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When the Levee Breaks [WW4 Start Event]  Empty When the Levee Breaks [WW4 Start Event]

Thu Jan 31, 2019 1:00 pm

The Nameless King

Verathius Mischevang
おだ たつや

While his sister and he held certain disagreements one could say. Verathius didn't mind if it was for his energy researching. Though he also held a certain itch for a fight here. This place had been scientifically important to him. It was where he and the present Captain Commander clashed previously. He could sense the other people who were loyal to Shadow Fall here. Disgusting demonic energies swirled over in one direction. Verathius softly sighed before slamming his energy into the defensive field around a certain point int he Rukongai. Unleashing a Cero that broke through with relative ease. The trouble was getting into the main location since a regular energy attack wouldn't do it. He landed in and simply walked past those who weren't threats. He wasn't like other hollows as he found the weak unappealing to kill. Verathius kept walking forward not really bothering the people who ran past him. Unlike his cohorts, he wasn't paid to kill every single person. Nor did he work with Demons or hollows in this situation. Verathius caught a zanpakuto blade in his hand glancing at the guy. He smiled and shook his head left to right as he gave the man a quick knee into the midsection. [color=red'I'm not gonna kill you, but make sure when you get up to escort these people out...I"m fairly sure someone substantial is gonna be here soon...I'm not keen on killing those who can't protect themselves..night. "[/color] He said laying the guy on the ground as he stretched. This was going to be some exercise he could tell. Verathius walked closer making his way towards the Seireitei divide. His interest was in shattering this so-called defense they had. This wouldn't be easy he could tell truthfully as it would be a rather difficult scenario. His eyes looked at the defense and took it into consideration. It was a rather potent thing that the Shinigami had crafted here. He rubbed his jaw thinking about the first blockade he faced since he got here. The defenses were right now and we're going to make this a lot harder.

He supposed he would be earning his pay this time around. He would need to pace himself on his way to the Seiretei's main defense. Though he couldn't tell a lot of features from the distance away. But he understood pretty clearly that this was going to be difficult. These weren't going to break down easily under any circumstances. Cero Occulas would likely be needed to make the slightest dent in the thing. Verathius could only sigh a bit as he now understood his sister gave him a tough job. Fighting here would be rough and he didn't have troops exactly. Though that worked out fine for him in the long run. Mercenaries didn't really need them as it were. Begrudgingly he accepted his sister's scientific research for this job. Verathius let his crimson eyes scan the area as he found himself inching closer. He wasn't creating a warlike scene yet, his job was elsewhere. He would be fighting someone soon. Shinigami were coming Gotei guards it seemed detected him.

So this was what they sent at him as he scanned their ranks slowly to see who was dangerous. This would be taking a lot longer since he was only seeking their strong fighter at the moment.
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When the Levee Breaks [WW4 Start Event]  Left_bar_bleue419100/999999When the Levee Breaks [WW4 Start Event]  Empty_bar_bleue  (419100/999999)

When the Levee Breaks [WW4 Start Event]  Empty Re: When the Levee Breaks [WW4 Start Event]

Fri Feb 01, 2019 1:21 am

When the Levee Breaks [WW4 Start Event]  6EdIfMt


Artist: Bleach OST - Song: Reminisence

It seemed that they were not the only ones making a move.

Byakuya's eyes slid open as he stepped out of the Kuchiki Family Manor, not making a sound as he made his way toward the end of where the invention of one of the Captains of the Stealth Force was. It wasn't hard for anyone, much less himself to be able to detect the enormous amount of spiritual power that was attempting to make its way toward the Seireitei.

Yet, as always, the Kuchiki Royal remained unfazed by the presence looming in the Rukongai. There was a seed of irritation that had sprouted as he continued to make his way toward the presence of the Arrancar. His hands remained at his sides as he entered the Rukongai and left the safety of the Grid's barrier. Demonic forces that had spread out in an attempt to attack from multiple sides began to run and dash toward him.

Three words were all that he needed, not even spoken aloud.

'Come forth, Senbonzakura.'

As these three words were processed by the spirit of his weapon, the subtle shine of petal blades filled the open air, and despite the slowness of the petals, compared to the speed of his Shikai, Bankai, or even his Shikokai, each and every demonic creature that managed to get within mere feet of him would be maimed and decapitated. Beyond that, there was not even a second thought as the Angel of the Cherry Blossom continued onward.

Reaching what seemed to be the root of the issue, Byakuya stood before the red-haired Arrancar, his face as placid as it ever was. Silence encompassed the area between the two warriors as Byakuya closed his eyes and imparted these words to the invader in front of him:

"If you truly believe that it will be a simple task to get past these defenses and tread upon these grounds, you are even more of a fool that I initially believed. We are not defenseless. I am living proof of that. You shall not proceed any further. Begone, Arrancar."

Without waiting for a response, the male drew his sword and held it level in front of him, opening his eyes and saying two words.

"Scatter, Senbonzakura."

With the invocation of these words, the blade of his weapon glowed pink as the blade slowly dispersed into the wind, leaving only the handle of his Zanpakuto remaining. Drawing the blade-less weapon to his shoulder, Byakuya made a firm swing to the right, of which would influence the petals around him, causing them to follow the movements and attempt to maim the Arrancar just as they had the demons he had mercilessly dispatched of mere minutes ago.

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When the Levee Breaks [WW4 Start Event]  Empty Re: When the Levee Breaks [WW4 Start Event]

Fri Feb 01, 2019 4:22 pm

The Nameless King

Verathius Mischevang
おだ たつや

His eyes narrowed as the demons seemed to swarm. Bloody locust was all they were in the end. They were creatures hungering for chaos and delight from it as he sighed softly. This one was different from the others his crimson eyes looked at those around him. Guess it wouldn't be so simple to deal with this person here. His hierro was much stronger than regular Arrancars and rather effective. But judging by how this one looked he could ascertain this guy was faster than him. Though that wasn't exactly hard as Verathius never had been known for speed or sonido. Verathius didn't speak as he knew words held little meaning in this regard. The only conclusion one could make was that those did something undesirable to enemies. Verathius paused his walk now glancing at the male. Shikai had been activated leaving the other two states of activation open. He could assume they were about even as his tribal hierro markings began to cover his body. But that was what dead men did it was better to play safe.

Odds of hitting this man with something trivial like a cero were low. Simply examination would make it clear that he could avoid those. So why not mix things up a bit as he moved his hand outward. The area became covered in a red gas cero he made. Verathius knew time was short so he would need to make preparations for before anything else happened. His form vanished into the smoke as it came to Byakuya now. If inhaled this stuff was dangerous though he guessed the Shinigami would blow it away with a kido or use his sword. Plenty of methods or he may just avoid it in general. Focusing his energy into his palm now he began circulating it rapidly as he drew in energy to that palm. This was going to be needing usage a different way he imagined. They didn't introduce themselves or give names. Perhaps that was for the best that no one knew who he was. He had a hunch that this guy was going to hit hard. Trouble was getting close would be difficult he imagined. Till he got a feeling for how this one fought it would be best to take it slow.

Letting his reiatsu flare heat came off him as flames danced around him. His bodies internal temperature rose a bit. This wasn't really his bag truthfully as William found such things tedious. But he supposed the only way to truly handle this situation. Was to fight the Shinigami as he waited to see the effect of the smoke. Cero Halo wouldn't be useful as the male would simply dodge it. But through the smoke, he could unleash a blast of sorts. Reading the moves and guessing he had a hunch behind him would be the location. So he kept a finger low and ready to fire something. Bala Oscuras, was his plan if the male came at him quickly. It was hard to say what sort of offense would be brought to bear against him. But from here the cero smoke and halo would have to do. With him waiting to see if the man made a move into melee range. Those petals indicated a desire to fight at a longer distance. The first question he needed to answer was could those petals puncture his hierro.

He wasn't willing to say no without seeing them in action. Yammy had impressive hierro and the fool got his arm cut off. So it was best to learn from those who came before and not be stupid.
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When the Levee Breaks [WW4 Start Event]  Left_bar_bleue419100/999999When the Levee Breaks [WW4 Start Event]  Empty_bar_bleue  (419100/999999)

When the Levee Breaks [WW4 Start Event]  Empty Re: When the Levee Breaks [WW4 Start Event]

Tue Feb 05, 2019 7:22 pm

When the Levee Breaks [WW4 Start Event]  6EdIfMt


Artist: Persona 5 - Song: Rivers in a Desert

The Royal Kuchiki's grey eyes carefully examined his surroundings, taking note of the gas that was quickly obscuring his vision. Closing his eyes and raising a hand from his side and seemingly drawing a circle with it, as a white circle of energy manifested in front of him before he gently pushed his hand forward, invoking a set of words alongside this.

"Hadō 58, Tenran."

With those words, a powerful tornado-like blast burst forth from the center of the circle. As this tornado surged toward Verathius, this powerful funnel of air would also use the rapid spinning as a way to manipulate the air and dispel the effects of the Arrancar's gaseous Cero variant. His arm returning to his side, the man took careful note of everything that had occurred. A variant of a Cero that created a poisonous gas.

Taking further note, he noticed the scratches on the man's body as a result of Senbonzakura's assault. Cero and Hierro specialist -- potent for both long and short range, equally as potent for their versatility and an immense amount of variants that had been documented over the years. Furthermore, he could sense, as well as now see that he was gathering a large amount of energy in one of his palms.

Immediately preparing for a counter-attack, Byakuya drew his arm back, causing the nigh-invisible petals to begin gathering at the base of where the blade of his Zanpakuto would be. Thus, before he made another move, he once again spoke, his words mimicking that of a release phrase for a Zanpakuto -- it was an order, a command for the spirit.

"Lunge, Senbonzakura."

Thrusting his arm forward, the blade of his weapon reformed and elongated, stretching out and quickly closing the distance between himself and Verathius, glimmering the same pink color of the petals as Byakuya additionally tapped into the power of the base power of Senbonzakura, the ability to alter the sharpness of his Zanpakuto. Drastically increasing the cutting potency of this new blade, Byakuya sought to -- in short -- skewer the Arrancar and pierce his Hierro.

Should Verathius make an attempt to dodge, Byakuya would simply swing his sword in that direction, as he likely had more than enough range and reaction speed to do so. Whether he would cut him or not, Byakuya drew his arm back once more, causing the blade to scatter into petals once more, and the man's arm rested, keeping his stance in order to keep himself ready to attack or defend at any moment.

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When the Levee Breaks [WW4 Start Event]  Empty Re: When the Levee Breaks [WW4 Start Event]

Tue Feb 05, 2019 7:50 pm

When the Levee Breaks [WW4 Start Event]  3tGGwcz


Artist: Bleach OST - Song: Mysterious - Word Count: N/A

Shunsui dropped from above, as if entering from nowhere. He'd been around just long enough to witness exactly what Verathius was up to, and with a simple Bushogama he easily countered it, in much the same way Byakuya had. The small tornado that left his Zanpakuto was more than enough to vacuum up all of the remaining gas that had been released and carry it harmlessly elsewhere. At the same time, the opposite tornado roared headlong towards Verathius, eagerly seeking him out. Regardless of the outcome of his combined attack with Byakuya, he raised his blades once more, pointing them towards this new intruder.

"It would be best if you left now, friend. Before things get out of hand."

He spoke with the utmost confidence. Shunsui would let no more tragedy's befall the Seireitei while he was around. Luckily he'd stayed behind while many of the others left to conduct war efforts. He'd had a feeling that something like this might just happen, and that was why he was more than prepared this time around. If anyone wanted to destroy his home again they'd have to go through him.

Shunsui gave off a frightening burst of spiritual pressure, but more than that, he let the arrancar feel his merciless killing intent. He had dedicated himself to making sure that no more harm befell the soul society while he was in charge of protecting it. The consequences of the last time had never left his mind. He had failed to protect his home, and he had failed to protect his leader. He would never let something like that occur again. The killing intent that he left out now was that of a man who was protecting the one thing which was dear to him. It would be a large deterrent to most people. Whether or not this arrancar heeded that warning was his own business, Shunsui would react to whatever came. He couldn't help but think that it would be in the Arrancar's best interest to turn back now though. He truly had been giving useful advice when he spoke previously. It would be easy for anyone with any experience to tell that Shunsui was ready to immediately jump into his bankai. Presumably, he was not worried about Byakuya's ability to withstand his power. He was not so sure if Byakuya felt the same way.

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When the Levee Breaks [WW4 Start Event]  Empty Re: When the Levee Breaks [WW4 Start Event]

Wed Feb 06, 2019 5:23 pm

The Nameless King

Verathius Mischevang
おだ たつや

The petals were akin to swords that were the best way to describe them. They did damage him on a minor level with scratches and such. A more concentrated attack could have been more dangerous. Though he guessed this would be a problem in the long run. He would need to combat multiple people it seemed as he detected another coming his way. Verathius held no love for Shadow's Fall that was true as he found demons repulsive in their nature. Finding them rather pointless for the Hueco Mundo that was. Shikai was where that one was at the moment. The next attack after his cero was blown away by a tornado based kido. That was an impressive action and well thought out. Verahtius pointed his palm outwards towards the attack and a cero spun out like a tornado. Controlling the release it roared free drilling into the petals as well. As for avoiding it that wasn't an option really in this situation.

He sensed the next one coming as he came down. Verathius had dealt with that situation. He sighed a bit touching his neck as he knew this would be rougher. "I'd like too, but at present, I'm being paid by my little sister to manage this a bit. Truthfully I just want to keep you busy here. " Verathius said softly shrugging his shoulders as he glanced at Shunsui and Byakuya. His crimson eyes looked them over as he sighed considering his situation carefully. It was now a two versus one and that was a bit more then he bargained for. How had he ended up in this situation as he glanced around at the place? He'd rather avoid vaporizing the people who lived here and hadn't gotten away yet. Verathius rubbed his chin thinking for a moment as he sighed a bit. "Know anywhere a little less populated? I'd rather avoid killing the non-combatants here. Sort of why I didn't bring hollows or demons with me. They are a bit too eager to attack people who don't fight back." Verathius wasn't a good guy nor did he pretend to be. His code was simple he didn't fight people who couldn't fight back.

But if they didn't like his offer as it was he would fight them. He couldn't really afford to do anything less here. But from what he could gather of the present situation. They were both here making his task a bit more successful. He'd drawn away from what he could tell two heavy hitters. His eyes examined them both taking in the details of them. One held the outfit of a Captain or rather that appearance. The other held a similar aura so perhaps a former Captain. He'd seen them during the Demonic Incursion.

Verathius could only let a sigh out now as he glanced at them both. This would be troublesome it seemed in the longer end of it. Rose had requested he distract them and maybe someone important. Keep them busy here so other tasks could be handled. So far the plan seemed to be playing out how he imagined it would. He drew two thus far with the likely possibilities of others coming. His offer for a new location wasn't bad since he wouldn't be swinging his dukes at the population.

Honestly, a change of venue served these two figures well. He wouldn't be knocking on the door anymore. Though he would oblige them if they decided to fight here. Two people didn't matter to him in any true state. It wasn't about him underestimating them or anything. He was supposed to pull people here and fight them. Verathius had fought many different occasions proving his metal. Having fought in different spots for many reasons. He had at one point been the Primera Espada for the Shadow Fall Organization. Another moment he leads to different factions. So this wasn't exactly his first rodeo and he'd even clashed with Ibiki Suika once.

Though that was ruined by a person coming in who whined and complained. Well, he couldn't very well fight both of them holding back. That was a clear thing as he released his spiritual pressure finally. He'd not outright done so nor had he aimed to fight those around him. Truthfully he'd only attacked when attacked by someone. Even Byakuya who began with an attack was only answered in kind. The people who attacked him were only knocked out. It seemed he was going to get a rather exceptional work out now. Perhaps it was about time he began to take this thing to the next level.

Though he would give them the chance to fight elsewhere, it was their call after all.
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When the Levee Breaks [WW4 Start Event]  Left_bar_bleue419100/999999When the Levee Breaks [WW4 Start Event]  Empty_bar_bleue  (419100/999999)

When the Levee Breaks [WW4 Start Event]  Empty Re: When the Levee Breaks [WW4 Start Event]

Fri Feb 15, 2019 6:21 pm

When the Levee Breaks [WW4 Start Event]  6EdIfMt


Artist: Lollia - Song: Rivers in the Desert

Returning to his prior stance, Byakuya briefly turned toward Shunsui as he entered and aided the Royal Kuchiki as he cleared the rest of the smog from the Arrancar's Cero. Remaining silent as he gave a small nod toward the fellow Captain of old, turning back to his opponent, joining Shunsui as he closed his eyes before unleashing an equally monstrous amount of power. He had no more reason to hold back now. Should there have been any innocents in the vicinity, they would have likely taken shelter, or evacuated.

The man's eyes slid open into a calm, yet equally steely gaze as his hand rose from his side, promptly ignoring his question if they had somewhere less populated in order to switch the scenery and supposedly to keep the deaths of innocents low. Rather, the man held his sword out in front of him once again, turning the blade-less handle around so that where the blade would be would now be facing the ground.

To respond, he merely had a single word.


A firm tone, once again sounding like an order for the spirit within as he released his Zanpakuto. The weapon fell from his hand and phased through the ground, sending energy ripples expanding outward as the light in the area grew dim, and two rows of a thousand blades rose from the ground on both of his sides. Holding eye contact with his enemy, Byakuya continued:

"Burn this into your memory, Arrancar, for it will be the last thing you see in this world."

As the blades at his sides began to shine, he finalized his statement with three words.

"Scatter, Senbonzakura Kageyoshi."

They dispersed. Billions upon billions of petal blades now floated in the area, all of which could easily be harnessed for offensive or defensive purposes, should the man will it. With his arms at his sides, Byakuya quickly utilized the mental control that he had over his Bankai in order to command the petals to surge forward, slashing and maiming at his enemy.

There was the chance of him attempting to block this with his Hierro, but he knew that there was no Hierro that could hold up to the power of a Bankai -- much less the sharpness of his Bankai. Senbonzakura was the sharpest Zanpakuto in existence, and Byakuya intended to show why it held that title.

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When the Levee Breaks [WW4 Start Event]  Empty Re: When the Levee Breaks [WW4 Start Event]

Sat Feb 16, 2019 12:46 pm

When the Levee Breaks [WW4 Start Event]  3tGGwcz


Artist: Bleach OST - Song: Mysterious - Word Count: N/A

Shunsui looked on with amusement as he noticed that this arrancar seemed to have no intention of attempting to evade or block his Bushogama. Perhaps he thought that this tiny tornado would prove no match for him, but that was simply an underestimation. After all, any who studied weather in any capacity whatsoever knew that it wasn't the size of the tornado that accounted for its damage, it was the speed of the wind that made it up. This little tornado was hardly the size of a person, yet its winds were surely approaching speeds of six to seven hundred miles per hour by the time it reached Verathius, who had decided to simply stand in its path. He watched as the tornado slammed into this intruder, and although his vision was slightly obscured by the transient debris, he was not doubtful that significant damage had resulted. At the very least the small particles, rocks, and other such detritus would create severe lacerations across the majority of the body, even to an arrancar with heavily reinforced skin. In addition, it was incredibly unlikely that Verathius had maintained his footing. He would almost certainly be thrown at least a few feet through the air, and if that were the case broken bones or fractures were almost guaranteed. The wind is not a pleasant mistress, and she does not care much for those who chose to defy her. To be at her mercy in what is essentially free fall, with no real grounding to speak of, one's body would have an absurdly difficult time keeping itself aligned. In the past Shunsui had seen those caught up in his Bushogama have their arms and legs torn completely from their bodies, just from the sheer force that such wind-speed generated. In addition to the damage his own attack would cause, Shunsui would be amazed if, in all of that commotion, the Arrancar was able to somehow manage to dodge Byakuya's petals.

With the momentary pause they'd been given Shunsui looked to Byakuya, returning the nod of acknowledgement. The next moment he spoke in a voice that would ring loudly and clearly.

"To simply stand in the line of my Bushogama... You are very brash, Arrancar. Will you reconsider your stance and leave our home... or will you die here today?"

Shunsui looked to where the dust was finally clearing, readying himself for any further actions his opponent might take. It had been a long time since he'd fought side to side with the head of the Kuchiki clan, but their synergy had not diminished in the slightest. It would truly be foolish for this Arrancar to continue his attack.

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