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Nothing is Alright Empty Nothing is Alright

Thu Feb 21, 2019 7:35 pm

Nothing is Alright QbsRLQj


Artist: YYH OST - Song: Kurama's theme - Word Count: N/A

It had been a few weeks since the events in China, and Law had gotten into contact with Murasaki shortly afterwards. He'd found the small note she'd left him explaining the basics, and containing her phone number. Naturally, he called her shortly after he awoke. During that phone call he was informed of what exactly had happened after his blackout. The vizard infection that had been laying dormant within his body for so long had finally manifested itself, and to such an extent that he truly had no recollection of the events. He'd apparently been a danger to himself, and to those around him, so she'd knocked him out. He couldn't really complain about that.

Now, several weeks later, he traversed the arid plains of Mongolia, in search of a girl and her horse. But mainly her yurt. Truth be told, he could have arranged to arrive much closer to his end destination, but there was something to be said about a trek through the desert. He decided to undertake this journey, swapping his normal attire out for something more suitable for the climate.

He'd been traveling north for a couple of days now, alone with his thoughts. He had become the very thing that had taken everything away from his all of those years ago. There was some serious soul searching in order. At the same, thoughts of the green haired captain regularly entered his mind. Why? He couldn't quite put his finger on it, but if he hadn't been intrigued he honestly wouldn't have made his way out here in the first place. Oh well, he' figure it out eventually.

Finally, after his long and productive journey through the desert, Law saw what he assumed was his destination. He approached the yurt with confidence, and spoke up to call attention to himself.

"Knock knock, anybody home?"

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God of Love
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Nothing is Alright Empty Re: Nothing is Alright

Sat Feb 23, 2019 12:07 pm



Of course Murasaki had left the guy her number, since naturally she wouldn't just leave him like that and let that be the end of it. She was a busy gal, actually just sticking around'd get in the way of goodness knew what else she had to do. Paperwork, patrols, training, just no end to it all. Honestly kinda crazy, if ya thought about it. Anyway! She'd been surprised when he actually called, though hadn't he hit on her? She couldn't really remember, but it seemed like he had, so if that was true it made sense that he called.

Naturally, she'd set things up in Mongolia. Partially because she knew the area well, and if stuff went badly she'd be able to fix it up real quick. But, honestly, she kinda just wanted to head back to what she considered home. She'd have preferred the steppes, but there was something nice about the desert, too. She definitely hadn't been around there for a while, but it was hardly trouble for a smart girl like her to get everything set up nice and perfect.

Once she'd arrived, refreshments for her guest were naturally in order. She'd obviously brought her usual sweets, not like she trusted anyone else to make 'em as good as she did. But here was no way Murasaki would be serving pre-made tea! It was best when it was fresh, obviously, so she got to the brewin' and steepin' and all that business, so that hopefully it'd be ready by the time her guest arrived. And, luckily, it was. Hearing a masculine voice outside, Murasaki perked up a bit and went to the door, opening it up and gesturing inside.

“Well hiya, mister. C'mon in, get comfy. We've got some stuff to talk about, I think.”

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Nothing is Alright Empty Re: Nothing is Alright

Sun Feb 24, 2019 5:16 am

Nothing is Alright QbsRLQj


Artist: YYH OST - Song: Kurama's theme - Word Count: N/A

As she opened the door and he saw her face, something strange overtook Law. The slightest of smiles actually slowly spread across his lips. Not a condescending smirk or arrogantly aggressive grin, but a true smile. He recognized this, and was honestly taken aback. That hadn't happened in... he couldn't remember the last time that had happened. The fuck is going on here. He pushed those thoughts out of his mind, so as not to become caught up in his own head, and simply replied to what she had said.

"Can do. I think you're right on that one."

He followed her into the small enclosure, noticing that it was much more homey than he would have originally thought. He noticed that there were several small treats laying about, and he could smell the aroma of a nice tea that seemed to have just been brewed. All in all, it was a more pleasant experience than he'd expected.

With no hesitation he made his way to a small couch-like piece of furniture and did as was suggested, he got comfortable. Couch like because it couldn't really be called a couch. It was, however, surprisingly nice, even if it was significantly lower to the ground than he would usually expect.

"There are few things I should probably say about what went down in China before we get to the final incident.... Before we get too into that though, what's a big shot Gotei captain doin slummin it up like this? Don't you have like, a division barracks?"

It had certainly been a long time since Law had stepped foot into the Soul Society, but unless things had changed incredibly drastically, then he wasn't quite sure why she'd like to spend her time like this. Perhaps it was just personal preference? It also wasn't a question he'd usually ask, because truth be told, he shouldn't give a fuck. For some reason he did though.

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God of Love
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Nothing is Alright Empty Re: Nothing is Alright

Thu Feb 28, 2019 9:44 pm



If Murasaki picked up on what Law was thinking, she sure didn't show it. She had a good idea, at least she figured, though in truth her assumption of what he was thinking about was probably both more and less wholesome than it actually was. She had something of an established idea of how this guy was, and hadn't quite come up with any reason not to think it was the case just yet. But hey, maybe she'd get a nice surprise.

“You want some tea first? Candy? Snacks? I've got a lot of stuff ready, I'll probably be here for a while. And I wouldn't call it slumming at all, thank you kindly. I like living like this, and I don't really have the time to just waste in my office.”

It was fairly apparent that Murasaki didn't appreciate the implication made about her chosen way of life, but she continued to ready the snacks and drinks all the same. She'd extended the invitation, so it'd be wrong of her not to at least be hospitable. Besides, there was still stuff worth talking about in the meantime, even if she wasn't sure she liked his tone.

“Now, you said you had stuff to talk about since China? I thought you might.”

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Nothing is Alright Empty Re: Nothing is Alright

Sun Mar 03, 2019 3:12 pm

Nothing is Alright QbsRLQj


Artist: YYH OST - Song: Kurama's theme - Word Count: N/A

As he lounged on the small piece of furniture he'd chosen, Law noticed that she hadn't very much appreciated the way he'd described her lifestyle. He wasn't going to kowtow because of it, that just wasn't in his nature, but he'd attempt to clear it up a bit if he could.

"Tea sounds nice, thanks. I guess my phrasing wasn't the best there, didn't mean to imply negative connotations, it just seemed interesting to me."

Regardless of how Murasaki reacted to his attempted clarification, he would get into what exactly had happened in China.

"Anyway. I was exploring some cave in China when I came across that orb that was on the pedestal. I thought it looked kind of cool, so I nicked it. I took it back to Japan and eventually ended up selling it, because it didn't seem to do anything. I studied it extensively, and it was completely inert."

He paused for a moment, shifting his position slightly, then began to speak once more.

"A few days later the man I sold it to was murdered, and the orb was the only thing taken. I worked with Urahara to find out what was happening, but that became unnecessary pretty quickly, as China went up in flames. After that I went back to China to track the orb down once more, as I felt I was somewhat responsible. It wasn't very difficult, and that's basically where you and the others came in. Sorry about that."

He still had a few things to say about what had happened after the fight, but he thought it best to see how that information was taken.

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God of Love
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Nothing is Alright Empty Re: Nothing is Alright

Wed Mar 06, 2019 6:22 pm



Murasaki served the tea to Law with the utmost politeness, her very traditional approach rather odd when put against her usual cheery demeanor. In truth, she simply enjoyed tea ceremonies less for their actual meaning, but because it was a neat series of individual little actions. Like a big puzzle that ended with drinking a cup of nice tea.

“Well I guess that kinda makes all that your fault, huh? Shouldn't've just been riflin' around caves for treasure and all that, then. Isn't that stealing? I get that it's fun to explore but ya shouldn't really be takin' stuff just because you wanna.”

It was rather obvious that the finer intricacies of his research had gone over Murasaki's head a touch, but it was honestly a rather willful sort of ignorance. She didn't really have a ton of interest in that sort of thing, and to her it seemed kinda mean-spirited to just go around plundering caves and what have you for mystical orbs to study.

“But alright, so the orb was behind all the stuff going on. That makes sense, it sure seemed like that guy wanted it pretty bad. But, then, if he wanted it so bad he probably woulda taken it out of that cave anyway... So maybe it wasn't really your fault for taking it so much as it was for selling it. Iunno. I guess it might not be your fault.”

That last bit was exaggerated just enough that it was clear she was joking around now. It wasn't entirely certain which part of her commentary had been jokes, and which had been serious, but the truth was that even she didn't really care too much which had been which. She wasn't being malicious, nor totally ignorant. She was just saying what came to mind.

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Nothing is Alright Empty Re: Nothing is Alright

Mon Apr 01, 2019 3:57 pm

Nothing is Alright QbsRLQj


Artist: YYH OST - Song: Kurama's theme - Word Count: N/A

Law took the tea from Murasaki in an unprecedentedly polite way. He basically mirrored her own conduct. What the fuck. If it had been anyone else he would have just snatched that shit. That was how he acted, it was his true demeanor. So then what was this? For the life of him, he couldn't understand what was happening, or why he was acting like this. Maybe it was just the vizard nonsense affecting him more deeply than he'd thought it would.

He drank a bit of the tea, enjoying the flavor and aroma of it. He was actually fairly impressed that she'd managed to make something so tasty. With that thought he had a bit more, and listened to her speak. He raised an eyebrow as she said that it was all his fault. He'd basically admitted to as much, he still didn't appreciate it being rubbed in his face. This time there was, to be an honest, a bit of effort required to not respond in an aggressive way. In the end, he contained himself, shrugged, and gave her a casual response.

"Nobody had been in that cave for probably thousands of years. I doubt the rightful owners really missed it. Either way, if you want something why would you leave it laying around in the middle of a cave? It seemed like it was just forgotten about, and I wouldn't have sold it if I thought it was important."

He explained himself, perhaps a bit too defensively, then drank a bit more of the tea. Still tasty.

"Anyway, I think there might be more of those orbs, and I'm not sure if their effects will be limited to China. I've found out you're in charge of looking over earth, so I figured I'd let you know... and also offer any help I can."

It was fairly out of character for him to personally offer anyone else his assistance. Well, without charging for it that is. This chick seemed cool though, plus he'd already made her job harder, so he might as well help her out. That was how he rationalized it. In truth, he just wanted to spend more time with her.

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God of Love
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Nothing is Alright Empty Re: Nothing is Alright

Sat Apr 06, 2019 1:24 am




Murasaki set her teacup down as she thought about that point from Law, and brought a hand to her chin in clearly-deep thought. She guessed he had a point about that, if it was just lying around then obviously nobody wanted it that bad. That probably made it okay, then.

"You wanna help out? Well, I'd be honored. You seem like an alright guy, and I can always use an extra hand."

Her smile still thoroughly present as she took another drink of her tea, the verdant-haired Captain thought for a relatively long while about how exactly Law could help. There were a few options, but most of them were probably dumb. It took a bit, in no small part because she just had a lot to consider, but ultimately only one solution came to mind. So, naturally, she said it.

"You wanna join up with Seventh Division? I think you'd do alright, seems like you know a thing or two about getting around Earth."

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Nothing is Alright Empty Re: Nothing is Alright

Sat Apr 13, 2019 8:43 pm

Nothing is Alright QbsRLQj


Artist: YYH OST - Song: Kurama's theme - Word Count: N/A

An alright guy. Was he really an alright guy, when it came down to it? Did all of the components that made him up boil down to an "alright guy"? It wasn't really anything that he'd though about before. To her, perhaps it seemed that way. With the knowledge he had of himself, though, he highly doubted it. He was incredibly fucked. Still, if someone like this was saying it to him, maybe he could believe it. Maybe. There was still a way to go if he wanted to be someone he actually considered worthy of that phrase. Perhaps it was time for a change though?

After having been wrapped up in his own thoughts for several moments, Law realized that he still had a question to answer. It was probably the simplest decision he'd ever made. Would he join her division? Of course he would.

"Yes. That sounds good. I have two hands."

What a stupid fucking response. What an absolute mongoloid way to reply. If he could change what he'd said, he would. Both the words he'd spoken and the disjointed way in which he'd said them made it absolutely terrible. Still, it was better than having said too much only to make even more of a fool of himself. In the end, he pretended as if nothing strange had happened, and casually took another sip of the tea she'd provided.

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God of Love
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Nothing is Alright Empty Re: Nothing is Alright

Sat Apr 13, 2019 11:18 pm



Now, most people almost certainly would have had a chuckle at Law's expense when they heard that one. It'd been pretty terrible, after all. His delivery, the words themselves, every last thing about it had just been the worst. But Murasaki definitely wasn't most people. She only smiled as she heard it, and had a laugh at the joke itself, not its delivery. She thought it was hilarious, and the genuine nature of her laughter was undeniable, a very girlish, cheerful giggle that came from the heart. Law was funny, she liked him. That was something she decided then and there.

“You do! And they're good hands, I'm sure you'll use 'em well. They look nice too, if a little mean-spirited. What's the tattoos mean, if you don't mind tellin' me?”

Placing her teacup down and resting her chin on her hands, Murasaki looked toward Law with an obvious interest in whatever stories he told. There were other tattoos she noticed too, and she actually wanted to know all about those, but one thing at a time for now.

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