers.

I. Shikai

» Shikai Release Phrase: Bring Sweet Obliteration! Peach Tree Cannon!

» Shikai Appearance: Like the spirit's appearance, the Shikai is not much to look at, merely two rings fit around Hannah's hand, with chains coming off them, attached to a pendant that sits in the middle of her palm. This pendent then has a third chain coming off the bottom, attached to a bracelet around Hannah's wrist. It has a soft peach color, and is hard to miss unless pointed out, or stuck in a person's face.

» Shikai Abilities: Augendae: Peach can enhance the power of Hannah's Kido, Kaido, Gen-Kido, and Anima Mea by a considerable margin, melding her own Reiatsu into it to increase the payload before firing it off like a cannonball shot.

Conditum: Peach can 'store' one Kido, Kaido, Gen-Kido or Anima Mea within her, for every two tiers Hannah has, maxing out at three stored at 0 tier. These stored abilities do not lose their potency, and so a chanted Kido can be stored to be released suddenly and unexpectedly, either blasting the enemy or trapping them in a more powerful prison than the expected.

I. Bankai

» Bankai Appearance: [What does your Shinigami look like when released in their bankai?]

» Bankai Abilities: [What abilities does your Shinigami attain in Bankai?]

I. Shikokai

[NOTE: This form is restricted until 0-3, and is not usually granted upon approval. This is ONLY for pureblood Shinigami! Refer to the racial specs for more information]

» Shikokai Appearance: [What does your Shinigami look like when released in their Shikokai?]

» Shikokai Abilities: [What abilities does your Shinigami attain in Shikokai?]

I. Skill Sheet

To Find Out about what these skills are for, please READ THIS THREAD before you try doing anything to it. After you have read it, do not feel your skills out until a staff member has graded your thread. We will also do your will sheet for you upon grading your application.

Skill Sheet

General Skills
  • Durability: Master/Advanced/Adept/Beginner
  • General Speed: Master/Advanced/Adept/Beginner
  • Strength: Master/Advanced/Adept/Beginner
  • Weapon Skill: Master/Advanced/Adept/Beginner

Racial Skills
  • Hoho: Master/Advanced/Adept/Beginner
  • Kidō: Master/Advanced/Adept/Beginner
  • Zanjutsu: Master/Advanced/Adept/Beginner
  • Hakuda: Master/Advanced/Adept/Beginner

Will Skills
  • Willpower: Master/Advanced/Adept/Beginner
  • Mental Deduction: Master/Advanced/Adept/Beginner
  • Pain Endurance: Master/Advanced/Adept/Beginner
  • Focus: Master/Advanced/Adept/Beginner

I. Role Play Sample

» Roleplay Sample:

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 Hannah Chiza Empty Re: Hannah Chiza

Sat Apr 01, 2017 2:19 pm
Instinctive Reiryoku Control: Sometimes, Hannah doesn't need to understand something Spiritually related to utilize it. Understanding in this situation, comes after it has been used, as her instincts in the setting of Reiryoku control are peerless, sharp enough to slice a Vastimian Dreadnaught cleanly in half if they where a physical blade. This is the drive behind her creation of the Gen-kido, and her more fringe-based 'Anima Mea'

Could you remove the mention of the Vastimian dreadnaught and simply compare some sort of steel or metal? Thankss. Could you also state how it can cut? I understand that it is very sharp Reiryoku, but, that can't be all to just allow it to cut. In my mind at least.

Body of Cardboard: Repression of her power, ravaged Hannah's body in the younger years, leaving her sickly, weak, and unable to do much physically. This has not gone away and she struggles in tasks that most take for granted, as well as savoring the days when she can actually breathe properly, and isn't obstructed by some sort of illness.
[Hannah's Strength and Durability count as a level below Beginner]

Since there technically is no level below beginner, please change this to be that Hannah's Strength and Durability cannot increase past Beginner; no matter what.

Anima Mea - Sound of the Soul: While researching her Genkido, Hannah became aware of her Reiryoku's deeper mysteries. wither it is just her skill and control over her Reiryoku, or if it is something unique to Mirja, she doesn't quite know, but what she does know, is that there are four paths within her Soul. Heat, Wind, Force, and Light. With these four paths, she can cultivate amazing new techniques that have never before been seen, such as her Halharl Infigar, which pushes the Heat and Wind. The only other techniques she has right now, is Hadika Hadeka, pushing Force to create a powerful blast from her hand, knocking the enemy back, or launching herself back if she needed it - an interesting outcome of this is that the force is not a single thing, but rather fixed for several seconds, hitting the target over and over, or granting Hannah a very limited flight capability - and the exhaustive Belior Goldoreza, which pushes Heat and Light to create a beam reminiscent of a laser. As she grows in power, and experiments more, then more powers are sure to come from this.

I have a feeling that mention of Mirja was accidental, go ahead and change it unless it was meant as that; even then, doesn't make much sense so please change that mention of Mirja to what it was likely supposed to be x3 Could you also create separate abilities for Belior Goldoreza and Hadika Hadeka so that they have their own cooldowns and limits? Thanks!

Gisei Hadō - Mugen no Ikari: Not a technique that Hannah knows she has, but something under her possession none the less. It is a Gisei Hadō that manifests her boundless hatred for Shinigami, and her refusal to ever be put in such a situation again, preferring death. Once used - instinctively, she has no control over this power in an active sense - it released an incredible goat of energy from her eyes, sundering the surrounding area with the power of a mid-90s Kido. However, her body is unable to handle such an incredible release of power, and this fries her eyes in their entirety, burning them out of her skull. If she survives this harrowing experience, then the lingering power prevents any sort of regeneration for a week [real time] before finally fading enough for the attempt. However, since her eyes are gone, rather than simply wounded, healing is a long, drawn out process.

Hmm, could you change this so that she sustains more damage than her eyes burning out? Just to reflect the fact that she will be a low level shingiami using something that has the power of level 90 kido. Also, since she is linked to Arianda, mention that healing her eyes with Death Energy will only increase the pain she may feel; just so that it would be hard for Arianda to heal her.

Augendae: Peach can enhance the power of Hannah's Kido, Kaido, Gen-Kido, and Anima Mea by a considerable margin, melding her own Reiatsu into it to increase the payload before firing it off like a cannonball shot.

Could you include how much it increases the Kido? Like, x2, x1.5 etc. Also, if she obtains tier 3-1 she likely won't be able to increase the power of her Kido without expending a good amount of energy.

Conditum: Peach can 'store' one Kido, Kaido, Gen-Kido or Anima Mea within her, for every two tiers Hannah has, maxing out at three stored at 0 tier. These stored abilities do not lose their potency, and so a chanted Kido can be stored to be released suddenly and unexpectedly, either blasting the enemy or trapping them in a more powerful prison than the expected.

Include a cooldown and post limit to this; how many charges can be expelled in one post and how long it takes before another kido, kaido, gen-kido, or Anima Mea can be used. Also include how long it would be until another kido, kaid, etc., is charged up into the shikai again.

Correct these and tier shall be given.
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 Hannah Chiza Empty Re: Hannah Chiza

Wed Jun 07, 2017 11:17 pm
[adm]Moving this to WIP because there has not been an update.[/adm]

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 Hannah Chiza Empty Re: Hannah Chiza

Sun Jul 02, 2017 8:10 am
[adm]Moved to archive due to new app currently up.[/adm]

 Hannah Chiza Ap8OoJO

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