Bleach Platinum Hearts RP
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Fri Nov 16, 2018 9:26 pm
The world around her was cold.. she felt like she was floating in a dark world of nothingness, endlessly falling further and further down the abyss until finally a prick of pain. It was small and light in nature, but it was pin nonetheless something not welcomed, then slowly came the next, each prick was enough to pull her from this frozen emptiness to some sense of colour.

A very loose term for what she barely could make out, perhaps it was brick or a wall f some sort, and with each tired and sluggish blink more of her world came into view. That's when she noticed what was causing the small pricks of pain when something tiny and white fluttered down from the distance and landed upon her cheek; snow.

She wanted to reach up her hand to catch some of it however it was then she noticed the limit of her body, moving it was difficult. It felt foreign to her in those short moments while she had to slowly regain movement from her fingertips up. How long had it been till she finally was able to bring her hand up in front of her and notice her shivering and trembling fingers.

Even longer to finally roll herself over onto her side and finally up onto her hands and knees. Her body was strangely stiff and much like her fingers she could feel herself trembling and shivering from the cold. How did she end up in this position? How did no-one find her? From looking down at where she laid she could tell that it had been a while, the imprint left in the snow was a clear sign of that or that it had been heavily snowing earlier.

But even more alarming then that was the sound of metallic cling that rung through the air while she moved. The culprit of this sound could be found directly on her chest in a quite peculiar place, confused by it's purpose Julia would reach towards it and try to pull it off from her. If it was just attached to her clothes she'd just expect it to pull with them however it seemed to be tightly bound to herself, the harder and longer she puled a dull pain was forming against her chest in that same area.

Her hands till tightly gripped on this chain her eyes would quickly scan the area for any for of clue to why this was the case. While the snow was very apparent from how it covered everything, she could also notice the lack of people, then again where she found herself was none other than a school and in the middle of the night. But who would drop her off in the middle of school grounds with a piece of metal literally forged into her. If it wasn't anyone what would drive her of all people to do so.

Up till that thought, she had been nothing but herself but as she tried to backtrack throughout her thoughts and solve a mystery of why she was here, she was finding a bigger one. Who was even herself? She could recognize most things, like knowing that building is a school, or that people don't go but much during the night, or that it was 'snowing' however anything directing towards herself seemed fussy and unclear.

Abruptly pulling her from her thoughts was a chilling breeze that passed through the school yard, blowing some of the dust like snow with it only further reminding her that she needed to get somewhere warmer. The first and more obvious choice was to make her way over to the school, nearly tripping from how frigged and stiff her legs were when she finally got to walking.

I decided to do something a little differently and let whoever responds to this to have a bit of freedom of how this plays out and give them a bit of power on how certain events play out.

A. Unlock the Door:

B. Lock the Door:

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Sun Nov 18, 2018 11:14 am

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Artist: Disturbed - Song: Hold On To Memories

As someone who visited the Living World often, it wasn't a surprise that the Captain of the Stealth Force had been the first one to go and respond to the Plus that had appeared in not only the Living World but also his home -- Japan. An ember of nostalgia tugged at him as he soared through the skies, the mist of his breath flying past him as he breathed in and out the frosty night air.

As he descended, Henrex turned his head upward, peering into the blackness and watching the snowfall. Time really had gone by -- it hadn't seemed that long ago since it was summer, and heat swept across the Earth. Now, it was closing in on the end of the year, and snow began to cover the world. Pulling his poncho just the slightest bit tighter over himself, Henrex began to walk down the streets of Japan.

Reaching out with his spiritual sense, it wasn't hard for Henrex to be able to locate and pinpoint the specific energy of a Plus. There was a certain... "purity" to the energy signature. After all, they were a wandering spirit that was made entirely of spiritual energy. Thus, by using a moderate portion of the Garb of Tsukuyomi's nigh-instantaneous movement ability, Henrex was able to leap from shadow to shadow in order to move closer towards to his objective, located near a school.

All the while, silence encompassed the Land of the Rising Sun. Nearing midnight, it wasn't a surprise that there wasn't even a cricket making a sound. At the moment, it felt like the world was at rest. It had a calming air to it as Henrex walked down the side of the road. However, this calm was soon disturbed as, through his heightened senses, Henrex could smell one thing that worried him -- blood, from the same direction as the Plus.

So, with a rather understandable worry, Henrex immediately picked up the pace. As a result of this, it wasn't long before he was able to get closer to them -- to the point where he could see her -- a young girl, dressed in a school uniform, likely freezing from how cold it was, walking to the road and calling for a nearby car. Watching it pass without even acknowledging her, Henrex let out a soft sigh as he resumed his walk towards the girl, lightly tapping her on the shoulder -- his voice, gentle as the wind.

"Are you lost, miss?"

Reaching for his poncho and taking it off, Henrex held it out to her, a soft smile spreading across his face.

"Here, you're probably really cold, dressed like that out here. You'll need it more than I will."

Then, reaching a hand forward and brushing her hair aside, Henrex confirmed his suspicions.

"'re bleeding. Are you hurt?"

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Sᵃ ᶥ ᶦ ˣ ♚
Sᵃ ᶥ ᶦ ˣ ♚
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Sun Nov 18, 2018 12:50 pm
Her attention was completely drawn to the passing car, bringing her hands over towards her mouth to get them somewhat warmed up by her breath. She was becoming tired, a lot of her energy and body heat she did waste trying to get that car's attention but even so she was hoping that they did notice her and were going to stop sometime soon. As such her attention was completely drawn away from the person who had been able to walk up behind her undetected and lightly tap her shoulder.

It was quite obvious that she was taken off guard from the way she practically jumped up, and quickly spun around to see who it was. Her nerves were all over the place as she was starting to stumble out a few words to respond to him, but between that and her shivering she'd really only make out a small, "I.. uh.. I-I.. th-think so.." She never once removed her hands frm her mouth continuing to let her natural breathing try and warm them up as she finally took a second to really look around and try to recognize anything around her.

"Here, you're probably really cold, dressed like that out here. You'll need it more than I will."

Her attention was brought back to him to see that he had taken of his jacket and had been offering it up to her. Only then would her hands remove themselves from her face and actually took a hold of it, a small exhale of relief escaped her lips as she was just getting warmed up from holding it alone. Before she'd put it on, the young girl would look up at him with a concerned expression on her face, "Wa-wait.. b-b-but you'll g-get cold too.."

She'd make sure to hold onto his jacket as close to her as possible as not to accidentally drop it, but also to keep warming herself up as she worked at removing the scarf from around her neck. Once she finally uncoiled it from herself, she was greeting with another strange but slightly pleasant surprise when the male before her brushed her hair. Perhaps he was brushing off some snow from her since she was standing around in the snow, or from when she was laying in it but his words painted a different story.

"Wa-wait, what?" Blood? Was she bleeding? Was she hurt? She had been focused on the fact she was so cold she never really thought about any places where she was hurt at all; and then she remembered the piece of metal attached to her. While it wasn't on her head like he was mentioning, she'd carefully move the poncho out of the way for him to see the chain.

"I-i.. I don-t know.. wh-where I got this.. b-but.." As she said that she'd take a second to grab a hold of the chain and tug at it, only to wince from how hard she pulled at it. That same dull pain resounding again, "Th-that's not normal, right?" Once she asked her question she'd look up at him, hoping that maybe he could give her some insight on what it could be, or ta least reassure her in some manner.

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Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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Sun Nov 18, 2018 2:32 pm

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The Flame Of Hope

Artist: Hammerfall - Song: Hearts On Fire

A Plus. Ulv had been heading back to her city when she came across the feeling, of a Plus. And it was a questionable thing. What did she do with a Plus? Did she go and Konso it? Did she ignore it? The Seireitei kept track of Plus populations and sent people to deal with them, so maybe they would get upset if someone was vigilanting their Pluses and screwing everything up. While debating, she felt the appearance of another. Sneaky though he was - and he was very sneaky - Ulv could sense him through his Dantian, and had senses sharp enough to pinpoint who it was through the unique feel. It had been a while since she last saw her favourite mopey guy, and so she slipped over there herself.

She arrived like a breath of wind, and the air grew warmer, the night grew brighter, and the world grew lighter. She waved to the bloody Plus, and then shuffled over to Henrex for pre-stayinghere business.
"I don't know if it hurts you to feel positive or not, but if it does then I can shut my flame off" Ulv whispered, nodding seriously. It was at times like this that a person could clearly see what Ulv was. A caring woman, who inherited Mirja's memories and never doubted the authenticity of what she found in them.

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Mon Nov 26, 2018 9:49 pm

Forgotten Attachment [OPEN] JCRrxmK


Artist: Dragonball R&R - Song: Papa's Wish

As he readjusted his sleeves, Henrex heard the girl voice her concern, and just lightly waved a hand.

"It's fine, trust me. You need it more."

But, as he began examining the blood from her head, there was one thing that didn't add up -- there was no wound. The blood was fresh, drenching her head, but it just seemed to have...appeared from nowhere. Straightening and looking at the infamous Chain of Fate that resided in her chest, Henrex took very careful note of the chain's links. Letting out a quick sigh of relief, he softly put a hand on her head.

"That chain...well, there's no easy way, nor is there another way to explain this, but that's called a Chain of Fate. It's what spawns on someone's chest when they...die."

It was a bit difficult to tell someone that they were dead. Everyone had their own reactions -- some, similar to others. But, more than anything, there was the concern of encroachment. Despite the advancement that the world had gone through in time, there was one thing that would always remain the same: the process of a Plus to a Hollow.

However, just as he was about to continue, Henrex was able to detect a very familiar presence as it closed in at rapid speeds and make a brief comment. Sighing softly, he turned his head to Ulv, voice still level and gentle -- but, Ulv would likely note the tinge of confusion that could be found in his statement.

"It doesn't hurt me to be positive, Ulv. I don't know what "flame" you're talking about, but it's not influencing me. This is my own warmth."

Turning his head back to Julia, he gestured toward the chain.

"This symbolizes you as a spirit, a ghost. People with mediumship or other spiritual beings can see you. I'm one of those spiritual beings, as is this woman here."

Henrex turned, gesturing to Ulv, before turning back.

"What's your name, miss?"

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