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Qatar Hero Empty Qatar Hero

Sun Aug 26, 2018 6:48 am

Qatar Hero Sph2YBj


Artist: One Piece OST - Song: Law's theme - Word Count: 379

Law had just recently set out on another globe trotting adventure, curious as ever to see how much trouble he could find. He'd just set down in Qatar around a half hour ago, and the first thing he set out to do was find some sort of personal transportation. He'd had little use for anything of the like in Japan, and when he'd traveled through China he walked, intent on his exploration being as in depth as possible. Here though, he had a desire to quickly get a feel for the country, and he didn't feel like running around like a madman. This line of thinking led him to the BMW dealership, where he found himself inexorably attracted to the motorcycles.

The particular motorcycle he had his eye on was a sleek black, shiny, badass beauty. It looked like it could go four hundred miles per hour easily, and gave off the feeling that you'd feel great while doing it. He had a ton of cash on him, as he still had a fortune from the jobs he'd done in the past, and couldn't talk himself out of purchasing it outright. He almost stole it, but then he wouldn't have received the complimentary warranty, which he thought might come in handy.

Having accomplished his first goal Law set out, tearing across large swaths of the country in between his scheduled stops. Eventually he felt a sort of prickling along his spine as he was preparing to pass a city by completely. He couldn't ascertain what the cause was, but he imagined some shit would go down if he simply stuck around, so he changed his course. Riding in to the city, Law found a good place to park his new bike, then began to stroll down the sidewalk. Plenty of worthless shits passed around him, and he began to wonder why he'd stopped at all in very short order.

Before long he'd reached the end of the street he'd parked on, and had to come to a decision. Left or right? He picked right, and started on his way once more, until he came to what appeared to be an impromptu gathering of people. He approached them, wondering what all of the dumbasses had flocked together to gawk at.

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Last edited by Absentee on Wed Jan 30, 2019 3:58 am; edited 1 time in total

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Qatar Hero DVNh7M9
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Qatar Hero Empty Re: Qatar Hero

Tue Sep 04, 2018 7:31 pm

Qatar Hero Sph2YBj


Artist: One Piece OST - Song: Law's theme - Word Count: 424

Law looked on as the green haired man in front of him slap the shit out of some worthless mook. Apparently he'd been attempting to rob a store. The man didn't even seem to have thought about how he was going to escape after completing his little heist. The attempt was laughable, anyone of any value whatsoever could have put a stop to it. Still, he knew this other man was dangerous. He just had a sense about these things. The energy difference was obvious, but there was something about he way this guy fought. There was something to it that Law couldn't quite put his finger on just yet, but he wasn't going to give up an opportunity to experience it first hand. Not when it so readily presented itself. He was always eager to push boundaries, and his luck. He was also usually arrogant enough to think it would work out in his favor, but he wasn't quite as sure this time. Not that he wasn't sure at all, just not as much as he normally was. Plus, he was rather slippery, he could usually figure out how to disengage if he needed to.

"Nice work dickhead. You really showed him, huh. What was that, half a percent of what you can do? So noble too, you even spared his life. For what reason. He'll never amount to anything and has already shown he's more trouble than he's worth. Seems retarded."

Law knew he was pushing it a bit, but that had never stopped him in the past. He was very analytical, easily capable of seeing what was blatant and right under his nose, but he often chose to disregard those results and get himself in over his head. Not a very safe way to conduct himself, to say the least. He'd already made up his mind though, and there was no changing it. He wanted to see what this green haired creep was made of. What he could do.

"How about you fight me. I've got a bit more up my sleeve than that loser."

Law stood defiantly, not backing down or shuffling around in the least. He moved his hand to his blade, readying himself for a fight. At any sign of a combative response he was ready to release his shikai. He knew there was no joking around at the moment. He wouldn't have time to dick around in his base state, it would be straight to the release.

"Or we could move this somewhere else if you'd like."

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Last edited by Absentee on Sun Feb 10, 2019 2:14 pm; edited 1 time in total

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Qatar Hero DVNh7M9
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Qatar Hero Empty Re: Qatar Hero

Mon Feb 11, 2019 11:34 pm

Qatar Hero Sph2YBj


Artist: One Piece OST - Song: Law's theme - Word Count:

With an interested gaze Law watched the many inhabitants of the city scramble out of the way. Well, that was convenient. Less to worry about, and no one would get in the way. The blare of the alarm was a bit annoying, but he could deal. To be honest, he had expected a bit more of a build up, but he wasn't complaining. People liked to run their mouths too much as it was, he could appreciate getting straight to the meat and potatoes. With that in mind, he began to make his move, not bothering to respond to the other man's final provocation.

He knew he was at a severe disadvantage here, but that didn't stop him from rushing forwards with every bit of speed he possessed. One second he was standing still, the next he'd already pushed off of the ground heavily with his right leg, covered a fair amount of ground, and unsheathed his zanpakuto. A moment later he'd released his Shikai, and by this time he'd be very rapidly nearing Stefan. He considered just what he was going to do to start this off, but considering the fact that he really had no way of knowing what his opponent was capable of, he thought it best to start with something simple. With this thought in his head, Law raised the nodachi that was his zanpakuto in both hands, and brought it down in a simple slash towards the head of his foe. Not really the flashiest way to start things off, but it left open a variety of options, both offensive and defensive, if he found that he needed to change up his plans.

He had a few ideas about what he would do after this, but he'd obviously have to wait for the reaction to determine exactly which path he should pursue. Still, it didn't hurt to map out the possibilities. In this way Law could hold his own against fighters who were both stronger and faster than he was, simply by understanding what they were going to do. This meant he could react to things as soon as he noticed they were happening, and didn't have to go through the process of considering them fully. Still, this obviously wasn't a foolproof method, as he could only overcome so much through planning.

He put the vast majority of strength at his disposal into his attack, which by this point would be only moments away from making contact. If something extraordinarily unexpected where to happen he was also prepared to create as much distance as he could by using his shunpo to travel backwards.

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Qatar Hero DVNh7M9
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Qatar Hero Empty Re: Qatar Hero

Sun Feb 17, 2019 6:41 am

Qatar Hero Sph2YBj


Artist: One Piece OST - Song: Law's theme - Word Count:

As the green haired cunt in front of him deftly moved out of the way, sidestepping his attack, Law turned slightly with an unamused look on his face. Sure, it was impressive that his opponent had been able to so easily evade such an attack, but he'd been looking forward to the clash of blades. This prolonged things, and pissed him off at the same time. In the end, if introductions were to take place, it couldn't really be helped. He still head his sword at the ready, as he wasn't going to be fooled into lowering his guard after combat had already commenced.

"The name's Law, I'm sure you'll remember it. I don't plan on dying by the way."

This time Law waited for the other man to make the first move, curious as to what exactly he had up his sleeve. At the same time, he thought it would be best to activate what could only be considered the true source of his supernatural powers. It wasn't that he was planning on jumping straight into that though, quite the contrary. For as long as he could manage, Law would only be using his skill in Zanjutsu. Still, it helped to have a bit of a contingency plan. If things began to go awry it would be better for him to already have his first line of defense up. With that thought in mind he uttered a single word more, gesturing with his right hand so as to signify the start of something more interesting.


With that he activated his ability to manipulate reality itself, even if it was only in a tiny area around him. The effect would most likely be noticeable to an opponent such as this, even if it wasn't exactly visible. Whether or not his opponent was able to determine exactly what the effects of this or not was up for grabs, but Law was at least sure of the fact that he would notice the difference.

"So, are we going to stand around all day, or are you ready to get down to business now? I'm all in, ready to go at any time."

While it was true that Law spoke confidently, he wasn't making the mistake of underestimating his opponent. He knew that this was going to be a particularly dangerous and difficult encounter, and so he planned accordingly. As all of the possibilities rushed through his mind, he decided that he would indeed hold his ground. It was what seemed to be the best course of action based on the limited amount of information he' been able to garner from his opponent's reaction. In addition to that, he was confined to a relatively small area if he wanted to remain within the domain of his room. That meant too much movement would favor his opponent, and that wasn't a situation he wanted to get himself in to. Law stood calmly, blade in hand, and didn't take his eyes off of his opponent. All that was left to do now was to wait for whatever response he'd be met with. Verbal, physical, or otherwise.

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Qatar Hero DVNh7M9
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Qatar Hero Empty Re: Qatar Hero

Wed May 08, 2019 8:59 pm

Qatar Hero Sph2YBj


Artist: One Piece OST - Song: Law's theme - Word Count:


Law let out a sound of contempt upon hearing what his opponent had to say. Even if they weren't on the same level when it came to energy, he wasn't someone to be underestimated. He had many tricks up his sleeve, and had never been afraid to use them. Afterwards he was compared to a captain of the Gotei, which he didn't appreciate. While the Gotei's captains may be resilient, powerful, and experienced, they did not possess his intellect or ability.

"Yeah, only problem is I'm not a Gotei Captain."

Then came the real test. In a matter of only a few seconds his opponent had gone from boasting to attacking. He analyzed the movements carefully, but found no trace of deception. Even still, he wouldn't simply stand by and be attacked. Blocking an opponents blade with his own, especially when that opponent possessed strength which overwhelmed his own many times over, had never been high on his list of priorities. As such, after the fraction of a second he took to determine what his course of action would be, Law immediately removed himself from the path of the attack, quickly stepping to the right. At the same time, he began to utilize one of his zanpakuto's abilities in order to launch an appropriate counterattack. While he did this, he realized that it had been very wise for him to dodge this attack instead of attempting to block it. The reason for that was because his opponent had indeed been attempting to strike him with a deceptive amount of power.

In the very short amount of time it took him to relocate himself, Law's thumb was already surging with electricity. Unlike his other electricity based attack, this one could be concealed to a degree. As such, there was only the most minute hint of anything different about his thumb. Moving as quickly as he could, Law attempted to jam his thumb into his opponents chest. At the same time, he was ready to immediately retreat if anything unexpected were to happen.

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Qatar Hero DVNh7M9
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