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Just a Vacation Empty Just a Vacation

Tue Jun 26, 2018 6:11 pm

The Nameless King

Verathius Mischevang
おだ たつや

So questions could be asked why he came to this place after dispatching Kiriel. He needed a place to quietly ascertain things. He'd not been in control of his body for a while after all. His crimson orbs looked at the hand questioningly as though to see if it was his. It had been some time since he fought or did things to that extent. Not since his time as a human in that village. But his skills combined with the body he'd obtained were helpful. Was obtained the right word in this situation though, it had always been his. Verathius simply existed and presented him a chance to escape. To withdraw within his own mind and focus on what he loved. Splintering his mind in two and reforming it was difficult. Ashlei and Rose were going to be challenging to get too. But in this situation, he suspected he could handle one perhaps. But that didn't matter as the red-haired male leaned back. His frame had found a nice bench to rest on in this place. It seemed to be North Korea from what he could tell or maybe it was South. Humans named their cities strange things or countries he guessed. So many different dialects and things running around. Though he did have to give K-World credit. This place was quiet and a good spot for him to rest himself after that. Verathius had almost lost before becoming complete. At this moment it seemed likely Nagato and the others would begin moving. Soon Hueco Mundo would be a battlefield of the likes none could imagine. It all was happening how he'd anticipated so far at the very least. Everything was going to the strategic set up he'd figured out thus far. The world's gears were aligning and soon Nagato would begin. Everything moved at a pace that was acceptable and alright far as he was concerned. It felt strange being in control again after so many years. He could still vividly picture things from before as he sighed. Force and control were something entirely different as he watched the city now. This place was as good as anyone would be for a break.

Vacation or retreat from the battle to come. His black jacket covered his jawline as it was zipped up to his form. Wearing a black hakama with black tabi beneath his feet. No designs or special things and he'd taken the time to completely put his power under wraps. Controlling it was fairly easy as hiding his presence wasn't too hard. Though he couldn't truly accomplish anything about his appearance. Things like this were especially difficult to accomplish. Verathius had a combat-hardened appearance one that saw lots of battle. The act of hiding his jawline and mouth was a strange habit he'd formed. Though recently gaining control his clothing style was a product of it. He'd not been out or around much in this time period so some slip-ups were expected. It was like being in a coma but entirely aware of what was going on. You could somewhat push and pull at the person in charge. Give suggestions and let them chase the ball as it was in their court. Freedom was a strange concept to him after so long.

Chasing his sister's as a bulwark to protect them only to stop doing so. To not care about them anymore beyond anyone else. Though that was a hard truth to grasp now. Programming wasn't overcome easily and he suspected his sisters knew or didn't. That women were precious and deserving protection. The thought as it crossed his mind caused him to grimace. Still couldn't get that damn voice out of his head even now. Well, it mattered so little as the time was coming when he'd make an appearance before them. It was almost time for Verathius to return to combating the world's most hated force in some time. Shadow's Fall had earned some infamous reputation and he'd known it. But sitting idle and waiting were sadly the only choices he had. Time had come for him to snap those shackles and break free yet. Now it was time to begin his own revolution away from them all. K-World's territory was a safe place he imagined. It was strange though to return somewhere Ashlei had manipulated him once.
Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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Just a Vacation Empty Re: Just a Vacation

Wed Jun 27, 2018 6:00 am
China! Not exactly the best place to be, K-World could get touchy about territory, and there was this walking artillery cannon that really hated Shinigami. Sure, Ulv was a Vizard, but she doubted such semantics would be debated before kido started flying her way. And not that scrublord thirty shit either. From what Ulv had heard, it'd be a full-chant 88 to the face. Which, made this visit to Ci Lan Tsu a bit dangerous, admittedly, but one she had to make. Since hitting Yu-Shan, she had an obligation to pursuit the horizon, to sprint towards progress as fast as her legs could carry her. And she had been neglecting that recently. A tremendous focus on her
Resolve Flame and not enough on her Tai Chi.

Hence, Ci, the Queen of Wulin. But, it seemed there was someone else that attracted her before getting to Ci's house. Some strange, person about the place, certainly not an ordinary human, and seemingly out of place to much to be someone who was part of K-World. So she walked over, getting a feel for his emotional state from her still young Empathic Heart Of Fire, and giving him a warm smile.
"Hey, you alright there?"

Just a Vacation Empty Re: Just a Vacation

Fri Jun 29, 2018 11:20 am

The Nameless King

Verathius Mischevang
おだ たつや

His attention was snapped from the surrounding and thinking. His eyes looked somewhat startled by the situation. Studying the female's face as he exhaled a breath. He still had time to recover and prepare for things. It wouldn't be a forgotten or lost thing in this regard. But who was she and why did she know about him here? Was she curious about his emotional state for some reason or did he stick out so much? Somethings were harder to hide in plain sight than others. But the question was he alright came into the conversation. The truth was likely by normal standards it was a resounding no. He'd live though emotionally he despised that man and what he represented for him. "Yes, I remembered something unpleasant. What brings you this neck of the world?" Verathius said trying to keep an idle conversation for the moment. She's struck one up with him as he thought about it. His father was unpleasant to him but not to the girls. They worshiped that man and the ground he walked.

Such psychological programming was what caused the snapping of his mind. It created the second of him that now had finally reunited. It still felt interesting to be in control of his body. Things had changed past the point of where he'd remembered them. The time as a human had passed seven hundred and fifteen years ago. Now the girl did provide an interesting topic of discussion. He'd hope that people had advanced past the pitchfork and fire time period. Though if they were inclined to burn him they'd be in for a surprise. He found it rather hard to center his thoughts as he looked over the female. She had an interesting energy type, though it was well hidden. She didn't show off her power right away or let her reiatsu flow. Both of them seemed to wish to remain under the radar to an extent. "Intriguing." He said commenting as he looked at her closer. She wasn't certainly the ordinary passerby in any shape or form. He didn't need to see her energy put out to know that much.

He held his hand outstretched to shake hers. "My name is William, it's nice to meet you." He didn't see a need to reveal his other name to her. People may have been looking for Verathius. So may as well go with the original name he held as a human. If she touched his hand he'd be able to sense her energy and notice she was a vizard. Though he had an inkling towards this fact already. The aura she gave off didn't feel like that of the humans he'd seen. Nor did it resemble a Shinigami exactly in this sense with something familiar behind it. It felt like the hollow's he'd seen often as a boy but more elusive. Perhaps he was wrong though he held that was a possible outcome. Scientists were never perfect beings after all. They made mistakes and could make those mistakes into brilliant inventions. That was the way of things when it came down to the evolution of the mind and being. Perfection was a thing you searched but never accomplished, that was the golden rule.
Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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Just a Vacation Empty Re: Just a Vacation

Tue Jul 03, 2018 6:46 am

Just a Vacation 6EdIfMt

The Flame Of Hope

Artist: Carrotwine - Song: Dark Side Of The Road

"Unfortunate fact of life, that there is a great deal of unpleasantness in the world to remember. But you just have to counteract every unpleasant thought with a pleasant one, and life is good. If you are one who needs help having a pleasant thought to think with, I will gladly give you one myself!" Ulv was exceptionally jubilant in this, and driven beyond comprehension. Like she had a life's goal to make sure everyone had enough pleasant thoughts to get them through the day. Holding out her hand and grasping 'William', the influx of energy that was perceived, would be quite fantastical to the scientist's mind.

Quickly, he would come to realise that Ulv was actually putting out a great deal of energy, flaring it off with obvious lack of control. But, it was the energy itself that was the amazing part. A more perfect blending of Hollow and Shinigami rarely existed, and it was mixed with a third signature that changed the previous two, making an entirely unique mix before you considered the fourth energy signature wrapped around the others. That one, was warm and comforting, like every hug a person ever wanted as a child.

"William, huh? Haha! That's a Pseudonym if I ever heard one. You look like you should have a far larger name. Like, Antariel, or Veratasium, or Elouviana Zashira. Only not that last one, it's a girl's name. Ohh, maybe Haføåslygia. That's a cool name. Veðrfölnir if you have a big tree and an eagle to sit on. Or ice powers, either works" Ulv's crazed rant was full of warmth and elation. Her very words were enough to make a person feel better, because the energy and power that filled them was immutable. And this, was before she even used her Tulpa.

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Just a Vacation Empty Re: Just a Vacation

Tue Jul 03, 2018 5:39 pm

The Nameless King

Verathius Mischevang
おだ たつや

Her power was something else entirely she didn't come as a regular Vizard. Oh no this women was special and different. He chuckled a bit as she spoke of many names as he felt his spiritual pressure get released slightly. Though it was weaker than his previous form and incarnation. Verathius did have something old about him that came across as he unzipped his outfit's lip section revealing himself a bit more. She was funny and interesting so much more lively then Shadow's Fall. The place he was on the run from at this moment. He didn't run to the cradle of Hueco Mundo's revival though he knew it would be coming. He guessed proper introductions were in order since just telling her the name he went by. "Though sadly I have a much more well-known name, Verathius Mischevang. I'd much rather have one with less of a backstory and drama behind it." He said softly as he sensed nothing in the way of danger here. K-World wouldn't be a place that the Twin would be sought as he sought to rebuild his power.

His eyes glanced at his hand sighing softly as he considered it. He'd lost so much of his original power in the transition this time. He couldn't clash with Rose or Ashlei in this state. But he didn't have the luxury of time either when it came to it. Her energy was something as amazing as he thought about it. From a scientific perspective, she held something close to balance. She was able to balance herself almost on the razor's edge. Though he's not always done that he liked those names and had ideas. She held such a brimming and bright hopeful nature maybe he could do more. Do more to change things from where they stood as his sisters didn't see him. Or the pain they brought no they blindly saw what father wanted. But in the back of his mind, he suspected they knew or simply didn't care. The girls were precious and all that nonsense fed over and over. But let us not focus on past glory or events that had happened. It was time to focus on the present adventure before them.

Ulv was a fascinating person, she held promise in so many things. Perhaps a true hybrid between the Hollow and Shinigami could happen. Vizards often times would subject their hollows to the point of servitude. Perhaps a way was available to further knock down that wall and become more. Though his only experience with Shinigami experimented on them when they fought him. He did have a reasonable idea of how their spiritual particles worked. They were a fascinating creature capable of many things. Science had leaped forward by large bounds over the years. Learning how to manipulate contour or even control one's energy was so important. Though he wondered if the girl would humor him for a bit as he rubbed his chin. "Would you be against me possibly extracting some fo your reishi? You have a fantastic balance of your hollow and self-going on that is wonderful to see."
Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
Demon Toy
Joined : 2016-08-18
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Just a Vacation Empty Re: Just a Vacation

Wed Jul 04, 2018 9:21 am

Just a Vacation 6EdIfMt

The Flame Of Hope

Artist: Carrotwine - Song: Dark Side Of The Road

Ulv had clearly never heard of that name before. Even Mirja wasn't one to really get out and meet the big names. She'd only ever met a few of them. Shadin, Hakai, Tsubasa, and the rest. So, she just gave a smile.
"Well if you don't like your name, then a new one is good. Nyttar fits. New name, for a new man. Unless you have something against the best language in the world and want to be super boring and stick with blood, William. And be more generic than Generic-o-pops. I can't force you to have a cool name" Ulv playfully teased, and then took a breath and tried to use her Resolve Flame again. It wasn't easy, and her hands only spluttered with amber flame before guttering and going out. Still, in those few seconds, the area seemed warmer, and the idea of hope was a much better one than it had been. It wouldn't have the same impact as her full bonfire Tulpa, but it would give Verathius a soft caress of his mind and soul.

Then, he asked for her Reishi, which was quite the request. But, if anyone could do cool science stuff with it and make life better for Vizards, then she would not begrudge them. Mirja had to die to get this level of synchronicity for Ulv, so a slightly easier way about it was definately called for.
"Alright, sure. Just, don't do evil stuff with it or I will have to murder you until you are far more dead than you have ever been in your life. We don't like evil stuff" Ulv nodded and then....held out her hand, because she had no idea how giving Reishi was meant to go down.

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Just a Vacation Empty Re: Just a Vacation

Mon Aug 27, 2018 4:34 pm

The Nameless King

Verathius Mischevang
おだ たつや

Such a strange skill to output her power to bring a sense of feeling. He could analyze her for days as he pondered. William rubbed his chin softly as he looked over her extended hand. She wouldn't feel anything as he gently touched his to hers. Softly he pulled a small portion of her energy from her. He didn't absorb it instead he stored it quickly within a container. This would be useful in aiding people going through hollowfication. "Many of my kind don't look fondly on Vizards, I see it as a step in evolution myself. I think this is a natural course of evolution for a shinigami to undergo. The wall between our species is a complicated thing but not so strong it can't be brought low. " He didn't know why he decided to go into a lecture on this subject. But he reached into his outfit pulling a piece of paper and marker out. He drew on it creating a line down the middle with some small breaks in it within several places. While on both sides he wrote hollow and shinigami.

"This is mostly to tell you my plan for your energy. But I figured you might like it explained a bit with a visual presentation. As you can there is a line that has breaks in it between our species. These are beings like yourself who managed to merge into something new. " He drew a small circle in the middle writing Vizards in it, but drew lines going outside of it. "As you no doubt are aware, hollowfication is hard to complete for many vizards. I believe it's in a fundamental flaw in how it's done. Most attempts documented show restraining used for them. Or lack of communication in multiple things as they seem wild. " He looked at her to make sure she was following his train of thought on this. His mind had plenty of time locked away to consider the concepts of it. "Now this is where your energy comes, I also believe the Hollow energy in most cases acts in sense of Yang to the Shinigami's Yin. " He was on a role so decided to keep the ball rolling.

"When the two come together they clash for control instead of finding a harmony. Often times leading to a conflict between hollow within and reaper on the out. Your energy represents the balance being found between both by the small amount. While the majority struggle with the hollow for long periods even going so far as to completely subjugate it. I believe a harmony can be reached between the two using your energy as a form of beginning point." He said finishing his explanation to the girl hoping he'd not bored her entirely. He didn't know how dumb this all sounded even going so far as to use Chinese beliefs in his description. He'd been stuck inside the body too long and interacting with others still proved difficult. He heard Verathius chuckling within his mind as William couldn't really say much. Presenting his scientific theory to someone so openly was odd for him. Even though he was relatively old at this point and had found some form of composure and ease around her. The container was specially designed to contain her energy for later experiments and could even replicate it down the line.
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