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Amidst the Falling Leaves. [Henrex/Magnolia] Left_bar_bleue59000/99999Amidst the Falling Leaves. [Henrex/Magnolia] Empty_bar_bleue  (59000/99999)

Amidst the Falling Leaves. [Henrex/Magnolia] Empty Amidst the Falling Leaves. [Henrex/Magnolia]

Wed Oct 11, 2017 10:49 am


Amidst the Falling Leaves. [Henrex/Magnolia] 6EdIfMt


Artist: N/A - Song: N/A

”You know magnolia, drinking isn’t quite good for your health right?”

”Shut up, i don’t really care.”

Magnolia had responded to her zanpakuto spirit raijin as she had been drinking from a gourd of sake. Her head tilted back as the last drop fell from the rim of the container into her awaiting mouth. Only then did magnolia’s golden gaze shift to glance down at the buildings that dotted the landscape up to what she had heard was called the soul society. The place she had originally ended up when she was coming to this place from the inverse soul society by a random fluke. From her travels she had passed through many countries in earth. Wandering about and learning of the planet, and the culture. The diversity there was staggering, beautiful and worth protecting. She had met people who she could agree and see eye to eye with, and had come to this conclusion; that it wasn’t so bad that she had come here.

Shaking the gourd to see if had any more liquid within, magnolia made a face and set it down besides her. The crisp autumn air blew and caressed her hair, causing it to blow in disarray the golden locks blowing too and fro while the girl’s feet dangled from the edge of the building. Her lips curving into the faintest of smiles as her gaze shifted upwards towards the soul society, towards the great gates that guarded it.

”.. Raijin, what do you think of these shinigami who band together?”

Magnolia asked her zanpakuto spirit as she exhaled lightly. Allowing for her gaze to shift as it glanced upon the sight before her. To those who could sense it, there would be a profound electrical imbalance in the air. Almost like the electrons were under the dominion of a much stronger force. As for spiritual pressure though, there was very little spiritual pressure that was being leaked from the being that was waiting atop the roof.

”I think that these shinigami may be interesting to come to understand.”

She made a humming noise as she thought about it. Her brows raising as she leaned her body back to lay against the tiles of the roof she was sitting upon. Her hands firmly clasped behind her head as she watched the clouds go by leasurily. Watching as their shapes changed, as they faded and grew. Before she finally responded to the zanpakuto spirit.

”, you dont say, huh?”

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Amidst the Falling Leaves. [Henrex/Magnolia] LzZCuy7
Amidst the Falling Leaves. [Henrex/Magnolia] BtXe12b
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Amidst the Falling Leaves. [Henrex/Magnolia] Empty Re: Amidst the Falling Leaves. [Henrex/Magnolia]

Sun Oct 15, 2017 5:25 pm



Amidst the Falling Leaves. [Henrex/Magnolia] 6EdIfMt

There seemed to be no shortage of strange occurrences that had happened in the Gotei within the last few months. Tension had been building since the Monsuta attack, with more and more strange occurrences even after the fact, it wasn't exactly a surprise for Henrex to be detecting an anomaly within the Soul Society. As the anomaly pinged throughout the walls of the Seireitei, eventually backtracking to its origin, before repeating.

Rising from his chair and slinging his cloak over his shoulders, Henrex immediately set off for the 50th District of the Rukongai. It felt so early in the morning for something like this to happen. Turning his head to the side and looking at a clock at the corner of his desk, reading the time. Six-o-clock in the morning. It was...definitely really early for something like this. Another night with little sleep. Oh well. The male stepped out the door after grabbing the rest of his things, before unfurling his wings and taking to the skies.

The morning sun beamed down onto the face of the male, causing him to squint as he soared above the various Rukongai districts, scanning around for where the anomaly was coming from. As he continued to fly out, following the trail continuously. As he finally arrived in the 50th District, the male descended from the skies, his feet silently and gently touching the ground, the large, feathery protrusions curling into his back as he did.

Henrex took in a deep breath as he looked around the Rukon District, people peeking out from corners and doors, looking at him -- someone who had just came out of the sky. Ignoring them, Henrex began to walk around, looking for the source and origin of the anomaly. Which was, admittedly, easier than he thought it would be. Allowing himself to spread his demonic energy throughout the area, Henrex was able to quickly send out his own mental pulsations that would detect for any sort of spiritual power in the area.

Hundreds upon thousands of small, unnoticeable pings came from Henrex, searching for energy sources. This came with millions of results from the occupants of the Rukongai, even if they were just Pluses, they still had a semblance of spiritual power. But, there was one that Henrex had detected, stronger than the rest.

As this occurred, Raiu, Zanpakuto Spirit of Henrex, materialized next to him in a mirage-like form.

As this happened, the spirit's brow furrowed. "Strange." He muttered.

"What's wrong, Raiu?"

"Isn't it strange that the civilians aren't gathered or discussing this?"

"Now that you mention it..." The male started, before looking around. "That is strange. Can't they feel or see it?"

"Perhaps it's something that can only be detected by those with electrical powers?" The spirit inquired, hand rising to his chin.

"That could be possible. For now, let's just get back to finding the origin, Henrex said. His eyes narrowed as his senses picked up the disturbance once more, feeling goosebumps skidding down his back. Swallowing roughly, Henrex turned his head to the sky.

"We're close, I know it."

Henrex breathed in deeply, before exhaling as he began moving once again. He was close to the source. As he walked through the district, Henrex's heightened hearing caught onto a woman's voice. Instantly, he halted and turned his head to the sound. The rooftop. Silently, yet quickly moving towards the building that it was coming from. Leaping from the ground -- his wings spreading to grant him a boost to the roof -- Henrex quickly landed on the roof, his eyes gazing upon the being sitting there.

While he couldn't feel much of a sense of spiritual power from her, he was easily able to determine her race, as well as what her comment had been directed to.

"So, this is the origin of the electrical disturbance."

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Amidst the Falling Leaves. [Henrex/Magnolia] Empty Re: Amidst the Falling Leaves. [Henrex/Magnolia]

Thu Oct 26, 2017 8:34 pm


Amidst the Falling Leaves. [Henrex/Magnolia] 6EdIfMt


Artist: N/A - Song: N/A

” Haa.”

This feeling of oneness, the softness of the air as it blew past her golden locks stirring them softly. The warmth that caressed her face was enough to make magnolia release a breath of heated air, which gently billowed past her lips as her chest fell slowly. She closed her eyes as she savored the feeling of being one with the world around her; here with the heated paneling of the roof at her back.

She hadn’t felt this at peace in a long time, not since coming to this realm. Everything had changed for her, yet some things still remained the same. The feeling of the air, the caress of the sun. Those remained constant for her, and it brought her solace. For henrex this solace could cause a natural phenomina, one that he’d have a hard time most likely wrapping his mind around. It was that magnolia’s very energy was attuned to the electrons around it at such a fine degree. To the point that they seemed to nearly have become one and the same, so finely balanced, so in tune with one another. There was a oneness about her, as if she was born from the electricity that mingled around her.

”It seems someone has found you.”

Magnolia’s Zanpakuto spirit said with his rich timbre, his voiced resonating within her mind. In response magnolia opened her eyes fractionally to glance towards the male that hovered on a nearby rooftop. It was a face she remembered distinctly, after all how could she forget that eventful day? The one where everything was turned on it’s head for her. Admittedly due to the lingering affects of alchohol she hadn’t the foggiest recollection of his name, but her voice still carried freely as she rose a hand from it’s previous position to wave at him; acknowledging his presence.

”You can come closer you know. I’m not going to harm you.”

Her bluntness was a charm of sorts. She didn’t mince words and rather spoke her mind to henrex as her hand lowered back to it’s previous position behind her head; her eyes closing once more as a smile graced her serene features. Wether he came over or not, he was close enough that she waited maybe a few seconds. Thirty or so tops? Before her lips parted and her carefree tone once more drifted across whatever the distance between them currently was. Her words unrestrained as she spoke aloud her musings.

”..Everything is different here. It’s strange you know? It all feels the same, the sounds, the sky. However everything else is as different as could be.”

She didn’t move, but as she spoke henrex could probably feel the very change in the electron balance in the air. A change of polarities that stirred up a harmless breeze, one that would probably buffet henrex’s shirt, his pants, his hair and face with it’s soft caress. Even buffeting her own hair with it’s soft cooling kiss. She spoke once more as she let out a soft sigh once more.

”..It’s so peaceful here.”

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Amidst the Falling Leaves. [Henrex/Magnolia] LzZCuy7
Amidst the Falling Leaves. [Henrex/Magnolia] BtXe12b
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Amidst the Falling Leaves. [Henrex/Magnolia] Empty Re: Amidst the Falling Leaves. [Henrex/Magnolia]

Thu Feb 22, 2018 1:53 pm



Amidst the Falling Leaves. [Henrex/Magnolia] 6EdIfMt

At this moment, there wasn't any aggression. There was simply...peace. However, this would not be entirely the case for the young man, now standing on the rooftops. There was a sense of worry, wariness, and danger that was very present in the back of his mind. Yet, it was something that was ever so slowly fading away. His head tilted, puzzled as he watched her.

All of a sudden, she turned to him and waved him over. Blinking multiple times in shock, Henrex remained frozen in place. Not even a twitch from him, before he finally began to move. His feet softly grazed the tiles, before he began to step closer to the woman, the end of his elbow softly bulging from the side of his cloak as his hand rested on the handle of his sword as he edged his way closer to Magnolia.

Eventually, he found himself not even a foot away from her as she began to speak once more. It was then that he was able to remember just who she was, and where she had come from. The familiar presence she had was not just of her race or the familiarity in her powers. Cautiously sitting down, Henrex's gaze turned briefly to the sky, taking a moment to take in the beauty and serenity of the world and home that he lived in, and loved.

So, a gentle, warm smile passed over his face as he spoke.

"There's so much that will always remain the same."

His mismatched eyes flicked to the Eternity Flower for a moment, before returning to the sky.

"...Yet, the ideas of those who roam these worlds are so different, and everything ends up being different from one another."

The gentle breeze softly embraced him, messing with his hair and causing him to raise an arm and brush it aside.

"I could call the Rukongai peaceful. To some, it might be."

Henrex let out a soft sigh as his eyes slid shut once more.

"...I prefer "quiet" rather than peaceful."

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Amidst the Falling Leaves. [Henrex/Magnolia] Empty Re: Amidst the Falling Leaves. [Henrex/Magnolia]

Sat Mar 03, 2018 10:55 pm


Amidst the Falling Leaves. [Henrex/Magnolia] 6EdIfMt


Artist: N/A - Song: N/A

”Peace, it’s such an elusive little thing huh mag?”

The rueful tenor of raijin’s chuckle reverberated with it’s own smooth flavor in the inner sanctum of her thoughts, as light as the warm easy breeze that brought up ringlets of her brilliant golden hair--teasing it across the fringes of her face. She listened attentively, to the words that left henrex’s mouth even as her eyes seemed to glance at the deep and unbound azure blue of the sky above, only broached by the occasional wisp of white known as a cloud. Henrex probably could see the moment that a gentle, reserved smile teased the corners of her mouth at the pointed words of her zanpakuto spirit. Ah, now peace was something that had eluded both her and her companion for so long, hadn’t they? For all her strength, it had been solitary and bittersweet. She never truly had been able to accomplish the things she wished with it, not able to grasp the things that truly mattered. .

Alas, she broke the glare of the sun, and shadowed her face with an outstretched hand--reaching towards the heavens, as if she could grasp it.

”Quiet, Peaceful-- all i know is i feel carefree~.”

There was no intended disrespect in the words she said, but behind them was a gentle force of will that encompassed everything. Peace, ironically enough seemed to only truly be valued by those who went their entire lives without it. Only those who seemed to be drenched in blood could appreciate the sight before her to the fullest. Yet, here she was--a being who could become an asura-- enjoying the silence, and the calm of the mundane.

Mundane was something she craved, and as out of the corner of her eye she watched a child and their family meandering across the busy street, the child enamored by some kind of trinket given to her by her parent, a soft smile danced upon her features once more. Slowly blooming and exposing the crisp white incisors that lay behind faint rose-colored lips. Her next words seemed to be like the gentle breeze, soft and quick to fade away.

”If only where i came from it was like this. I would be willing to die for a slice of heaven such as this.”

The silence, even if marred with imperfections that normally ensued within the mundane--was still bliss to her. The thought crossed her mind frankly, the thought of what if things had been different? A thought that only managed to bud before being squelched and locked back within the dark corner it came from. Thoughts such as that had no place in this picturesque experience she was able to have.

”I faintly remember you, you were there right? When i stumbled upon this realm.”

The casualness of her remark belied the curiosity that lay hidden beneath the surface. She genuinely was interested in knowledge of this meandering place around her. She wanted to learn about it, this place that was home, but so obviously not home at the same time.

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Amidst the Falling Leaves. [Henrex/Magnolia] LzZCuy7
Amidst the Falling Leaves. [Henrex/Magnolia] BtXe12b
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Amidst the Falling Leaves. [Henrex/Magnolia] Empty Re: Amidst the Falling Leaves. [Henrex/Magnolia]

Mon May 14, 2018 7:56 am



Amidst the Falling Leaves. [Henrex/Magnolia] 6EdIfMt

It had been a long while since the initial meeting between the two had happened, that the Captain had nearly forgotten exactly who she was, and where she came from. Thus, her remarks on the peace and tranquility that she felt there was something that puzzled him at first before he remembered and softly nodded.

"Where you come from -- the Black World -- is peace really that scarce?"

There was a lot of curiosity that Henrex had in regards to the Black World, a place that he had no idea how to access, yet it had managed to breach their world and attempt to spread its corruption. It had been all over the Soul Society. So, the question that he had been asking himself and trying to figure out -- how could he work the reverse?

The silence that had fallen upon the two as a result of each of them getting lost in their thoughts continued, as Magnolia relished in the simpleness of the current serenity, whilst Henrex continued to ponder on the Black World. Thus, when Magnolia snapped him out of his trance, asking him of his presence to when she first arrived, Henrex's gaze turned a bit more...grim.

"...Something like that. Someone passing through my creation is bound to get my attention."

The day that this woman had arrived in Soul Society was a rather...interesting event. Somehow passing through the Grid, it was something that had always puzzled him. Convenience? Maybe it was just convenience. It was the only time that the Grid had malfunctioned, and it hadn't happened since. Maybe it was that blip that let her get through. Even since then, he had long since fixed it, so, he wouldn't have to be worrying about that anymore.

Ergo, there wouldn't be much that Henrex had to say in response as to being present during Magnolia's first appearance in the Soul Society. After all, he hadn't exactly been there, more of just observed and watched from the background. But, there was one question that he had for her.

"I...never did catch your name that day. What is it?"

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Amidst the Falling Leaves. [Henrex/Magnolia] Empty Re: Amidst the Falling Leaves. [Henrex/Magnolia]

Tue Jul 03, 2018 8:20 pm


Amidst the Falling Leaves. [Henrex/Magnolia] 6EdIfMt


Artist: N/A - Song: N/A

Magnolia paused, and sat up once she heard the question that the Raven had to ask. Her eyes drifting as she deliberated how to answer that. The mood of care-free bliss had vanished like the fleeting clouds overhead, and only a sense of frustration was left to pervade her thoughts. Even so her actions did not reflect the sense of irritation at the drastic difference betwixt the realms, instead there was a calm reservedness when she answered. As if her response was indicative of her own musings and experiences.

”Where i come from, the land is one that naturally favors the strong like everywhere else. However, unlike this realm which protects the weak, those from where i live exploit it. They use their power to keep the weak oppressed rather than to help them, it is a hierarchy where the strong prosper, and the weak have to live of the scraps that are “graciously” afforded to them.”

It was clear how Magnolia felt about the morality of the world she came from as she let a exhalation of air escape from behind her lips. Her eyes unreadable as she tilted her head back and leaned into her palms--golden hair forming a stream as it fell and it’s furthest end rested against the roof beneath them.

”Even so, it is also my home. I wish for one day that it can be like here--where the worst thing you can worry about is the kids being kids, or the vagrants stealing food. The peace that you guys have created here is something that if i hadn’t seen it with my own eyes, would have found impossible. It’s like a dream, and I don’t wish to wake up from it if i’m being entirely honest. “

Stuck in her own musings she didn’t really register what henrex was saying about bypassing security measures until Raijin reminded her that now wasn’t the time to get lost within the inner machinations of her own head. To that the shinigami blinked slightly and gave the raven a faint smile before responding once more.

”Sorry, i was stuck in the musings of my own thoughts. Anyways, trust me it wasn’t my intent to show up in the midst of a heavily armed city-center either.”

With the tedious stuff out of the way, the question that followed was infinitely easier to respond to. The faint smile that adorned her face grew, displaying quite briefly her dazzling white teeth as she said in a polite manner.

”I am Magnolia, Magnolia Everfrost. And you? “

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Amidst the Falling Leaves. [Henrex/Magnolia] LzZCuy7
Amidst the Falling Leaves. [Henrex/Magnolia] BtXe12b
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Amidst the Falling Leaves. [Henrex/Magnolia] Empty Re: Amidst the Falling Leaves. [Henrex/Magnolia]

Wed Jul 04, 2018 8:40 pm

Amidst the Falling Leaves. [Henrex/Magnolia] 6EdIfMt


Artist: Lollia - Song: Love is War

Silence fell on the Rukongai as Henrex could sense that Magnolia's mood suddenly dropped -- something that instantly sent a wave of anxiety over him. Her voice and actions may have said something else, but Henrex's senses couldn't lie to him about something like that. He instantly regretted what he said, worried that he had hit a nerve. But, Magnolia seemed somewhat comfortable with the subject -- at least, comfortable enough to talk about it.

The Black World, from what she had described, sounded...well, horrible. But, it wasn't entirely surprising. There were plenty of places that firmly believed the mentality of "the strong prey on the weak". But, to the extent to which the Black World had, it was almost sickening. As someone who wished to be kind, to prosper through his life with his kindness -- it hit a nerve in him. It always hurt him, in a way, to see or even hear of something like this happen. It always caused his desire to be bolstered.

So, it was easy for Henrex to feel a sense of relatability with Magnolia's desire. Thus, Henrex turned and looked at her, a soft smile coming to his lips as his eyes briefly closed.

"If you truly desire that, I know that you'll be able to fulfill that wish."

However, she didn't respond. Rather, she just stared off into space, lost in her own thoughts. The Stealth Force Captain let out a soft chuckle as he sat down, looking off into the distance at the various other districts of the Rukongai, with the Seireitei looming large over it all. He did hope that Magnolia was able to succeed with her goal, and make the place that she came from as peaceful as the Soul Society was -- compared to its inverse.

Finally, they both were broken from their trances by their Zanpakuto Spirits -- with Magnolia breaking the silence and responding to both of his comments. His smile returned as he looked toward the Seireitei, the shimmering green of the Grid shining brightly in the midday.

"Henrex Astillon, Captain of the Stealth Force."

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Amidst the Falling Leaves. [Henrex/Magnolia] Hm7QDbg
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Amidst the Falling Leaves. [Henrex/Magnolia] Empty Re: Amidst the Falling Leaves. [Henrex/Magnolia]

Thu Jul 05, 2018 5:17 pm

Magnolia Everfrost

Amidst the Falling Leaves. [Henrex/Magnolia] JCRrxmK

Song: UNKNOWN - Artist: UNKNOWN - Words: 1012

At the sentiment expressed to her. Magnolia seemed to sober up, the smile that was faint and whimsical seemed to gain more substance behind it. There was a magnetism in it, a kind of determination and surety that could only stem from a being who was so certain in their own power, that not much would be able to hold a candle to it. Even though magnolia was not flaunting it, henrex could probably for the briefest of moments, feel the absolute scope and magnitude of just how powerful she was. No one else around them would be able to feel it, given they weren’t sensitive to the latent electricity in the air, nor her spiritual wavelength. However, given the stealth captain had managed to pick up on her presence in the first place, it wouldn’t be a stretch to say he could feel the current level of power she could possess at this moment in time. There was no malice in her power, but it was like a thunderstorm, plain and simple. There was so much power there, a mind-boggling amount--and the words magnolia would say seemed to be founded upon that power.

”Where i come from, few have managed to attain the power i have. I had just made my final break-through before coming here, but when i transcended to the height of my power a glitch happened and i ended up here. If i can manage to find my way back--i will bring order to the home I love. Everyone deserves to be protected, every shinigami has a life of their own, a path that is precious. If i can even attain a fraction of the peace here, i will be content. “

Just like that, the glimpse into the titanic presence that was Magnolia would falter and vanish as if it was a fleeting wind. In it’s place was that faint magnetic pulse that there had been previously, as if everything could have been an illusion--a fleeting revere caused by the glistening rays of the sun. However as the girls holden hair seemed to be dancing in the grasp of the faint winds around her, her golden eyes would shift and glance at the stealth captain. Her words full of honesty and truth.

”Ultimately i did not become strong for the sake of strength. It was for the purpose of righting the wrongs that those in power have caused my people for so long. My only regret is i was unable to use my strength for good, and was cast adrift here. “

After she finished what she wanted to say, seemed to smile in a more gentle manner after the male stated his rank, and his title. She held up her hands in a gesture of “I don’t know what that is, but it probably should be an impressive thing”. Before she had let out a soft chuckle and responded in a kind manner.

”I admittedly don’t know what your title means, i’d assume it means you are a protector of this realm no?”

Magnolia had glanced back out across the peaceful landscape and said, true to the musings of her heart.

”One's home is always worth protecting to one’s last breath after all”

She seemed to be lost once more in the moment. Studying the landscape around her as she let out a soft exhalation of air. Her actions were somber, but they were by no means upset or angry. It’d be more apt to say that she was wistful, and mildly hopeful that she too could achieve peace like this for her own realm one day.


Amidst the Falling Leaves. [Henrex/Magnolia] LzZCuy7
Amidst the Falling Leaves. [Henrex/Magnolia] BtXe12b
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